The G-String Murders / Lady of Burlesque 1943 | Gypsy Rose Lee, Barbara Stanwyck | Colorized Movie

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[Music] la [Music] get you well you you fresh s water tppy 10 cents a box one1 of a dollar don't get hungry folks peanuts popcorn and Candy here chew of view someh Bo before they see us Force's New Dixie nitroglycerin they only break down the door after they see her CR just like they used to have when this was an opery house H boys grand opera brought crowds like this into this Lobby girls that's what the public wants [Music] [Applause] [Music] la [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is you would you mind just standing there a while so this is you please for me if I stare [Music] a it's hard to believe that I could conceive a dream like you but you're in my arm he's out there again I know it so this is you and everything [Applause] [Music] I [Music] signs ofing above all my keep in line there and smile will you smile hi St Peter how goes it l of mail for you Mr B can't read the first of the month Hey Jake is that new doll from Columbus on yet just a minute brandic and how about that Five Spot you owe me being on the Five Spot Oh you mean the Finn defy I tell you what I'm going to do you didn't forget anything did you oh I may forget my lyrics oh you better not we're not at the Columbus Gator you know Dix see your M your M GG be a good girl huh I'll be rooting for you help you honey I'm warning you comic yeah so the coper that gave me this no Romance in those coer Souls dick just because a guy goes through two red lights to get Qui Irish get upstairs and put your Fool's face on Dixie when I just wanted to wish you luck that's okay comic but keep it at a [Music] [Applause] distance above and this last My Love Is You beautiful Junior but it's not for me come on and give me heat cuz I don't like my music sweet I want to feel my impulse beat take it off the E string play it on the G string if this gives you a thrill it's happening much against my will and only cuz I've caught a chill take it off the E string play it on the G string what goes a lot goes when I do my ACT boys it's a fact whenever I'm applauded you're rewarded each time the drummer jumps I get Goose flesh big as lumps I start breaking out in [Music] bumps brother I Mak my eggs and bacon earning my pay just by shaking this way four shows a day time when crime was if you stole some now that ain't so cuz if you lack a tire it's the Black Mariah mm- lady gooder I know what you're waiting for been waiting a week and a to do some more I'll Stick Around but I don't want to break the law cuz listen brother I've got a mother old and Grand but she's a Lulu I support her this way four shows a [Music] day how about a little supper after the show tonight the only day I make with Comics is with the Sunday Funnies that'll be all right with me Sunday morning breakfast yeah I'm sure it would be hey you forgot to take your hand out of that [Music] [Applause] one [Music] you him in the [Music] [Applause] [Music] aisles they'll never let her off that stage G you work fast nothing to it Mandy butterflies are usually hard to catch not when you've had practice well you sure have practice pretty soon there won't be no more room for heard they can all move over Mandy here's some glitter to start your collection GE thanks Biff You' better tell him what that Glitter is is the I don't know of course I know they wear it around the wa and they have to will they use oh you make me so mad you makes me want to leave the wife for a couple less that worm's lucky he did run away where do I slap his face in the pickle pers waed they'll find his jaw on Staten Island yeah what what did I tell you with diamonds in your hair and SB Force personally grooming you for stardom no thanks to your first comic oh FY are they all alike don't you ever make a new not with Comics only with girls and only SB fce can do anything new with them and I guess it's up to me and I'm just a girl to enjoy the job you really gave them the money for it nice the next show the Y why go home gee if I could please the customers like that I'd be the happiest girl in the world that's what keeps me young and beautiful Alice don't we get any congrats from the golden voice goddess oh it had its novelty appeal me well there are plenty of Novelties around the old bra but that doesn't sound like one of them if that's who I think it is save your applause for the ax that need it yours now is that the way to talk when I'm handing you posies your applause is no music to my ears Branan where's that prop you swiped I meant to tell you Dixie when you're dressed for our dat tonight blue is my favorite color and no big hat see It'll get in my way when I dress for a date with you it'll be a suit of armor and brass knuckles gee that's just a come on she wants to make it look difficult she'll change her tune honey sugar see yes darling Russell sugar what is it Angel I've just started the play yeah the double play wait till Dolly catches up with you how does it sound fine high class that's for us shall we read it together later anytime you say why don't you give it up goddess it'll take one PL to get you and Russell out of burles it'll take a dare that settles it we've got to have a new one new what all the museum pce I haven't seen one like that since the wils bear Regal in some ways I think it would have been better to stay on the farm Mr fo always said that nothing's too good for SB F players but that thing is certainly too something for me me too hey look to keep you Cy dolls from ping so much us follows up here are going to chip in a buck a piece on some new Plumbing for you how's that our hero I'll put the switch on Mo if he's backstage he said he knew where we could get one it's nothing girls I was just doing it for that lovely young but of the old opera Miss Dixie Daisy well I'm touching Mandy Joey Phil Biff maybe Biff will pay double with his new interest you figure that way don't forget your Saloon keeper friend Louie even if he doesn't work here sure anybody that saved as much out of the r as Lou that's a poor part of this D duy or does he and while you're at it put Russell down for plenty he's here so much the guys upstairs will forget what he looks like well someone else had better forget what he looks like too some Dames never know when a guy's fed up oh uh Dolly um we were just kidding about how much Jack we could get out of upstairs for the new brick ofra yeah I came in on the tail end of it I'll take care of Russ since I sort of got the Habit good thing you have gly you sure couldn't hold a man unless you did pay up put that up [Music] there it oh my vocal C my [Music] voice thank heaven mother they're still all right mother what kind of a mother would a d like you have a mother with a good stop there's a package for you boys don't open it till Christmas OU I Dolly take her quiet there's a number on with oh you look what crawled out of the Antiques hey what are you burn in that ground bird seed you got to put those two down in the basement with the rest of the prop opera singers didn't mind it but Bas artist times have changed they ain't got no manners think they're better than an honest man that works for a living and don't pose around on no stage excuse me [Music] hey what' you do the statue of The Hermit boy were you getting dished by the gruesome Tome it's Jin you know alcohol like to use in hospital yeah well I know a better place to use it give me it and the next time you girls pull a freefor all don't pull it during my Act you know it's tough enough doing something artistic for those lugs out there without you and Dolly calling each other by your right names what you do honey drop your Spangles MH MH and I was embarrassing believe me but very successful what hit me how you up Miss Dixie we're on coming well girls keep the Home Fires under control shall We join the customers that's what we're getting paid for you're going to feel pretty silly someday when you remember acting like this if I remember you that long oh you'll remember we're going to make Sensational Partners sure about that oh I mean it's some of our dance routines naturally never any doubt what a comic means you better settle down to it Dixie looks like you and I are in for a good long run here I'm been training for I can keep ahead of you hurry up resistible you're [Music] on give [Music] me I told you the last time there's no use asking you this time I'll be good please I said no I mean no hey where you going I'm going to beet a blonde a blonde a blonde that works the dice in Kelly's pool room maybe a not no I don't know hey I want a blonde you want a blonde what kind of a blonde any kind one like this or one like this or one like this just a blonde hey how come you have all the luck with the girls because my boy I have something you haven't got oh you got a magic thing there little article all I have to do is wave that little Persuader under the lady know she gives me anything I want anything anything at all hey sell it to me well my boy that's a very valuable article my price would be $1,000 so [Music] long hey lady you left your motor running don't get excited you didn't start I thought I could stop it hey remember I ought to buy that thing huh I thought you said you wanted a blond ah she looks like she's a blonded hun here here you can't talk that way about the that sweet Charming innocent young lady I was just trying to tell her the never mind what you are trying now are you interested in purchasing this Persuader or not well it seems like an awful lot of money for such a small article my boy don't you realize the best things always come in small packages yeah but before I spend all that money how do I know it's going to work of course it'll work all you have to do is a little Persuader under the lady's nose she gives you anything you want oh hello oh there's never anybody around there when you want it looks like a raid I'm trying to get force all right hello hello they red light supposed to flash when the cops are in the lobby why isn't working that's well but uh couldn't you make it a little cheaper well I might sell it in the neighborhood of $500 that's an expensive neighborhood well how much money have you got oh roughly $400 what do you mean roughly well when you smooth it out it's three bucks well enough of this nonsense now because I like you and because you have an honest face I'm going to sell you this little article for $100 $1100 remember my boy just uh pass it under her note just pass it under her note anything I ask for anything now you've done it they heard that hand you got way down at the police station something smells fishy around here why wasn't that light on because somebody didn't want it on look Cut as clean as a whistle right here under my nose and by somebody who give me your money and the lights blank out make a break for the cold shoot know where it is I don't hang around the same parts of this theater that you do give me a kiss in a Cellar next to the vacant room and cut the end of the blackout not a chance Brenan I've been saving up for this all evening hey wait for me [Music] [Music] Alice Alice don't get excited I'll protect you come on get on what's going on down there okay okay come on a FL your black feet come on wait a minute stop it pull up the I'll fix [Music] everything be calm be calm bece you stop it stop it don't fight be calm SB for has never let his actors down and you are not riding in the wagon I as be Force out of my own pocket of hired limousines to take you to jail three cheers for false our boss yeah he came just in the niche of time in but you didn't have to didn't have to what nothing never 1 hour as b f gives you his word in 1 hour I will have you out I said 1 hour didn't I well here we are all ready for our little snack of steaks and champagne what else could the cops do when not one of you did anything to Warren such a such a ignorable act like that rage but wasn't the cops that kept the light from flashing one right from our middle and it wasn't the cops that tried to strangle me that female flat foot was wearing gloves Dixie what are you talking about when the lights went out I made made for the cold shoot I was starting down the stairs when somebody grabbed me Mandy you ought to be ashamed of yourself well it wasn't me Dixie honestly wasn't somebody grabbed me and tried to strangle me those hands were long and thin and they knew what they were doing were strong enough to make me black out sugar you're still blacked out Dixie somebody was trying to find his way out yeah neck is a funny thing to mistake for a signpost I've seen a lot of pink elephants in my day honey but never a Strangler D want to kill you I don't say they wanted to kill me what I'm saying is that somebody in that theater tried to kill somebody else maybe somebody does want to get rid of somebody else around here that's what do you mean by that I mean that three people get crowded at a table for two and when some people get crowded they push please please whatever we got in the old opera house we ain't got murderers and this is my answer to such foolishness ah wallpaper you should have such wallpaper to pretty up your house to each and every one of my actors I give free and without cost one paidon full share of my personal stock in the old opera house come on up everybody we should yes that's right now we are one for all and all for the old [Music] remember easy a dozen should it was it so sir Galahad finally got here got a bad temper song bird why don't you come down and get me I called you didn't I I Don't Go Near jails I Don't Go Near cops you know that but a cell crawling with floes is all right for for me I can be booked like a common can't I might have liked it if your boyfriend had serated you might have worked at the quartet with your cell buddies Big Lou the grin turns gray when he sees a cop like a gunel you shouldn't have plugged that cop get your coat you uh won't get too lome for us will you let's let's break it up needed that didn't you don't worry the cops haven't got anything on you yet when they do they'll catch up on a lot of things won't they Louie I don't know will they a this was more like it do you mind curly not at all thank you see that he gets it quicker than you do we belong together champagne cocktail please in a Flash s Gara do linguist oh French I see you've been here before Oh appears a lot better for you always got your best interest at heart that's me and I left upstairs to come down here with you steak champagne yeah but things upstairs were getting sudden and violent yeah theyve been that way all evening Biff I wonder forget that stuff will you oh I get it you're just pulling this act to make me feel protective don't you ever figure on anybody telling the truth not burles Dames they used to wriggling out of things did you get that one dixie tell me something M you tell me who'd want to close the old opera more important who'd be after me well Dixie I guess I'll have to confess it was just me taking a natural advantage of the dark oh no that's not where you'd grab me go ahead make a mystery out of it but didn't you say before they were probably after somebody else yeah I know but let's get out of here and get some fresh air I want to think this thing out if you'll promise to think something else over first we're on that track again Dixie I don't get it I've always gotten along before is it the set of my shoulders you don't like the the look of my eyes no no your shoulders aren't bad your eyes are a pretty color but I guess what I need with you is a good fourleaf Clover no you need more than that branagan you're a comic what is the matter with Comics I went into show business when I was 7 years old two days later the first comic I ever met stole my piggy bank on a railroad station in Portland when I was 11 the comics were looking at my ankles when I was 14 they were just looking when I was 20 I'd been stuck with enough lunch checks to pay for a three-story house now they're shiftless Dame chasing ambitionless I've got it you're ambitious maybe I'd like to get away from Comics maybe I'd like to be in a 440 show and have Sunday nights over you'll do it too Dixie you don't mean that I can see it right now your name up there what's your real name honey Deborah Hoople Deborah you think yeah maybe just Dixie Dixie Daisy and Broadway's latest hit you know what I'm going to do opening night buy the whole first row just for me sounds nice bran you'll see won't take long either come on let's get out of here yeah hey uh-uh that's why I ordered beer I said it was to your interest Comics thank you 450 sir for when I'm not around to protect my best interest where's your change Mister keep it [Music] a little Silence from the golden tonsils will be appreciated if the cops had heard her last night that they use her for a siren we artists all have to put up with jealousy you look in this window once more and you'll get a bottle over there those stop so hust don't stop why don't you dress some place El it's my dressing room and it's their porch they probably a darn side hotter in that why are they H tonight a couple of sailers fell right out of their boxes what's that work of our lurel leave for the party tonight we're going to have a regular unveiling like when you unveil statutes of generals and horses and things maybe that'll teach you to mind your own business not that it matters to you Dames but someone had to teach him that a lady's entitled to private you get plenty of privacy if that waight is hurt they have lws for people like you oh yeah who gave you a queue stick to your own business and I'll stick to mine stick to my own business that's a laugh I stood for your knives in the back to keep a little piece around here but I'm through if you're not jumping on us you're knocking out waiters who wouldn't look at you if you were rolled in batter and french fried and I'm through letting a Corb upstart get pushed ahead of me where does everybody get the idea you're so hot maybe the customers get the idea you can have these customers I'm getting out of this grind house oh I wish he wouldn't say that s so cheap Mo let me [Music] help get another B hey is that good that b business it ain't hot is it what do you mean hot this I think of this palaman I used to work with in the old days when we got legitimate he took up plumbing and what do you know he gives me at wholesale and what's more I saved you plenty by installing the poison just look at that just look at that this why it's got class enough for the queen of sheber now you'd really have something if you had a whole suit to match come on come on everybody down for the coner you play with that thing later come on everybody no matter what say he sound like a water file probably saw cuz we didn't ask them for the party probably won't even have a party with Mother's darling throwing bot grenades at the food supp I'll try and smooth things over while you girls hand out the Allure hey D thanks yeah I'm worried what a about look it was a break for us to come on here so okay but Columbus was never like this the is ready to Slit your throat doll's up in the air since when couldn't I take care of myself yeah I know [Music] but we almost got him that time [Music] see what I mean ever find a stage gang that didn't knes drop go on get down [Music] [Music] there now was that a sight I ask you hold it if they could get Moonlight on that stage Force should be a millionaire tomorrow where you off to miss Venus I'm on a peace Mission if you hear any screams tell Force to hire a new woman uh-uh you won't lose any arguments not looking like that you won't have time you know if this were real assu I'd drag you up here like a calf in a western only no kef ever had a hide as pretty as that what would you do when you got me you've had a little trouble putting the brand on so far Ah that's so far after a sight like that my Irish ancestors would rise up in their graves if Branigan missed the bus I hate to disturb your ancestors well what's s friends I sure you to much sense and if you want to start something hey the girl dance number is nearly finished you better get ready oh no wait a minute boys I'm carrying a white flag you Chinese fight too darn well for us to want to mix with you come here let me take a look at that that isn't the way to take care of it you go back we have nothing to do with you yeah we'll have something to do with this here um no dinners no more dinners ever no oh now look we have to put up with enough with that D without her starving us out in the bargain was born with an axe in her mouth you ought to be put out of her misery like a mad dog come on tell me you'll bring us our dinners and I'll smoothie divorce into giving you some passes things getting a little bit difficult for you Biff yeah Mandy you know how it is sometimes these things take time they sure do you got to plan it out sometimes you finagle them this way and other times you finagle them that way that's why I like sweet dumb girls like Alice no finagling we bring the that's the spirit don't spare the ice until that's better see you later wait wait wait a minute Jin sing rot you eat it makes you live a long time thanks thanks a lot so he slips you one of those never diy things huh yes Mr branagan it's a charm to ward off the evil spirit B what's the matter that was my ancestors rising up in their graves how'd you make out with the waiters Dixie yeah do we put on the Feed Bag yeah and what's that I don't know a waiter gave it to me H hey Dix's got a new boyfriend you eat it and live long time sailing wax oh I'm sorry girls well everything's hunky D now oh uh Jake has a few surprises he wants to put in for the unveiling so you better clear out early for the finale this place has as much privacy as a hot dog stand look it's shaped like a man disgusting not so much like a man more like a skeleton hanging from the Gallows want to trade it in Dixie ah you can have the full thing the same Charming Gathering hello well look what the Pixies brought in out of the rain the same old familiar faces and some new arrivals who are you I'm Dixie Daisy this is Gigi grah who are you I am the princess Nina Star of this theater I have been in the hospital for the last two weeks dislocated vertebrae maybe she took a little trip to Toledo for Old Time sake I have never worked in how you say to poo don't give me that accent business you know how to say it when I first knew you Toledo I don't go to Toledo only tramps wi in Toledo well they get around no I should have danced before royalty instead the princess throws pearls to swine you snoody we're on again beautiful hello black IR it wasn't bad luck I'd let her have it who was that Overexposed deut a Dame will think she's four times sharper than she is there's one thing I hate it's a phony I should have danced before Ro loyalty instead the princess throws pears to swine I had a black cat like that once there wasn't so much of it well I wouldn't be too hard on her she's bad luck to some people not so bad to others if anyone else drops in then I should me tell them I'm on stage I startled you lately sister I've been startled by expert tell me while I have been gone has this Lita has she said anything about me no no you were a smash surprise to me it is only that some people talk too much and this lulita talks a lot too much not to me ask the others in the dressing room I dress alone downstairs I'd rather leave in a big sty than with those women what are you doing Jake moving up the whole prop I got to do my surprises ight Dixie still clumsy eh yes I am back just visiting I hope stay in Mr prop man find you guilty of being drunk and find you $5 here a $10 bill $10 bill I haven't got any change go out and get drunk again is now ready to proceive the trial divorce case of Miss peaches Wilson Miss peaches Wilson come on what are you waiting for you run I'm sorry Sammy oh hello Excellency V what is that [Applause] [Music] that she does what you do I like it better you took and trade notes at that wing ding that thrown a night do you think I would go I the princess free drinks husw I might come now I want to see Mr Foss is he here right in the same old Rat's Nest want me to tell him you back tell him to come to my dressing room want to get a cigar I'll be back right away I'll have he come come Miss PES we want the truth the what the truth oh that old thing will you ever up before me I don't know what time did you get up now miss PES the facts of the case are clear to me you guilty or not guilty don't you think that's a rather personal question oh you'll have to tell him why why why because according to the Constitution of the bylaw state of coma section 63 upper 7 car ready fall leaving for sou Mississippi at all points where it's distinctly said all I hold you in contempt I don't like you either I don't like you either well I don't like you either either either either enough for us who Carpenter with a hammer how dare you refer to me as a carpenter I am Justice yeah well I'm Justice too Justice who just as good as you are I'm not thirsty hey Louie you know something them girls as luy they know a couple like us I bring in Defan of Gadget you roll the cegs we're running this party yeah where you going back in to get the rest of the beer that's all you're going to get I told Charlie to take it easy on the free drinks from my pals sure Louie sure step aside tall dark and with it and gentleman of passing all my sacrifices Alfred are but keys to open the gates of heaven and let me be with you B him in the aisles with that one I feel it yeah it says here in the complaint that you hit your husband over the with a his I'm coming Sammy some people don't learn easy song bird now don't do it Lou got to take a lot of lessons before they now don't do it Lou quiet just kidding you're terrific Lou no it's so rough and tough it's big shot Lou the grin black women and pushing guys [Music] around and give me he CU I don't like my music swe I want to feel my impulse be take it off the eing gives you a thrill it's happening much against my will and only I caught a chill take it off the E string play it on the G string go a go when I do [Music] my whenever I'm apped you're [Music] rewarded my shaking Way shows day [Music] yeah [Applause] [Music] shall we drink to it sure [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] likeing second fiddle to a smaller Riot to get your lefts the things I do for the old app house the next thing you know I'll be hanging from a trap piece tell to get a hustle onject [Music] grandmother Jake must Trust You Comics as far as he can throw the Prop Room what's up now oh that ceiling wax from the box the waiter gave me he's got it on the catch of the door sometimes I think you don't have the right respect for your fellow workers maybe I ought to try look master Touch on you good thing the goddess didn't hear that hey Sammy hey Sammy the primon isn't up here oh what the she can't miss this number it's the finale look St you have to stand on your heads out there to keep them looking stall that Dave causes more trouble around here than a forest fire what do you mean she isn't here have you looked yeah look out Jake seal there oh I know I prob one look around our neck it's her G it ain't there for an ornament either Force I got to get Force best get the police quick PR and roll evenly from side to side with a firm Touch without making a detailed examination I'd say they were the same now the first finger of the right hand the finger I pressed against the wax I was hey you're holding up the parade and what a parade the only thing missing is the elephant is that another limb of the lore don't worry about him save your explanations for his nips he enjoys hearing Miss Daisy isn't it yes I'm inspector herrian is sit there please Now to repeat what I was saying since Miss Daisy was uh busy downstairs someone who was in the room immediately after the body was discovered took that g string for reasons of his or her own what g string the murder weapon Miss Daisy well it was her own g string and it was around her neck we all saw it all but the police the G string had disappeared with the diam we arrived at the theater well maybe it just fell off how could anybody take the g-ring in that crowd everybody in the theater ran in we are not interested in how it was done we are interested in who did it where the weapon was put and why it was taken well why don't your surges and settle that part of it muscles it looks like he might enjoy it you can search me Mr Kelly not that I could hide anything on me the lady's part is well taken and a search after this time in this crowd would only cause confusion it's getting a little too warm here for me well there's been plenty of time for concealment but if one of you could suggest why it was taken well she always carried money on us she used to hide it in the lining of her costume you think there's a ghoul in this room since she's a murderer oh yes Mr Mr James Wong yes I've heard of you Mr Wong that's a nasty bump nasty throw nasty enough to cause nastiness all around eh I see send out a call for Lou Gro complete destruction of here L well that's settled now we can go home what did I tell you I'm afraid uh that doesn't quite settle the matter but he run away please be seated grindo took his car and as much cash as he had in the saloon next door after receiving a call from um okay so I called him when we was in the racket he did me a couple of turns all I did was tell him she was dead I don't care how Louie knew about anything I know lulita was so scared of what he was going to do that she was taking it out on us I know he started something and he's got his reasons he's scared of cops the pen tore something loosen him and ever since he knew what they would do if they got him in again he may or may not be guilty of this murder he'll be examined as thoroughly as any of you when he is picked up but Lita lne was murdered between the time she came upstairs after her quarrel with grindo and the finding of her body before I went up at the end of our act perhaps during most of that time the room was cleared but the murderer had time to strangle a Vern break Jake's seal and replace it with one of his own I know she wasn't in there when I put the seal on she had been out have said something let us hope so well to allall of you still remember exactly nothing about your own movement or anyone else's oh yes yes uh yes Miss Angel well once I went to the water cooler and I was all alone yes well don't you see see what there was nobody with me anybody could have gone up even you miss Angel oh oh excuse me well it all adds up to this the stage hands could wander about the theater at will candy butcher the stage manager who was angry what are you getting at sure I was sore but I didn't know she was even the flyman who makes no secret of his dislike of burles performers you don't like burles performers either staty or they're not the easiest in the world to get along with they they don't like my pipe uh Mr Rogers yeah where were you I was first on for the finale before that I was dressing Mr Branigan could you put that away oh I can't do my thinking without this seems I can't do mine with it okay I'll turn my back where were you me oh I was just up and down up and down the stairs indeed I didn't say that did you mean it I didn't say I didn't I was just up and down where were you up and down what interest did you have in Lita L what is interest in the Vern goodness when you were up and down the stairs I wasn't up and down on the stairs I was up and down on the floor it's a gag I'm not interested in gags I'm interested in what you were up and down on the stage oh you make me so mad look I'll explain it to you first I stand up and then she kisses me and then I'm down see it starts like this o I'm incubator baby you incubator baby what do you do on Mother's Day I said flowers to an oil Stu matter these they're Comics stop this nonsense what are you trying to tell me the stage the skit up and look I'll stop this nonsense has held up the whole investigation you've driven more important things out of my mind you see where was I I oh yes uh Miss Nina I am the princess Nina and I was in my dressing room until I hear the excitement is that so oh why don't you ask her about Toledo the ver was always making cracks about Toledo making cracks period I told her I had never worked in Toledo that is the truth is it not the truth Mr Foss isn't it she never work in my Toledo theater with LaVine as for CS L and make it is that as this Percy says cracks period the cracks she make to her were enough to start a fight yeah well I was mad enough to take a poke at her and I'm mad now you uh you took a poke with a nail file our report shows well I grabbed at anything I could lay my hands on that sounds natural but a nail file that could be used to kill a person couldn't it sure and if the weapon was murderous the attack might might be considered murderers mighten it wait a minute you're running words around me like a brush fire not words M bter facts I'm not responsible for the facts Mr Rogers was responsible for the quarrel because of his interest in Miss lar we hope to produce a play I obtained on the legitimate stage our interest was purely professional slan threw a bottle at Mr Wong earlier in the evening you resented that I was mad I was plenty mad bringing on a quarrel between between Miss L and Miss Daisy which had been coming on for a long time put that in too she said L should be put out of her misery like a mad dog is that true Miss Daisy yeah well it it was a figure of speech an unfortunate one seeing it was acted on so suddenly now I have something to say yes we are all in the room after the body is found I am next to her suddenly she notices something on her finger she turns away to wipe it up off it is L like the wax on the door perhaps I thought we'd get to that since you started this reunion you made one charge after another you know it was my print on that wax when I walked into this room which you've been saving a little bombshell for the last spot in the bill if I really had changed the wax You' think I'm dumb enough to leave my print in the middle of it murderers are caught by mistakes Miss Daisy I was in the dressing room I saw the wax I was curious and I touched it why did you later furtively wipe it off I wiped it off but not furtively you turned away from me me I turn away from garbage dumps too one more thing the wax that was used to reeal the door has been identified as coming from the box given to you by Mr Wong I gave it to Lolita you knew about it everybody who was in the room knew about it I thought you were regular I didn't think you trying to throw the blame on us I wasn't trying and Le bur hated each other's insides her remarks have shown man there are plenty of people I don't like you for one but I don't go around killing them I didn't say you did I may said that you hated the leverne girl that you were the only person admittedly in the dressing room during the time the murder occurred that the wax used to reeal the door came from a box given to you that your fingerprint was on the wax and that you tried to take that wax from your finger without being noticed stop it diie why you two face snooper wait a minute inspector there there is some mistake inspector is a big mistake Mr you can't think this girl did that murder why look at her sitting there so beautiful and defenseless why only last week she came came to this theater and made more friends than a hull litter of kittens why she couldn't anymore Miss Daisy is very beautiful but she doesn't strike me as being either fragile or ethereal yeah well furthermore that woman wasn't out of my sight all evening that's a silly lie she just said she was alone in the dressing room why we're talking about is why don't you give yourself top villing you forgot to mention that you told us guys this afternoon that you'd kill the leader if she kept running around with that Louis but I loved her I wanted to marry her I loved her too much to kill her is there something you wanted to tell me Miss maxter no didn't you want to tell me it's impossible for Russell Rogers to Le no no no impossible because he's already married married to you you're surprised that I know this two years ago when you were booked during a raid may interest you to know your record was collected we didn't want to make it known because we knew that F didn't hire married couples never me and why did you tell me she wasn't crying the night she threatened to kill the ver and me look at this those marks she did that a week ago tonight I threatened to leave her that isn't true it's all Li how long did you have to practice to make like such your heel please this is the coroner's preliminary report Lita L was poisoned he would have died in three minutes if the Strangler had not interfered in other words the murderer was so impatient he couldn't wait for his poison to take effect or there are two murderers at the old opera house this is my first experience with bque it's a surprising profession you will all remain within reaching distance until the case is settled poisoned if we can just get out of here I don't care what happen I thought there was to be a party tonight are we not to have it that's what I like the sensitive type this is one cookie that's not going back to that room till she's had a bracer not me either I want to where are you going Biff Biff what the picture of Le mother it's gone why that's L Le this I threw it out on the roof Biff listen Dixie I found this in my pocket somebody slipped at there but I didn't think they'd believe that they aren't believing anything so I backed up towards the window for once a comic showed some brains get rid of it oh no Dixie I couldn't do that I've been thinking I was a coward this is evidence important evidence this is the murder weapon and they're bearing down on you do you think I could think of myself I'm going to turn it in but if they won't believe you I'll have to take that chance Dixie when I saw you in trouble up there harrian putting you around died well yes I know you stuck up for me it was swell of you maybe you changed your mind about me well now don't rush me after all you are a comic it' be swell to think your head maybe you're worried well maybe for a few minutes you my goodness you two certainly have strange taste in Romance imagine being alone in a room where a woman was murdered and with a man we wanted you to join the party it looks like we broke one up I'm coming but pipe this the picture of lever's mother is gone was it there tonight she never let it out of her sight she carried it here and home again she spoke to it too oh Mr Kelly will be so excited to hear about this don't Angel p no more push until we get some sleep maybe we both could do some of that uh-uh tonight I got too much on my mind for sleep good night Dixie what you got in your hand at Bud oh nothing I just hello I'll make a move till I get down oh man what's the matter with a guy get a little fresh air out here now let's see what you're trying to tuck away funny man oh nothing I was just give really I I just walk [Music] give well now ain't that cute and pretty a murder weapon or maybe you carry it for sentimental reasons why'd you kill a burn now ain't that just like a flat foot I found it in my pocket planted that's why I was looking for you to give it to you well you found it you were going to give it to me out here well it's dark and I had a look for you oh you had a look did you were you looking for me down the drain pipe so why look like the kind of a guy you'd find on a drain pipe maybe I wouldn't look in such a classy spot for such a your dumb flat footer the inspector's going to be plenty interested in a guy who tries to get rid of murder weapons we'll just take a little ride down to headquarters oh sure we'll get down and see the inspector sure that that's why I was looking for you in the first place now now look I'll explain it again you see it was dark and I was looking for you and and I I bent down to get a better look at the upstairs dressing room windy you see my arm was hanging down by the drain pipe and and what is that drain pipe doing there I can confirm that officer I'm sure Mr branagan only wanted to do his tee he was so worried about important evidence well I'm through talking go on you Burless people around such a merry ground you'll have me catching brass rings but this guy give you a chuckle fixie he couldn't find a goldfish in a cold cream job you weren't using that drain pipe for a mapole oh now listen Dixie I was just oh well maybe that little kiss was worth it good thing for you that's the last little kiss you get from this working girl maybe life in in the electric chair wouldn't be so bad maybe you'll get a try come on goodbye Dixie so long comic Hotel [Music] B Taxi Follow That [Music] C [Music] [Music] what's the matter Dixie you're not worried about that lug sitting in the sail are you no I was thinking how we felt when we pulled out of Columbus the old opera was going to be the last rung in the ladder to the great white way you're doing all right oh sure fine first we run into Comics then murders now that CAC from kosi is on in my spot [Music] [Applause] [Music] I I was expecting you then maybe you were expecting my two weeks notice and second thought no notice do me is it so bad listen I'm not working for Les for Laughs this little girl's got her way to make in the world when you brought me here you promised me the moon now I'm getting green cheese and not liking it why I've been doing all right my face hasn't fallen apart since yesterday I know she wants to get out of burlesque she wants me to produce a show for her I told her to wait she gets impatience so the family huh so that's the fire that started in to she went to South America and then she came back letters cancel checks copies of yeah I get diie I I don't know what to do don't worry everything's going to be all right you look thoughtful Miss Daisy thoughtful is no words staty I am not surp every day is more and more trouble around the old operas not like the old days H oh we had trouble then not murders may be but I could tell you don't you have a look at the label after 35 years I know what box belong to and one for Miss Daisy yeah I suppose we are the oldest things in the theater box The Hermit and another one from the old ghe in row three that a new wrinkle statue in the old days the premand Donas would get notes may be from one of the boxes in dozens of roses and after the performance is over we the company would wait and see the primadonnas go out and there would be crowds and the wealthiest men in the city waiting in evening clothes and carriages I I was very tor oh and you was your voice huh and so I took up smoking a pipe and sitting here we were no better than you people for saving the money well home again after 20 years in the clink framed by the villain the light in the window the faithful caretaker and the little woman waiting they give you watch dogs not exactly Miss Daisy if you would tell Miss Angel I'm here what's this huh you're behind in your literature Irish he's a 35 years old you ain't whistling it's literature I've learned more about burles in 5 minutes than I did all the time that I was yeah we'll hurry it up and we'll send Joey on again and you can sit in the clink for good get a load of that gu how come you are here oh they H to let me go new evidence what they found Louis's car right around the corner from the theater so he didn't use that in his getaway they didn't find lever's picture of her mother but they did find the frame where ah they won't say where found Lita's Bank book in her apartment yesterday she Drew 10,000 smackers out of the bank now where did that money go to maybe down the drain pipe with the rest of the evidence aren't you uh teeny weeny bit glad to see me back no okay you'll see me in a minute we're on [Music] next imagine you being here tonight Mr Kelly everything is happening to me tonight tonight I do my first specialty well I'll be right there to give you my for encouragement oh thank you of course now I'll have to was my waist off closer be PL on duty after all this is an important case Please Mr Kelly please don't talk about the murder so gruesome who do you think D it well it could be almost anybody oh do you really think so Mr Kelly Pera pal you want to huddle on some of those big discoveries come on get [Music] okay [Music] well well well here I am in a strange of foreign country and before me stands his mysterious Egyptian Gaza box this is the land of the ti fly the goaa bird and the can can girl also those strange mysterious love potions which nowadays we call vitamin pills I am what is known as an archaeologist an archaeologist is a guy that digs up mummies while the other day I dug up a mummy and he was a hepcat how did I know he was a hepcat because he turned to me and said do you me Jack it's the princess another around the neck again bring the curtain [Music] down all right side where' that box come from The Prop Room get in there oh Mr Kelly don't leave me boss somebody just knocked off the princess when was she last seen alive after her number I guess inspect inspector could it could it be [Music] suicide it's [Music] Lou get back the lights out give me some help put a spot on him he was hiding in the prop room and he got me first any other way out of that ceiling there's another ladder over there if you take them from both sides key B get over there you're surrounded l give up come down you ain't getting me back [Music] in coming up I'm waiting for [Music] you I didn't do it I didn't kill her don't think you're going to get me for it [Music] cers [Applause] I told you to stay back I told you to lay off I told you you won't get guilty or not he was afraid of a w even before it was pinned on him well I guess we can cross off one of our question marks or hang one more on our collection oh don't look at me as if I were crazy put it down to women's intuition but I'm sure feeling a chunk of it why should he kill the princess if we knew all the motives and murder cases Miss Daisy there would be no Mysteries besides the prop room was locked what that it was all right if he was hiding inside he couldn't have got out to kill the princess well I guess we're going to have to go upstairs again round them up everybody hey you [Music] upstairs J why was the uh Prop Room locked had to be by only a month ago a certain comic walks out with a bundle of my dishes that he says his laundry laundry but that guy never own more than one shirt at a time in his life that's a lie what's a lie that you stole my dishes or you got only one shirt inspector the way I figured is go on Jake well last night The Prop Room was open some of the liquor was stored there for the party and Louie must have run through the basement and duck there then we trapped him when we went in for that bracer and I locked the door when we left he couldn't have got out after you left no sir well seems like we're right back where we started well Mr Branigan too bad we didn't release you after this killing M Daisy Mr Rogers Miss bter found it when we looked over the Prop Room wrong to anybody here you j i yes I Burn's picture of her I found it honest I found it like I did the frame just after that Ruckus up out the body I was going to turn it in too but it was torn and you scared me and I no reason for you to be scared unless you were guilty Jay you don't believe me listen there's plenty people been adding suspicious around here lately he never said nothing about knowing the princess ask him why he took her to her hotel last night and went upstairs with her too ask her why she followed him why she was still sitting there when I left why did you follow the princess Jake I I was just trying to help yes yes J nothing inspector he was only trying to help me I lied the princess did work in my too theater we were we were well acquainted blackmail Mr Foss I see where do you come in Jake I'd been with him in Toledo I knew she had him on the spot I thought if I found out something to make her lay off listen when my wife was sick I found the hospital money in my envelope without even asking it's things like that you can't repay sometimes a person can find a way Jake was the princess satisfied with what you were giving her she kept quiet she wanted a lot you had every reason to wish that she were dead didn't you inspector I uh Miss Baxter I I beg your BD Mrs Rogers why were you following the princess last night well I couldn't make it out first L and then the princes I was trying to figure the connection naturally uh Mr Rogers why did you go home with the princess gentlemen don't usually answer that question since when were you a gentleman how long did you stay I can tell you I sat up long enough in that Lobby chair to fall asleep when I woke up he was standing at the cigar stand buying a box of cigars and a humidor to put them in cigars well that doesn't sound very much as though he were in a murdering mood does it you have any cigars on you now Mr Rogers sure go ahead excellent brand excellent my wife saves up sometimes and gives me these for a birthday present you always smoke them I like class h that's a laugh I smoked his cigars before pounded seaweed well as a matter of fact I you've changed for something a little more expensive I see why Mr Rogers why suddenly switch to the most extravagant cigars you can buy and a whole box at a time not the usual two or three and a humidor to keep them in why Mr Rogers let me tell you $1,000 is missing taken the murdered woman enough to buy a good many of these cigars money Tak by you oh no l was afraid of Louie she was going to throw you over but you wanted the money she had promised was that why she withdrew the $10,000 yeah yeah that's it she gave me the money when what time a day oh no you took that money when she was dead or dying you poisoned her but she was strong tough you watched her ring and crawling toward the door she was going to call for help oh stop it princess gave me the money princess sounds like a stall to me please why Mr Rogers Well to produce my play she wanted to get out of burlesque I heard her kill the ver come on well after Louie left they were making cracks at me and I I went down to the princess room she wasn't there she was up with leverne I heard them talking through the ventilator Lolita knew about Toledo and she'd been threatening to tell F's wife and crab the princess racket last night Naina pretended she didn't mind paying off that there was enough for both of them they drink to it I heard her fill the glasses and then Elita gagged you sat by through that after a couple of minutes I went up princess was coming down from the third floor when she left the room she must have heard someone coming up the the Strangler and ducked upstairs but on the way down I saw her open the door and look in for a minute oh don't you see that's why she had to be killed she saw you perhaps did you come up to finish her job you knew about the money oh little lady said she had it on her but it was gone when I took the g strings I ought to scared of your teeth for planting it on me I had to get rid of it he makes me squir he's not a very strong character why should I kill the princess dead women tell no Tales Mr Rogers oh no no I couldn't do it believe me I couldn't no I don't believe you could you let me go no Mr Rogers the very uncomfortable thing to be an accessory after the fact take Mr Rogers down to headquarters booking you got me in this Take Your Filthy Hands Off me Steady inspector whatever I thought well I I take it back well it certainly makes me feel relieved me too and I hope not too relieved we have eliminated one suspect Lou and one mystery the poison but the Strangler well Miss Daisy does your woman's intuition tell you Mr Rogers is guilty no I must warn you all to stay as far away from the theater as possible the murderer will probably strike again in fact it might be best to close the close the there there will be no show tomorrow you can come to my office for your checks wait a minute I'm uh I'm not exactly used to making speeches isn't my beautiful diction that gets me by in Burlesque but here goes this murderer seems to have done pretty well what he tried to do closed the old opera first he pulled the raid and when that wasn't enough he really started putting on the pressure now it looks like he's going to get what he wants and darn the I'm for letting him get away with it darn if I'm for sticking around to get strangled by my Mo bead work I've left a lot of jobs in my time but I always stuck until the last kick in the pants if the job was worth having and I'm not going to be scared out of the best job I ever had by a couple of ghosts we're all stockholders aren't we we've got a right to protect our property we've got a stake in seeing that the old opera keeps going you know once I thought I wanted to get out of burlesk now I'm not so sure maybe I'm not so snoody anymore maybe I just want to stick around with GG Dolly fosty and Jake and mmy and Alice and Mandy and come on who's going to be the first to chip in with me Dixie me I'm with you Dixie yes we'll stick and stick and stick and stick all right you're all bats but I guess I'm bats with you well I guess I'll get surprising profession don't hurry says I'm hurrying I'm not scared believe me MAA are going to feel a lot better than night shows for a while Mr Kelly said I was the brav girl he'd ever seen I'm going out with him tonight and believe me tonight's one night I'll be glad to have a policeman beside me it's a matter Angel scared don't joke about it I still haven't decided whether I like you or not well I guess I'll have to get along without you tonight Sarah Jane I'll finish this at home you didn't do that M Daisy oh I noticed nothing never happens after I come on I hear you have a little more excitement tonight yeah a little yeah so see you at the car okay I'll be back in a minute I want to get some cigarettes for the machine in the Loba I'll be ready then bring me a pack too where are you going honey who me I'm going down to the Peerless baring grill with the rest of you guys for a Midnight's snake in a whale of a Time [Music] you can't even scream your throat is tight your tongue is dry a few minutes your friend said you're hoping there won't be time it took only a few seconds for Lolita a little longer for the princess but she wasn't half dead already and now another lovely lady of burles the loveliest of them all I wanted to kill every woman on that stage close the old opera she' Gone Forever once it was a place of Glory you aren't afraid of [Music] ghosts not so fre with the murder pal [Music] here Dixie honey are you all right well I'll beat Dixie honey Biff you sound like you're glad to see the face I never was so glad to see her face in my life what were you doing out there oh me yeah watch out remember a little Grand standing that flat foot here misunderstood yeah the Maple and the reading matter I educated myself with in the clink yeah Mr Bran's taste in Reading was unexpectedly useful very unexpectedly right in the middle of it I found a Dame's picture that looked familiar the's her mother sure but I didn't remember until I got a flash of that torn picture and checked it upstairs afterwards then all I had to do was look at the name statio now everybody knows how staty or statio here was Sour on Burlesque must have really thrown him off his nut when he found his own granddaughter was working here granddaughter sure you never know where you find a relative in show business but grandpappy's Pride couldn't swallow it you mean you figured that out all by yourself some Grand standard huh now the way I figure it while he was hiding in a Sol during the raid he sees you trying for the cold shoot and he really goes bets next he tries his little strangling act on lever the princess catches him at it so that makes it her turn next and while I'm upstairs trying to sell this story to these two I hear about Gigi being dumb enough to leave you alone so he could finish what he started why didn't you just send him an engraved invitation honey well that does it why you Hamond bushling Hawkshaw Dixie had a hunch it with statue ever since he spotted his hands in the mailbox the hands that try to choke her the glory so she framed all this I've been sitting down the stairs with with him waiting for something to happen what we didn't know was the statue was already in the room what I didn't know was that I'd be too scared even to scream but I had to try my hunch out some way nobody seemed to think a lot of my intuition as I said before burles is a surprising business so surprising it took a couple of burles just to figure this out Mr Kelly where were you I was waiting we uh I uh we had a you mean sty mhm oh the things that happen around here Alice are you all right oh of course I'm all [Music] right hey I thought you was a girl who didn't like Comics even from a distance well from close this one isn't bad say what is this routine oh it's the same old routine but maybe with a different finish I want a blonde you want a blonde what kind of a blonde any kind one like this or one like this or one like this you look like you're a blonded heart maybe I feel like one hey lady you left your motor running you started it and I bet I can finish it run again ran invite the gang Gigi we're dunking donuts at a wedding breakfast ouch oh look well isn't love thrilling it sure is yeah if only you'd speak up or do something I I thought that you and that fall in there you're always oh don't be silly never did like big fell then then you mean that you would that is you could oh you make me so glad [Music]
Channel: Cult Cinema Classics
Views: 185,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: old movies, public domain, films, B movies, classic film, cult film, yt:cc=on, पूरी फिल्म, filme completo, película completa, فيلم كامل, full movie
Id: wWlj5ZqBP9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 58sec (5398 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2023
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