Meet MrTop5 - he lies to his fans...

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now before I started to make this video I never heard of this dude before his name is mr. top-5 and from a first glance you would have thought that he just made top five videos such as top 5 fortnight scans and videos like that but later on in this video we find out that it's a lot worse than that we think that he makes top 5 videos because his name is mr. top-5 doesn't that make sense so if you're like me and you've never heard of him before then you might have thought the same thing after researching on this dude and watching some of the worst videos I've ever seen he doesn't make top 5 videos at all these videos were about to see today have reached the point of horrible everything about mr. top 5 videos are disgusting this is going to be a fun video get ready before we look at the horrible content that he produces we need to see what got him to where he is now mr. top 5 created his channel on July 15th 2016 but this is weird considering that the oldest video we can see on his channel was uploaded on April 25th of 2018 this is a two year gap from when he created his channel 2 when he first uploaded this might be his first ever video or it might be the first oldest video that he didn't delete if we take a look at the first video he ever uploaded he gets to the point didn't clickbait and didn't lie to his viewer and the video got done in 3 minutes it was a very informational video that seems like a good thing you know that's a good youtuber but all of this is the opposite as to what he does today today his videos are full of clickbait filled with lies and he drags on the video to 10 minutes to get the ad revenue now you're probably wondering how did he go from a good youtuber to a horrible youtuber in the time span of only 11 months and where did he start to go downhill and why did this happen let's find that out in today's video now if we just look at mr. top 5s videos they're literally all 10 minutes and a couple of seconds long this is one of the main reasons he's so hated by everybody people hate whenever people stretch their videos to ten minutes because they put a whole bunch of ads in the middle now this is like I said a main reason that he's hated but there are plenty of more reasons that we still have yet to cover in this video it looks like the first ever video that he stretched to ten minutes was titled proof that the fortnight cube will go here then destroy dot dot dot destroy what now once the video starts he says everybody thinks the cube will hit tilted towers but it won't guys I've looked into the tilted towers theory and I've kind of just I've come to the conclusion that it's definitely not going to happen there's no reason that the four-night cube would end up destroying tilted towers so this is a prime example of him stretching his videos to ten minutes some 234 to about 305 we see how he stretches his videos he mentions over and over about how a pyramid was a mistake in the game he mentions that there was a pyramid in loot Lake but it was an accident and he says this over and over he mentions that he mentions that that's basically what he's doing we understood it the first time you don't have to keep on saying it and then the rest of the video he keeps on putting the same text that says I have proof later on in the video I have proof later on the video it shows up four different times and he just wanted people to watch until the end so he could get that watch time now him stretching his videos is obviously not a good thing that's a pretty bad thing I mean nobody really wants to watch someone who stretches their videos like that see me I don't stretch my videos but I do try to make them over ten minutes I filled them with information but mr. top-5 he fills them with unnecessary information such as saying the pyramid the pyramid the pyramid we get it now like I said we found out why people don't like him on the fact that he stretches his videos now let's find out where his videos started to be staged and where they started to be fake because before he just stretched them and now we need to look at some faked videos now I see a video titled I found a girlfriend in fortnight and I just know this is gonna be good the start of the video is so cringy he says are we dating and she said yeah we're dating since here a fortnight Pro that is so cringy to me why would you date someone because they're good at fortnight what she just asked him how many subs he had and he took like 20 seconds to answer her you think she would have been like hello or you know repeated herself or something because I know if I ask someone a question and they don't answer me I asked them again because they might not have heard me or something I don't just sit there like she did and awkward silence and it happened again she asked what his channel name was and then he took another 20 seconds to answer her like if I ask someone a question and they didn't answer me for 20 seconds I wouldn't just sit there he asked her why she wanted to date him all of a sudden and she said it was because he was a pro at fortnight and he had a really big youtube channel I can tell that this part is fake and just the whole videos fake because he was trying to get her to be a gold digger the whole time and then it worked out she's acting like a gold digger because it was a part of their plan and a part of their script you already want to go out on a date like let's go what's up with that yeah he said that he doesn't know why he recorded this but that's so funny considering the fact that he planned this and they're all friends and they're just acting this is just a such a bad attempt at lying he said I don't know why I recorded this I just got in this game and I started recording like you don't just do that you don't hear a girls voice and be like oh this is gonna be a good video this was planned at 6:26 he tells his girlfriend to jump into the rift she doesn't know what she's doing and that's funny too because she has a skin that you need to pay for a pickaxe that you need to pay for and last but not least the tier 100 battling for that season now tell me who is to hundred has two pretty Oh G items they were rare items at the time and they still don't know what they're doing in for tonight that's crazy to me how do you have Oh G items tier 100 and you've never used a RIF before this makes no sense okay now this is just dumb all of a sudden she starts building and they're like oh my god she's trolling us she's spamming walls oh my god she's a good player oh my gosh she is good because she's putting walls down that makes no secret now they end up winning the game and then he asked her what her Dischord name is and then says wait for another video guys to see what happens now this is pathetic acting but not as bad as the next video you're about to see this video I'm about to show you guys is the worst video I've ever watched on YouTube and I'm not joking this is the worst video ever just just watch the start of it to see what I'm saying right now it is 3 a.m. and we are going to be doing the whisper challenge at 4 at night and I probably shouldn't be talking this loud right now because my parents are sleeping and the next room over dude keep it down keep it down and every single time one person from each team gets eliminated you are going to have to say a word louder and louder until you start yelling so now you see what I'm saying him and his friends are in their 20s or something they're 30 20 something like that and they're trying not to say a word out loud like why do you still live with your parents if you're in your 20s or 30s now they started to think of what word to say when they die because like you saw in the clip earlier they're gonna think of a word to say every time someone dies you have to say that word louder so they're thinking of a word and you know you would think to make the challenge interesting they would say like a cuss word or just like a pretty bad word to say but they decided to make it bad achill huh how is saying bad achill funny like radical battle that's not funny they keep saying it but like barely saying it out loud and they're laughing explain to me how this is funny I might be a Debbie Downer and have a horrible sense of humor like tell me in the comments if you guys are laughing and I'm not but radical radical that's not funny he goes up to his friend that's on the other team and he's like oh how are you what's up and then he kills him like how did his friend not know that he was going to kill him like you're playing this game and he's aiming a shotgun right to your face and you don't think he's gonna kill you that is oh my gosh the acting in this is horrible this is why I said this is the worst video I've ever seen watching this video for about 4 minutes has really killed some of my time and some of my brain cells this is getting very repetitive grown men acting and barely shouting a random word so funny now I want to make sure we get a good dose of what mr. top 5 brings to the table I mean I feel like this video won't be complete without looking at one more video now I know I said the last video is one of the worst videos I've seen on YouTube if not the worst this one I think this one can compare to it because the amount of acting and the amount of just horrible acting in this video is absurd this video is titled I got arrested for playing fortnight and yeah that definitely makes sense you know you get arrested and you're playing foreigner the video started and it showed a clip of them saying that the cops were coming yeah I doubt it mister top 5 is in a game with his friend named shadow Cole and shadow Cole said that Mister top 5 texted him and said that he was going to his house to perform a diss track just because of this text shadow Cole said you can't intrude on my property like that shadow Cole then said he's calling the cops on him for doing a diss track and he wants to get a restraining order on him later on in the video they just keep on arguing and mr. top fives like no don't call the cops stop and shadow calls like yeah I'm gonna call the cops because you made a diss track and the mr. top five shot him in the head with a shotgun in a video game okay in a video game shadow Cole said kill me one more time and I'm gonna call the cops like imagine calling the cops on somebody for killing you in fortnight like look at that acting that is oh my gosh oh you didn't know dude it's I'm sorry I wasn't going to your house but just please forgive me nah dude I'm sorry I [Music] mean trouble for something I didn't do what are you gonna say to them you're actually calling oh my gosh snowed at around 8:50 in the video I've been watching this for eight minutes you know save me he's like unmute your mic right now Shattuck oh I need to hear the cops on the line but if he did unmute the mic they wouldn't hear anything because he didn't call the cops this is all a joke and around the end of the video mr. top five says oh the cops are on their way oh they're coming subscribe to stay updated it's funny because the cops were on their way but he still had time to edit and upload the video like what I've had enough of this it's like I was watching a movie with actors that have never acted before and the comments section of these videos are so sad to so many kids who don't know it's fake all of these videos on mr. top fives channel have red flags everywhere clickbait stress videos fake videos and manipulating your fans this has to be one of the worst channels we have meant all in all mr. top five is bad really really bad [Music]
Channel: DJ Cook
Views: 4,057,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meet mrtop5, mrtop5, mr top 5, meet the youtubers kodak wk, meet the youtubers mr top 5, fake videos, clickbait, lying to fans, stretching videos to 10 minutes, fortnite trolling, fortnite, fortnite youtuber
Id: m-eeh_vMMks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2019
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