Substance Painter Vs Blender | for Texturing Your Models

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hello and welcome to gambit media I'm grant Abbott and today I'm going to talk about the substance painter versus blender so this brief discussion is about texturing and materials obviously substance painter doesn't do modeling and the many other things that blender does so blenders the winner there but how do they compare when it comes to making materials and texturing well let's find out first of all I'd like to thank CG boost for allowing me to use the images from their new course which they've let me take a look at and I can thoroughly recommend it as usual their content is absolutely fantastic what I like about this one compared to other substance painter courses I've done is not only the fact that it's really accessible for beginners but it's also from a blender to substance painter point of view and they talked about how you can set up your models within blender and then take them across to substance painter links for that course are in the description they are affiliated links so you'll be supporting me if you click on those but I won't let it bias my opinion as to whether a blender or substance beta is better for materials and texturing so first of all it's important to say that substance painter is a paid-for piece of software so it's not free like blender one-nil - blender it currently cost 19.99 teen dollars a year it's probably worth saying that that's a indeed license and that means your revenue needs to be under 100k per year now there is a student license and that will last for three years but you must prove that you are a student and you have to refresh this each year I think it's also important to mention that everything that you can do in substance painter you can do in blender from what I've seen anyway and my experience and that's in terms of the end result not the tools that are available so using blender you can come up with some very professional excellent looking models dependent on your skill now please do comment below if you disagree with me it's very helpful to other people who watch these videos so they can get more of a wider opinion and do check out the comments below and see what people are saying so why would anybody pay for substance painter when blender can do it all well especially from a beginners point of view the complex no system and baking system within blender can be quite a pain to get to grips with even from a professional point of view what can be done in a couple of clicks with substance painter can often take a good few minutes with blender for example baking out materials from a high poly object to a low poly object something that's really common in most workflows with professional models in substance painter you can bring both your meshes in and tell it to bake and it will do it all for you and create them apps in blender you have to hook up all your nodes create all your materials and wait for them one by one now it's worth pointing out that some people have made add-ons which can automate some of these tasks that substance painter automates within its program but from what I've seen most of those cost money and from the looks of things they don't seem quite as easy as substance Baker still one thing that I've not seen within blender is upscaling of texture maps and substance painter can do that so you can have texture maps of let's say 512 and then change your mind and boost them right up to 2k textures without any problems so in terms of time saved substance painter is a clear winner here also for ease of use yes substance painter comes out on top also another area where you can save time and actually some money is in the textures they have lots of built in textures or textures that come with the program and therefore you don't need to search online for PBR libraries or pay for materials from different sites not only that but they also have smart materials and smart masks a good example of this would be lets say a rusty but painted metal material so it would find the places that would most likely rust let's say the very edges that are open to the elements and it would add rust into there but other sections that were big and flat it would just put the odd scratch and the odd section of rust so these smart materials and smart masks are able to look at your model and figure things out in terms of its direction and its cavities and then decide where to put the textures accordingly you can easily edit these afterwards so you can go in and paint the bits d-d-don't perhaps like and adapt your textures and materials accordingly so whilst blender can produce excellent models and the equivalent in terms of textures and materials their ease of use and the accessibility of substance painter is certainly beating blender by quite a long way it's worth considering in terms of your own work whether you're a hobbyist and you want to get better or you're a professional and you need to save time both I would argue it's worth going and spending some money on substance painter now you may ask why I don't use substance painter one of the main reasons is that because I've got a blender channel I like to use blender all the time for everything I do so that I can teach it to people and I try to keep within blender so that everything is accessible to people who may not be able to afford the cost for come with substance painter also when it comes to things like hand-painted textures which I seem to do a lot of I tend to work on just one layer and blenders adequate for that task however the more I see of people using substance painter and the results they get with fairly minimal effort the more I'm encouraged to move across to that piece of software I am extremely hopeful that the clever people at blender will be able to implement some of these elements and make it simpler and easier for the users in the future but for now I would definitely say that substance painter is the clear winner so do check out CD boost this course I'm actually still looking through it myself because there's lots of useful and handy hints in there it covers all the important things in blender such as UV unwrapping and preparing your models for substance painter but also all the details within substance painter such as how to use the PPR maps making out your textures and they've got lots of great project files that you can work through and follow along with the instructor and remember the links for that are in the description so do let me know whether you agree or disagree in the comments below thanks for watching and I hope this helps
Channel: Grant Abbitt
Views: 127,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: understand, texture, paint, learn, blender, tutorials, 3d, art, graphics, game, material, guide, easy, painting, how to, substance painter, substance, allegorithmic, allegorithmic substance painter, allegorithmic substance designer, Blender 2.8, uv, materials, shaders, PBR, games, films, games design
Id: smiEZinVuF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 21sec (381 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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