Meatballs Recipe | Crockpot Meals

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[Music] what's good everybody and welcome back to my channel smoking and grilling but check this out today i'm getting ready to show you guys how to make some just amazing you know meatballs right when i tell you that listen you talking about leveling up your game when it comes to you know doing meatballs this is it right here and you guys know i'm not going to over talk it we finna get right into these ingredients and we finna make this happen folks okay you guys can see not a whole lot of ingredients so i'm gonna go ahead and just get it started i'm gonna start off by showing the w sauce you guys see the name of it you guys pronounce it how you want to pronounce it but if you've been following me for a minute you know this is the w sauce right this right here we got italian seasoning garlic powder [Music] and we got a half an onion that's already diced i didn't bore you guys with the dyson you know what i mean uh just went ahead and did that and here i got a quarter cup of parmesan cheese and right here we got a half a cup look this is an italian seasoned bread crumbs and we got two eggs over here look i'm gonna take these out beat these eggs up real quick and get them going and i'm gonna go ahead and show this part right now i made this it's a marinara type sauce i made it i'll leave a link you guys check it out and we're just gonna have two cups but i just want to show you i have it i have this all the time i just go ahead and make it in batches and i keep it so whenever i make spaghetti stuff like that i'll start with this now we got salt and pepper and then we can't have meatballs without the meat right here we go this right here that's that 80 20 blend and this right here is a this is a pound and a quarter all right with that being said let's get it okay so i'm gonna do it like this follow me on this one here super easy all of these ingredients including the meat gets mixed up in the bowl right so we're starting get your bowl go ahead add that in right set that off to the side now we come with the breadcrumbs parmesan italian seasoning garlic powder and of course the w sauce i don't know why i say of course the w sauce was just so funny when i see it i look at all of the comments now we got to get in here with our hands right we're just going to take it and work this in just like you see right here i'm just giving it a start because we got to add these eggs also so this is just to get it going just like you see get those bread crumbs and everything to just you know touch all of the ground beef now i'm gonna go ahead wash my hands we're gonna beat these eggs and then i'm gonna add that in here we're gonna go back in there with our hands and then we're gonna get it ready to form okay now let's go ahead get these in here shut that off to the side and let's go ahead and beat now you guys look i'm using this small whisk because i have one of course you know what i normally would just use my fork you got to do whatever you would like i'm not going to scramble these all the way this is beat enough just you know for what we're doing right here so we'll take it like this okay so you can see we beat now i'm gonna go ahead and just add this over here just like that right don't forget our onions now we got to get in here with our hand just like this and then we work can't be afraid to get in here with your hands folks really i just want to get everything to have the egg and the onion and all the ingredients right and look the more and more we do it like this we push that air out of there they become a little bit more on the dense side so when you form your uh your meatballs they kind of like you know stay together this is all part of the process too sometimes people don't mix this enough and then they want to know why they're so so loose and they fall apart but if you just go ahead and give it a true mixing just like you see right here and this right here if you're going to do them as appetizers you can probably get about 32 small balls you can put them in a dish put a toothpick over the top or if you put them in spaghetti you know you can probably just make 16 maybe you know decent sized ones and go from there so this is good right here now let's go ahead let me wash my hands get them cleaned up a little bit and then we're going to start forming the balls okay you can see i got the pepper and the salt right here i just want to explain this part you didn't see me put nothing in there i'm watching what i you know my sodium intake too so i'm gonna say it this way everybody's not gonna go ahead go out and you know make their own marinara or spaghetti sauce right i happen to have mine you guys can do whatever you guys use ragu you know whatever your favorite brand is you use that it already has salt in it so when it comes to adding salt to this right here believe me this flavor profile is already here along with the onions and all of the goodness and the fat and all of that it's gonna be just fine flavorful you know flavor wise it's up to you you can take some salt and add some to it if you do i'm gonna just add just a pinch just like what you see there and that's just enough all right and to be honest with you that little bit of salt that i added right there it i could have just did without it right but when it comes to the pepper i'm gonna go ahead and add this pepper and it says to taste right so when i say to taste how do you know without making these just trust me you can never put enough pepper in this to give it that kick so we got that there i'm gonna set these down here go in here again with my you know my hand let's just go ahead and get this mixed up just like you see right here now we got that done i'm gonna bring my plate now we're gonna go ahead and form our balls now take them and the objective is to like at least get 16 of these right so we'll see you'll have some i'm gonna start off this size and if i need to go smaller you know what i mean i will which i think that might be a little big okay so you guys can see i got this one here i'm gonna just go ahead and drop that down right there and there we go this actually made 15 balls at this size this is perfect for spaghetti now i'm gonna come over here and you'll see i'm gonna be putting i'm gonna brown them all and cook them right here just to brown them to put the color on them using my cast iron skillet so let me go ahead and bring it up to temp once we got it at the temp you'll see me put them in here i'm gonna show you what to look for and then we're gonna go from there okay so i can feel it way up to temp i'm gonna go ahead just put a little bit of olive oil on here just a little bit now i'm gonna go ahead and i'm gonna go just hey look this part right here is really self-explanatory right we'll just put it down right here now don't forget we use 80 20. so by using 80 20 you know it's gonna render its own you know fat into the skillet also so we'll just put you these like this and what we want to do is we just want to brown them they're gonna cook when they're inside of the uh inside of the crock pot you know but right now we just want to put some color on them [Music] get yourself some room you know then we go from there just like that now what we want to do is look remember we want to brown it right you want to put that crust on there now it's really up to you you can see to the degree that i like to go ahead and put the you know the browning which to me is the crust it's just like when i make smash burgers it's the crust it forms and especially when you use a cast iron skillet then when you're done once you have them browned on all sides go ahead let them drip right you want to leave that fat inside of your skillet let them drip a little bit and then go ahead and put them in you know into your crock pot after that we'll move over you know move on to the next step which is like super easy okay so now we're on our last one we'll go ahead let that drip and put this in there now you guys can see right there that's what they look like these right here scrumptious you can just hey look they smell so good it makes me just want to go ahead and put one of these on the plate and just eat it right now okay look i'm getting ready to put my own sauce in here right i just want to give you guys a reminder you guys can use whatever your favorite pasta sauce is uh spaghetti sauce marinara whatever you want to use you can use that but i advise you guys give this at least check this video out and look at it because you can make it ahead we're going to can it and then you'll have it and it'll be available for whenever you want to use it hey again i don't want to over target let's get it so we can get this to cooking okay so now we're going to add our sauce right i'm going to add three cups because if you can see as i'm pouring it look my tomatoes are a little bit more on the chunky side if you guys are like using like a store-bought store-bought spaghetti sauce marinara sauce or whatever you're using it's gonna be a little bit more on the liquid side so you can get away with using two cups but when it's chunky like this i like to go ahead and just add a third cup to it okay so let's power it up look i'm gonna set it on one i mean excuse me i'm gonna set it on low right so we hit low now we go time up i'm gonna set it for five hours then i'm gonna hit start if we wanted to go on high we could do this for three hours on high real simple real easy but i need the time this right here is gonna make them nice and moist i'm gonna prepare something in the background and then we gonna go ahead and show you the money shop now right before it's ready i'm just chopping up some fresh you know parsley you know for garnish okay my timer just went off we you know we're done with five hours right so there you go now you guys can get a chance to see what it looks like hey all i can tell you is this is gonna be fire right here your whole house should be full of the aroma and now we're gonna go ahead and get us a plate right so you'll see right here i went ahead and got myself you know some what is this the guinea you guys can use whatever you like you know what i mean uh normally i use angel hair pasta but you know what just for now we're gonna change up i'm gonna be using this in my cookbook you know what i mean so this is gonna be one of the thumbnails that you'll see inside the cookbook you know for the meatballs now we'll just put this down you know what i mean hope you guys like that i'm gonna go ahead put a little just sprinkle a little bit of this parmesan on the top a little bit of this parsley to me this is like one of the fun parts right now i got a little bit of parmesan cheese on here you got to remember that i'm going to be taking a picture right so i'm going to clean this lip up take the pictures and then we're gonna go ahead and uh wrap this up let me just add this a little bit more this is where i go wrong folks you know y'all trying to add that little extra you know when you look at you like hey i put too much but this right here saying it's fire okay so now you see it i got the whole lip of my little plate slash bowl you know what i mean i got that all cleaned up we getting ready to shoot some and i said i wouldn't be able to eat no but you know what i take that back i went ahead and put a meatball on this plate oh man they super tender as always you know what i mean now it's time to go ahead and just take a bite cheers these are perfect oh yeah super tender hey forgive me i'm hungry i've been cooking all morning you want to talk about tinder but yet they hold their integrity when you have them inside the crock pot you know what i mean we don't want to beat them up you know what i mean but listen they hold that meatball that ball that ball cylinder look they hold that but yet they are just super moist hey with that being said i want you guys to like try it level up your spaghetti with adding these uh meatballs to it and i'm not gonna say nothing else just make sure you come back hit me down in the comment section below and we go from there now if you're new to my channel let me just take the time to say hey thank you for watching this video don't forget to like smash that subscribe button and tell everybody out there there's a channel out here that's simplifying these recipes and taking the mystery out of cooking and with that being said you guys i'm gonna finish this up i'm gonna give me a couple more meatballs take myself a break and then we finna get out of here so with that being said i'm out peace
Channel: Smokin' & Grillin with AB
Views: 200,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cookin wit AB, Smokin and Grillin wit AB, Meatballs Recipe, meatballs, crock pot recipes, spaghetti and meatballs, spaghetti meatballs recipe, italian food, crockpot meals, italian meatballs, cooking, recipe, how to make meatballs, spaghetti and meatballs recipe, food, easy recipes, recipes, meatballs and spaghetti, best meatballs, spaghetti, slow cooker recipes, meatball recipes, meatball recipe, dinner recipes, crockpot recipes, dinner, pasta and meatballs, homemade meatballs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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