Meaning in the Journey | Philip Anthony Mitchell

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hi and welcome to victory Church podcast if this ministry has been a blessing for you please consider supporting the spread of the gospel by visiting us online in choosing the giving option that works best for you if you have a testimony we'd love to hear it send us an email to share at victory Church ATM or again thank you for tuning in and we hope you enjoy this message you know if you're here for the first time or you're watching me on podcast we [Music] we are yeah in a series about meaning we are talking about how to find purpose in one's life and the truth is is that all of us every single person in this room whether we admit it or not through our our pursuits people who are pursuits of things a pursuits of sexual exploits our pursuits of money whatever the case may be there is an innate desire in heart of every human being to find meaning to find a sense of worth of sense of purpose we are so desperate ly pursuing search for meaning it is a global search of global phenomenon all human beings all races all faiths [Music] us we got shared with you about a man named Solomon an ancient king of Israel who set out on a quest to find meaning padded his life with everything that a human being can never want by today's standard the wealthiest men that ever lived 700 wives 300 concubines he had thousand plus women in his harem built mansions palaces slaves wired servants he spent his entire life in search for meaning purpose came down to the end of his life and found if he was empty that sex could not satisfy the longing that was in his soul and his palaces could not satisfy the longings that was in his soul and his money and his resources could not satisfy the longing that was in his soul he comes down to the end of his life in a place of misery and tragedy writes a memoir called Ecclesiastes and in it makes a case that everything is meaningless and everything that you can touch is meaningless houses cars fame and Status having a hundred million followers on IG you fill in the blank he came down and said all of it was meaningless a chasing after the wind something you feel for a moment and then it exits your life he spent his whole life in search for something to come down to the end of his life as an old man to realize I was foolish I missed it he will go on to argue that and we who are creations cannot find meaning apart from Korea tour at the atheist will argue differently and another faiths will argue differently those of us of Christianity have bought into the truth of God's Word that we know that meaning is found inside the context of a relationship with God Almighty and last week I challenge you with a thought that was revolutionary from the life of Jesus I showed you how he valued meaning and I told you that there were four big ideas four big things that God has taught me that when we lean into these things when we give our attention to them that our everyday lives would begin to explode with meaning and I made an argument for you last week that you're not gonna find meaning and anything that you can touch and that you're not gonna find meaning in anything that you can amass because if meaning can only be felt in accumulation then what about the poor man and the meaning could be felt entertaining then eventually will be betrayed but I did make an argument that they are for big ideas in which bring meaning and purpose of the life of the human being and I challenged you last week to find meaning in your moments that everyday your life is filled with moments from sunup to sundown God gives you moments and that when we are foolish and that when we are unwise when we are so busy that we run past these moments without leaning into those opportunities to squeeze more meaning out of our moments moments to connect with God Almighty moments to touch the lives of others moments to be touched and humankind is fresh in the murder was so busy that we don't slow down long enough to find meaning in our moments it's it's playing with my child instead of pushing him away and stop telling him that I'm busy it's how a children's pastor Jeff was upstairs with your children right now shedding tears and our staff meeting this week saying he was thinking about the sermon when his boy was jumping on the bed and instead of pushing him off the bed to fall clothes tears welled up in his eyes and he jumped on the bed with his son and he said I've never jumped on the bed before but I thought about the significance of this moment I just jump on the bed with his son it's the moment one of our creatives named Jordan who's in the back on the camera says he was working on a project at his computer he said in a meeting and his son comes near him and he would normally push him away say stay away from me I'm working right now and was thinking about that moment and instead leaned in and invited his son to see what he was doing climb up on my lap stare at this computer see what I'm doing it's a single mother who feels like she has no purpose because she's not on a stage while she's washing dishes her babies are running around and she takes time to just stare at her babies and ah maybe come away from the sink and just lean in for a moment to play with her babies as reading book to a child at night is stopping at the light on the way home from work turning off the radio just connected with Martin's valuable little moments and when we keep leaning into them they add value and purpose I write a story of a woman she was 24 years of age married and was planning her whole life vacations how many children they would have on her husband she had plans she was having headaches on a consistent basis headaches migraines that would not stop they were unrelenting and she went to a doctor for headaches finally took a MRI of her brain and soy she had a massive tumor in her brain cancerous the report you will die in X amount of time and all she fought but medication medication could not help her there will be no turning for add I know she had come to grips with the fact that her days were numbered and she had X amount of months to live and say maybe I'll check myself into a hospice and guy in a room by myself but she was drowning in misery and thought about this a man I have X amount of days to live but I'm not going out like that and she said you know what she decided to do she said I'm gonna take the days that I have left and I'm gonna get everything out of the days that I have left she said I'm gonna love my husband like I've never loved him before I'm gonna spend time with people I love like I never had before I'm gonna try to travel and see things I never have before and as soon as she knew that hard days were numbered something came alive on the inside of her but she realized that because my days are numbered I don't have watch time to waste what a day she wasn't a Christian but she was in a jam that gave her wisdom to what count the number of her days there was a man named Moses and Moses was staring out over the people and thinking about the eternal God that he served and Moses was kinda playing in his heart about eternity and about the frailty of human beings how frail we are and how finite and yet there is this infinite being that was far greater than us and how eternity wraps itself around our present reality and how so many of us don't know that and we don't think about it and Moses staring out over a nation of some 2 million people is thinking about this and his heart is broken and he sits down and he writes a prayer and has been preserved for us in the Old Testament in the book of Psalm Psalm 90 Moses writes this press on 90 and in verse 12 of Psalm 90 Moses said this in the psalm he said he said this he said this in Islam he said teach us to number our days he's praying this over what 2 million people he says Lord he says in his prayer should read the whole Psalm 90 he's praying Lord God please hear my cry god I'm staring out at 2 million people that don't get it and he cries out embraces lord teach us his prayer teach us to number our days aright he says watch that we may gain a heart wisdom wisdom the knowledge of knowing what is right from wrong in the ability to apply that knowledge and he's praying that our hearts watch with increasing wisdom as we learn to number our days he's crying out to them god help them to see that they're not gonna live forever he's crying out for the young and for the Oh for the teenager and for the senior citizen god help them please Lord to see that they're not gonna live forever in other words God help them to see that their lives that they may have wisdom wisdom what wisdom to use each day more wisely [Music] wisdom to not take each day for granted wisdom to be thankful for every morning you open your eyes wisdom for your first breath wisdom for your feet touch the floor wisdom to know that you laid your head in bed tonight and God gave you another day with the hope that you will see tomorrow cuz you have plans but God has plans another man of God who was so wise and crying out to God his name was David the first king of ancient Israel and he too was trying out for wisdom in this verse he says this and this saw him not doctor 39 Davis says he's sitting on some place and he's thinking about God he's in a moment alone in a moment right a moment and he's thinking about God along with nobody around him right in a moment of Prayer David cries Lord show me O Lord my life's end we don't pray praise like that God give me the house that's all my prayers give me the car give me the man give me the woman give me the increase give me the money we keep praying for all these tangible things that betray and there's nothing wrong with them but when do we play for the intangible things that brings the heart wisdom wisdom Lord show me my life's end and watch and the number of my days let me know how fleeting is my life Lord show me how fleeting is my next breath show me God that I'm only average every single point even right now as I'm talking to you only one breath away from eternity one day away one week away you got plans for your summer vacation and you may not see them you got plans for your career and may not finish them that at any given moment you could be driving in a car on the way home today and be hurled into eternity that every single person myself included Philip Anthony Mitchell God's man every one of us only one breath away from eternity when all the time all the time all the time so David is praying Lord that I may what capitalize on every day that you give me that I may not take for granted every sunrise and every sunset lord give me wisdom watch to realize that life is short yeah I'm 24 and my face is tight and my booty is right and I'm gonna go after everything I want until it all falls down to my tattoo a different place you may not have those decades so Lord that I may have wisdom even from a young age that I would not waste my weeks my Monson my years my decades so that were not old and waste my life teach me Lord watch how fleeting my life is how weak I am teach me Lord watch number my days teach me Lord to number my days job a man who was wealthy a man of God who in one day lost upon everything he lost his children he lost his businesses he lost servants he lost his employees all of it in one day and fell down and grief and cried out to God slipped into a depression for about nine months theologians beliefs arguing with friends about life and meaning he says this job said this man's days are watched this word determined man's days are watched determined you have God decreased the number of his months you have decreed the number of his months and have set limits he cannot exceed a pastor I don't really understand that okay let me give it to you another translation you have decided the Lord has watch the length of our lives you [Music] God know how many months we watch will live and we are not given one minute long is right now in this room watching me on podcasts God knows the exact minute he will take your last breath from you and you cannot live not one minute past what God has ordained [Music] not one and so if eternity is real and if God is already numbered in my days if eternity is real Kenny if there is a world beyond this one if the Scriptures are true Eric and if Eric eternity is real and it's my days are numbered if that's true right that's true if what Solomon said is true and it please the ants these three eleven if what Solomon said is true that God has put eternity in the hearts of every human being if God has put eternity in your heart and God has put eternity in my heart then that means there is nothing in this life that were ever fully satisfied the deepest longings of the human soul that means we can't find meaning in anything tangible and so if God put eternity in your heart that means you are headed for eternity what God would not put eternity in your heart if we was not headed for eternity so if God put eternity in the heart of every man that means we're headed watch towards eternity watch and if your days are numbered lord help me if your days are numbered and if you're headed towards eternity then this can't be your home [Music] the pass of what else brings mean into life I want to put a statement up on the screen for you the realization of numbered days and the reality of eternity should bring awareness that you are a sojourner the reality that your days are numbered and the truth that eternity is real if the scriptures are true this should awaken men and women to realize that this is not your home you are only a surger nur a sojourner as a person that travels through a place for a temporary period of time but that place you travel to is not your home that means if God is true and if the Word of God is true that every single one of us is a sojourner you are just passing through earth for watch a fixed period of time you know what brings meaning to life recognizing that this is not my home and that my time here is fixed and it is limited that I was not born to be here forever so there must be something that God put me here for that I have to learn to find meaning and eternity because as I am a sojourner then I can't build permanent monuments in a temporary place I would be foolish to take my emotions and wrap it around a temporary place I would be unwise to take my heart and invest all of my heart into a temporary place I would be an idiot to take everything in my house and try to make a permanent place in an hour in a hotel downtown Atlanta nobody goes to a hotel and brings everything from their house why because you intend to leave the hotel so watch you only do what is necessary while you're there because you know watch check out it's coming and my brothers and sisters this when I'm about to tell you it's not sexy and nobody's gonna get excited you know why because we're Americans and this grieves my heart about us brothers and sisters that we Americans we build lives so firm down here on the earth that we don't even miss Jesus we don't even long for him we don't long for him we're not desperate to see Jesus you know we're so comfortable right now with permanent mind sets on a temporary place that we're not even longing to see Jesus we're not longing for eternity we're not longing for our rewards we're not longing for glory you know why we're not longing for that stuff because in our hearts we've built permanent temporary permanent things in our hearts and a temporary place my home so attached to it that I don't want to see Jesus my career so attached to it that I don't want to see Jesus my cars so attached to it that I want to see Jesus my wife so attached to her that I don't even want to see Jesus then the New Testament teaches us that we should be longing for the Lord longing to see his face longing to be fur but we don't have that longing firm you know why we don't have that longing my brothers and sisters because our hearts have created permanent dwellings in a temporary place you know you have and I have when I was 25 I wasn't longing for Jesus I just wanted my ministry I just wanted a stage and I just wanted glory I'm in my late 30s now I mean I kneel down to pray I am praying to be some big whatever when I be at home at night in my office in my basement I stretch out on the floor I stretch my hands not gonna just imagine like the woman with the issue of blood I could imagine me holding on to his ankle and don't even feel worthy to look up at his face and just say Lord I love you Jesus you saved me out of darkness when I was a wretched man when I was dealing drugs and destroying lives when I was in and out of prison when I was driving home from clubs drunk when I was in shootouts and bullets grazed my ear when I think about every time I could have died a big loss God you came and you rescued me you gave my life purpose you gave my life meaning you gave my life Direction and the Lord I live on this life the longer I spend time on the earth the more I just want to leave it the more I just want to see him then my heart is betwixt that a part of me is so desperately wanting to see the Savior so desperately was a stumble into the loving arms of the man who rescued me for eternity I so desperately want to see his face I so doesn't really want to take the crown off my head and later his feet I said god these are my rewards for my labor in this life but they belong to you and half of me wants to go to be with him but on the other half of me thinks man I have family members who are not saved I have friends were not saved if they died today they would be eternally separated from God for eternity so I must remain to preach this glorious gospel I must continue to fight for the spread of this glorious gospel I must continue to give up my income for the spread of this glorious gospel I must continue to kneel down and pray for them while they're still breathing what is still in the air of grace while there's still a little bit of time left Paul talked about this in Philippians chapter 4 I don't know if I have time to read it it's not in my notes can I just read to you something like it's not in my notes but it's in my spirit [Music] so doesn't really want to see Jesus not that I have already obtained all this or have already been made perfect but I press to take hold of that which Christ Jesus has took hold of me brothers and sisters I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it but one thing I do I'm so sorry can I read this I keep forgetting what is behind me [Music] and I keep straining towards what is ahead of me come he'll come attacks from the devil come crucification come they like me or they don't like me they trash me or they love me I will one press toward the goal to win the prize which God has called me what heavenward in Christ Jesus [Music] and I understand my days are numbered so I'm fixed on something above this temporary life that brings my days more meaning all of us who are mature should take such a view of things all of us who are what but sure should what take such a view of things how see life as numbered see life as temporary see yourself as much headed towards a savior and at some point you think differently - God will make clear to you only let us live what we have already attained join with others and following example brothers take note of those who live according to the pattern we gave you for as I often told you before now I say it again with tears in my eyes many live as enemies of the cross of Christ their destination is destruction their God is their stomach and their glory is their own shape their mind is on earthly things but our citizenship is in heaven now like this next verse and we eagerly await as Savior from there the Lord Jesus Christ by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body you know what gives life meaning and I'm almost done what gives life more meaning is not only leaning into your moments why are you here how would to God maybe 300 of you get this revelation - do you know what else gives lives meaning it's living with eternity as a soundtrack as playing in the background of your life eternity eternity judgment rewards judgment rewards judgement rewards judgment rewards judgement rewards temporary temporary temporary temporary that this life is a dress rehearsal for what is coming next that this life is temporary compared to us coming next and if we live with that in the background of our lives as a never-ending soundtrack man your days will start having more purpose and more meaning either one because you'll start saying I will not waste that I will squeeze every ounce of meeting today and I will love my husband and wife as best as I can win today I will stop with the gas station and talk to somebody win today I will give all I have for the spread of the gospel win today I will make sure that if I pillow my head tonight and don't get up tomorrow I have left some legacy worth following if you die tomorrow because God knows your days are fixed one legacy would you have left what lies what you have impacted what difference would you have made where would you have changed you are a sojourner passing through this life on your way to glory and I just want to give you three things really quick that mix your journey more understandable because you can fight me but you are on a journey a journey towards eternity now i'ma tell you three things that give more meaning to your journey okay and I'll be done can I share these with you I'm almost finished you are on a journey towards eternity journey you're just passing through earth towards eternity so God didn't allow you to be alive for you to just live aimlessly we wanted you to squeeze meaning out of your journeys how does our journey look more meaningful one you're on a journey of process you're on a journey of becoming you're on a journey of being transformed God fully intends that the day you die if he's given you time you will look more like the image of the Sun then when he found you that he may have rescued you at 24 I'm gonna call you home at 46 and my intention in your journey through trials and tribulations and circumstances and situations that put pressure on your life to change your character losses gains mountaintops and valleys you're gonna find meaning with your days if you realize that you're on a journey a process that I saved you at 24 your days are gonna end at 46 and when your days end you're gonna look more like Jesus than when I found you and everything I'm doing in you from the frustration you went through last year to the pain you're feeling even right now today it's all me doing putting you through a process [Music] oppressing on you and shaping you and keeping you on my wheel as the Potter molding you into a piece of clay then eventually I stick in a fire and pull it out and I see my reflection in it like pure gold and so there's some of you you think man ten years twenty years thirty years I don't have what I've been praying for you think your life has been wasted no my brother and sister your life has not been wasted but what you if you can look back over your shoulder and say you know what I'm more mature today then I was 10 years ago then you have had meaning in your journey if you if you look back over some man huh and I'm more wise today than I was five years ago then you've had meaning in your journey although you may not have put your hands on everything you desire this is for somebody and although you may not have the job you want you may not have the career you want you may not have the income but if you are wiser today and look more like Christ today then you did where he first found you your journey has already and meaning because you have been what walking through a a journey of watch becoming Jesus I told you all these four things I'm gonna give you in a series we see them in the life of Jesus so you know not a heretic Jesus what came into the world through the womb of a woman and Luke wrote something very powerful about him from the time he was a little boy till the time he was a man and Luke 2:52 it says and Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and men so even Jesus was watch was on a journey of watch process how powerful is that Jesus watch grow watch he did not stay the same so when you saw him at 12 he was a different man than when you saw him at 30 watch because he was growing he found meaning and watch personal development in four areas he grew in wisdom that is growing in intellect ability to discern right from wrong if you're still making the same stupid mistakes you made five years ago you're not growing so you're robbing us of a meaning I should not be making the same mistakes now that was making 10 years ago how are you 44 making the same mistakes when he was 24 so Jesus grew an intellect and says he grew in stature that's his physical body watch he took care of his temple he knew how fast he knew what to eat and what not to eat he didn't kill himself with red meat he took care of his body why because I'm gonna do the Lord's work I need a body to do it he grew in favor with men and God favor with men that is he valued his relationships he grew socially and how he interacted with people caring about relationships loving other people so he grew with favor with people he grew in favor with God how he grew spiritually we see him watch slipping away in prayer opening up the scrolls he grew intellectually he grew physically he grew with men he grew with God so you're on a journey of process of becoming Johnny of process journey of process a journey of becoming of crowing and development journey of process you're also on a journey of pouring this is what gives your life more meaning your life I have more meaning when you recognize your honor journey and that every day God is trying to conform you when you recognize you look back over your years you've been growing in a process but your life will have more meaning when you realize you're on a journey of pouring the person who will have a meaningless life as the person who have a selfish life the person will have a meaningful life a purposeful life of a person who lives to add value to the lives of other people a servant will have a meaningful life a servant will have a purposeful life a person who lives to give and a person who lives to add value to the lives of other people will always feel purpose in every day you'll take one day and have a conversation with a homeless man at the gas station and you will walk away from that feeling purpose and meaning when I live with eyes to serve others and when I live with a heart to add value to others when I think I'm gonna do all I can to make Lina's life better I'm gonna do all I can to make Malachi Israel Josiah and Izzy's life better - I'm gonna do all I can to help the leaders around me when I wake up in the morning thinking who can I help today and when you live that way your life explodes with meaning and purpose when you don't drive by the homeless and have a conversation let me pray for you and not just only give you a dollar when you slow down long enough to know who can I serve today when you join a team and the V unit when you show up every Sunday to serve those hook and adds value and meaning and purpose to your life those who live to serve will have the most meaning in their life the disciples arguing about who's gonna be great jesus said to them he said to them listen don't argue about who's gonna be great he said for the son of man did not come to be served but to serve the son of man watch I came watch to serve why cuz he was finding meaning Jesus was drawing Jesus was serving right and and then this last one I made him all peace so you can remember right you're on a journey of paths last one I'm done you're a journey of paths now this one is profound it's profound can you give me my verse in Hebrews Hebrews chapter 12 and verse 1 and 2 says this therefore since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses whose the cloud of witnesses and Hebrews chapter 11 the Hall of faith when a writer lists a laundry list of people who lived by faith following after God had given everything they had to go after God and to make a difference in their world so I'm gonna dive without even seeing what they will believe the write of Hebrews said to us since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses let us throw off everything and every weight and every sin that so easily hinders us and cumbers us and slows us down and let us run with perseverance I'm closing the race washes word marked out for us you know what that means God is really chosen your race it has already chosen your path and paths and your life will start taking on more meaning and purpose washes when you surrender to the paths that he's watch already marked out for you some of us our hearts don't feel like we have meaning because we're on a path we chose but not the path he chose when the career we want but not in the career he chose you're watching me you're in the church you want to be in but you listen to this podcast every week but God is calling you to be here right it's what I want to do against what he has already marked out for you and your life will start taking on more meaning watch you when you surrender to what the paths she has already marked out for you it could be you could be full long in your career and hear the Spirit of God saying leave that thing I'm calling you to be here and you walk away from that not even know how you're gonna pay your bills but you feel that he's calling you over here this is the path you've marked out for me I'm gonna trust you on this path doing music or feel a burden for the local church corporate America or feel a burden for ministry moving to this state but God says no stay here the path or watch marked out for you and as soon as my feet land on the paths that he has marked out for me then it doesn't matter what I face on this path and I'm gonna be talking about that next week it doesn't matter what I face on this path I will find meaning and purpose because I know in my heart there is an assurance between my spirit and God spirit that I'm on the path that he has marked out from me that on my journey I am NOT detouring you know like when you set the GPS it says you'll be here at 8 o'clock and you think you know a smarter way although the satellite is a hundred miles above the earth I can see everything you can't see and so I'm gonna make this left when the GPS is saying go right but I'm smarter than the satellite that can see down the road so I make the left because I want to go on my own path but I thank God that he's gracious and when he sees us and our foolishness he'll whisper in your spirit recalculating I said how far are you gonna keep running down this road of meaninglessness didn't I call you to be faithful at Victory get back on this path then I call you to leave that thing and start this thing then I call you to step on nothing and trust me get back on this path and he recalculates you now am I arrived at 8:15 but I'm back on my journey [Applause] Danyelle I don't know if I had another note I think I had another statement if I have it just just throw it up there did I have another statement did I have another one and have anything left for my iPad find more meaning in your journey your life will take on a greater sense of meaning and purpose watch when you capitalize on your moments but when you also recognize that you're on a watch a fixed journey heading towards eternity a journey of process a journey of pouring a journey of paths and the more I yield to the process of development the more I give my life for service the more I surrender to the past that God has chosen to me the more my life will explode with purpose and meaning this is what Jesus did Jesus grew Jesus served Jesus surrendered to the path that God for him Washington even when he said Lord if there is any way that this cup can pass from me nevertheless [Music] he surrendered to his path even to the point of execution what would happen for you in your life if you start living with eternity playing in the background you know what happened every day will start being more meaningful to you this is so difficult for us as Americans because we're so attached to tangible things that we don't think about the fact that eternity is coming we're not thinking about eternity I want to preach better sermons when I think about eternity I want my prayer life to be more meaningful when I think about eternity I want to serve harder when I think about eternity I want to give away more money to help the poor to help other people when I think about eternity I want to finish with a good marriage I started with a bad one I want to finish with a good one when I think about eternity I want to raise the four righteous seeds that when I die hopefully they will run after me and serve Jesus with their whole heart we not think about eternity I want my life to matter when I think about eternity I think about my epitaph when they put me in the ground what will they say at my funeral they want to say this band right here this Negro this dude right here he gave everything he had for a cause that was much bigger than myself he had some problems and he had some anger and a little bit of road rage but that dude right there died dude he cut some people off for 75 but that dude was a man of God he served with everything in him he gave generously he prayed for people he shed tears he sacrificed he stayed up late he arrived early man he gave it all that's a life worth living that's a life worth following that's a life that's the life that Jesus lived by the meaning in your moments my brothers and sisters find meaning in your journey your temporary temporary make your journey count for something and just accumulating and attaining stuff somebody saying I'm gonna make you prophesy so God we hear you say I will make my journey count I will make my journey count I will make my journey find meaning [Music] I'll die I said what you wanted me to say the great eternal being a great god of heaven and earth creator of all things the author and finisher of our faith the one whom which we will give an account to the one who has fixed our days and know the very moment that we would leave you God I pray over the minds and hearts of these my brothers and sisters these men and women I pray of our children upstairs who are learning the same thing I pray for the one that's watching or listening on podcast I will victory family abroad my friends in Toronto Florida and all across the country especially in these turbulent times when things are growing so dark the earth is groaning for the rise of the sons of God and the daughters of God people are searching for models they're searching for light the world is hungry may we your sons and daughters God arise in this hour may you give us an awareness may we be woke like never before may we have an awareness that we are just such earners and they will you cause soundtrack of eternity to constantly keep playing in the background of our lives and our hearts may increase and wisdom and we may capitalize on the moments that you give us and find more meaning in this temporary journey may you help us not to live life aimlessly may you help us God Lord to squeeze every ounce of meaning out of our days God would you open our eyes to see opportunities all around us to make a difference for some of us would you deliver us from being attached to money and we can't even serve you in that area of our life for some of us God would you deliver us from being so prideful that we've made ourselves our own gods now you help us God not to despise our experiences but when we look back over our shoulder may we be thankful that you have caused us to mature and we're growing into the image of Christ may we be thankful for our process may we give our lives God too poor and that value father to others may you help us to be so sensitive to the guidance of your Holy Spirit that we would yield our hearts and minds to the paths you've already chosen for us God and as we grow and as we serve and as we walk the road that you've chosen for us as we lean into every moment to connect with you and touch the lives of others will you help meaning and purpose explode in the lives of those while wise enough to take these and teachings seriously I pray for the unbeliever in the room maybe they'll be drawn to you maybe they've been searching maybe there's someone in this room right now somebody watching listening that maybe they're an atheist maybe they believe something different maybe they are far away from you and the Spirit is stirring God would you draw them to yourself right now would you rescue them how you rescued me would you open their eyes and hope to see that that emptiness will remain till they put their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ will they find meaning in you well I pray these my brothers my sisters that our lives were explode with purpose as we live to grow as we live to serve as we live to be obedient to you I thank you for this timely message you sink it deep into our hearts it radically transforms me open eyes may you tattoo on our hearts maybe some of us would get a real tattoo maybe we'll put it on script and our risk that we are such earners maybe somebody would name their next daughter Sojourner you help us to remember that we are just serger nurse and this is not our home I feel something else must burn would you break our grip from being attached to things and we're trying to put our emotions in permanently that in the end we will not be betrayed but you break our grip from trying to build a permanent Empire and a temporary place may we live to build up our rewards in heaven wait we will not be denied that I pray that over these your people in the mighty name of your Savior amen we hope this message was a blessing for you if you have a testimony please email us at share at victory Church ATL org again thank you for tuning in we look forward to seeing you next week
Channel: Victory Church
Views: 1,909
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: O5BIo5-jQLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 4sec (3364 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2018
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