Top 10 Times Rory Was the WORST on Gilmore Girls

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I did too no Rory you didn't you're 19 now remember you're all grown up and you can handle your own Affairs sorry it's a bad choice of words welcome to Ms Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 times Rory was the worst on Gilmore Girls look I have you're a jerk I just wanted to come tell you that to your face for this list we'll be looking at moments when the younger Lorelei Gilmore's flaws are most obvious we're going to go over plot points from the original series and it's Netflix miniseries so spoilers are ahead what's your opinion on Rory let us know in the comments below number 10 trying to stay at Stars Hollow High I'm not sure I want to go to Chilton what the timing is just really bad the timing is bad Rory starts showing her true colors in the pilot episode since she was little it's been both her and her mother's dream that she go to Harvard her attending a preparatory school is a huge step towards achieving that goal however the 16 year old is willing to throw away her spot at the prestigious institution Chilton for the sake of a crush she tries telling Lorelei that she's being considerate of their financial circumstances but the former Teen Mom knows a thing or two about making Reckless decisions for the sake of a guy I don't want to change schools because of all the reasons I've already told you a thousand times if you don't want to believe me that's fine good night does he have a motorcycle because if you're gonna throw your life away he better have a motorcycle it's not often that the older Gilmore has to play the mom card but this is one of those times you are going to Chilton whether you want to or not Monday morning you will be there end of story we'll see yeah we will number nine bribing a stranger excuse me you're sitting under my tree what my study tree this is my study tree the hell's a study tree okay see I have roommates so do I yes but I have Paris and I have tana and I have Janet and Janet squeaks like I'm busy okay as an only child Rory grew up always having the time and space she needed for her intense study habits however with college comes a whole new environment and plenty of new challenges to adapt to with her dorm sweet not being a conducive habitat for school work Rory had found Comfort studying outside under a tree however another thing only child life didn't prepare her for was sharing she's unhappy when she returns to the spot on a different day and sees that it's already been claimed and anyhow I was just hoping that maybe you would consider giving me back my tree no when Rory appears to make amends later it seems like she might be accepting that she won't always get her own way instead she ends up bribing the guy to leave I'll give you 20 bucks for the tree you're gonna pay me for the tree go with the flow man you're hot number eight writing a mean review geez oh no come on this is just so harsh again you were there I know but there's something about seeing it in print people don't write as mean as they talk except you I wrote what I felt the aspiring journalist develops her voice while writing for the Yale Daily News when she's tasked to review a ballet Rory transcribes all of her harshest observations about the show her article is so scathing it makes her an enemy of one of the ballerinas as Paris reminds us we've been told repeatedly that Rory is an inoffensive Angel however this episode shows that's not necessarily the case and Rory is rightfully called out for spreading her negative opinions so thoughtlessly your review was mean and Petty and Despicable look Sandra that's your name right Sandra this was all in the line of duty it was an assignment from my editor so it was nothing personal okay you called me a hippo we get that she's a critic but the University student wrote comments that were totally unnecessary it seems like Lorelei never taught her daughter the idiom if you Don don't have anything nice to say you shouldn't say anything at all do I see the word hippo coming up give me the paper I'm sorry it's just so specific it's what I saw so I wrote it that's what the editor told me to do number seven interviewing with Sandy says I'm blowing everything my life my career I'm flailing and I don't have a plan or a list or a clue this is karma this is why Conde Nast will not follow up with me because they know failure when it walks in the door we're gonna say it Rory doesn't make the smartest decisions professionally in the original series she turns down a salaried position at a reputable publication for a fellowship she doesn't even end up getting in the miniseries she's struggling as a freelance writer so what are you up to now oh I um well I'm here hello and um I'm just finishing up some things and um I'm working on a book proposal when she finally lands a meeting at Conde Nast with help from Mitchum hunsberger the Yale graduate has nothing to pitch she eventually considers accepting a position at an up-and-coming internet publication but isn't prepared when she meets with the CEO in person what if I hire you tell me what Rory Gilmore would write about for Sandy says oh if I worked here sell me so okay we're selling um that's a totally different outfit she does a terrible job selling herself and demonstrates that she hasn't done her homework the interaction is embarrassing and ends with Rory getting rejected over the phone while standing in the lobby get it you got your hopes up no you got my hopes up for a job that I didn't even want oh real nice so you just felt like wasting my time no you wasted my time hey I'm the CEO here my time's a little more valuable number six ignoring Lane we need to talk okay let's talk nice outfit thank you throughout the series Rory isn't always a great or even good friend remember when she dragged Marty to a Chinese restaurant with Logan's gang that wasn't cool we feel especially badly however for Rory's supposed bestie from Stars Hollow Lane what are you doing at my house like you care what are you talking about you're never around when I need you the show begins with the teenage Gilmore changing schools and therefore having less opportunity to spend time with Lane the protagonist also starts dating in season one and her childhood pal is often reduced to a third wheel in season 2 Lanes too embarrassed to tell Rory that she's joined the Stars Hollow High cheer squad I just wanted to do it I just wanted to try it and I don't feel like I should have to justify it to you or explain it to you fine I won't okay all right the girls pads cross less and less as The Show Goes On Lane goes through a lot over the series and Rory can rarely be counted on as a source of support I'm out aren't I it's okay it couldn't last forever it's time number five stringing Paul along oh man what now poor Paul hey you have got to I know and Rory's biggest mistakes often involve her love life over the course of the original series and its Netflix Revival she commits plenty of romantic faux pas the miniseries shows the 30-something freelance writer in a relationship with a guy named Jeffrey who Alan who Billy there's nothing remotely similar about those names you know him your guy call Paul yes Paul Paul's not here Paul's here who's Paul Paul my boyfriend oh crap he's presented as chronically forgettable neither Lorelai nor Luke can remember his name however rather than a situation reading is funny it comes off as rude I'm gonna go wash my hands just order me a tea tea yes no go on okay you have got to cut that poor boy loose no I keep meaning to and I just keep forgetting I'm so so sad Rory never gives Paul the respect he deserves and is surprisingly okay with committing infidelity she doesn't even have the decency to break up with him before sleeping with other people in the end it's he who calls off the relationship via a text message honestly good for you Paul Rory due to our ever conflicting schedules I think we should break up take care Paul who I can't believe how I treated him I suck number four dropping out of Yale she's gonna get back I'll teach you the fight song an Ivy League education for Rory is the goal of both Gilmore Girls from the beginning of the show although Lorelei is initially opposed when Rory shifts her Focus away from Harvard in the end all parties are pleased when the teenager enrolls at Yale both very happy about it both her and me she and I everybody in this room named Lorelei is over the moon about the going to Yale which means that everybody else in this room not named Lorelei can be equally over the moon about to go into Yale this is why it's such a big deal when Rory decides to leave University now we are not saying taking time off is bad in general but in this case it's probably not for the best you don't want to be a journalist fine I don't care about that but you stay in school you take some classes you figure out what you do want to be that's not what Yale is for that's what college is for it feels expensive are you paying Rory is letting her doubts sewn by Mitchum hansberger get in the way of her success her choice causes a divide between mother and daughter when Rory goes to her grandparents for support behind lorelei's back I don't understand you can watch her keep her from getting into trouble we can get her back on track you'll understand that one should calm down and think about it rationally number three stealing a yacht yeah let's take that fancy panty out of yours for a spin tricky since it's about to head out with all my sister's friends on it oh well don't you have another one Rory's relationship with her boyfriend Logan's dad is a Tense one Mitchum huntsberger is a newspaper Mogul who offers the aspiring journalist an internship at first this seems generous but then Mitchum takes the protagonist aside and undermines her confidence you don't got it now guts can be wrong mine's been wrong before Rory is wrecked by what Mitchum says and lets the weight of his words affect her mood she decides to do something Reckless with Logan suggesting they take a yacht that doesn't belong to them you know the beginning of Moby Dick when the narrator says it when he finds himself going Grim about the mouth and wanting to knock people's hats off he takes to the Sea yeah well I feel like knocking people's hats off so I guess we gotta take to the Sea what Mitchum tells Rory is harsh but in no way does it justify an action as entitled and chaotic as this Logan is never one to say no and both characters wind up in jail where are we Gilmore's coming on now oh thank you you're here for Rory yeah oh well we would have taken 100 just so you know she was covered wow the relief number two sleeping with Dean he's not a married guy he's Dean my Dean he's not your Dean he's Lindsay's Dean You're The Other Woman sharing is apparently not one of Rory's strengths neither is Fidelity despite his status as a married man Rory pursues a flirtationship with her ex-dean that evolves into a full-blown affair she loses her virginity to him and then tries to convince her mother that it's a good thing everything's okay I'm okay and we were you know safe so all those children men jokes all these years really apparently stuck and I'm lucky too because Dean he's her Outburst is surprisingly entitled considering she's The Other Woman in this scenario Lorelei who's made plenty of her own mistakes doesn't fall for her daughter's logic she pushes back against Rory's denial and things escalate well obviously you weren't ready for this step the very fact that you chose another girl's guide to sleep with proves that he was my boyfriend first but you dumped him you rejected him you picked someone else stop it Rory I hate you for ruining this for me a rift develops between the two Gilmore Girls that Rory allows to Fester when she chooses to go to Europe with Emily Rory hurry up you have to hold your own boarding pass and you'll need your ID Laurel I say your goodbyes here if you don't have a boarding pass you can't go any farther am I right all right Lorelei before we unveil our top pick here are a few honorable mentions sleeping with a Wookie there's a lot going on with this one wow you look weird what's wrong I slept with a wookie come again I slept with a wookie you slept with a cookie Wookie I slept with a Wookie don't make me keep saying it I'm sorry I'm just not getting this here forgetting her privilege Rory needs a wake-up call from her trust fund baby boyfriend wake up Rory whether you like it or not you're one of us you went to prep school you go to Yale your grandparents are building a whole damn astronomy building in your name that is different okay it's not like I live off a five million dollar trust fund my parents set up for me yeah well you're not exactly paying rent either before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one having an affair with Logan are you leaving town foreign 's coming to town kind of Odette kind of right many of Rory's mistakes can be excused because of her age however her sustained affair with Logan while he's engaged to another woman happens when she's in her 30s the two refer to their relationship as Vegas implying that what they do together stays just between them what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas we do and when we leave Vegas we forget about Vegas until we're back in Vegas and that's just us in Vegas until we're not throw me a rope man meanwhile their respective Partners Odette and Paul have no idea Logan's French fiancee is never seen on screen but that doesn't stop us from feeling for her the affair is hypocritical especially considering how upset Rory got when she found out Logan slept with someone else while they were broken up you had plenty of backup what do you need me for because I love you no don't Rory I didn't cheat on you I didn't lie to you you didn't tell me we're not opposed to Logan and Rory as a couple however their relationship as depicted in the miniseries is problematic breakfast sounds good hey come on we have to get you home do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from mismo Joe and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos [Applause]
Channel: MsMojo
Views: 411,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Comedy, Sitcom, Streaming, TV, alexis bledel, dean, gilmore girls, gilmores, lane, list, logan, mojo, msmojo, paul, rory, rory drops out of yale, rory gilmore, rory gilmore was the worst, rory logan affair, rory sleeps with dean, rory steals yacht, sandeesays, times rory was the worst on gilmore girls, top 10, watch mojo, watchmojo, worst gilmore girls moments, worst rory gilmore moments, worst rory moments
Id: AddrShuH6sc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 01 2022
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