Meet Me in Las Vegas | English Full Movie | Comedy Musical Romance

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hey here's Chuck Rodwell chuck chuck you boy hi Emma hey man hi Chuck nice seeing you again good to see you how you been boy fine here you take the big one hey Chuck ain't Emma kind of old for that long walk home this time she doesn't walk back this time she rides back and sty like a lady want to bet yeah I'll bet you and you I'll take Ys what do you know about that take don't worry Jake how are you good to see you thanks very much I'll see you around right [Music] [Music] don't catch cold honey oh CH jie how are you honey what's no exciting oh you're back hi Chuck back for your yearly shellacking not me haven't you heard this year I'm going to [Music] win hi sh hit me lady darling when you already got 19 you don't say hit me well the cards are face down how do you know I've got 19 how I know I don't know but I know take my advice don't take hit [Music] me it's not the losing that bothers and it's a pity they can't stand sh you're big answer me quick a question how is the mama the Mama She's Got an Italian boy haircut but she's not an Italian and she's not a boy how does she look honor thy father and myy mother I'm not talking it's a pleasure to see you prove it warm me up can't you for once come in and not losing your shirt go Lola little byy pool go deal no deal no you have to get killed go find a stranger you want me to report you to the manager why not here I am I Tom having uh trouble with the help Chu no he's just saving me from myself in your case I don't blame him but every time the house stands to make a dime on anyone Uncle Lonely Heart starts suffering Mr Cain oh Mr Caine we have a reservation but the people in our room haven't moved out yet and they say there no other vacancies and we just got married well it won't be long why don't you go to the bar and have a drink on the house while you're waiting well we only got two days and here's all this time being W you have to tell everybody everything all right Mr Gane am I fire yes or not not stop helping the customers will you it antagonizes them well uh good luck bad luck thanks to say honey hold my hand a minute will you just for luck Mr card now may I talk to you about my little girl when you hear her another time please Gus I was doing the cop room an hour [Music] ago a [Music] a [Music] [Applause] you dance like that opening night and I guarantee you will kill the people thank you Mr Cain may I talk to you for a moment oh an hour all day I don't want to be difficult but must the waiters work during the rehearsal it's a little distracting boys knock it off till the rehearsal is over there now you see how easy that was you I should have thought of it myself some artists like to get used to the noise they'll run into during the actual performances noise what noise Mr Cain just the usual noise of people having dinner while I'm dancing people will be eating well after all how much noise do people make eating munching celery drinking soup talking oh no Mr calan I'm sorry it's impossible there's nothing I can do about it well you can speak to the owners can't you miss corvier the owners are businessmen you say art to them they say art who no but all they know about is making money and money they make from people and and people while they're catching a floor show like to eat you see and what does that make me an extra dish well honey it makes you just about the highest price dish in history Miss cor an artist like you with ethics and $30,000 a week for 2 weeks you're not thinking about walking out I left this country when I was 13 so I can't tell you what I'm thinking I never learned the words in English hold my hand with you honey just for luck just a second baby relax seven rabbit why you great big beautiful doll that's not a hand that's a rabbit's foot and you're a bunny rabbit that's what you are let me go you idiot why bunny really that's the worst tempered bunny I ever ran into [Music] uh a slot machine in my bedroom people eating while I danced and now this this imbecile grabbing my hand calling me names this imbecile he was quite goodlooking what difference does that make to me it would make I know what time is here calling I want to get out of this place how could he have book such a thing I never heard of it oh a gift maybe from the management no Mr Rodwell Chuck Rodwell he says to tell you was the rabbit share of the prophets what he says that oh don't give it back Mar it's money oh excuse me ma'am I wonder if you'd introduce me to Mr corvier my dear boy I'm afraid your timing is very [Music] wrong who do you think I'm going to see the girl with the yell shoes the girl with the yell shoes and the golden hairin nobody like her fiddle up FID up FID man I'm aiming to have this dance with a girl with the shoes [Applause] no Ain no like the girl with shoes [Music] bum sorry that was an accident what I came to say is thank you for the tip Mr Rodell but I don't want what I do want is for you to stop bothering me I hope I make myself entirely [Applause] clear look baby please stop calling me baby or honey or bunny I'm sorry I don't know your name I don't want you to okay I don't have do all I want to tell you is that I'm not trying to bother you it's just I want a lot of money when you holding my hand you held my hand all right I held your hand you can't think that's why you won well I certainly can that's ridiculous all right so it's ridiculous but since I am that ridiculous why I thought I ought to share the winnings with you you don't have to agree with me that's fine but what are you so mad about I can see you being a little annoyed but why should you be boiling not quite sure Mr Rodell I owe you an apology I am angry but I see now it isn't it you I'm very sorry no heart feelings anybody I can poke in the eye for you I'm afraid it'd have to be my eye so no [Applause] thanks all of a sudden I can't believe it you got lucky ay do you believe in witches certainly why you met one here the ballerina you're barking up the WR vitch it's Pierre I'm telling him what's what and he's already aging 10 years Pierre you know I never criticize the engagements that you make for me but this one is a mistake at $30,000 a week it can't be a mistake not if you want a New York opening darling it's impossible for me to come out there just this once you'll have to deal with the problems yourself a it isn't so difficult it isn't as if you had to be cooperative and reasonable like a normal human being you're a ballerina you're not supposed to be normal nobody is normal in Las Vegas when you arrive do they send you champagne to make you welcome no they send you a slot machine with the compliments of the management they don't know you but they talk to you they call you honey they call you bunny they make jokes I am being aloof there's no one to be aloof from Maria are you talking about people since when do you have anything to do with people when you're not on the stage working you should be in your room resting now remember that and nothing will upset you nothing will happen to you at all forgive me darling but I'm in the middle of a costume rehearsal I'm sorry you'll have to stay Pierre says we have to stay Pierre says Pierre says says since you are 14 p is always saying isn't it time you say a few words yourself you're the one who's always saying listen to Pierre a ballerina shouldn't think I know it must be Las Vegas I am reacting to it very peculiar it's reminding me of Monte Carlo and my youth and what a youth but about that you would not know poor thing if you mean all those arches and millionaires buzzing around you like these I ought to know you've told me often enough and from my telling did you learn something here you are sitting like a Wallflower is anyone buzzing I don't want anyone buzzing then why do you work so hard because I love to dance Y what a reason why did you work so hard when you were a ballerina everything I did in my whole life being a ballerina marrying three managers in a row everything I had only one reason men I am loving loing men I can't see what's so lovable about them of course not I'm wasting my time to Blind Men how can you talk about color 15 black sorry CH oh honey I enjoy this you sure know how to lose just takes a little practice which I've had well better luck next time thanks they paged us but you were so busy gambling you didn't hear they gave the room away so there Sunny if she gets much matter having that room will do you any good huh oh yes no no no just him just my friend the big time Gambler congratulations Speedy I'm hearing you're losing all your money the first day this year instead of the second I've still got 20 20 bucks and the car but you never sell the car till the last minute just what minute do you think this is why don't you stop all why should I there's nothing wrong with me that only one good hand wouldn't fix ly did you hear what I said I said I'm mouthful I've been holding the wrong hands that's all come in come in come in yes Mr Rodwell I was wondering would you consider having dinner with me well thank you but Madam haton and I are having dinner here hi sit down don't be bashful start buzzing where you going when I'm coming back I'll I'll be making a report I think that she thinks you ought to go out with me what's the point in being in Las Vegas if all you do is stay in your room it makes no difference where I am Mr Rodwell when I'm not working I rest and when I'm not resting I work well uh what do you do for fun dancing is fun oh well I I mean besides that there isn't any besides that well don't you ever feel the need for a little excitement oh I suppose everyone does from time to time well what do you do about that I take a cold shower is there anything else I'm not doing very well am I I'm sorry thank you anyway maybe I'd do better if I told you the truth the fact is I got a hunch about you I think you're lucky for me you see I was losing all day long except twice twice I held your hand twice I won it's coincidence well what if it isn't what if every time I hold your hand I win that'd be pretty interesting wouldn't it interesting it'd be a miracle we'd make ourselves a fortune too wouldn't we well that's now let's go on over to the gambling casino and try it out go on over there you expect me to go trotting from table to table with you holding your hand well when an opportunity like this comes along you what opportunity this isn't a fact this hus it's a just test it it'll only take you a minute and you won't even have to change your clothes there's a one arm band a a slot machine just inside the lobby all we've got to do is go over there and try it couldn't we use the one in my bedroom you've got a slot machine in your bedroom yes oh sister you really great come [Music] [Music] on [Music] in the entire history of Las Vegas I think that's the first time anyone ever hit two jackpots in a row on the same machine it'll take me just 10 minutes to get dressed what if the one I'm banded in my bedroom was simply out of order well we'll find out in a minute cuz that's all there is to find out with but until you're sure you're not going to bet at all are you all isn't very much yes it is if it's all you have now in the first place I'll add $20 no dice you put up the hand I put up the money now we split the winnings even Steven all right but first you bet $1 uhoh I have a reputation to maintain a reputation for what winning or losing you'll bet $1 all by yourself if you lose you'll bet another one holding somebody else's hand to see if you need me then I'll try first alone then with someone else because I may not need you cutting me out already huh then we try together $1 three times if we win three times in a row well then we must admit there's more to this than meets the eye than that is quite an admission Chuck uh just dollar chips dollar yeah I'm teaching her the game uh let's see first I bet a do alone seven 17 black now holding somebody else's hand right hold my hand honey will you just for luck love it 19 red want to try again baby he hasn't the time thank you anyway oh excuse me I didn't know you had your nurse with you bunny let me do my own brushing off will I I beg your pardon my turn M 20y black okay grab yourself a hand I can I can't just go up to a stranger I don't [Music] drink hold my hand William yeah honey just for luck for any reason you want what's your name oh I don't know yeah so hot to stuff in here I can hardly remember my own it's all right uh why don't we go to the bar and talk it over 17 black thank you so much hey the bar is that way the bar you remember where we're going to have a drink and find out who you are all right Buster take off youve had it oh I see sorry I must have had her confused with someone else you're a pretty fast worker bunny don't be silly are we ready all I need is the rabbit's foot 20 [Music] M black [Music] two to go right right [Music] 20 repeater Chuck I don't think I can stand uh take it easy darling 20 again M 20 [Music] 20 again you great big beautiful doll this is you isn't it chuck oh I'm sorry it was just that I I get it's quite understandable what do you say Chuck you're going to try it again yeah again and again and again let's go someplace and sit down now there's so much to think about like what for heaven's sakes like like having dinner I'm hungry well I guess if you're going to keep any strength in that hand I better feed you cash him in now the next thing we got to do bunny is to move on to another club since you're working here at the Sands would' be more tactful if we broke somebody else's bank I thought you were hungry I was but now I'm not and that's funny because I've been hungry every day for 10 years that's terrible suddenly I feel there a lot of terrible things about the way I've been living buy we got to clean up as much as we can tonight we got this Fairy Godmother but who knows how long she's going to stick around oh I don't know she picked us out didn't she she must have something in mind yeah well never look a fairy godmother in the mouth I always say as long as we got her let's use her like now put her right on chuck could we stay and see the performance please I've never been in a nightclub before bunny you baffled me I thought all you ballerinas with the real gay life but I've just found out we don't that's why it's so nice just sitting here with [Music] you good evening ladies and gentlemen the Sands takes pleasure in presenting a great artist Miss Lena [Music] horn if you Can Dream the world's a better place by far if you can dream you're anyone you dream you are day or night you've the right to [Music] pretend close your eyes each surprise is yours my friend if you can dream the love you seek is by your side if you can dream each kiss will leave you star castles and kings are everyday things there's no extreme if you can dream and just believe the things you [Music] dream okay let's go we're losing money could we dance just for a minute I've never danced with anyone except professionally funny it occurs to me there's an awful lot of things you've never done you have no idea in fact I had no idea and I'd like to do every single one of them tonight well we'll dance that much I'll contribute to your [Music] education what kind of a combination is that could they possibly have to talk about well he a boy and she's a girl you'll be amazed at what a basis for conversation this can [Music] be look at me dancing with a real dancer and there's something to be said for it [Music] too what's the matter don't you like it it's very different from dancing on the stage it makes me feel odd like uh like what like having a cold shower let's win some money I thought you'd never say [Music] it [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what do you say boys what do I say I say I want another man on the wheel ladies and gentlemen time out for just a minute five cupas in an hour what's the matter Charlie you're turning chicken poor little fell got a pain in your wallet can't let the man get used to paying out friends it might get to be a habit where we going same number same [Music] number 10 black 10 Sorry Charlie I thought it was the maid listen Kelly do you know Chuck Rodwell oh yeah he's a wonderful guy shame he has no luck you don't say well that wonderful guy with the no luck is over at the tables killing me Chuck Rodwell well there's a miracle Charlie sure only I'm on the wrong side of the miracle so come on wait a minute come on where what do you want from me what do you think I want you to get him away from the table how Kelly I'm not a girl I don't know how girls make guys do things and stop doing things but girls know how the last I heard you were a girl no no I don't want to I don't think it's nice isn't nice he's already got so much he have to truck it out of here is that nice well I don't care I like Chuck and I don't like you well that leaves only one question how do you like your job let's stop for a while what for yeah for what now I'm sorry I thought it'd be fun to have a little fun you know talk and dance talk we can do that any old time Kelly you been here all day and didn't look me up huh it's just to show you what you missed since when do you worry about what I miss since I found out you're making a fortune you've always been a little doll with a little money you'll be a big doll is that enough oh Chuck to put it simply I'm mad about you besides I want to learn your system you can meet my system Maria this is Kelly dunan an old friend of mine it's Maria corvier hi ballerina mhm well aren't you stepping into the big time boy dancing girls on both sides this is a dream I have quite often well look beautiful dreamer now that you're loaded I hope you realize I'm not going to let you out of my sight Isn't She Wonderful isn't she look sweetie I have to give what my agent laughingly calls a performance so why don't you two drop over to the Silver Slipper and lead the Applause and if you bring your money with you I uh I may sit at your table afterwards promise mhm we'll cash in our chips and we'll be there chck you promis me mhm anyway Maria wanted to quit didn't you but you didn't yeah but now I do besides we're off to a pretty good start so it'll just work out fine I couldn't have planned it better oh come on honey you're a good girl I may tell you all about him [Music] you're looking at a real sophisticate the lust for life has been my goal I've done a lot of things I sh relate but I refuse to rock and roll I've been the inspiration for a song with spicy lyrics by dear Cole and I've been banned in Boston right along but I refuse to rock and roll it's not that it takes emotions that I lack I've got what you might call respect for my Sacro I've danc with Sailors at the Uso for which I got a Navy scroll and I've been tattooed where it doesn't show but I refuse to rock and [Music] roll I've been to dinner with that ex King man he offered me a pink mink star the gifts he promised me could fill a van but I refused to rock and roll that Prince used to cart me everywhere I went I went when I think of the times that he chased me around the tent I have a lot of Virtues I suppose but none the spinster would extol the point is I'm not the purest Rose but I refuse to give in to RM man [Music] blue to save my soul I just won't Rock to save my soul I refuse to rock and [Music] roll isn't she sensational isn't she just about the cutest thing you've ever seen no no I don't think she's the cutest thing I've ever seen well you ask me bunny could you be getting a little loaded you know tight drunk oh no I don't think so I'm lucky but not that hi honey KY it was just great don't strain boy you're rich what did you think I think you're the cutest thing Chuck has ever seen oh nice of you to tell me say I'm through for the night why don't we all go someplace we're all yours I'm not I'm not yours at all at all well you know what I think I think you're having a camp oh no she's not yes I am and I have to be given my own way right back to the rouette no you don't want to do that don't we what if this isn't available tomorrow honey she's got a point but she's missing a better point just take a look at what's coming on this is bigger than both of us more than gambling more than me that's what he loves my lucky child just wait until you look over my lucky child is we waiting for Clover if you're wondering lately why I've been doing greatly I must insist it's because I have a kiss my lucky charm is not a trick that I carry my lucky charm is someone I intend to marry if you want to see her from now on you can see her on my arm the lovely lady I call my lucky charm just wanted to know how you feel about ballet what balet oh balet oh I can take it or leave it course I haven't seen you yet you certainly [Music] haven't he certainly hasn't has he huh oh I I don't know honey you lost me quite a way back no I didn't I hope to but I didn't that's what I'm working on [Music] now it's I kissed my luy charm is not a trink that I carry my lucky is I int you to him from now [Music] you dadd I call my [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] he F you got to get out of here you liked it when they did [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] it you ought to be ashamed of yourself what were you thinking of you and Pierre to let me live this long and be this ignorant ignorant about what about men half the human race that's all Maria darling begin from the beginning what happened nothing happened I'm a failure I'm worse than a failure I'm invisible a man can sit with me dance with me talk with me even kiss me not even see me he talked to you danced with you kissed you and you say nothing happened y nothing happened it's my hand he's interested in not me shame it isn't detachable a little snip comes along who walks like this and he goes 10 elephants come along we dance like that and he goes and when I do the very same thing he doesn't even see me so you like him like him yes I like it not that there's anything so remarkable about it with all the millions of men in the world how can anyone be so remarkable not that I would have chosen to like it yes I like him so he's calling what could be more convenient don't answer it I have nothing to say to him but you just said you liked him to like a man who can't even see you is insensible to like a man who can't even see you doesn't mean you can't hate him hello no here is not bunny she's here bunny but she her here this is not her you are following she's not wanting to talk to you look darling me you do not have to convince I'm talking to you she's not wait a minute I'll see what's [Music] what my boy she's taking a cold shower what this means I cannot begin to tell you but for you it is not good chuck chuck I'm hearing you in the ballerina you are cleaning up like two rooms yeah oh you are so used to it you are bored already she's so mad at me she would't even talk to me on the telephone I don't know what I did to hurt her feelings I got problems now this everyone has but besides problems you got money and this you never had let me see it let me Feast my eyes oh ly it's 4:00 the morning let me look it wouldn't Tire me half of this is hers you know something ly she's an awfully nice girl at dop and his money are soon parted I'm keeping this until tomorrow look I'm not going to gamble anymore tonight I can't without her now come on I want to go to bed look I'm making a deal may my boss Mr Kaine drop dead if I'm not giving you the money tomorrow okay liio you win I'll see you in the morning high flying ballerino stops the show at Silver Slipper people eating while you're dancing that that disturbs you uh doing publicity pictures by the pool that was vulgar but getting crocked in a saloon and going like this oh that's art that's high class it's just dandy I've told you I'm sorry what do you want her to do to prove it push a peanut with her nose from Las Vegas to New York if it would get her out of my sight why not when I think what I've done to keep you happy that that ridiculous salary your own personal slot machine giving in to you right and left left and right right can you please get in touch with my manager oh I got in touch with your manager before the sun was up and you know what he had the gall to claim he said that that what you did had no effect whatsoever on your contract is that one for the book I don't care what he said leaving on the next plane that's perfectly all right it is here Madame call I'll get the plane it is here Tom C also and you are welcome to him you are sure yes yes what is it they are uh H how many that many yes yes I see well you tell them I'll be right over oh a beautiful morning seven owners of the Sands are here two more than have ever been together at one time and they want to see me guess why therefore these are my parting words get packed oh Gus I know you love your little girl but man there's a time and a place I just wanted to tell you the owners are waiting oh thank you you're you're very kind good morning gentl I I think I know what you're going to say here's our genius with a giant brain how do you like that I was going to fire for hiring the valer we already get down on our knees and apologize you'd rather have a bonus wouldn't you to look at him at 9:00 in the morning it's better than the hottest Saturday night we ever had wherever that ballerine is that's where they want to be well the girl having luck was an accident but to publicize it by arranging the Silver Slipper Caper that was pure gen how did you think of it well you know there's more to my job than just seeing that the way waers have clean shirts good morning friends some of the boys wanted me to have a little chat with you so chat thanks to Mr slob calain an employee of the Sands became a public benefactor last night at every place but the Sands we took quite the shellacking but I'm not here to complain I'm here to discuss a matter of principle the principle of gambling which is based on the element of chance right but when that valerina of yours comes to the table there isn't any element of chance right so it isn't gambling right so get out an injunction we got a better idea get rid of her send her to Mexico send her to Areno let her break their Banks but get her out of Vegas Tom we've got the little lady for two weeks Haven we with an option for a third well you Trot up and see her right now tell her we love her and we hereby exercise our option for the third week and just as many more as we can get I'm on my way and remember Tom we're holding you personally responsible for the little girl's happiness every minute she's in Las Vegas Chuck haven't you got a heart it might mean my bonus you won't stay here even my job it's such a little thing for me to ask you and such a little thing for you to ask her Tom I am not going to ask her anything if she wants to quit that's her business between the papers and the way you acted I do not blame her talk how buddy 3 years ago when you went broke who bought your car and paid his price Tom you're wasting your time and two years ago when you're in Hawk up to your eyeballs those out of town Sharpies who's weared it and then Tom I'll tell you what I'm going to do I am going to go and get the money from ly then I'm going to try and see Maria and give her her half and then I'm going to thank her for winning me my half and then I'm going to apologize for getting rid of this mess and then I'm going to say [Music] goodbye I'm going to marry H whether you like it or not be quiet Mr calan you talk too much the only thing that could possibly keep me from opening here would be my deciding not to not you're deciding anything if I made a fool of myself last night why shouldn't I if I want to can can down Main Street or gamble with him or not gamble with him why shouldn't I let's get this straight Mr Caine what I do or I don't do Depends entirely on me man that's no bunny that's a tiger well whatever she is you can have me well I think I'll go in and pick up my bonus Gus Gus I hear your little girl just loaded with Talent why didn't you tell me man it's my department I'll audition her right after the ballet rehearsal all right Mr cardan you sure you didn't get fired fired oh well if it isn't lucky Chucky and a happy good morning to you you're having a fine night's sleep I hope wonderful I spent the night with Emma don't worry girls it's a horse Emma now that you got my good name cleared up may I have the money if you please what money and now quick kidding I'm going to hurry who's kidding and also who's got the money what do you mean who's got the money I mean it's gone M Boy by special messenger straight to your mama you told told me you'd give it back to me the minute I asked for it you promised who believes a Hungarian promise just to show you I'm a sport here M boy mine boy I'll get back to you later in Spades hi what are you doing here looking for you funny place to be looking for me why I found you didn't [Music] I [Applause] n [Music] l [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] n [Music] h [Music] let's all be on stage and ready for rehearsal at 6:00 that was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen thought you didn't care about ballet that's what I thought too but I was wrong I um suppose you want to gamble oh if you'd like to and you're not busy I am busy I'm very busy if it's convenient later on which I rather doubt I'll get in touch with you I'll pick you up right here in in 15 minutes well Sal long old horse it's been real nice knowing you where are you going I've just decided I've been outclass I can't take the competition I didn't know there was any you think we tell you guys everything okay fellas the curtain bring out those screens all right Gus bring on your little doll well what do you know she really is a [Applause] [Music] doll [Music] [Applause] well she's awfully cute guys but she can't speak English and I don't know she can't speak it but she can sing it listen m for you scare her that's ridiculous I love little kitties she sing you know lucky charm sure lucky charm boys hold it Pete Pete just a second Pete would you mind playing piano too here and uh just kind of slow and easy okay now you sit right up here now you sing with me huh just watch me okay my my lucky lucky charm charm wait until you look over lucky charm charm a waiting fora Clover if you Wonder lately why I've been doing lately I in in it's called it's called I've have kissed I kissed my is not a trinket that I car my lucky CH is someone I intend to marry if you want to see her from now on you can see her on my the lovely lady I call my Lu [Music] do [Music] my lucky charm is not a trinket not a TR that I carry my lucky charm someone to marry you to see her now see her my arm the lovely lady the lovely lady I call my love I call my lucky charm charm lady I call luy [Music] charm lovely lovely lady I call Myck [Music] I think we can use her you know something you look positively beautiful I look exactly the way I looked last night well then you must have looked beautiful last night too hi you two well uh what's it going to be blackjack or roulette we fixed up a private little room so you can gamble all by yourselves without anyone annoying you and without anyone betting along with us what are you philanthropist you have to win for everyone come on come on I'll show you when we want to gamble we'll tell you it isn't compulsory is it anytime you need me Miss cier I'm Yours nothing like winning a couple of bucks for turning a nice guy into a crank why should he take it for granted that we want want to gamble every minute well why shouldn't he you're a gambler aren't you at least you're always gambling well sure I'm in Las Vegas and if I were on a swimming pool I'd be swimming but that doesn't mean I'd make swimming my life's work does it well no the truth is I don't know anything about you do I except that when we hold hand something happens well that's a pretty good place to start from isn't it if you'd like to know any more it can be arranged all right arrange it with that name this must have something to do with you well on all my bank loans it says Rancher I wondered last night when I was thinking about you how you managed to stay so healthy looking spending all your time in gambling rooms I was thinking about you last night too you're so big you must be very rich well I own a lot but what I own doesn't usually include money Chu aren't you any good at ranching well I have a diploma from an agricultural college that says I am then why don't you make money at it I do but if you make it then why don't you have it I lose it oh not all of it just the profits the profits I take to Las Vegas you mean you gamble it away but why I like gambling you like gambling last night too didn't you well yes but we were winning you're always losing well bunny if you like gambling that includes winning and losing it's hard to explain it must be it doesn't make sense no that's right it doesn't you know cards R let in dice they don't care whether you're a nice guy or a Lous whether you're a scientific player with a system or just a superstitious bum like me and that's what I like about it there are no rules and there are so many rules about everything you know if you work hard you make money you don't work hard you go broke you plan Al Alpha you get alphalpha what's wrong with that well it leaves out all the surprises like you now where does a Rancher type guy like me meet up with a ballerina like you now that that's like planning Alfalfa and getting [Music] violence it's beautiful so quiet so peaceful after Las Vegas no people no people aren't there any people here at all it's a house rule nobody works while the boss is away they wouldn't anyway so why should they make them feel [Music] Gilly everybody these are my so-called helpers this is Scotty Joe Pete Whitey Buck horrible slim and Le our Chef fellas is Maria K is she the one with a hand yeah she's the one with what do you guys got a pipeline to Vegas I'll take on anyone at any time on anything if you'll pardon the expression what's cooking half a beef in the barbecue pit company she played bingo at the church last night and won 70 cents she got so Carri away she invited the whole congregation for dinner how is she cranky where is she in the hen house telling off the hands well who is she she is Miss Hattie my old lady of very disagreeable type you mean you're talking about your mother yes but don't say it in such reverent tones she ain't whistler's mother She's Mine you'll see for yourself we'll go call her why do he take care of the car I hope I see you again yes ma'am I hope so ma'am oh bunny one thing if my mother gets fresh just talk back you think she won't like me oh it isn't that she just doesn't like girls at least she has enough to now I suppose theyve been a great many girls I mean what is it she doesn't like about them well she has no use for what she calls modern Youth too wild for her oh no too tame oh and you call yourself a hand you can do it if you put your ever loving mind to it you foul foul you haven't been able to bully Teresa in the laying an egg for the last 3 years she's not going to start now another behave yourself this is Maria Coria I'm not broke you can thank her I heard the girl with a golden M how do you do Mrs Rod howdy she learned that in the movies I'm glad to know you f Dancy girl huh he always goes for him just like his dad just like his poor you mean stay in character I stand corrected how often do you take them out for a walk we don't their feet never touch the ground never in their whole lives the things what a Rancher's wife you'd make come on we'll give you the guided tour when you've seen say you've seen our worst don't let it get you m don't give her the [Music] [Applause] satisfaction what's with Daisy slim is she going to have a calf no the vet looked her over this morning said she dreamed the whole thing up never saw such a notional carow remember when I delivered her last one even after it was born she wouldn't believe it You' you mean yourself yes when you live in a place like this you develop some mighty odd talents what a ranch's wife I'd make his right and my cat had kittens I [Music] fainted Daisy's going to be a m yipp yipp Daisy's going to be a m it's a guru it's a guru who daisy daisy daisy what's that hole in the ground over there just what you said a hole in the ground but with that pile we're going to make an Las Vegas tonight I think I can make it even a bigger hole in the ground well maybe a little oil at the bottom you know I think we can get down another 100 ft or so with just that money that LSI sent you the money loty sent who didn't you get a water of money from Las Vegas this morning I didn't get anything from any place this morning why that dirty double dealing Hungarian dealer bunny you wait a minute be careful listen what was that about the money were're going to make in Las Vegas you don't actually believe all that dribble about holding hands do you oh it's true Mrs Rodwell we don't know what it is but it works every time well anyone could tell Chuck has no brains but for a sensible girl like [Music] [Applause] [Music] you what a wife she'd make for a Rancher M mother I've told you I've known her 24 hours that's only one day yes and in that day the hens of late a year supply of eggs a cow with an ailment diagnosis indigestion has had a calf not to say anything about a well without a pump that's holler dig me I've got oil oh don't bicker son the evidence is piling up well what are you going to do about her do I usually do anything about a girl I've known 24 hours yep well maybe but Buy's different she's kind of special anyway it's ridiculous to talk about it you see she's an artist and she's got a certain kind of a future yes and she's got a hand that'll do her absolutely no good without your hand hold in it do you think that if we really liked each other it would matter to me whether we had the luck or not I Don't Know Jack I just got sort of fascinated with the idea that if you did like each other you'd have the luck too Welly that's pretty mercenary isn't it I don't know well anyway I'm going to take her back to Las Vegas before I get any fancy ideas it seems to me you could stay for dinner what fancy ideas can you get while you're eating well it'd be different if it wasn't a barbecue but you know you get out there with the fire and the guitars and Moonlight and the stars and you know me no no I am taking her back to Las [Music] Vegas honey do you think you could possibly stay for dinner oh yes I called Sher and cancel the rehearsal see that's a pretty good fit huh I may never take it off I thought she was built like Grandma the minute I saw her she was a big gal too mother Bunny's going to stay for dinner good in that case I'm glad it's a [Music] barbecue [Music] aren't you hungry Chu no that's funny cuz I'm always hungry there must be some explanation you ever get fat not so far I don't think you ever will Grandma never did it isn't every day that a meets a girl who reminds his own mother of his own grandmother hey boss let's get set up I'll be right there excuse me I hear that in your own line you're pretty important promising the critics say that's all everything of giving it up no good for you I never could stand the kind of woman that hankered to be a housewife you like my boy yes got any plans for him well I have haven't wanted to think too much about it why not what are you scared of we probably haven't too much in common I don't know if you live in the same house with a man long enough have a few quarrels and a few worries not to mention anything else that might come along get sunburn with him in the summer and have the flood with him in the winter you're bound to end up having something in common Miss Hattie I thought you didn't like girls it's been 20 years since I've seen a girl who eats like you I'm telling you it's a [Music] pleasure who do you think I'm going to see the G with the Y shoes the girl with the Y shoes and the golden hair ain't no likey up G upse you know that I want to be with a with the shes no like who's got a smile that spells Romance the with the Y the G with the Y sh and the golden hair ain't nobody like f up up I'm aiming to have this dance with a with the Y shoes oh you can take all the other and to the Seven Brothers as for me the only bride I'll choose is not the G in Calico I just pass her by I know for the G with theer ain't no G SW than the G with the Y shoes ain't nobody like her no like her no like her no like the with [Music] Y no for the hour [Music] soon [Applause] everybody lik her everybody lik [Music] her anybody like her [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh you know there's no so no there's no G SM than the G the Y the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] G you got to look a little odd braiding in the Sands in that outfit it looks just beautiful my mother will send your clothes on to you oh no I won't if she wants them she can come and get them it's the nicest time I've had in my whole life and there's plenty more where it came from uh what well what oh never mind if I tell you what to do you won't so I won't oh goodness Bye Bye Bye by bye [Music] bye how lucky you are living here you really like it don't you I really love it no ballet on the ranch no barbecue in the theater you know the great way to live would be 6 months on the ranch and 6 months wherever the ballet is that would be a great way to live bunny are you just talking and do you know what you're saying I know what I'm saying I just don't know where it's going I do let's get married right away well that's what you had in mind isn't it no I just had in mind that I love you I thought that was enough for now well that's done love for me cuz I love you too I'm all fashion [Music] oh Sher have I got things to tell you yes you're right it's me but why do you look so horrified yesterday on the telephone you begged me to come I'm surprised that's all since you told me you couldn't come well as a ballerina you didn't need me but as a burles queen and a gambler small I thought you might yes I know everything no no one knows everything except me and I may or I may not tell you Maria why are you trying to fight with me I didn't come to scold if you made a little gossip it turns out it's good for business and if you met a nice young man and amused yourself why should it bother me trve it shouldn't should it and it doesn't darling I'm so glad you said that it may sound silly but I've been so worried how to tell you how to tell me what my big baby that I'm going to marry Chuck you're going to what was that no no no don't say it again you you chaperon who said Mary all I wanted was she should fall in love a little you can't fall in love a little you either do or you don't and I did and it's wonderful with that cowboy with that cowboy till now I didn't know cowboy was a dirty word we're going to spend 6 months a year on the ranch and 6 months with the ballet and we're going to be perfectly happy it's his grandmothers and I love it I know everything you're going to say so don't yes I've known him only one day that's all it took no we don't seem to have anything in common well what we have in common is none of your business no it doesn't seem to make sense but we don't have to make sense because if we can make a fortune every every time we hold hands who needs to make sense you mean it's true about the luck well yes it's true but it doesn't matter what does matter is that Chuck and I are going out to celebrate and you're not going to say a single word about it not even a little word like congratulations do you mean it sh does he mean it well in my long and enjoyable life I know plenty managers but when the ballerina comes and says he's going to marry each and everyone except him had at the very least a heart attack ah but they were art lovers I'm a businessman and if two people can't lose together it is obvious to any businessman that they belong together oh Pier you do mean it wait till you meet him he'll be here in a minute I've got to change may I join the celebration I'll take the check and leave with the check of course after drinking your health in Champagne if they have champagne in Las Vegas they have everything in Las Vegas Chuck doll baby yes it's doll baby and nobody sent doll baby's mama nothing no money not even an old postcard chuck if you're killing me here people will talk there's only one thing I have to say to you take good care of that money you're not wanting it for gambling gambling o how go hit me you creep so I'm coming did you tell you Sherry well what do I get kiss or freeze I knew you'd before it oh Chuck this is m has manager Pierre dual this is the cowboy him I thought you were in New York but I'm not I know how you must feel about all this and I know exactly what you're going to say everybody knows exactly what I'm going to say don't say it for him darling he's on our side buny I don't know if I can stand the way you look let me get this straight you mean you're not against uh us well I'm a hard man with a dollar but I'm going to buy you a champagne tonight that should prove something he's a good guy Bonnie one has to know him a little better to appreciate him don't mind jar once some ballerina always a manager hater not me not tonight but isn't it time we started celebrating I haven't stopped celebrating since we left the ranch the ranch gate to be exact these are the magic hands I'm dying to see them in action can we on our way please oh No not tonight we don't want to gamble tonight do we a just one turn of the wheel for a man who is on your side let's make him a little money it'll only take a minute it's such a nice way start an evening or end an evening or even spend an evening three red they excuse us please thank you waiting for hello chck don't worry Bill we're just going to make one bet I'm begging [Music] you 17 How Sweet It Is chip 17 he's on [Music] 17 [Music] 10 black oh no we bet 10 here Chuck here's some more money no you see it has to be ours that's what's wrong we have to bet with our own money he's wanting his money I'm having it don't giveing it how not he bigger right quick with the ballerina you will find me Madame hatan my name is it's a pleasure to meet you goodbye Harry beat it kill me you wouldn't get more it's very the rest 17 Again 1 yes you're on 17 lady seven red what this it 34 red what happened to our very godmother she took a powder that's all well she got us together I guess you figured that's all she was supposed to do we'll show her we won't invite her to our party right right right I'm glad you're taking it this way well why should we take it any other way doesn't make any difference to us does it bunny no Dary only please don't call me bunny anymore H oh sorry your luck run out that's the way it goes you win till you lose then you lose with that happy thought here we are just some wine long 47 you may clear this away yes sir ladies and gentlemen the Sands presents for your pleasure Frank thank you ladies and gentlemen the management of the Sans Hotel whose policy is drag them in never mind how has asked me to throw a little bait your way in the shape and I say the very gorgeous shape of the star of our next show the very beautiful ballerina Maria corvier Miss [Music] corvier watch your face never saw ballerina yet who didn't live on the pla [Applause] well I have a few dull business things to discuss but uh I'd be very understanding if you'd like to be alone oh well it's been a long day and imagine you're a little tired a little you look tired too yeah night there good night D see you in the morning let's not talk about business or anything tonight I'm tired of course you are my dear you've been on a big gay Mar around you have to expect a little let down when the Music Stops and it always does on merry go rounds good night good night pier what happened they lost your money I know I was peing but after what happened they lost but they had no more money to lose whatever they they had they [Music] lost what's giving him that type expression on the face oh that's love lsy love turned a little sour you know I think I'll start warming up I have a hunch I'll be off the bench any minute hit me that's fitting in exactly with my plans go home wash out your mouth with soap to an individual what is looking happy when another individual is looking unhappy I'm not [Music] dealing boy did you told her nice girl but no heart in my opinion no woman has heart until she's reaching say 45 say 5 49 give a little take a little I'm bringing back the money but I give you only his heart the way things are with them hers I'll give her myself the way things are with them terrible soon to be worse terrible oh um you are enjoying maybe a little Blackjack to play cards with a man to me a way but if you are suggesting for example a little walk by the [Music] pool Madame hatani be my guest buy you a drink oh thanks I have one besides I cost you enough tonight I forget it I'm just sorry for your sake uh scotch and water please how's Maria a little depressed like you be sure you can't lose and to find you care it's enough to depress anybody it wasn't the money it was the magic really was like a fairy tale you know we were under a spell and nothing mattered that really matters and the wheel turned to the wrong number and poof the spell was broken back to the cold cold world where everything matters it just takes a little getting used to that's well doesn't change anything we weren't so completely Moonstruck that we didn't make a few sensible plans I know 6 months here 6 months there Pierre you've known Maria a long time haven't you you probably have given quite a bit of thought to us tell me do you think it'll work no no I don't think it'll work and neither do you or you wouldn't have asked me no that's not true I just want want to make sure that Maria's happy out on the ranch going Barefoot milking cows picking eggs she might be but that's still leaves the other 6 months when she's working will you be happy doing what well I haven't given that much thought you've given it lots of thought Chuck you just haven't come up with any answer you mind if I keep trying not at all try all you want and good luck to you but uh do me a favor Chuck will you please keep away from Maria tomorrow she has to work and she won't be able to if you around they're nervous creatures ballerinas you might as well get used to it I imagine you'll take a little getting used to too oh I won't give you any trouble I'm a realist whatever Maria decides I'll be for it well that makes my evening good night good [Music] night [Music] Maria good morning darling good morning going to watch the rehearsal oh no I I knew you'd be busy today so I thought I'd go on out to the ranch there's nothing wrong is there at the ranch oh no no no it's just that there's a few things I would look after I'll miss you I'll miss you too Chuck it isn't going to work is it no daring it isn't going to work but it was wonderful and I'll never forget it I'll never forget you goodbye Dad [Music] no reservation Bob I didn't know I was coming good evening ladies and gentlemen the Sands proudly presents Maria corvier in Frankie and Johnny narrated by the voice of Sammy Davis [Music] Jr Frankie and Johnny were lovers then how those two cats could love they promised to dig one another long as stars remain above he was her mate but he wouldn't fly straight he was a cat that was lazy thinking of work made him frown man she had a bank that was crazy and his loans were not turned down she was his fool and daddy oh he played it real [Music] cool what a drag they sa down to the barroom a place where you go chaperon strictly a cal as you are and the Cent was Stone everyone was Juiced as you may have deduced [Music] the evening was Sultry and turrid and Frankie was limp from the heat she planted a kiss on his farhead and then she beat a quick Retreat for as you might pose she had to powder her nose now enter a doll named anelli oh weiry the hipsters would boast man poets like Byron or shell would have dued this chick the most Jack this gal came on sort of like a female da [Music] what [Music] you uh-oh la [Music] girls girl ladies you never saw such a tangle that Frankie sure fought for a gent she threw punches from every angle man that looked like the main event someone rang a bell but Daddy couldn't save now Frankie had whipped out a pistol and everyone made for the door she started busting the crystal C she made that can [Music] [Applause] [Music] roar [Music] missed and when she fired that last shot [Music] did Johnny hear he did [Music] not she was such a lady man how that Frankie did suffer her but she's going to dance again it should be wonderful again listen to that that's what you're going to have every night not just every now and then well so long ly see you next year you're going it's finished love comes along every day so you can say FY to it I'm not saying fooy anything I'm just trying to be sensible that's all take your money and goodbye I'm washing my hands you're the one that's always trying to get me to be sensible so I'm not Laing you to be sensible do me something hav't any luck you'd have to be very greedy to want any more luck than this can [Music] dream I wonder what happened I must have said something wrong every day of your darling little life you should should say such darling wrong things I'm almost ready excuse me supposed to be at the ranch but I'm [Music] not did you watch where you're going I did Shier [Music] what's going on in there what a stupid question I wouldn't do it 6 months here and 6 months there and no more gambl no no more gambl don't you understand lucky at love unlucky at cards or vers Vis ver if you can [Music] dream and just believe the things you [Music] [Applause] [Music] Dre
Channel: GEM: Film Library
Views: 38,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FullFreeMovies, ComedyMovie, MusicalMovie, RomanceMovie, FreeYouTubeMovies, Meet Me in Las Vegas, Comedy, Musical, Romance, Roy Rowland, Dan Dailey, Cyd Charisse, Agnes Moorehead
Id: loLzeYWFFs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 16sec (6496 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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