MEESEEK'S HEAD + MORTY'S HEAD - Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality VR - VR HTC Vive Pro Gameplay

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[Music] okay I think this is better yes we're both activated ready boom what are we get don't everybody my name is Finn Boyle we're back we're playing Rick and Morty and it's super dark at the moment because you can see because I'm down into the basement I've trapped myself down here in the basement I climbed down because I wanted to see if there was anything down here and I don't think there is it's super dark down here except if I pop my head through here I can see like out into the outside world and under the game which is a bit weird it's creepy and I feel like I'm not too far from hell I'm gonna get out of here all right so let's not climb down there again but today I'm going to be doing some requests that you guys have stuck in the previous videos comments I've gotten loads loads of comments so that's super cool thanks for doing that guys what we're going to be doing is get like mr. meeseeks to eat an apple we're gonna try creating two mega seeds see what happens if you can combine two mega seeds together and see if that does something we're gonna try and check out Troy in this video and we're also gonna get a mr. meeseeks and we're gonna try and put his head on there like we did in the last video but put my head here as well and see if we can combine them lots of people commented on doing that so that's what I thought we'd do it for now though let's try and do this mega seat thing this is a comment from someone called thousand subscribers and no videos which is a really crazy name for a YouTube channel oh yeah I know Rick I know you do some dodgy stuff with that one man now they suggested we get like we get the seed you get the growth hormone and then you combine them what do you get no look at that see that you don't get another mega seed you just get a growth hormone pill you think you would get a big version of the mega seed but no you don't but what about if you do that salute look at that you just get a glowy ruler that's it that's it maybe we can buy one can we buy a mega seed come on mega seed I don't think we can because they're really hard to get hold off it would make sense that you just wouldn't be able to buy one willy nilly willy nilly is the thing you guys can say that if you want how else could we get ourselves another magazine because look if you throw that away one comes back what does it teleport over here it does it teleports mmm how could we get to all right what about what about a can of drink no you don't get the metal mega seat it's like the mega seed is the top of the hierarchy of combining things it doesn't change itself at all it only changes other stuff moving it is it's like it's wibblewobble and around isn't that weird what it it wobbles I didn't even know that happened all right what about now you just get another one see that see - glowy rulers all right let's throw them away okay I don't know how to get another mega seat if you guys know how to get another one let me know in the comments but I've got I've got no clue Oh oh hang on what about a crystal we probably just get a rainbow crystal yeah yep yeah that's it this thing is at the top of the food chain you can't mess with it well then let's try and get a meeseeks to eat a poison apple so we need to get a poison apple first how do we make the poison apple it was an apple and some bleach was it bleach I think it was bleach let's have a look I actually got quite a few comments from people suggesting me to do this one so there was like several let's have a look all right bleach is down here let's get this bleach well so someone said I'll faint can you hack your way into the shower there and grab the the shampoo I mean I probably could hang on a sec all right yeah I'm in the shower this is the shower what's through there it's a wall who are those tiles they go straight through okay hang on so we've got shampoo right well it's it's legit five-in-one shmoo Shamu alright does this work okay so that's for that tat what about the shower this is like a fully functional bath even though you probably wouldn't be able to get in it how does this thing work though this door doesn't work door sucks hang on all right I'll throw that over there all right cool we have shmoo okay and we have our annoy bleach I'm guessing Shamu probably just gives us like the bubble effect like the soap does so hang on let's try it smoo an apple what's that dude what are we getting hungry shampoos all right fair enough before we do the poison apple let's try it with some other things Shmuel and what else could we combine that with Aurora tiny shmoo it's like you get at hotels Oh what about a cup oh it's a cup of shmoop I'm gonna drink it cuz that's gross and I do gross things okay and put that over there rhombus it's a nice green colored plumber's film film real sentence mu okay so it basically it just changes the what type of shampoo it is drink this I can okay it doesn't kill you alright that's shmoo how cool is that here we go poison apple and we're gonna get a meeseeks to eat it let's do this where's the meeseeks let's go and get one come on champ it's time to wake up it's time to wake up here we go it's throw them over there hey dude alright now you're gonna eat the poison apple okay let's grab it he's got it can you eat stuff oh yeah whoa exploded alright so it definitely kills them that is super cool I like that I was kind of thinking that maybe nothing would happen but you know stuff happened so that's pretty awesome okay now we're gonna try putting our heads down on this and we're gonna see what happens are you ready me six here we go maybe it's too close alright hang on let's go over here stand back hey all right let's get close Hey oh you can't touch him you can't touch him all right you touch him they blow up I didn't you don't even know that I didn't know that was a thing alright then alright now we can't touch can't touch alright put your head down it's not working you too close do you wanna have some shmoo all right no that's the rule I have some you dropped it you really are we blow him up okay I think this is better yes we're both activated ready boom what are we getting oh we get the blue it's like half blue half red meeseeks brain slash human brain who do you want to eat it what happens okay you eat it eat it that's it oh I'll have some can I say no see you have the rest Oh justic you're disgusting now you know you alright time to kill him see champ that was gross that was honestly gross alright so we tried it the poison apple kills the meeseeks and if you can boy combine our two heads together you get this weird bluey red brain that's disgusting okay I'm gonna try some some Troy now try some stuff that I haven't done yet if you guys have ideas of things you'd like to see me combine over there let me know in the comments and we'll give it a crack in next video but let's get a yeah listen where's Troy okay Troy is in let's do it still just flick the Troy nice I actually went to kick that with my foot can you believe that so I want to try the parent options this time Oh where's mum where's mum oh hey hey going what are we gonna pick I don't know what to play with what happens if you don't pick anything mum probably thinks for a lazy slob if we don't pick anything how's it going mom pick me up she won't pick me up all right let's go fool let's go for football all right I threw it up mum and she can't catch it turns out she's not gonna be a footballer I'm 16 all right where is it oh it's here yeah whoo yes go me 16 years a couple months later right it's sticky hey guys yes yes I'm gonna have a brewski of my friends yeah thanks Wendy and I you should probably get some braces 31 years six months you may you may all right let's fill that oh who is that guy is that my coach that guy looks seriously drunk let's do it always tried to do good yeah what about this one it says the same thing I'm gonna give him three they get it not around out Troy what's wrong with you let's give you autograph my nose why worst thing I've done for you dude I was giving you an autograph fifty-five years eight months I mean personally no [Music] yeah then you lost it at that autograph session and I know the mighty you've fallen stupid criminal all right talk take phone call hello I'm sorry that what I good yes okay you're leaving me out you know I want to hear I don't I'm done all right look look we're done yes yes good you back to yourself all right at the fine 71 years in the hospital I'm probably Troy it's dad nothing you could have done really though guys your age don't last too long in here Thanks look here's your diagnosis it's not pretty but it's honest what do we got what are we dying from long-term stress I can't believe I went to prison for throwing an autograph at somebody all right I need to try again that was a terrible school come on what's my price what is it it's a tight okay just a tape let's go again look me in the Troy all right all right yep I'm gonna do yes my friend best friend it's made of cardboard smells like mold taking a field trip to the candy factory instead of the History Museum now now let's go to the History Museum no not really History Museum hi looking forward to spending a day in that boring old dusty Museum why'd you even make it an option you stupid teacher soda there we go nice why quiet 31 years okay I got to fill out some papers this sucks all right TPS reports time to do them God we haven't crappy office job all right let's go oh that's expensive yeah shorted get my cash let's get out of here a couple years later hey parenting all right something with your life let's do it parenting 101 how to make and raise children let's do it do you really think it's time yep I've been waiting for this for so long I'm sorry I've just have problems committing all right congratulations Troy yeah baby girl baby holder yep give it a yeah it's got green crap coming out of its mouth how does it feel to be a father I'm so happy okay holding a cardboard kid what do you expect sixty-six years I had one kid is that my kid resentment kid did I have a goer boy wanted to we still have time Troy let's make the most of it we having more kids whoa 86 years that's a good run she does do never ages at this point I'm afraid there isn't a life of stress worsened by his old age well here's your diagnosis Troy well no it's not what you want to see right now but it's the truth what was stressful about my life long term stress but all things must one day end about 10 seconds to live it's always 10 seconds always why not 15 someone hand me a beer one final beer game over this is not a happy game ever there's never a you won all right number kids 186 years not a bad if it I don't know how to have more kids in this this Troy game what do we get hey what's this thing what is that this is the first time we've seen this thing what is this it's like a it's like a squeaky toy do you guys know what it is can you combine it with stuff let's combine it with some shmoop what again we just get another shmoo it's don't even labeled I can hang on hang on a minute let's combine it with a cucumber you got a pickle hang on what are we get hungry toys the toy maybe there's something we can make with this I don't know man all right hang on let's get the things no that's not anything what about this what oh it's got the squeaky noise okay and it bounces we added a bouncing property to it okay what about my head now the squeaky brain yep that bounces yep cool fancy brain yeah what about these two what are we getting oh cool puts the picture on there I'm good at throwing these things whoo yeah nice nice okay I'm only really a hair like I said if you guys have any suggestions on stuff you'd like to see me try combined in Rick and Morty let me know in the comments thank you for watching this video if you liked it give us one of these ones I'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 4,129,463
Rating: 4.7509365 out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality, Rick and Morty game, adult swim game, virtual rickality, rick and morty vr, rick & morty game, job simulator vr, vr htc vive, vive pro gameplay, owlchemy labs games, funny vr game, vr youtuber, vr lets play, steamvr, pickle rick
Id: hLjyNgcz_eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 01 2018
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