Storm in a teacup | English Full Movie | Comedy Romance

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[Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Music] is this for the CER no I'm expecting a c thank you oh you're welcome I don't seem to [Music] be what's it no what like crying for get up please what do you mean who are you get up turn around a minute you don't want this do you anyway isn't yours how disgusting there you are Mary darling the lady is quite finished with it would you like spit no thank you nothing I can do well you can take those to the end of the pier what all of them oh never mind don't trouble Paris London Paris London Paris London you've been to Paris yes doing what finishing school ah finished being finished yes good your penny please my what your penny Landing fee but I've landed a your penny please there's a gentleman there with my luggage very goodness will you please observe I hay hand to Pigeon my Pooch what you doing with these oh wa I'm Miss Victoria's driver come on let's get mine here you are Miss Victoria hi Victoria that's a grand name oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] hegy open in the name of the Lord and No Nonsense you hear looks like we'll have to aake an entry a looks like we'll have to aake an entry look what you're doing man will you confine your operations to the door stop it now would you be having me house a heap of ruins and me and py in the midst of them i' Pat you after bring a Mot and let him come quiet he nothing of the sort come quiet then I'll break the door d h just you try it one two three you're obstructing the laws the laws obstructed me it'll all go again him and what's he done and him is innocent as a newborn Angel he should AED the license license is it if a grand big con like of this is needing seven and six from the light of me it's time it went on the door the same as the rest ah man dear it's not the license money it's the fine5 I for persistent infringement where would the like me get 5S standing next to naked in the dead of Summer with the wind whistling down from off the pole and me trying to sell ice cream for a bunch of Frozen corpses back me GL this you're a great lion call the territorial why did you not bring your gun Ste that's what it is it's Massacre I'll have the law you so I will Cy be lovely [Applause] py well who are you I'm Maggie where's Jesse she left you'll be Miss Victoria yes I'm sorry I can't help it oh it's okay by me that's a relief where's the provest oh your dad's busy and what's all this a football match it's politics he's in there with b c calendar I see we go and unpack my things will you okay and don't say okay right oh and tell me why did Jesse leave oh she didn't approve citizens of biki in full confidence of your loyalty I your pis invite your presence at my inaugural meeting at the Town Hall biki on flight next signed William go good daddy K he uh bit personal well that's it don't you see psychology oh psychology loyalty it's a fine word they can't resist it hello Vicki my dear father oh it's Grand to see you again how are you biley none but you've turned into a great Madam Chang days since you fell into my pig sty yes don't bother about Pig ties now we've got to get to that council meeting talking of meetings you might have met me at the pier oh I'm sorry about that that Vicki but it was absolutely impossible your father's a busy man there's great events for tending I'm I'm standing for Parliament Vicki I know that I've seen a few posters but you don't know why I'm standing you see VII these are exceptional times and such times require exceptional measures and exceptional men here here a being pro of b is all very well in its way but did you do this calendar yes I've done my best for the place tried to keep it up to date I've built them a new town hall a new swimming pool the most elaborate public conveniences a curile for the tourists I hope you haven't spoiled bakey father they said in the advertiser that I'm the best administrator in the country well I'm sure you're a great success I should be I work hard enough tomorrow I'm opening the Cy cattle show and I have my big election meeting at night and the day after now this is strictly confidential Vicki Lord scor is coming who's Lord score why the leader of the party of course oh you'll note that he comes to see the provice the provice doesn't go to see him well he knows I have the calonia league behind me and it's not bigy or Scotland but Scotsman all over the Empire I it's a big thing a grand big thing there's no saying how big it may be if I pull this off the time may come when I shall be lessoned to by the whole world the profession of Journalism is an honorable one what the profession of Journalism honorable oh oh yes Father I have nothing to be ashamed of in the conduct of my paper what I have nothing to be ashamed of oh good nothing Sensational ever enters my colum why not I sit sit down yes oh no not there over there Mr buron you've joined the most widely read peer on the west coast I suppose people nothing else to do you have cigarettes no smoking in ours oh Mr buron a reporter on the advertise is a position of very great trust now I'm away to Manchester tonight but unfortunately my sub editor is in bed oh sorry what's the trouble he's got lomago oh but the point is I promised our Prov to page in marrow's issue and you will have to take the interview and see it through the Press now can you do that bon no smoking yes what's the uh what's the article about well provis gal standing for the new party what's new about it for one thing Scotland for the Scottish oh does somebody else want it that'll do buron Mr scarin haris we'll miss that train well I'm waiting for you for Mr Burton my wife how' you do how' you do oh well you can't expect the Colonel's L another San man's mate I beg your pardon oh well a way over to the town hall you just about get the provest yes Town Hall that Gast Direction opposite isn't it I'll have you know the proest buil that oh oh then I'll take another look at it what a little Brett uh he's English I think well that's a we we Mr the train I looking on will and Say Goodbye Oh what for with this lovely town hall is that all yes Pro well that'll do that you'll be coming into the meeting soon Bailey Calendar's having a sore time in the chair I'll be around in a minute now K Victoria you'd better go up into the gallery to see the fan father can I ask you something well I'm I'm rather busy why did you sa Jesse Jesse what oh the parade she got a bit above herself Vicki and Elizabeth very kindly disposed of her for me Elizabeth now who's mentioning my name why Victoria I wouldn't have recognized you how nice of you to look in and welcome me back yes you've quite grown up dear well Willie I just looked in to say goodbye that was good of you Elizabeth be back in time for the meeting oh don't you wor I couldn't do without you on the platform no I don't think you could well I'm a dash now or Horus will have the Jitters how is Horus oh just his old self and now Gentlemen please your wasting time the provis has decided next business item number seven the bathing drawers for the instructors at the new swimming pool as chairman of the cleansing and Parks committee I have looked into these draws very carefully and they certainly present some problems now this is the sort of garment I would suggest but Mr chairman the instructors complain that they're no practical they cannot swim in them so we're up against the old problem whether we select the uncutted and elongated or the scattered and abbreviated in other words either we decide upon an adequate drapery with limited Mobility or desirable Mobility with an inadequate D neither in my opinion are really satisfactory we have to satisfy the I move at the Bing to lay on the table sit down next business item number eight supply of new hes for the fire brigade hello hello what are you doing here oh just getting up to date she won't get that way here this is a very serious matter Mr s that's got nothing to do with the question I move that the whole matter be postponed for further investigation but Mr Pro will you kindly resume your seat next business overbearing s of bloke isn't me who the head Master Mr Pro with regard to my my objection to that disre don't bring that up again please you made a mistake I don't think so the trouble is you don't think at all next business she's not very careful you put in a corner and give him a thousand lines item here I have an application from Ross the stoker at the municipal lre asking for a rise of heart time the week on what ground the same old grounds his good ladies presented him with twins in my view if we Grant this application we're only asking for a FSE par of twins certain right if he had four pairs of twins on second thoughts thank the Lord he hasn't gentlemen we have something more important to discuss than Mr Ross's Weekly milk Bill we'll hand the matter to the Ways and Means Committee we will now discuss my scheme for publicizing Baki throughout the country as a tourist result you've had copies of the detailed memorandum I've drawn up and uh I'll assume that you've all taken the trouble to read it F gives me a pain in the neck oh dearia Mella where in Heaven's name have you been you can't come here no I can't do anything else I can sit here with me two hands folded in front of me like patients on a document but they REO to a Jour the proest will be coming it's himself I'm after oh he won't see you hanor he won't avoid us there was one important item that was no on the agenda we wanting your authorization for the part purch of new Nan plants for the orphanage what happened to the old ones why the orphans at the seeds oh they did did they I'll look into that Mr to you one moment Mr Pro J honor you know all about me seems I know all about you it is myself honor hegerty not a word now I know what you're going to say don't say it it's all very fine and large and it's the law don't I know and I know you can't make exceptions they telling me all that of the office and I know it's all in the book of words but it's what I'm telling you to all nonsense will you kindly stop talking and get out of my way listen herard what more should I listen and him to talk what do you want nothing I was told I had to interview you oh you're from The Advertiser do you mind coming home with me not at all I'll wait to Lieutenant to this lady your honor it's not myself I'm thinking of it's py my little py he's the heart and soul out of me body and I'm telling you no lie if he goes I go too up to heaven among the Blessed Saints and it'll be all your fault if you annoy me any further I'll have you locked up come along Mr bur but are you coming Jo get in go on man move up oh this is my daughter Victoria move up how do you do how did you if you you my Psy wouldn't have a grinder like that from east to west all over your face okay I know him all right what's that you know him well in a manner who speaking his loding here with me you're cing me look in the chestor py me Dar boy the light of his mother's eyes oh me beautiful Psy me lovely PSY and what in the name of the Holy apostrophe is he doing here in your unclean apartment in a wooden box the kind of have them at the police station you see it's this way the police sergeants bll ter a bit well what is this man speak out oh for heaven sake and seeing I'm the B officer that given me the custody isn't he the fine little fell oh he is that hanor eats like a we he loves his bread and milk for breakfast oh I made him a nice bowl of rice he's treating all right darant well uh I feel kind of funny with a wee brute he makes a sort of condemned cell at Fe about my Lins what's that they're not going to you don't mean they can't they can't come on come on yes sit down oh thank you no no not there not there there oh I hear you're turning politician Mr gal politician H Statesman father wants to be prime minister of the first Scott Parliament Scottish Vicki Scottish help yourself to a Scottish and soda I'll leave you to it hey what's your name you there what oh just a second Mr G oh there's no call to be jumping about like a French poodle in this house sit down stagnation of public life what was that I'm dictating oh I'm so sorry don't I take notes and then write it up for you write it up yeah you um put it into English you'll kindly put down exactly what I say I'm a away to the cattle show early in the morning and I want a proof of the interview tonight yes very good stagnation of public life wanted new men P Go's plain words to the electors during my ter of as Pro of bigy I have been instrumental in bringing about great changes in the but but there is one change that I shall never make a change in the principles which guide me no no of course not where you go he can to come in here the Master's busy but I know that he's busy writing wrongs well here's another Forum I advise you to scram all right mag God bless you ma'am may the devil look past you and look straight into your eyes oh mam dear it's zor I'm seeking but I'm afraid he's giving an interview all the poor soul and I am deeply concerned with the well-being of every individual in the community but M I can't wait it's a matter of life and death it's about my little psy why what's the little boy done oh your honor it's about my Psy how dare you burst in here father wor or not I got to do what I got to do I'll do it somewhere else I think some little boy of hers has gotten to a scrip I warned you at the Town Hall but you said it's very urgent and now you have the insence to come caning into my private house I think if we got the little chap here and talk to him if you talk to him mom he'd bark at you bark at us Victoria are you mad show out of here at once and understand Mrs hi the case of your dog is finished once and for all dog but you told me it was about your little son now I ask you did I ever tell you of the kind not but what he's like a son to me and now now they're going to kill him but rabbish who's going to kill a little dog the corporation and the polers and the provest father father is this true about Mrs he's little dog she's persistently defied the law in the matter of the dog text but father she's been warned time and time again but if it's only 7 and six she's been fined and she won't pay that but if it's only 7 and six surely the court passed judgment and quite rightly the town is full of diry little Mong dogs the state of the pav how much does she owe £5 in the tax well surely they can make an exception no no no principal here here if you're so keen on dogs save up and get a new one a new dog and you dog next time pay the tax Vicky put now what was I saying before that unconscionable interlude you were concerned with the well-being of every individual in the community I asking my friends in B to give me an opportunity of applying these principl I'll subscribe what unless you want to settle on the quart of course do you mean for that woman I wouldn't pay a penny on principal wouldn't it be advisable especially when you're asking people to vote for you thank you very much will you kindly mind your own business I am asking my friends in biki to give me an opportunity of applying these principles my Lord no you won't put me out I won't you won't put me out Irish Tinker get inside now uh where was I applying these principles I yes in a wider field it is the realization that each unit in the state is a living breathing soul will you get on living breathing Soul each with his own intense perception of his own rights and his own wrongs a Le must have that strange sick sense which enables him to see into the hearts of his people the propes you have to mind the corrections burden Mr buron uh away go away yourself to bed go on here you going to keep the machines waiting all night probably here no smoking within hours have hi oatmeal the food of horses in England and men in SC gotten and where sir can you find such horses or such men Mister sir to you can you have some parage a away did you write that listen I've toing a liken to you and I'm telling you seeing you're new at the game and I'm an old hand do you like this British bacteria and what they do D I beg yourdon nuts the caught in English you keep your dirty minutes off my breakfast you're for it I smile you no stand there with a SM on your face like a split melon when the boss in the gaer gets after you you're done for do you see done for where's the golf course oh what the oh I'm awfully sorry oh it's you it's quite all right you a little bit late with your four well you were a bit early with your uh of Donald please well anyway why aren't you working Donald and I taking the morning off would you care to join us yes I'd love to I'm afraid I've lost my ball yes you do seem to be lying pretty badly not lying too well yourself let's put two more down come on open the cup you show me the way right send me y mees B your game was bad enough when you were by yourself what will it be now sorry about that business of Mrs heger's dog yes still something ought to be done about it yes oh sorry not trying to play oh it's quite all right did the prophet go to cry this morning yes early why oh nothing hey you're in the papers what there's a whole page about you in the advertiser about me in the advertiser Tom mcarton have you a copy of this illustrious publication no me do McKinna out in the library when he was Danny crossword the library T Gordon keep me ice cream warm colums are Danielo come and Cath hulahan if that isn't me name all over the page in letters the size of a great whale itself that swims in the wide ocean scandalous incident over a dog will we listen to this now it's high time our local bumbles learn to administer the law with decency what's the bumbles at it was beneath the Pro's dignity to set a mind at rest it wasn't a beneath his dignity to kick her out of doors he took his boot to her and her a complete stranger isn't that not awful tonight this D bully is holding a political meeting to make a grand parade of his principles they're not good enough for us and neither is he silence [Music] silence silence in this [Music] room congratulations a magnificent fellow if we could only apply the knowledge and energy that has gone to the breeding of that animal to the Improvement of the human stock we could have something like that in three [Music] generations well thanks for the game we'll have another when youve the time yes I think I'll have the time Victoria what are you doing here with that man you know Mr buron I'm one of The Untouchables I'll say you are haven't you heard something terrible has happened horis is off his head oh no lisbet have you he the doctor oh don't be silly drive me home and I'll tell you and horis will deal with you you CAD what on Earth get on Vicky what on Earth will you'll be saying Mr chairman ladies and gentlemen these are exceptional times and they require exceptional uh they require exceptional exceptional measures and exceptional men pause for Applause ah my friends what are you speaking I was not must have been the differential [Music] will you see the young jent that called yesterday what Young jent him from the new newspaper him he can't come in RTO and don't say RTO okay he's in how dare you come and see me I haven't I came to see the provest well he's not back he'll go straight to the hall oh I just want to give him an explanation I suppose you mean an apology no an explanation oh I better go it can't be very pleasant for you to see me I suppose you know what you've done You' slaughtered a fine honorable man it's despicable what harm has my father ever done to you to me no harm then why do you stab him in the back like this why did you do it it's hard to explain no decent action is ever hard to explain oh perhaps not you Dr me that idiotic business about that dog you think it's idiotic well it's so so small impression is never small well no of course but it doesn't make sense you lose your job you'll never get another one and all because you got sentimental about a silly old woman and her Mongrel dog so did you you stuck up for her well I tried to C up after the provest had asserted his authority that's what women are for oh that's what women are for are they why did you do it don't be such a mu I'm trying to help you are you are you why oh well never mind why what sort of man are you anyhow well did you have decent sort of chap I could tell you straight off what sort of decent chap he was I never knew a man do the Mischief you've done for no reason at all well look here if you really want to know I'll tell you something I never told no I won't goodbye tell me Well when I was a kid I lived at the foot of a steep hill carts used to go up the hill with heavy loads sometimes the horses couldn't take the loads and the Carters used to hit them on their flanks on their bellies on their eyes and nostrils one day I couldn't stick it any longer I was terrifi out of my life I went for one of the Carters he just put the flat of his hand against my face and sent me spinning into the gutter so I said to myself when you grow up you will hit out every time no matter what it costs and you've done that yes get [Music] in mon as The Advertiser gone mad I was away it was a great shock to me but what are we to do does the propess know I couldn't say my it's awful awful horis I want to talk to you will is not here yet he won't think I had anything to do with it oh don't be stupid I wonder if he's seen it well if he hasn't we D tell him now not before his [Music] speech here he [Music] [Applause] [Music] is hello hello Vicky hello B that was a good job you made of my interview you made the corrections in the proof yes [Music] hello hello calendar a great night e hello hor we do you hear them M do you hear that so they're calling for the Willie well they shall have there Willie Steward and Pipers forward up in the front there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Willie [Music] [Applause] ladies and gentlemen our speaker tonight needs very little introduction from me there is no one done more for Vicki than pris God tonight I want you to show him what you really think of him in your hearts has the one so wisely said oh would some power the gift gas to see your eles as others see us yes now you give the pro the power to see himself as you see him tonight prise God Mr chairman ladies and gentlemen I think I may call you my friend I'm sure I may call you my friend for what is friendship but the will to do and the power to do the best a man can for those with whom he is associated it is a secred bond a beautiful relationship what's the matter with him scarby a secret Bond of beautiful relationship we live my friends in exceptional times and such times require exceptional measures ah my [Applause] friends what is needed today is a firm hand of the helm a man who will go on and on and up on and on and up and up always keeping before him the best interests of the whole Community what will be the duty of such a man to protect the [Applause] oppressed for what for what does a man's strength Avail him if does not hold out a helping [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hand [Applause] Dy would he could get [Applause] so [Applause] what's the explanation of this oh well I never saw the lake in 40 Years of scotch poic Scottish man Scottish who wrote this fil I'm afraid I did you did yes he did you treacherous little sneak you dirty rat oh Father don't what's the use you keep out of this listen Mr G you sming little Thug you see Victoria it's no use don't you dare to address my daughter well you won't listen to me listen to you you pued little heck writer shut up what did you say I said shut up oh Father do Stop Victoria I think you're the limit go on Willie give the little bound of the hiding he deserves yes by G I tell you what I'll do to you you careful Jam I'm rather good at this Mr provest oh Mr provest the sergeant says will you leave the building what do you mean of course I'll leave the building he but the sergeant says will you go out for the back way the back way what for the rties are getting no to [Applause] hand they're throwing stones time to break [Applause] in I'll show The Rebel what I think of them Willie what are you going to do I'll show them who po now H I can't carry on like a lot of Hooligans in my town brother father don't you get hit I'll deal with you in the morning and that goes to me but the sergeant oh shut up vior you might as Spar as this [Applause] anyway open the door but you can't show yourself who there Mr go no you can't show yourself who there open that door [Applause] sh [Applause] [Applause] oh forward father about last night if there's one thing that I can't tolerate it's disloyalty not content with playing golf with a fellow who told you about that Elizabeth I suppose well she does know what loyalty is well after all it was before I knew about the article it was after you knew that you brought him onto the platform well how's I to know that people were going to jar at you I don't exaggerate Vicky peace and it wasn't the people it was a put up job organized by that unprincipled little skunk more coffee please Mr Burton had nothing to do with it oh he hadn't need nothing to do with the article I suppose I know I know but I discussed the whole thing with him you discussed it with him yes this morning he writes to say that oh he writes how nice well anyway if you done the right thing you would have paid the fine yourself it's all rather trivial trivial look at this in the Scottish edition of a London newspaper good heavens Willie have you seen this Scottish candidate bark down do they think that's funny what's going to happen at the dinner tonight Lord scal party something's got to be done and done quickly is taking burden round to your office good I'll break that fellow you better be careful I don't think you know Mr Burton now Mr Burton I'm going to ask you a few questions and I'll advise you to stick to the truth where are we berl in Moscow or where you'll find out where you are soon enough I'm Nordic if that's what's worrying you that's enough now you be quiet you little CAD come on now how much did they pay you or was it a fat job it's blackmail what are you talking about you needn't take the innocent we know who is becking you buron come on speak up man what exactly was it worth to you oh no you don't we haven't finished with you yet not by a long talku the opposition paid you to get that muck into the advertiser and you were at the back of the row too the plot unmasked eh so you don't deny it I wouldn't spoil your fun it'll be no fun for you you're going to sweat for this I came here out of my own free will to try and help you out of your mess so Heaven Knows Why I should but after your childish insinuation wait now this is a withdrawal of the statements you made in your article and you're going to sign it I'll read it to you I the UND signed you need in trouble no no of course not it's quite in order just sign at the button you being serious what do you mean no what do you mean no I mean I won't sign it or anything else you won't sign it no I don't well won't you mean you refuse that is what I'm trying to convey but why not because every word that I wrote was true you know what this lets you in for no I don't care you can consider yourself sa I consider myself that yesterday you won't find another job we'll see to that I'm sure you will I suppose you know this means an action for um for um slander I slander and not only civil action sir but criminal proceedings and 10 years penal servitude and 20 Strokes of the cat three times a day after food I don't care listen Mr G you're not a bad chap at heart but you've got to remember one thing the people of this country are the most longsuffering on God's Earth they'll put up with humbug hypocrisy shilly shelling and hardship they'll pull in their belts they think it's their Duty they'll go to the four corners of the earth and get blown to bits if needs be but two things they will not stand buling and cruelty and if you have forgotten that I make it my business to remind you I told you to be careful and what's more I think he's quite right you are having fun flowing off steam yes you're absolutely Furious yes but you haven't the vaguest idea what to do about it nice breaking China isn't it I wish it was his neck fathers yes aren't you being a little [Music] childish allow me thank [Music] you I suppose your pride hurted anyone daring to suspect your [Music] motives you must admit it's a bit hard for any ordinary person not to think you were bribed don't breake this [Music] one oh allow me thank you you've got yourself into a nice mess haven't you I want something never mind that what are you going to do look for another job I suppose if you can get one and what are you going to do in the meanwhile you got any money at all he good no thanks you may need them Frank I don't get excited I want to ask you a question yes but you you call me Frank well but that's my name so I thought it's the first time you've used my name well what about it it's the first time you've called me Frank oh do listen yes well Len's not a penny oh there it's difficult to ask you this and you mustn't misunderstand me do what father asks what on Earth you take me for 11 stone 6B 4 [Music] o now don't be so obstinate how can you expect me to Knuck L to him you know I'm right you said so I never said you were I said your motives [Music] were now don't ask for another one Frank you've made your protest and was a fine thing to do that's pigheadedness and there's nothing new about pigheadedness it is old as the pigs so is this Frank be generous generous de father pretty hard knock you know you made him ridiculous which was the worst thing you could do why not call it a day what about petsy well put it this way if he behaves decently to Mrs higy you'll sign the withdrawal supposing you won't he will he may break his word then we'll both tell the world what we think of him both and you're in this with me it's a deal it's what I'm telling you it's time for me face in the dust they are when was rising to the stars with the people buzzing around like there was bees around the honey ccle and me ice creams as if they were hot dogs give me me sh I'm make enough money to pay me fine and get Psy back so I oh Mr buron your honor they're after arresting me goods and chattles what's happening Mela this season are goods for debt who are the authorities oh this is fantastic oh it is that and they're doing in the we dog tonight where from the London Sun are you a reporter yes come with me I'll give you the biggest scoop you ever had in your life you better come Mrs he too and I Mr Burton your honor don't be doing any more good for me I've lost Psy I've lost me bar much more I can lose without any way get after her quick if your father thinks he's going to get away with this he's made the biggest mistake of his life don't you wag that thing at me the deal's off [Music] The Condemned man ate a husty meal in [Music] hanor it's myself I've come to say goodbye you you didn't say that you were leaving us it's goodbye to py yadon well step on it well but coming for him don't take on heror it cannot be helped there he lies as if he was in his coffin I'm real sorry H but you can how hard feels we do in this world the Bing of other folk that's the truth hey what do you say to a we drink Commander open no no herar in return for your kindness un leave Psy ah he'll be all right you can lock the door nobody will know we'll drink to his dear departing Spirit sure sure it's only common Humanity well I'll get my keys only a we in mind M the the Leal Chambers hum just that hum I'm seeking you m oh it's you I all six of me I suppose you know you're keeping the vet waiting no you're keeping the vet waiting have a heart have a heart din un necessary pain ah you come on round to your LOD and handy move is he all right your honor you're good health my dear thank you Lord score the cause we must all drink to that Highland Hors Mr proest where's [Applause] leg very good very nice I think they've all enjoyed themselves H me I don't be too long with the port Lords carore no I won't ah Lord bring the the cigars harest will you come over here my Lord come over here and uh finish your port in Comfort would you thank you thank you cig thank you H will go I about your adoption is official candidate I I thought that was settled yeah I'd hoped it was but uh tell me what's all this about a dog I I don't understand I mean this uh you know at a byelection the first to be fought by our party it's um well what's it all about I've heard things you know it to be awkward Oh you mean uh oh that oh that was just a storm in a teacup a woman refused to pay her dog license and some young Lads made a sort of joke about it exuberance of Youth you know it wasn't an organized thing oh oh no no no no no papers made out there was a bit of a riot Riot that wasn't a riot was it h oh no no no no just uh just fun and [Music] games might I have a drop of whiskey instead of this part why of course we please do here please do please uh help yourself won you thank you I understand you're very highly respected in this neighborhood Mr go there's no man more respected than the proest if you understand me his word is law now in the development of piki he huh popular too extremely popular extremely popular well you know popularity is a tender plant the tactless handling of a situation might be the end of us I told your lordship the whole childish Affair is finished and done with what the devil is that girl what's the meaning of this Tom pool really my Lord I Willie har father what is it hold that piece thank you thank you what's all this what's that photographer doing here Mr Pro Mr Pro oh Mr proest he's gone he's gone who's gone py Mr provest and who is P Mrs he is Lord your dog call in a teacup eh exuberance of you pop call my [Applause] [Applause] C [Applause] [Applause] do something what are you doing the car don't encourage them help me to call them ping the BR put it down H come on here doing get the dog away it on it on no please don't go like this if you only knew Willie I mean the prophet it's all a terrible mistake excuse me get oh har is got a tragedy oh don't stupid come on oh hello I never want to see you again call them off boys love [Music] [Applause] boys [Applause] [Applause] F oh Father don't take it too hardly we all know what you feel that's just what you don't none of you understand will elizeth you're worse than any of them you've worked against your own father carrying on with that rotten little Bounder control and you're just as bad you're jealous of him because he's a man and you're just a miserable fish liiz dear you're upset give away don't touch me oh will my darling my love they can't do this do you here here here what is that name it means that I'm not wanted in this house [Music] here there your first storman there's yours do you think I'm doing this for money take it away oh I wants a couple of crit toiv on don't be an ass why should the son get all this for nothing yeah take it away give it to anyone you like give it to the Royal upic Hospital For My opic Pan give it to Mrs hey oh procurator fiscal you're the public prosecutor aren't you yes but I do your duty man you've got the prosecut yes but on what charge find a charge that's your [Music] job Mr Burton what the I have a warden for your arrest am mustach to come with me what for yeah you can't do that what's the charge let's see the warrant come quietly [Music] [Applause] [Music] now hello Burton your troubles are over this is M Watkins of the FFF F Federation of friends of The Feathered four-footed in fur you know Mr bton my Society is filled with admiration for your great work on this pet case but we feel that you fought alone in unequal battle too long I am authorized to inform you that my Federation has decided to take up the case officially and to finance your defense Mr Burton we couldn't do otherwise the enthusiasm of our members we've made paty an honor vice president we've also de go to bles go away I'm fed up with the whole business if I want to become publer this stunt raising funds for your Federation of futile Fatheads I let you know you've made a national entertainment out of was a perfectly honest straightforward issue and you want to use it to boost your full Society well I won't have it I don't care if I win the case or lose it I've lost everything over this I've lost my job I've lost my future I've lost oh take them away Mr bur you can't behave like this and you can't say things like that my Society is going to defend you whether you like it or not come along sir it's downright incontinent so it is to see you gazing there at nothing as if you were Columbus taking his first look at America and the Dear Heart of you broken at the sight of it come on man dear don't be refusing the help of others when the Sorrows on you and stand off for yourself to his honor the sheriff the way you stand off for others the Widow and the orphan the poor and the needless listen I've caused enough trouble I'm through I don't care what they do I don't want to win the case I don't want to do anything more to hurt Miss Victoria now it's the great ball you are Mr buron and it's the great gift for writing you have did I tell you I had the article framed it's up on the wall between his Holiness and the colored enlargement of poor hegerty that [Music] was [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's a Cru shame that's what it is fair makes me boil [Music] over such a sweet little doggy my dear yes I know what I do with that promise of [Music] bakey doing your thing like that to a dog bad show and Sh the 20 million school children shall know the reason [Music] why I mean it's hardly playing the game what it's not Cricket [Music] no py Cas it is understood that reports of the resignation of Prost William GA were officially denied in bakey today [Music] oh [Music] C bring them up bring up the panel Frank Burton bring up Frank buron I brought myself up they might have given me some red fire and a court in the orchestra this is a court of law there is new orust or whatever then there should be you be quiet in as much as you did that Ed publish a statement designed or calculated to exercise an improper influence on the voters in the Parliamentary election under the corrupt legal practices activ 1895 when 1895 but I wasn't born then have you understood the charge I've tried to do you want it read again uh no thank you well do you plead guilty or not guilty does it matter the prisoner pleads not guilty M Lord you know best we may proceed why not thank you call Robert Andrews Robert Andrews Robert Andrews Robert Andrews do brisk up Willie oh I wish I could see Victoria oh her she won't turn up anyway Willie when you won your case haris may call off the divorce sometimes I think you're without one moral principle and nothing but the truth and nothing but the truth you're Robert Andrews I am you're a compositor working for the bakey advertising I am that as you set up in print the matter appearing in the paper I do now on the night in question were you given by the panel a last minute article to set up I was and was the panel the author of the article I was silence how dare you I'm trying to save time but I if in the case I expect my cl to behave himself I didn't ask you do I wanted to defend myself Mr bton there are £3,000 put forward for your defense by the F we all know where that's going to really leave him to me Mr mingies Mr buron you must not interrupt the hearing go on how did you know the panel was the author of the article it was his English hand of writing what do you mean by that a literate you'll understand silence I understand you had difficulty in deciphering the article it was practically a physical impossibility you're quite sure you set in print what the panel wrote of course he did keep quiet I corrected the proof myself say hold your t don't suggest I didn't write what I did write sh you really must speak to your client Mr mingies Lord you told me to leave him to you don't be impertinent silence the next person to laugh will be turned out of this [Laughter] court yes Vicky why I thought you weren't coming what else could I do I've missed you Vicki it was decent of you to have kept away from him you are mistaken in him Vicki he's just a self-seeking little rter he's nothing of the kind he didn't do anything you didn't go him to and you're bringing this case simply to satisfy your own Pride I see so you're still taken in with a fellow well it'll interest you to know that I've got him this time father you are Margaret twine sure just answer yes or no okay you're employed as a parlor made by provis gal says you uh what is the meaning of this expression uh says you well uh my lord it's a slang phrase of American origin which has gained regrettable currency in the language of our people through the Insidious agency of the cinema and it is I'm given to understand employed to indicate a state of dubiety in the mind of the speaker as to the veracity or credibility of a statement Mak oh yeah y [Applause] here I myself don't be raising the roof the court waiting where on earth have you been should I had to take my py out of a nursing home the publicity got on the nerves of him and he's had to have a rescue you're lucky nothing get 6 months for contempt a court well I don't know about the 6 months but I've got the contempt all right and I will tell the truth tell the truth the whole truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth nothing but the truth thank you thank you your name I believe is anoria G or hey I make of your mind man f it is he it is yes now on the evening under discussion you paid a visit to Mr G's house Clyde view McCullum wrad I did in all you've caused to remember that evening causes it and the fo of me back hitting every step and I was a great large Bru the color of a rainbow in the sky it's not faded away yet look if you could only see it yes well never mind about that oh it's easy for you to talk couldn't I get in please was your involved in the case yes but i n n I'll hate to wait to love Bo and now we come to the evening of the uh the canine demonstration at Mr ga's house now tell me on that day did the accused Express animus against the provest sure all the animal in the L and better of the land is against the provest thank you that will do Mr Ming do you wish to question the witness certainly not indeed I've been waiting with all the patience I can Master to hear why the crown has called this rather irrelevant lady oh py did you hear what he called me yes you must stand down God bless your honor and her ladyship if so be there's such a lucky woman as to be wed to your Holiness Michael Cassidy from his rub to his shoulders he said Hast the sheep dog but he's got the muzzle of a Setter and the ears of a Cocker Spaniard and he's always look all him like an Irish Terrier and he Soldier like taale like a pooranian and he's got a sad Noble eyes of a poodle in fact he's not so much dog as an epitome of all the dogs that ever run around this world on four legs what's he worth SE a m what has this to do with the case I'm establishing motive by a process of elimination must you eliminate the entire population of the British islands and the Irish free state mad I object to this Witness I don't what did you say I said I had no objection are you going to keep quiet fairly not all together I'll abandon the case good really me Lord now now Mr Burton you mustn't speak like that you know I realize you're a very young man and indeed I sometimes fail to Fathom the younger generation they seem to have no balance no stability what with swing music automating gambling machines and the encouragement given to idleness and loose living by the British Broadcasting Corporation what are you laughing at Mr mingies was I laughing my Lord you made a sort of gesture with your features that I've always taken as an expression of amusement I'm unaware of anything amusing in what I am saying I hardly fancied you were my Lord then perhaps you'll refrain from kenting until you find yourself in a most suitable place for that exercise with all respect your lordship misapprehended the exact nature of the gesture of which your lordship was pleased to refer as a matter of fact I I was stifling very insistent y indeed Mr mingies perhaps your lordship will now revise your pronouncement as the suitable place for that exercise if you wish me Mr mingies to recount the uses for which this place is suitable I'm quite prepared to do so for one thing it is suitable for the exercise of your undoubted talents as defending Council talents which I may remark have not observed to be conspicuously employed on this particular case not your lordship's opinion of my poor capabilities expressed if I may say in all sincerity with a tness and Clarity that rather credit to the the Scottish bar has left me with no alternative but to withdraw from the case I have been gruly insulted good morning good this m silence and now my Lord may I defend myself well I can't stop you you may leave the doct to consult your solicitor good name don't spit at me what happened with burdon's defending himself they've a journ while the Little Fool consults his solicitor I'm delighted to hear it hello hello Vicky nice if you to pop in I thought you didn't want to see me again this is a public court isn't it no I see You' come to see me hanged well it looks like it you seem determined to throw away your case that's my case isn't it don't be a fool Frank did I hear you call me Frank you I can't talk to a witness for a prosecution are you a witness well yes I am but oh I see so your father's dragged you into it now don't say things like that I can't help it and I was called by the crown and I I understand you're entitled to say and do exactly what you like I've been looking for you everywhere now do you know what to do I know what to do all right father I beg of you don't go on with this case well well of course I shall go on with it at least I won't it isn't my case but the crown will the court sensession the law has been set in motion and the law must operate I intend to be Vindicated oh would father you must listen to me don't take any notice off Willie William go William go n oh Mr skirving can you help me I must get into the court and they won't let me in because I'm a witness oh I see well I'll just keep him busy and you slink in oh thank you oh and Victoria listen don't think too hardly of Lizette I won't Donald sir who you keeping oh Bonnie man Bonnie that's fine tell me how's that we daughter of yours getting on with the ballad dancing oh man she's Grand she's just a picture in short you have the strongest reason to believe that you've been the victim of deliberate persistent persecution absolutely thank you Mr buron do you wish to cross-examine I'll say I do silence now Mr gal when did this so-called persecution start the night you organized a pack of hooligans to break up my meeting oh no no before that what about my article wasn't that part of the persecution certainly it was then I'll ask you again when did the persecution start I suppose you want me to say when Mrs hegy came to my house exactly she came to you very distressed no doubt but she didn't take her grievance to the proper quarter didn't she weren't you the provs the father of his people yes yes but if I happen to be distressed by a best pipe shall we say I don't take my distress to the Prime Minister I get a plumber in a manner of speaking aot well in a manner of speaking sir Mrs hegy probably thought you were the plumber Mr B silence so you were surprised the day after Mrs he's visit when your meeting refused to listen to you nothing surprises me and Vicki oh then it didn't surprise you they should take a strong line with a canting humbug who my Lord I object Mr Bon I ought perhaps to warn you that this sort of thing is impressing me very unfavorably very unfavorably indeed go on So You vented your annoyance on a poor woman and her dog you took her Barrow I did nothing of the sort as for being a poor woman you took her Barrow but she seems to have done very well out of it very insolent of her Mr [Applause] gal look here why do you suppose the whole town turned against you all of a sudden because you deliberately set yourself to make trouble what you suppose my motive was for that how should I know self-advertisement I should think I did it because I'm an ordinary sort of man when I see a bully and a coward behave yourself Mr Burton you're throwing away your case I'm trying to get it the truth why can't he be a man why does he go sneaking around persecuting widows and little mongle dogs Lord I own take control yourself I'll stand up to anyone who hits above the belt who hit you below the belt You Did In what way you worms all the way into my family Circle stop that I won't have your family Circle mentioned in this court you won't have it if you'd shown a little decent feeling earlier on stop stop what's all this about Mr gaw's Family Circle ask him my Lord the reference must be to Mr G's daughter she's a witness of the prosecution yes my Lord that's the sort of man he is Mr buron but it's scandalous quiet sir I won't be quiet I'm calling her next my Lord no you're [Music] not come out here you now who are you and what did you say I'm Mr G's daughter and I said I wasn't being called as a witness why not pray because I can't give evidence oh yes you can we'll see about that oh but I can't oh why not because the accused and I are husband and [Applause] wife but is this true yes my Lord I must ask for an Ajman but I can't keep on adjourning Lord this is a profound shock oh very well they're married hey and a wife can't give evidence against her husband that's the law send Mr Burton here at once you can't do that sir it's most irregular do as I tell you oh Vicki I tell you what Willie oh don't start yammering at me you've done a nice thing well I asked you not to go on with the case why didn't you tell me I can't have a son-in-law serving 6 months you sent for me what do you mean by marrying my daughter I haven't what I only just said that we haven't seen each other since I left the house and why in Heaven's name to stop you huh to save you both from your stupid Pride but do you realize what she's done they can have for contempt for my wor it's py yes stop the case what but I can't stop the case and I won't stop the case willing you have insufficient evidence I'll put you back in the Box Willie no you won't well you can't make a fool of the crowd you can't force me and you can't bully me you go back in that box go along girl very Willie oh go to blaz his woman Horus he called me a woman all right my dear now Mr gal the news you've just heard is of course a great shock to you no Sil but do you mean to tell the court that you condone this maneuver on the part of the penal yes Mr G it was with your consent that this scoundrel my Lord may I make a statement my Lord I Prest go on Mr gal I want to say that in my considered opinion Mr buron was fully justified in all the actions he took against me I think Mr Burton misjudged me but he misjudged me without melice H for the promise clear the court clear the court clear the town clear the town I hadn't fully realized that that a public man is apt to get above himself I'm grateful to Mr buron for bringing me back to Earth in regard to Mrs hegy and her dog petsy I forgot to apply one of the great principles of my life it is this it is only the realization the sympathetic realization the deeply sympathetic realization that each unit in the state is a living bre brething Soul each with his own aspirations each with his own peculiarly intense perception of his own rights and his own wrongs a leader must have that strange sick sense that enables him to see into the hearts of his people to feel in his own flesh and in his own blood the wounds and distresses they suffer to a leader even the least of [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] his
Channel: DDF: Movie Collection
Views: 253,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FullFreeMovies, ComedyMovie, FreeYouTubeMovies, Storm in a teacup, Comedy, Romance, Ian Dalrymple, Victor Saville, Vivien Leigh, Rex Harrison, Cecil Parker
Id: MZAjWSr577Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 51sec (5211 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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