Anchor Point Magic 02 - Micro Normals & Micro Height in Substance 3D Painter

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In the second video of this, multi-part tutorial series on how to use anchor points in various ways. We will go over how to create this end result with the focus being on, how to add dirt and grime to add text over here. And also do these Normal map details over here, we will do this using something called microphone height, and Micro normal. So as you can see, our Normal Map details over here, they do not actually exist. We painted them inside of substance painter, so they are not modeled in. However, thanks to the help of anchor points. We are still able to add dirt and grime to them. So what our anchor points, anchor points are a powerful feature that lets you reuse a part of your layer stack. This means that you can define a mask or layer once and the reference. It dynamically in other layers. If you change the Anchor Point, all references are updated as well. Letting you work smarter and faster. Now. Now before we get started, I just wanted to show the project to you that we have set up. So first of all, we have a simple bronze material over here just like last time. Then on top of this, we have a fill layer that only has two heightmap activated. And this fill layer contains a mask with our text. I'm talking about this text over here, that you can see. Now, on top of this. We have a very simple dirt fill layer. So this is a simple fill layer with a base coat. Only activated at this black. A roughness that can control like the half this amount of your dirt and a metallic map that is activated. That is also black. Now. This fill layer has a black mask and is Black Mask has a generator on it. I already showed you in the previous video, how to add a generator. We also call these generators smart masks, which you can find over here. If you want to change it to like a different type of smart mask. So this generator has a very simple dirt generator that will just start a little bit of Next, our dirt to our model. So what we're going to do now is we want to add some extra dirt to our text over here. However, we want to use our smart masks in order to generate this dirt because we do not want to go in and do all of the painting, and this is where our anchor points come in. So what we can do is we can use something called a micro height. The way that this works, is we go into our text layer and you just go to your simple mask and you want to add an anchor point. You once again, do notice that the text layer is below and then our dirt in which we are going to generate, everything is at the top because once again, this is how that the anchor points read so we can go ahead and we can just leave the name to text mask or you can double-click and you can change it. So, how are we going to tell our generator that this text mask is actually in height map and to include it into our dirt. We can do this by clicking on our smart mask and Every single smart mask over here, has the exact same settings. So don't worry about that. And then what you want to do is you want to, if we make this a bigger, you want to go ahead and scroll all the way down. Now down here, you will see a micro normal and a micro Heights, because this is a black and white texture, because it is a mask. It is a micro height. However, later in this tutorial. I will also show you how to add Michael normals. So we go to our micro height. We go to Anchor points and we grab our text mask over here. Now, nothing will happen yet. This is because we need to go ahead and we need to scroll up and in a micro details over here. We need to turn it on. So here you can say, Okay. I want to activate for example, on Michael height, you press 2. And now you can see that it has all the dirt to our micro height. We can set our curvature intensity. We can set our high details and we can also play how to The AO radius and stuff like that, but we have a problem. I want to actually have this dirt sitting like in the opposite direction. I want to have it in between my texts and not on top of my texts. This is very simple. We simply want to scroll down to our micro height, go into our levels and invert it and that's it. Now, you can scroll back up and you can just mess around with these settings, a little bit to add your dirt that you can see over here. So I would recommend playing around with it. Mostly the AO radius is to 1 that will give you most of the effect because the AO in this case is very strong over here. Now, what I want to show you is I also want to show you how to add your micro normal details. Now, for normal details. I'm going to just show you a very basic example just to show you how everything works. So if we go ahead and go here above the text, what we want to do is we want to add a simple layer and let's go ahead and just double click on it and Call this layer normal unscored details. Now, in this layer. You just want to go ahead and want to scroll down over here to your maps. And you want to turn everything off, except for the nrm, which is your normal slot. Now, all that we need to do now is we need to go up here into textures and then we want to go ahead and grab a interesting normal. I went ahead and I went for the event capsules, horizontal. Of course, you can use whatever you want. For this, we want to go ahead and drag this onto our normal slot over here. And now with a brush, if you would click on the air, you can see that now, it is painting in our normals. However, the fading it is actually removing some of our normals you can get rid of this simply by going up to your Alpha and simply pressing the x button in order to make your offer completely sharp. And there we go. Now we have a normal. So I'm going to do this super basic. Like, I'm not going to make this nice at all. I'm just going to click a few times until I get roughly like the effects that I want, because it is just for show case. I would, of course, spent a lot more time in this, if you want to make it very nicely. So, let's go ahead and let's you something like that. For example, it's just read from a distance. It looks kind of cool. So, over here. We now have our normal map details now, all that we need to do now is we need to add an anchor point to this. We do not. To create a mask. Because this time, we are referencing a normal, which is not a black-and-white map. So we want to Simply go to our magic wand and adds an anchor points. And I'm just going to leave the name. Now, this going to be super simple because we already set up most of us settings for micro Heights. So all that we need to do is we need to scroll all the way down and then in our Michael normal, we want to go to Anchor points and we want to grab the normal details, very important. Make sure Make sure to set the are referenced channel to normal because else it is not referencing, the correct Channel and we want to reference our normal Channel. Once this is done, we can just call up and then over here in our micro details. We can turn on our micro normal and instantly. You can see that it will use the same settings. And now we also have a DOT on a micro normal, and that is basically how that the micro hides, any micro normal work, using anchor points in substance tree. T-Pain sir.
Channel: Adobe Substance 3D
Views: 6,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: materials, procedural, PBR, Physically based rendering, Scans, Photogrammetry, scanning, environment art, 3D support, 3D design, 3D painting, 3D texturing, realistic, hyper-realistic, texturing, 3D material
Id: HL5mZdzzgIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 39sec (459 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 05 2021
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