How to Make Meatballs in Minutes

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what's good everybody and welcome back to my channel smoking and grilling with me a b and i know you didn't see any meatballs in that thumbnail listen this is just like a super easy italian meatball recipe that anybody can make hey listen i'm not going to over talk it we finna go right over these ingredients you can make them two ways this right here this is my cast iron you can boil you can brown them here and do them that way or you can do them in the oven i'm gonna do mine in the oven right now i know it's hot so you guys know you can do it two ways hey with that being said let me just go ahead and just start i'm gonna go ahead and preheat my oven hit bake we're gonna go to 400 degrees and we're gonna hit start now it's really up to you if you guys are gonna do these in these meatballs right you can use 90 or you can use 80 20. don't forget if you do 80 20 is going to render a lot of fat right now we got beef broth clove garlic cloves look check this out grated the onions right here right that keeps it nice and fine you lose that crunch that's what you want to do right there look we got parsley we got parmesan and check it out we got bread crumbs now let me just say this with those ingredients and you heard that tell me what you think this ain't nothing but what is it you guys got it there's nothing but like meatloaf hey super easy we don't want to make them so dense and again i'm not going to over talk it we're going to get right in here so look i'm gonna bring you guys closer and let's go ahead and let's get these working okay look so really this is like a dump and go right but there's one step that i like to do you know prior to starting right so look we got our broth our bee broth check this out we're gonna pour our crumbs in here like that and just let everything soak we just stir this in here we just want the bread crumbs check it out we want them to soak up some of that flavor you know what it does it just like swells up hey i'm not gonna spoil it for you i'ma let you guys just see it and most of all i'm gonna let you guys taste it but this right here is a little pro tip but if you can see it's starting to get a little you know thick and we'll let that continue on just like that put that off to the side and let that continue to soak up and swell up and get big now i just mentioned to you guys a dump and go right so listen you just take everything else that you have and just dump it in here just like this you got to love these kind of recipes these right here be super quick now when they cover this i like to save a little bit of my parsley you know for garnish right so i just put a little bit more lamb something like about a tablespoon you know what i mean would you do it like that and then we're going to put a smile on my face i'm gonna get my garlic press put these in here like this hey and i want you guys to let me know what you think down the comment section below you know what do you like to have these fast-paced you know videos like this let me know get this and we just scrape that because we want to get all of that garlic flavor right it's up to you you know when you say italian you know you got to add that garlic now we get our egg go ahead and get that in there right now because listen we got to build that that binder now let me get myself a spatula and now we add now i want you guys to take a look at this right here see how that is look we get in there with his hands you know i mean that's why i got the glove on and now we mix right [Music] you kind of like just want to mix it and then fold it a little bit don't make it so you know overworked you know our beef you know what i mean we just want to make make it so that everything is incorporated and we want it to be you know a little bit on the airy side too okay so look i'm gonna be using the ice cream scoop right so this is where it's gonna be key even though i'm doing this this is like to try to get them all about the same size the main thing is i want to get them all the same size here when i start right so look i got them like that right here we halfway around i just bring it like this you don't want to like make it compact you know then you just set it down just like that now i'm gonna repeat this process but just so you guys can see this just makes them all about the same size you know what i want to start with the same amount of meat right so that's good take it out a couple of times around like this i'm not packing it i'm just getting it to be more of a round shape and they should be like nice and soft like that right now if you guys are going to be using these and you're going to be using your cast iron skillet like trying to do it a great i mean trying to do the browning technique you know what i mean you want it really to be soft like this only thing about that is it takes a little time to put that color on there and that little bit of crust you know because you got to keep moving around that's why i say the bait is the best way to go okay so look now that i'm done you guys can see and then if you look right here look you can make them all this size i did the one like this so you guys can see if it depends on what size ice cream scooper but if i use this sift off the top and then around it that's what size it is but i like mine to be a little bit more you can give each person two so this right here serves several people all right so look i'm gonna put these in the oven we already preheated i'm at 400 degrees look i'm gonna put them in here for 20 minutes but i'm gonna set myself a timer for 17 minutes and then i want to check the internal temp i want you guys to let me know down in the comment section below when will those be ready hey i'm gonna tell you right now listen they'd be ready at 165 degrees so got my thermometer here i'll check them at 17 minutes and then we go from there okay so look my timer just went off i checked them i had to rotate my pan you know so that i can get everybody at 165 at about the same time right so i want you guys to take a look at that right there man those look great now you got two ways we could take these we could put this because i set aside some you know some of my spaghetti sauce right so i can put those in there and get them nice and coated or you can put them on top however you want to do it to be honest with you usually when i make them like this i take them like this and i put them on some mashed potatoes and hit it with a bit of that dark gravy you know what i mean hey but what i'm with that being said look let's go ahead and plate i got that spaghetti now let's get it okay so look one of the things i want to show you is hopefully i can get this to come across on the camera right i want you to look and you can just see how look out man this is tender and again i already hit it with my meat thermometer they 165 a piece right actually this one was about 172. but i just want you guys to just see just how it is right now i'm gonna take it and i'm just gonna cut this like this ah yeah now look at that right there this is what you want check it out folks cheers nothing like a meatball that's seasoned just right oh my goodness to be honest with you this doesn't need nothing you guys can like serve these up you know whatever you want to but look you got to put some type of some type of covering on it so for me like i said you can go with the dark gravy or you can go with like you know spaghetti sauce but why not do spaghetti and meatballs [Music] these are fire okay so what i did was i just took some of the meatballs right i told you i saved the side some of my spaghetti sauce right so i just dipped it in there heated it back up and now we're just gonna place these right here like that now you guys get a chance to see you know just about how big they are right so i'm just going to put three of these in here like this let's move this one over just a little bit make room for us buddy right we put these here like this that right there is what you want to have now if you guys want to know how i make my spaghetti sauce and all of that i'll leave that down in the description box below so now we're going to take this parmesan and i'm going to show you how to make it work folks okay and so now we just go ahead and grate a little bit of this parmesan on here check it out you tell me what you think about that there then we'll go ahead and hit it with a little bit of this a little bit of this garnish that we you know save but and i want you guys to let me know what you guys think about this i gotta know this down in the comment section below hey do you guys put your do you cook your spaghetti noodles you know with your sauce on there or do you do it the restaurant way and put sauce put noodle on your plate and then put the sauce but that right there folks look at that right there now that's fire hey as you guys can see just like super easy and it's like versatile right if rydo made a dark gravy we could have put these over the top serve these over mashed potatoes if you just want to have meatball and you know a good spaghetti sauce marinara sauce or something like that these are great for that they great standalone by themselves hey all of that being said now it's time to dig in again this time you know we got that sauce on it right so we just hit it like this cheers again folks this is right so listen you want to talk about being moist and all that if you like meatloaf you're gonna love these because when you think about it a meatball meatloaf they all the same hey super easy crowd pleasers and i'm finna get it again huh [Music] that right here is real nice now look i didn't explain everything to you meatballs can be stand alone you know what i mean meatballs meatloaf hey but you guys got to taste it you want to talk about this gets you kind of like close i know all of my italians they're going to say something but i think this is very very close to being authentic uh meatball listen i took the meatballs put them in i saved some of my spaghetti sauce set them off to the side got them nice and hot you know what i mean and then you know cody that that's where this came in at reason you don't see me eating this right now because somebody behind that camera got their name on it hey so with that being said listen i gotta say this too and this is you know what i'm telling you thank you from the bottom of my heart thank you for making these boards these custom boards these aprons and every other thing like the barbecue sauce a success listen i'm getting low i just want to say hey thank you for everybody that got them and if you guys didn't know this is your first time hearing it i want you guys to look down at the number one comment look in the description box and then look underneath this video and you'll see i have my story there also if you guys get a board anything that's over like a hundred bucks you can divide the payments up into four easy payments hey with that being said let me just take this time to say if you're new to my channel let me say thank you don't forget to like smash that subscribe button and tell everybody out there listen it's a channel out here that's simplifying these recipes and taking the mystery out of cooking and with that being said folks i got a couple more meatballs to eat guess what i'm out peace [Music]
Channel: Smokin' & Grillin with AB
Views: 46,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cookin wit AB, Smokin and Grillin wit AB, meatballs, easy meatballs, meatballs recipe, melt in your mouth meatballs, spaghetti and meat balls, meatballs and gravy, Italian meatballs, easy Italian meatballs, How to Make Meatballs in Minutes, how to make meatballs, how to make meatballs easy, meatball recipe, how to cook, cooking, food, spaghetti and meatballs recipe, how to cook meatballs, italian meatball recipe, smokin and grillin with ab
Id: 6t-WldQRZaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 08 2022
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