Meet MAT: The 2017 Substance 3D Painting Contest

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[Music] you hello and welcome to this substance painter tutorial in this video we're going to take a look at the project set up painting and rendering for the substance painter contest so to get started I wanted to show you how you can download a trial of substance painter so here I'm at the algorithmic website so algorithmic calm and if I come over here to this download by page you can see here is our 30 day free trial downloads here we have substance painter and you can just choose the platform that you want to work with now when I click download I am going to get prompted to either login or create an algorithmic account the next thing we're going to do is jump over here to substance share where you can download the asset you'll be texturing for the contest for substance share you'll need to log in or create an account if you don't have one already then you'll go to the mesh's category character and you'll be able to download the file which will be called mesh underscore mat lastly here on substance source we have some materials that you can download for free to use in your project the link is provided in the description of this video so you can just click the material and then here you can choose to download here again you'll also need to have an account here for substance source so once you've downloaded the mesh and you have these materials will now jump over to painter create a project and then I'll show you how to render the asset for your submission to the contest here I have substance painter open and the first thing I'm going to do is create my project so I'll go to file new and in the new project dialog I'm going to use the PBR metallic roughness template for the mesh I'll hit select and navigate to the directory where I have downloaded the mesh mat FBX so I'll select the FBX and I'll click open for my document resolution I'm going to set this to just a working 2k and then I'll just leave everything else as is and click OK so this creates my substance painter project and here you can see the asset has been loaded next I'd like to add the substances that I grabbed from substance source into my project so here I'll click the import button of my shelf this opens up the import resources dialog and I'll click the add resources button so now I'll navigate to where I've downloaded this up I'll just select them all and click open all of these items are now loaded here into my resources now I'm going to hold down the shift key and left-click to select all these resources at the same time which means I can now edit them all together so here for this undefined option this is going to be a tag that I can set I want to click this button and choose base material and you can see that everything has been set to base material next I'm going to come to my import resources - and choose my project now that I have my project set I can add a new tag in this area to specifically filter these assets here in my shelf so to do that I'm just going to type in a tag of contest now that I have this set I'll click import and here we have our substances so what I'm going to do here is click the filter editor button I'll click the text query and in the search field I'm going to type in that tag that I've set called contest and this import tag I'm going to remove this one so now that I have this set I can click the save a new shelf preset from the current filters and so when I do that you can see that I now have this contest option so now I can just close the filter window and this lets me quickly navigate here to a nice filtered result of the substance as I import into my project I can also break this out into a new window just to make it real easier to work so here I'm going to click this button here which will create a sub shelf I can actually left-click and drag this to tear it off and just place it anywhere else in the UI so here I've just created a new shelf tab now I have quick access to these substances while I browse for other assets like alphas or brushes or even my smart materials now we're ready to start texturing the asset I am going to want to use some mass generators in my painting process so what I'm going to do is bake some Maps so here I have my three texture sets and I can actually batch process the baking for all three of these guys so what I do is just the first texture set selected I'll go to baked textures and here I'll just hit none for my additional maps what I'm going to do is just choose aiming occlusion and curvature now I don't have a high resolution mesh I'm actually going to bake my ambient and curvature from the mesh that I have loaded in my project so for my output size I'll set this to 2048 and then here I have an for baked all texture sets again this will bake a oh and curvature for all of my sets so let's do that now so now I have my Matt bakes and here you can see that I have a oh and curvature is placed here in the additional map slot for my texture set we're going to start with just a head now we have a specific environment map we want you to use for the contest so let's go ahead and set that up now so we'll go to our viewer settings and here for the environment map I want to set my environment map so I'm going to click the button here to load up the mini shelf and I'm going to scroll down and here we have an option for this tomoco studio let's use this one alright so like I said we're going to start with the head first so here are my smart materials I'm going to start with this aluminum so I'll just left-click and drag and drop this here into my shelf and so here you can see that we have this aluminum applied now holding down the shift key and the right mouse button to just rotate my environment alright so now we have this aluminum and I'd also like to have basically like kind of like a double coat material so we have aluminum on the bottom and then we're going to have like this glossy vinyl on top so I'm going to take the glossy vinyl now this is from the substance source materials I'm not drag and drop this here into my shelf as well and I'll place it just right above that aluminum so what I'm going to do for this guy is just come over to the settings here for this fill and I'm going to change the projection here to try planar and then I'm going to change my UV scale this is going to tile this material so I'll just pile this a bit and so here's the result that I have and now what I would like to do is mask this glossy vinyl material so that we can see some of this aluminum underneath so to do that I will right-click and I'll choose add black mask so I'm adding this mask here to that glossy vinyl so it's black it means it's completely transparent so we fully see the aluminum underneath of this so what I'm going to do here is come over to the effects button here I'm going to add effect and let's choose a generator and so now you can see that this generators added as part of the mask I'll click this generator button and here we have this option for this metal edge where I'm going to choose this guy now this effect is opposite of what I right now so I can just come over to the invert option and choose on so now you can see that I have some wearing here at the edges to reveal that aluminum underneath and I can interactively work with the settings so I can increase the wear level I can increase the grunge amount like so so we'll just do something like this here so now I'd like to add a secondary effect to this mask that I'm building up so here I'm going to click my effect button and this time I'm going to choose a fill now on this fill I can come over to this grayscale button I can click this and I'm doing a search here for grunge so in this case I just typed in grunge and it filters by grunge maps and I'll scroll down here in the mini shelf and I'm going to find one of these grunge maps there's one here that I like this one grunge scratches so I'll left-click to choose this map now this is actually a substance itself so I have a few parameters that I can work with for one I want to take the contrast and move this up a bit so now here's the effect that I'm getting I can also adjust the balance so if I want to take a look at this mask that's being built I can actually just hold down the Alt key and left click right on the mask and that's going to put me in mask mode here in the viewer this just kind of helps visualize this mask that I'm trying to build up so now what I'd like to do for this grunge scratches fill layer that I've added I'm gonna change its blending mode so that I can combine it here with this metal edge wear that I already have so here for the blending mode I'm going to choose multiply now what I'm building up here is what we refer to as the effects stack here in substance painter so now I'm just going to hit M on the keyboard to go back to my material mode and you can see that I now have this combined effect of a mask generator which is the metal edge wear and this grunge scratches procedural texture so now that I have these two layers I'd like to just put them in a group to represent this as one full material so I'm going to come over to the top of the layer stack and create a folder and here I'm just going to call this base and let's just select both of these guys so I can hold down shift and left-click to select both layers and I'll just left-click and drag and drop them in here into the layer group so now I have a single group here that represents this complex material now I'd like to be able to reuse this material so what I can do is right-click on and choose to create a smart material and so here my shelf you can see that this smart material has been added as a new option for me and we can reuse this here on the other texture sets for this mesh so now I'd like to add some more variation here and by adding some new materials so let's come back over here and let's use this metal weave substance that we got from source so a left-click and drag and drop and replace this here on the top and so since this is on top of the layer stack it's overriding everything now I'm going to change its projection mode here to try planar and then I'm going to adjust my UV scale so let's just maybe try something like well here I'll come into here I can double click and I'll type 2.9 so now what I'd like to do is mask this layer to a specific area on this mesh and so an easy way to do that is just to right click and choose add black mask now I'm going to use a tool called the polygon fill tool and you can find it here at the top of the toolbar so I'll select this tool and here we have several options the two options that our most views useful is the mesh fill and the UV I'm going to choose the UV chunk fill option and here I have a color which is white to black so white is going to be opaque and black is going to be transparent so with this set to white I can just left click here onto the mesh to set a mask if I hold down the Alt key and left-click on the mask you can see the mass that's being generated for me and this mask is being generated by me filling my UV shell with this white color so here I'll hit M on the keyboard again to go back to material mode now here I'm in the 3d view I come up towards the top and I click the 3d 2d split I can also just click here in the 2d view to make these UV shell selections so I can do it in the 2d view or the 3d view whichever is easier for now I'm going to go back here just to my 3d only view next I'd like to go back here to my smart materials and grab this aluminum and then I drag this here to the top of my shelf as well so again because it's on the top of the layer stack it's overriding everything now we need to mask this layer so again right click add black mask I'm going to use my polygon fill set to UV mode and then I'm just going to click on an area here to fill this UV shell so here's what I have but you know I think I made a mistake I think I'd like to change this portion so what I can do since I'm in this polygon fill mode I can just hit X on the keyboard and that will automatically just invert this color value that I'm going to use for our mask and then I'll just simply just left-click back on this area to change the mask value so now here's the mask that I get so I'll go back here to my brush tool and I'm going to work with a setup like this so the last thing I'd like to do here is just create an overall dirt layer so here at the top of the toolbar of the layer stack I'm going to click this create fill layer and what I'll do is I just call this base now the fill layer allows me to create a material based on the channels I have enabled so I don't really need to worry about the height for now or my normal so for the color I'm going to choose something we just pick something kind of like this here just kind of like a dirt color so we'll do something like that and for my roughness I want to set this up pretty high and then my metallic I want to be here at black or 0 so now I have this let's mask this as well so we'll right-click add a black mask I will come over here to my effects add a generator and a good generator for producing kind of dirt effects is this one called ng dirt and what this is going to do is basically mass this dirt to the occluded areas based on my ambient occlusion and my curvature map that I have baked to my project so now I can go here to my dirt and I can do things like adjust my dirt contrast so maybe we'll lower this and I also have a dirt level so I'm just going to go with something like this now I might like to reuse this guy as well so I think what I'll do is just create a layer group and I'm going to call this dirt so this is going to become like an overall dirt material I'll take my base and just drag it into here and now I can just right-click and we'll create a smart material out of this and here is that dirt material okay so now we're going to drop over here to the body texture set and we're going to start to reapply some of these materials that we've already been working on so for example we already have our base so let's left-click and just drag and drop this guy here into the project and you can see here we have our base now it's a smart material meaning that all the layers are still intact so I can go back and make any changes that I would like so for example maybe I'll go back here to where I have this grunge scratches and I'm going to change the UV scale I may need to tile this a little bit more to match the Texel density of the UVs as part of this texture set so I might do this I also might go back here to this guy and increase the contrast a bit and adjust the balance so now I'm going to go back here to my dirt that I created I'm going to use this guy's well so the left-click will drag and drop and just place him here into the layer stack and now I have this dirt added so very quickly I was able to take the texturing that I did here for my texture set list I saved as a smart material and now I'm just reusing that here in another texture set next I'd like to add some stripes here to the body area so what I'm going to do is just use this layer that I have it was just a standard layer that was already in the stack and you can create a standard layer by just clicking this add layer button a standard layer allows you to paint on the mesh while a fill layer is this allows you to fill a layer with specific values or Maps so here I'll just call this stripes and what I'm going to do is just come over here to my brushes and I'm just going to make sure that I have just a default hard brush and then I'm going to click my material section here and I'm going to get rid of my height and let's see I'll leave my metal but let's just turn off my normal Channel and for the roughness I'll set this up to kind of a high value here and then I want to set a color just going to choose a color here and now I'm just going to come over here to the 3d 2d split because it'll be a little easier to apply this stroke here in the 2d view so what I'm going to do is just come right over here to this area and I'm going to just resize my brush a bit so I can do that using the keyboard shortcut of control and the right mouse button left to right will increase the size here if I click my brush settings you can also change those manually right here so you have sides flow and Stroke opacity so I'm going to set my size I'm going to just left click out in an empty area hold down the shift key and what this allows me to do is create a perfect straight line so you can see that I'm just moving my stroke across this body area and I'm using this dotted line to kind of line up how I want this line or this stroke to be created and then a left click once more to create the stripe so now I think I'll do the same thing here for the hand area now I want this stroke to be affected by the dirt that I already have so I'm going to do is left click and just drag and drop this gear down below the dirt now I'd also like to kind of break up this stripe a bit so I'm going to mask this so I'm going to right click and this time I'm going to choose add a white mask now a white mask is like a holdout mask white being opaque so we still see the stripes that we have and then I'm going to come over here to my add effect button I'm going to choose a fill so here I'll click this grayscale button and I'm just going to find a grunge map in here to use so here I'm just going to use this grunge scratches and again I can increase my contrast and then change kind of the balance of this guy here here I'm going to try the invert option and then adjust my balance I think this gives me a little bit more of what I'm looking for here around the edges and so here I have my stripe I will go back in here to my 3d view and just zoom in and take like a closer look to what I have so another thing here that I can do within this mask is let's say I want to paint on this mass so we've created a mask here by just using a fill and earlier in the video we showed how we created a mask using a generator so now I'd like to add a paint effect to this layer stack here so that I can actually paint to further refine this mask so now I'll click my effect button and I'll add a paint I'll come back over here to my brushes and I'm going to choose this dirt to brush and this time if I hold down the control key right mouse and move up and down I can control the actual hardness of the alpha so now what I can do if I click my material you can see that it's set to black so it's going to be completely transparent so I can actually start to paint in here to kind of erase this area or I can hit X key to toggle to white so that I can paint back in so maybe in this middle area I want to kind of fill this in and then I'll hit X to kind of erase back out of that mask like so so just a way for me to manually kind of clean this up a bit okay so the last thing I want to do is take care of my base texture set so let's jump back over here to our smart materials and here I might just try this iron old I'll just drag and drop this here into the layer stack and so here's what we have I might want to go into the actual layer stack itself and maybe make an adjustment here to my UV scale so here it set the two I'm just going to increase this a little bit get something like this and then I'll go ahead and reuse that dirt that I already have so a left-click and drag and drop place that into the top of the layer stack and so now I have my finished texture so now that we have our texturing completed we want to render an image that we can submit for the contest so we're going to do this using AI ready so here at the top I'm going to click this camera button which will send me into I Remo so here for the filled of you you want to want to set this to 40 then we're going to come back here to our viewer settings and for the environment rotation you're going to need to set this to 250 then we can come over here to this dome section so I'll left-click to expose these parameters and I want to enable this clear color and you're going to use this default gray background so now here we can just zoom out and you're going to want to position your shot to something similar to what I have here now we also need to set up a minimum resolution to submit your image so here you'll have this option here for override viewport resolution I'm going to this and you can see here it sets in 1920 by 1200 this is a resolution that you want to use and so here I have my submission ready now for rendering you'll notice here that you have this max time so if you want to increase the quality of your render you just need to increase the max time and you increase that until you get the quality that you want you can also come here to your display tab and activate your post effects if you would like to enable any glare or bloom so once I have my render complete I just need to hit the save render button now you also need to provide a screen shot from the substance painter UI so now I'm going to jump out of a Remo to get back to my viewport and here I can just set up an angle something similar to this here and then just do a screenshot of the entire UI and you can do that using any screen shot software that you have or just using the OS screenshot tool once I have my renders completed and saved I can then go to the submission link which you can find in the description of this video and then I can just fill out the form and you can see here you have an option to submit your array render your screen shot and the optional renders that you like well thank you very much for participating in this contest I wish you the best of luck and most importantly be sure to have fun
Channel: Adobe Substance 3D
Views: 44,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Substance, Substance Painter, Substance Live, Substance Designer, Sustance Source, texturing, texture, textures, ndo, ddo, quixel suite, megascans, painting, unreal engine, unity, pbr, physically based rendering, mapping, 3d art, materials, procedural, blender, generation, mari, the foundry, autodesk, maya, Allegorithmic, Contest, Painting, 3D contest, meet mat, MAT
Id: 3hKrLhRNeII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2017
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