Warp Projection in Substance 3D Painter

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[Music] hi in this video i'm going to take you through how to use the new warp projection mode that was added in painter 7.3.1 to do that first i want to distort a simple shape this arrow here on a fill layers mask so i'm going to create a new fill layer i'll set this fill layer to red so that it's very obvious i'm going to add a black mask to it and then in this black mask i'm going to add a fill wire fill because the warp projection mode only works with fill i'll then take this alpha drop into that slot we can see it's visible right now on my tiling plane so ignore the rest i'm just going to focus on this middle part to show you the warp basics i scroll up i can set the projection mode from uv projection to warp projection now if you zoom out a bit you see that the warp projection mode is slightly strangely aligned right now so there's an easy way to fix that if you want to get it to appear correctly you press the surface tool and hotkey for that is shift w and just move it over the surface to get your warp to appear like that now it's still kind of big so i'm going to press r for scale and i'm going to look at it from the top and scale my arrow down a bit like that if you don't want this to repeat you can also turn off the uv wrap to none but in this case it doesn't make any difference because i'm using a tiling plane anyway so what i'd like to do specifically to show you the warp basics is i want to bend this arrow slightly like you know a bend modifier that you would do in another 3d program or a 2d program so once you set it to warp projection there's a few things you can do um the main one would be that if you click on the settings for the warp so that's up here you can set the grid so i can set the number of rows for example i can unlock this as well and i would actually like to have let's say four columns like that maybe let's go for three that's a little easier and i can change the handle size as well so i can make those large you can change the grid color so it's a little bit difficult to see so let me just set that to purple that should make it just a little bit more visible if you actually want to start modifying this warp grid here in a simple case you set the subdivision settings here and then you go into this drop down menu next to it that lets you choose how to affect the warp right now i'm transforming the warp so that means i get to move it around but it gets really interesting once you go to edit vertices this lets you actually select the vertices and modify them so i can draw a selection frame like this and then use the regular move tools just like you would work in 2d or 3d to select parts out so i'm switching between the different tools with w e and r i'm just going to select a few of these rotate this out and move them like so again using e moving these around and just trying to get this aligned in a simple way you can even move them individually by just dragging like that right so it gives me a little bit more control over it like so all right let's push those out a bit more there that's a quicker way if you want to move individual points move these a bit closer as well so that's a very simple way to use warp on a 2d shape you can always switch back to regular moving of the warp as well by going into the transform warp up here and then you can simply move the warped shape around like you did before now that's a simple case let's move on to a more complex one to go a little bit more in depth so i've got a new example open here this is the man that we used for the promotion of the warp feature and it's a good example of when the warp really makes sense so i have a scanned face from a website called texturingxyz so this was scanned from a real person comes with height maps and roughness maps i have this sculpted face that was made by my co-worker geo problem is that the proportions of the scanned face don't match the 3d sculpted face and i'd still like to transfer them and for that warp is a perfect case to move things around so let's set that up first i'm going to create a fill layer i'm going to use my textures in the base color and we'll take this and put that into the roughness we will also put this part into the height now the height is a bit too strong so i'm going to add a levels to the height and i'm just going to really limit the output of that so the height isn't too strong next let's change our projection settings so we're using warp on a full material here so i'm going to change the projection to warp projection and set the uv wrap to none if i zoom out a bit the warps kind of it's gold see it's floating in 3d space here i want to get this into a good position first so i'm going to aim it somewhere towards the center of the face right so just in general i'd like to get it what i think is about the center of the face like that now the scale is all off so what you want to do first is you want to scale this down so that you get the approximate proportions like that so scale it down a bit more something like that and i want to do the same in that direction you see if i'm looking closely you can start to see the issue now the eyebrows are too low the eyes aren't in the right position the nose is too low the mouth is a bit too low so let's try and move it up a bit more there we go we still want to move this around quite a bit and wrap it around the face as well so i'm happy with these proportions then the next thing i'm going to do is like before go to edit vertices i'm going to take these guys and i'm going to wrap them around all the way to the side probably try and get the ear aligned do the same for the other side take these and wrap them around until we get to a position where that kind of makes sense and you see that there's a projection depth as well there's a setting you can use to control this right it controls the length of the projection i'll probably set this a bit deeper it doesn't hurt to go a bit further okay so we've got our basic setup and one very important thing to keep in mind is we want to try and pull this off with as little points as possible the more points you get the harder it becomes to manage them what's really interesting here as well is that if i grab one of these and use the quick move on them it snaps to the surface immediately see so this is instantly snapping to the surface so i'm going to do that for each of the main points already and see how they've sort of wrapped and got closer uh together again i'm going to have to fix that at a later point so i'll do the same thing here move that about over there move this a bit lower so try and get in a good view and we'll place each of these on our guy all right we can do the same thing for this nose here bring it up a bit and you can see sometimes it gets a bit funky right so like this one's jumped away so i can try and rotate that one a bit to bring it back but yeah it's just acting a bit strange so i'm going to have to cut some extra loops in here to fix this up so if you click here you can use this to split the warp horizontal and vertically so the first thing i want to do is i want to add some vertical splits so i'm going to split the warp vertically add one there and you have to select it again each time you want to do it so split warp vertically add one there then i'm going to go back into edit vertices and bring these to the surface and get them into like a good position right so you can use these to stretch it out pull this around and try and get like semi decent proportions so pulling that in there and this one we want to move on the face as well right so we definitely want to add another horizontal cut over here to get it closer to the face so we're going to do the same thing split warp horizontally and i try and estimate by like using the surface normal to see that it goes about in the middle of the mouth like so then i'm just going to snap this back if the rotation is strange remember you can always simply use the rotate tool to rotate this out you don't have to use the surface snapping the regular move is fine for this as well so we'll get that into that position okay so we're getting closer things are getting aligned but we'll have to add a few more so we definitely want to add a cut around the eyes to do those so again split bar vertically and trying to estimate where they're actually going to end up so after quite a bit of tweaking this isn't exactly a fast process this is what i ended up with so i've tried to make sure to align the nose properly the eyes are aligned the eyebrows are aligned the mouth is aligned okay as well and i had to add an extra cut around these two to get more control it's still not completely there so one tip i can give you is don't start adding more points to a specific section like the mouth just to get that one thing to align properly what you would do is create another layer where we simply cropped out the mouth so you can see this here the mouth and the mouth is then a separate warp projection that goes on top and the mouth simply has a mask see we've painted out a mask where the mouth appears and it blends over the top and allows me to move it in a better position so key areas like the mouth the eyes or even the nose you could do those with a separate projection where you take the same texture this was cropped out in adobe photoshop just align it and do it separately no point in making your grid for the entire face so dense that you can't move it anymore so just use a separate one to get things aligned like that also one tip is if you go into the warp settings it can get a bit busy with these normals so you can turn these off right now as well this makes it a little bit easier to uh to work with especially if you turn on the vertices just a little bit easier to see what's going on as well so there's that setting show normals that's it for this video i hope this helps you get started keep in mind what projection needs to fill don't use too many points and make use of the shortcuts like w e and r and a drag to move across the surface good luck with it
Channel: Adobe Substance 3D
Views: 11,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: materials, procedural, PBR, Physically based rendering, Scans, Photogrammetry, scanning, environment art, 3D support, 3D design, 3D painting, 3D texturing, realistic, hyper-realistic, texturing, 3D material
Id: 6_8CCf6v-uM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 24 2021
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