Meet Bunny Our Rescue Greyhound

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so um apologies for becoming a dog youtube channel but today is actually julian's birthday it's wednesday the 17th of april we started this process in january we bought our house and i know a lot of you guys have known that we wanted to adopt a greyhound for a long time and once we got settled in the house we did it for 2019 it was our goal to adopt a greyhound and it has been a little bit of a lengthy process and it's a good thing because oh sorry we just got many of the greyhounds are getting adopted so we waited for a little while to have the opportunity to adopt a greyhound which is great um we've been working with an organization called graysave and some of them are ex-racing greyhounds but that is not the dog that we're getting greyhounds have universal blood and it is something that they use when a dog needs surgery or when a dog needs a blood donor basically they have greyhounds that donate blood and this little girl is one of those dogs it's really cool that grey save not only saves racing greyhounds but any greyhound really that needs a home so we knew that was a possibility that we were going to get one of these dogs and we just got the call tonight on the way home that they have a little girl ready for us and she's in her foster home and i'm like beside myself i'm so excited she's apparently very timid and very shy but we already went through the whole process they came and did a home visit they met these guys and they deemed us a worthy adopting family so yeah and the um guy at graysave got to know our dogs and learn the dynamics and he said he'd be surprised if uh this new girl that we get wasn't at the bottom of the of the pecking order so peach might be like an actual older sister to this dog we all view peach as like this baby but this dog is three and she's very timid and it's a little complicated because well i haven't told you guys yet but in may well we've been planning a vacation for like a year as many of you know we literally never take vacations they're always for work but we actually decided we were going on vacation uh the first week in may so we were waiting until after that week obviously to spend more time with him but the guy that we've been working with at graysave has been placing dogs in homes for like decades so when he says he has a dog that's right for our family i trust him and he wants us to you know get her as soon as we can and then she'll probably stay with her foster home while we are on vacation but we'll have a little bit of time here with her good couple of weeks i know i'm nervous though i'm nervous to like leave her you know right after we get her i don't want her to get confused but like that's just i feel like how life works you know like the time when you're not expecting it is when you get them you guys are getting a sister peachy are you excited you're gonna be a big sister you're not the baby anymore still my baby i'm just like i'm so over the moon excited i don't think we're gonna film obviously the whole process but we'll film you know as much as appropriate it's gonna take a lot of time and patience are you ready for this bud marble this is your final step in life honey it's the final step of your journey is to befriend a big large dog we're literally going to get her on friday it's wednesday right now it's wednesday night right now we're going to get her on friday like it's been a dream of mine to have a full-size greyhound a rescue greyhound for like my entire life are you excited i'm so excited we were in an uber and it was like trying not to cry and like be inappropriate it's a birthday present for sure i'm gonna cry i cry every time i already have been crying a little bit i can't help it the idea of having your new dog forever that you go on a long long life journey it's the only times that i like really cry on the internet that is this is the last time we're gonna have a three dog pack pretty soon it's gonna be a four dog pack are you so excited honey it's been so much boy energy it's just you and me we're getting a third girl we're finally gonna even out the troops here three am i right three boys and three girls i have all the fears of like you know anytime you get a dog like are they gonna like it here are they gonna lick our pack are we gonna be good dog parents and do right by them like i'm just overwhelmed and happy and scared and excited and everything so well we'll check back in with you on friday i guess it is friday my dues ah yesterday and wednesday night were incredibly distracting and hard to focus on anything other than being very excited today we are done with our work and it's time to go to the pet store and just get like some basic stuff for our new baby girl so we're gonna go do that and then we're gonna go pick her up at six and we're gonna have them all meet together outside at the park and then bring them home all together yeah we're gonna take them for like a year we're not gonna have the meat in the house you're getting a sister says what does sister do not know that what is sister what what this sister bless you i was saying to julian we got peach five years ago now but like peaches julian's baby you know like i'm her mommy but it was julian getting peachy but for me it's been 11 years ago and nine years ago since i've done this i'm not gonna put on makeup cause i'm gonna cry at all i like i can't i'm so excited okay we're gonna go for a ride we're gonna go out of the house okay we'll get you out of the house get you a little tired we're not buying you anything i'm kidding i'll probably buy you guys something guys ready to do this with four dogs it's a process enough with three let's do it let's get out of our minds i know you think it's yours but it's not yours so now that we have some stuff we are at the park because tired dogs are happy dogs and we have the best chance of success with tonight going smoothly if the dogs are tired so we go exhaust y'all in a good way so that when you meet the doggy we have nice calm dog energy and not crazy kermit peach marble energy before and after you guys tired very tired we drove across town and we're of course very early we're about an hour early we're just gonna sit here and try and distract ourselves for an hour so we're so excited oh i just want to meet her well i'll play 20 questions or something when we do go into her foster home i am not going to be filming i don't want to ask i think it's inappropriate so we're just gonna go in we're gonna meet her and move on from there so the first time that you guys will see her will probably be in the car our goal is to take clary to the park i'm going to take the car back to our house and get our dogs and i don't know the name of the method but it's basically one by one you introduce them you know in a neutral space like at a park or somewhere that's not the dog's house starting with our most socially confident which surprise to many of you i know is kermit and you just sort of meet positive reinforcement distract them positive reinforcement distract them and then you go dog by dog uh hopefully we'll then get all three of them or two of them and once you know to interact with her or not at all that's fine and then go for a walk together and then bring them to the house so it's gonna be a while until we get back home with her but i think it's beneficial for us to take the time and do that and they should be all very tired at this point too so jenna yeah this is our baby she's three years old her name is clary but apparently she doesn't know it it was just sort of you know an identification and she was not a racing dog so she didn't have a racing name so we can in theory name her hello whatever we want she's very timid she was sleeping in the corner of her foster daddy's house like not even in the corner bed like between the bed and the wall she was very timid very small very sweet i cried like a little baby the second that i saw her and i can't believe that she's our baby girl we gotta think of a name if we're gonna rename her we could name her another fruit what if we call her peach too i'm cool with peach too peach too we're going on a long long life journey together are you excited going on a long long life journey [Applause] what do you think about staying here with her i'll get the dogs and we get this show on the road before it gets dark let's do it i'll be right back okay we don't know what to call you i think we're just gonna call her baby for right now this is your brother that's your sister's brother his name's kermit you like hermes that was like no contact if she's like done being interested that's totally fine good okay good job all right we're walking them all together now and we just have her little uh her mask on for precaution look at you go peach you're doing so good good job you everyone mommy's plants hey no this is one of the icky's poops oh i'm sorry i almost poked you in the eye hi i want to give you a hug i love you so much welcome home welcome home so her foster dad told us that she is not comfortable eating like in the kitchen so to feed her where her bed is we're gonna feed her over here good girl all right your own safe little spot from her drinking all right let's give her some privacy guys come on peachy come all right what are we doing well we're helping her up the stairs because i don't want to like put her in the living room or something in like a game room or in a room by herself because i'm where you can't hear her or you know she's like crying or chewing on something we're helping her up the stairs i don't think this one's ever gone upstairs we just went up that one flight and now we're gonna go up the second one honey you can do it good yeah oh [Music] you haven't seen our room yet oh it's her first time on this floor what do you think so her foster dad did warn us but she's terrified of the tv terrified not the sound but the visual well hopefully the goal is to have you sleep with us in this room maybe on the floor on this little couch but it's not gonna happen for a little bit we still have some general desensitizing to do the iggs are doing really good like we knew they were gonna be fine and they're doing better than i expected but i don't think they would have been helpful during that stare process so oh we did notice that when kermit cries which is all the time she cries back at him so maybe they'll cry at each other and create a dimension and then both go into it i know you don't know what sit means but you want to come over here in your bed so they advise every day oh she's good just making sure you just get like any chunks or particles of food out of their teeth oh she's good at this yes she is yes she is yes right in those ones oh that felt weird huh what a good girl good girl okay you can be done what is the little angel hey that's a lot of licking chicken you have a stressful day i know it's a lot you're doing okay honey the eggies are so good you're doing okay we did put her in a soft crate and she's doing fine she's a very small greyhound but we might get a better crate and as much as i'd like her to just like be on the bed on the ground i'm still you know we don't as much as i love her and think she's so sweet you know she's a dog that we don't know and we do need to take all the safety precautions that we can so she's sleeping in a crate she's doing okay we're gonna wake up bright and early in the morning and have a full day of doing dog things good morning she goes don't drink that don't drink that oh my god you can't drink that you know where your water is you know where you water it she's like i can't help it it looks so nice you keep trying to drink pool water it's not it's not for you it doesn't taste good she's like a clumsy girl a little clumsy three-year-old hi hi hmm it's nice we can kiss her without having to pick her up yay kiss you just your face is right here oh is it right there look at her legs oh look at the leg well the tough thing is that she obviously doesn't respond to her name or know any basic commands so if you say like no get out of the pool she's just kidding she's not used to responding to a person so when we walked around the park we didn't film but we we really needed all hands on deck obviously um it's our first like daytime walk and she was doing really well we passed some baseball fields and she was good there are a lot of people you know kids and then we got to the part where there's like basketball courts and tennis courts and soccer and she was getting like i would say alarmed you know she's not like trying to run she's not like scared but we realized she's never heard a ball in her life like she was a little alarmed by the basketball sound and the soccer sound and the tennis sound and she just watched and listened and but she was good but it's just funny like we're realizing all the things that she's probably never been exposed to in her life which is crazy because you know you don't we don't think twice about it walking around the park that there's people playing soccer or basketball hello she was willing to sit there and just sort of listen so it'll just be a series i think of desensitizing her and just getting her comfortable with the sounds and it's what's helpful is that our neighbor is out there playing basketball this afternoon so she's in our yard listening to a basketball and was okay with that so it's just crazy it's crazy the amount of first she's probably gonna have you know and just reminds you to always remember that she's never seen the world so what a good time just do little things and then little breaks and then little things and the little breaks so what we're doing now is we are removing all the toys because last night she came in she was very excited obviously is an exciting day and the house is filled with toys because our dogs have a million toys that they only play with on occasion but she of course started playing and you know getting excited and running around and was getting a little bit of like toy aggression like when julian tried to grab it from her you know it was a big growl like a little bit like no this is mine which is fine but that's something that we have to work on and obviously she ripped off the ear of one of the toys and immediately tried to eat it so toys are good toys are great not good for your health we will probably need some training and some supervision with toys so we are now moving the toys so we can have them one at a time and we can do some good positive reinforcement with the toys you have a visitor hi mumble do you want to say hi to her okay so if she gives you boundaries you have to respect them because she's been very respectful of your boundaries this is her bed okay good job marple and we're working on one bark when she's in your space is okay but when you're just barking that's not okay okay boundaries are okay being mean is not okay well we're in the stream room uh she's very scared of screams uh particularly the tv it's not the sound it's the visual so we brought her into the game room to see how she would do and it only took her a couple minutes to be pretty much desensitized to it i imagine you know we'll run into some challenges but for the most part she sat in her bed and ate treats so peach honestly what the hell hi baby this is greens you're doing so good honey i promise you it's not scary we had to like go up to the monitors and like physically touch them to show her that they're like flat and not three-dimensional not things that are gonna jump out and get her she really just wants to go outside like genuinely wants to just be outside who can blame her looks like we're gonna be able to yeah there's a lot of noises what do you think honey we'll do a little of this and then we'll go outside okay it's the fridge whenever the fridge sort of like turns on and off she's like um what the hell was that happy easter guys happy easter a little lady sat in the game room what was it for about three or four hours last night yeah about three four hours and right now we're just heading to the leash and no muzzle time and already kermit started crying so she started crying at him she has been very respectful of marvel's space which is why you don't hear any barks or excitement this has been i would say well it's harder because of their science discrepancy but easier than peach because peach was a puppy and she was just non-stop in his face did not respect his face do not understand what that is so that was an exhausting i'd say three years until they got really comfortable with each other peach's first like two years aged marvel's like ten years yeah you've like just started growing gray hair immediately but i honestly think like between going up and down the stairs because she's starting to get that between feeding time and between crying for a walk she's like actually starting to understand the routine a little bit yeah she's scared of everything but she's like so willing to learn she's not like you know fearful and avoidant she's just like a little curious and like what is that and then totally willing to learn like you said this morning when you got up she went down the stairs right yeah she pretty she went down the first like we have two flights like separated by a landing and she went on the first flight like she knew what stairs were like i'm a little scared but i'm really willing to learn how was that wet hair it was a good school water look at you yeah happy easter honey happy easter baby we're so lucky to have you parts of this are a lot easier than a puppy and parts of it are harder than a puppy she wants to play with you guys but she's being respectful we had a great walk we did so much better with the basketballs and the soccer balls we even got the smell of basketball she met some people yeah people touched you it's a lot easier today although you were scared by a fruit stand with an umbrella oh you want to get up and really this is like your spot yeah hello hi i feel like on walks and in the yard the boys bark less because now they feel like they have protect even though she's not protecting them at all please don't judge me if any of my plants die i had my hands full she's having a good time in her bed no muzzle relaxing that's her safe spot and um the person tim we were working with at graysave gave us the very sound advice that this is her bed she tried a couple times to jump on the couch and obviously julian and i would love to have her on the couch and to cuddle with her but that you know invades their safe space but you know usually we have little dogs over there jumping on the couch they're face to face with marbles like in his safe space so i think he's been very very very tolerant of her because she's not invading his space at all she's not interested and she picks up on his social cues and she like has her own space and it's just made a world of difference for us i think we're picking a name we don't know yet we know and uh we're just working on some basic commands like just getting her attention when you're talking to her and coming over to us we worked on for a minute like we need to work on life-saving commands for her sit stay and come but for the most part it's just about like getting her attention and getting her to respond this is really really good three-day progress and she's smiling today and you're so desperate for attention this is like i want to say 70 million times quieter than when we got peach and she would lunge at him nibble on his ear and we would hear for three years straight cannonball at him for three years straight that was the only noise we heard all right it is monday morning my dudes everyone had breakfast and we had a couple phone calls but we were just out here while julian was on the phone and this is like what she does once she's like comfortable and having a good time there's no getting her up that easily you have to come on monday oh baby bird oh that's so sweet she cries every time she smells kermit she can like smell his sadness smell his stress and sadness she also cries because she wants pizza to play but we still have to work on that everybody's outside we haven't had her muzzle on for the most part really at all but we do keep our leash on you know just in case things got out of hand going to grab her but i've been trying to get her interested in toys just to see if she has any like resource hiding or whatever they call it you know if a dog gets really attached to something when she snap at one of the other dogs and at least outside she just doesn't really want to play rope or ball or anything she kind of just wants to hang we've been running around trying to get her to chase us and it is the laziest chase i think i've ever seen kermit and peachy and marble all walk up to her and sniff her while she was laying down and she just did a good sniff and then big head on the ground wow me in the rope finally and we're done being interested in the ropes still a little like not in the mood to play just trying to figure out where she is what are you doing oh you smell something dead this is what we've done in terms of her feeding situation so she always has access to her clean water and she's eating her kibble which the food dish is off the ground so that the eggies don't come in here and try and smell thin but this gives us the ability to have her own feeding space for the time being because she's not comfortable being around the other dogs with food at all so we feed her in there a space where she can be and eat alone in peace and not be bothered by any of the other dogs and up in our bedroom we got her a much larger kennel for her to sleep in she has been i think she responds really well to a crate like you know a dog it's like a den so she's been going there really nicely and happily at night sometimes she wakes up like you know 6 or 7 a.m and wants to go pee and then sometimes she wants to go back to bed so this has been working really well for her hopefully maybe someday you know we'll transition her into just a bed but for now i think the crate is helping her feel safe and protected so we're doing that welcome to day five of of not taking a shower or practicing any self-care i'm kidding welcome to day five of our lovely girl i think this is probably the last day that we'll film and then we'll just tell people that we have her you know there's a lot of reasons that we wait and don't tell people that she's here people have all kinds of opinions and all kinds of things that they want to say and what you're doing wrong and everything like that but the fact of the matter is this is our house our pack our dogs and we are doing what we think is you know the best for her and the best that we can and so helpful knowledge is appreciated but some of it is not helpful and i just think it's better if we figure things out without the opinions of you know everybody and every everyone and everything bunny's doing very well and to be honest with you i just you know since it's almost been a week with her and you know we are leaving in a couple weeks she's gonna go stay with her foster daddy and her two giant horses of greyhound foster brothers which you know at first i was you know feeling really upset about but i think it will be a really good thing for her to go back and reconnect with some big dogs and you know have a little space away from uh the little ones and then we can reunite after a week and you know re-get back into our routine and everything and with him she spends more time alone she spends a lot more time without people so it might be a good thing you know to have a little break and then come back and um i just you know i want to tell you my thoughts and my experience so far enjoying you can chime in anytime that you want but we've been having challenges and successes which is really important because things that are challenging are having a timid dog she's scared of a lot of stuff she's never seen it before she tends to adjust and be like okay i decided that that's not gonna kill me and i'm okay with that if she gets into a scenario where she's overwhelmed which is easy to tell when a dog is overwhelmed you know the best thing to do is just remove her from that situation and get her somewhere where she can calm down because there's no helping a dog once they're in that panic state and it's been really good for us to see her in scenarios of both of those situations you know what's something that she's willing to sort of be desensitized to right now like kitchen noises for example you know like she's doing okay with some dishes and then if she gets up and she starts seeming like that's kind of scary you know you just stop and you do a little bit at a time another thing that's challenging is that unlike a puppy you know like with a puppy they're ready to be here they don't have fear they're just excited there's a lot of love going on you know they may not necessarily respond to you or give a about you but you want to get them out in the world and seeing people and you know seeing everything and they're super excited to do that but with a rescue dog it's okay to have moments of like healing and rest and you know we've been doing our best to take her on walks and do things that will help her you know with energy and that kind of thing but that moments of quiet and like sitting and she wants to sit in her bed or her crate or wherever she feels safe like that's okay and the dogs interacting like if they don't want to be friends if they just want to coexist that's okay because our you know number one job is to give her a safe home and a safe place to live and give her what she needs while also keeping our own dogs safe and that's that's been like for at least for me and i know for youtube like one of the biggest learning curves here is like understanding that we want to do right by her we want to expose her to things and show her that things are not going to hurt her but at the end of the day she's the dog that she is and we are here for whatever that whatever that requires right and over time you know i know that more of her personality will come out she'll begin to feel more comfortable and you know that's what you could only hope for but that it's okay just understanding that we need to move at her pace and that she is a new dog but she's not a puppy and she has a lot of things that she needs to feel comfortable with before she can do dog stuff you know and that's fine and this level of coexisting is healthy socialization and a lot of it so she has growled at kermit both times he tried to get into her bed and that's just teaching boundaries with kermit and it is like i'm not gonna lie it's scary when you hear a big dog growl at your small little dog but for those of you that know kermit there is no place in this house that kermit can't sit he sits he they sleep in a dog pile on top of each other he sleeps on us he can't wait to sit on our guests he's entitled to every inch every inch of the house there is no place where he cannot go and you know you can do a fair amount of training and teaching with him that don't go in her crate don't go in her bed but like you know when he gets excited and we get up and we're you know gonna move to another room or whatever and he's he just he's interested in her he likes her and she growled at him and he did not read her body language and you know you ask yourself okay that's good thank you for warning him thank you for warning us you know a growl is is good that's establishing boundaries in space but when kermit doesn't read that you know what's the next step is it a nip is it a snap is it a bite but at least she's willing to warn him and it's more i'm sure as a lot of you who have rescued dogs can relate it's you know more retraining your established dogs with the new dog because she's in theory a pretty easy dog you know aside from some of the fearfulness yeah she's just she's a wonderful girl and she's ready to learn and ready to live her life but it's teaching kermit that you can't just go and sit wherever you want you need a respect space because these dogs don't have their own beds you know they have their own food dishes but they all eat together and that kind of stuff they're constantly just like in each other's space and sitting on each other and that kind of stuff and it's unfamiliar for them to have a big warm dog that looks fun to sit on that just maybe doesn't want that yeah they have their own ways of communicating that with each other but it's our job to also help them understand that because for lack of a better word some of them are dumb i'm looking at you boys if we had just rescued her this would be a really easy going thing but the fact that we're assimilating her into an already established pack of small dogs and it's you know it's really stressful and it's not all like rainbows and butterflies this is a challenge this is a daily challenge that takes a lot of time and energy and effort but that it is worth it you know we have moments of like this is really hard we did this because she needs a home and we have a home and we are two willing and able people with the time and energy and effort it takes to give her the life that she deserves but you know part of waiting is that i think some people have you know a misconception about greyhounds in general or rescue dogs that it would be like oh bring your dog in we want to see your dog and you know where is she why is she sitting there or why does she have a muzzle on or that kind of thing and the fact of the matter is is that we waited a week to say that we have her you know because we need time to adjust our dogs need time to adjust she needs time to adjust but that also like if if we move at her pace that that's okay and i hope you guys are respectful and understanding of that you know this is a very long process and we're in it with her for the long haul and i adore her and love her but that you know parts of it are hard parts of it are sad parts of it are scary and i hope that we're doing right by her always and by our other dogs as well you know we're just willing to put in the time and the work but that you know for those of you that are like oh do an easter egg hunt with your big dog like it's it's probably going to be a long time fan i mean we understand the expectation for you guys to be excited about our new dog because of all the stuff we do on video and stuff with the other dogs so i we get it but at the same time it is it is just going to be learning her for you guys as well as it is for us yeah that this is a lot different and we're just going to try our best to always make her happy and do right by her and let her adjust and heal at her own pace at her own pace which means you might not see a lot of her which which is okay and it's just going to be kind of how it goes right i think managing everyone's expectations of her is important even though it's you know it's not necessary she's our dog and that's all that matters is that we're caring for her and doing right by her but i i do just want to say and i would ask you know that you guys are respectful of her boundaries as we are and we have a lot of resources available to us through her adoption agency and all that kind of stuff but that we're willing to do anything that it takes to make sure that you know she has a good safe life and that our dogs also have a good safe life as well the harder the rain the bigger the rainbow and right now like i said i imagine many of you who have rescued animals know what that feels like you know the first week first month first six months first year it's it's hard and it's a lot and there's a lot for her to learn but you have to do it at the pace for her not at your pace and i think the challenge obviously will be worth it when she has the ability to just be a dog the things that have been i'm very grateful for are the fact that she's not afraid of people she's not afraid of little kids other dogs she's not afraid of other dogs on walks uh her prey drive isn't like something that we're dealing with at all she's not interested in chasing squirrels or birds she's not a dog that when the door opens she bolts for it she's very quiet she's very sweet and she could go on and on she's a great dog very willing to learn and she's curious one of the more helpful things is that she's very respectful of the other dog's space a lot of things in our life have changed and will continue to change for the better of her and it's rewarding but it's it's hard i will tell you a positive has been the lack of aries energy going on because you can't have aries energy right now all things considered she's a wonderful dog and it just takes a long time and a lot of patience and the good news is that we have both of those things yeah right julian that's right but i love you i love our new girl and i hope that she can be happy here she seems like she's doing pretty good i guess we'll keep you updated but also know that if there is no update it just means that we're working you know so yeah that's our girl that's bunny that's bunny i'll see you guys next week thanks for your understanding and support and we'll see you guys next time bye
Channel: JennaMarbles
Views: 10,032,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jenna, marbles, mourey, meet, bunny, our, rescue, greyhound, italian, kermit, peach, new, dog, getting, meeting, yard, walk, outside, muzzle, fun, vlog, full, sized, play, at home, crate, progress, over, time, first, week, day, julien, solomita, boyfriend, pack, chihuahua, big and little, dogs, stairs, walking, leash, train, training, laying, in, bed, cute, amazing
Id: nA1QKpKuSd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 29sec (2249 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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