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[Music] [Music] hey guys today we're going to talk nutrition so every Sunday I try to do it every Sunday I like to prep food and I have my weekly grocery list in my phone so I can get in and out of the grocery store in under thirty minutes and I don't get tempted with things that I don't want to buy I know right where everything is and I stay there I haven't spree heated okay so the things we're gonna start with today are carbs veggies and proteins I pretty much prep the same thing every week but I like to have a variety and sometimes I'll switch out maybe like a potato for our golden potato or things along those lines but I keep it pretty simple simple I find is best and it keeps me feeling the best as well so for carbs I start with red skin potatoes so I'm gonna cut these and roast them in the oven just with a little bit of salt and pepper sometimes I do all boil not a whole lot because I don't want the extra fat from there I like to do jasmine rice so this is what I have love for today I guess I need to get another bag so I'll cook some jasmine rice then I will also roast sweet potatoes so I like to have a variation of potatoes so it's either sweet potatoes and red potatoes red potatoes and golden potatoes golden and sweet whatever it is I just like to at least have two sometimes I do all three on Sundays depending on how I'm feeling and then I finish with red lentil pasta I think having multiple different types of carbohydrates throughout the week that you can eat just helps you not get sick of your food if it's in the fridge it's ready to go then you're not tempted to eat all of the other processed foods throughout the week that are quick simple and easy as well so one tip that I've learned is I try to look for small sweet potatoes I used to buy the biggest ones I could possibly buy this is like Oh more potato but now I just buy small more of the smaller ones because it makes it much easier to cut we have a really thick potato their hearts so trying to get the knife through can sometimes be challenging so instead of buying four big ones just buy eight small ones and it goes much faster when you're cutting so I'm gonna start with my sweet potato make sure you always watch them my mom always gets on me about this but now I'm really weird about it too so always always wash your fruits your veggies and your potatoes so I'm gonna wash it and then I just like to cut it up I'm no MasterChef I have one knife I like sweet potatoes are hard so I always just cut the ends off first and then I stand outside because it hopes we put a little bit of muscle behind it and really it doesn't matter like if you like them super small that's fine obviously the smaller you cut them the faster they're gonna cook I usually just cut them into little pieces like this you guys saw in my favorite breakfast what I do with them I roast them and then that way when it's time to eat them in the morning I just have to toss them in a pan to heat them up to make them crispy good microwave them but always reheating them on the skillet I think tastes better so smaller size that way they cook pretty easily so once you cut them I add parchment paper to just a baking sheet and then I just go ahead typically fill the entire pan so I usually buy today about six sweet potatoes that usually gets us through at least Thursday of the week and I'll fill this entire pan and then roast them so that's what once this is full we'll add it to the oven so once your pans about full I typically always try to sell my biggest pan because it looks like a lot but then once I load my plate with the amount of carbs that I eat throughout the week it turns out to be not as much as I think so I typically do salt and pepper so we like the pink Himalayan sea salt in just a little bit I know some people say not to salt your food but I've learned is especially when you're sweating on you need to make sure you do have some salt so I like to just put a little sprinkle on my potatoes and I know I'm at least getting some salt if I forget to salt my food when I eat it so now I'll take them I'm gonna put them in the oven I have it on 400 and we will let them bake so now let's talk veggies so once I prepare all of my carbs then I typically start on my veggies or sometimes I go vice versa I do my veggies first and then the carps whatever as long as they both get done and I have to eat for the week then I'm happy so I pretty much buy the same veggies every week i buy crowns abruptly so IOU steam these on the stove so a little bit of water with Chelsea and steam them for 5 to 7 minutes and then that way I can either have them with my chicken and my rice or my turkey or whatever or they're ready to go and I can put them in my eggs in the morning from there I like asparagus so and then on the biggest various dick so I always buy without two of these and then I'll cut the bottoms off and then I'll also roast these in the oven 400 to 415 for about seven minutes makes it perfect I eat these on the side with rice veggies or rice chicken or I put them in my eggs so a lot of this goes in my big breakfast that you guys see that I have after training next I've been on a big pepper kick so they have them for 99 cents each and I like the orange bell peppers they add a ton of flavor and then I like the red bell peppers last week I got yellow I don't really like yellow as much so we're gonna stay with red so these I'm gonna roast in the oven as well I found that's my favorite way to cook them I'm gonna slice them up sometimes I'll leave one not cooked and then I'll just snack on it throughout the day almost like a carrot or something like that it's just crunchy and it tastes good otherwise I roast them I toss them in my eggs I put them on our tacos I even throw them in our marinara sauce when we have it with our red lentil pasta so it just adds a little bit of extra flavor and keeps the meals changing so you're not just eating the same thing every single day so I usually cut about 5 to 6 peppers they've last us I don't know three or four days because we put them in everything they're really good for you it's just a really good change even if you don't buy them every week buy them every other week and for me you'll notice like some of them are much bigger or some of them are much smaller size doesn't matter I'm not eating them just by themselves I'm putting them in tons of things so whether it's turkey meatloaf my eggs whatever they're gonna roast and cook down a little bit so then when I toss them in I don't even notice if it's like a bigger or smaller pepper I just try to cut them efficiently and not waste a ton of time I'm cutting my peppers so I'll pop them into the oven I'll roast them on 400 for about 20 minutes or until they start to look soft and that they've kind of cooked all the way through all right so let's talk protein so I've gone through carbs we've got through veggies and now we're gonna talk protein I like to rotate my protein because I get really sick of eating the same thing and I also watch how much red meat I eat I used to eat red meat almost every night and then I noticed like I just didn't really feel that great so I've switched and I kind of rotate it so last week I had a little bit more red meat this week I'm not doing as much and I sometimes like to have a cheat meal and a burger on the weekend so I eat less red meat during the week so I can go out and get a big juicy burger on a Saturday night so this week what I bought I've switched over to since thinly sliced chicken breast cutlets instead of full chicken breasts I rotate between this and chicken thighs so last week I might have had chicken thighs this week we're gonna go with just chicken breasts just always keep switching it that helps you knock it sick of your food so I will grill these and then these go on multiple different things so once it's grilled I can use it with my red lentil pasta and marinara sauce and peppers I can use it with rice and broccoli a race and asparagus I also will slice it up and then toss it in a skillet add a little bit of homemade salsa or so that I bought at the store with it and then we'll make tacos out of it and that's how we season it so there's endless things you can do with chicken the next is natural ground turkey so I won't go for the 1937 I like to have just a little bit of fat with my meat I try to keep it right Asset 1937 instead instead of the 99 / 1% but with this same thing so we'll either make turkey tacos we'll make turkey burgers turkey meatloaf or we'll just put ground turkey on the stove and then add marinara sauce to it so just always knowing that's why I've got two pounds of it because we'll do multiple things with it this week but just you can even do turkey chili just having different ideas different recipes so that way you do not get burned out and you're also having a little bit of flavor without just in a natural way so it doesn't have to be a ton of seasoning or a ton of sauces or anything like that but just a little bit of flavor so you do enjoy your meals and you don't feel like you're just eating cardboard at every single meal so this is just a look into my weekly meal prep typically what I would prep for carbs what I eat all week long when I prep for veggies and protein and just always trying to get creative with new recipes so if you have any recipes comment below let me know with anything that I have I would love to try them but right now my macros for my protein I was eating a little bit more so I was eating a little bit more than my body weight like 1.8 times I believe and I just don't feel as good so I've actually cut my protein back just a little bit so I'm sitting right around 125 grams of protein a day I like to be within plus or minus 5 to 7 grams so if at the end of the day I'm 5 gram I'm sure I'm not going through my pantry or my fridge or trying to figure out how I can get those 5 grams I'm close enough and I'm happy with that for my carbs I like to be over 300 if it's a heavy training day just depends but I want to make sure that I'm at least at 280 grams for the day closer to 300 and then for my fats I tend to like to eat a higher fat diet but it doesn't make me feel good in the gym so I like to make sure that I'm filling my meals with good lean protein and lots and lots of carbs so for my fats I like to keep them you know in when I'm not trading super super hard around 70 nothing too high nothing too low they will go down to about 55 and my carbs hold up to closer to 350 as I get towards the summer and I start training for the CrossFit Games so that's just kind of where I'm sitting at right now I'm not counting diligently I'm not tracking every single day but I can eyeball things I've got my scale over there if I need to check something out but I will start counting here again soon I hope that helps just remember keep changing things up by lots of different kinds of veggies so you're not eating broccoli at every single meal by many different kinds of proteins get creative try to think of new recipes and that will help you keep your healthy eating on track because then you're not burned-out and like I said you don't feel like you're eating cardboard every single day hopefully this helps you guys comment below with any questions that you have or anything else you want to see [Music] [Music]
Channel: Kristi Eramo O'Connell
Views: 87,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meal prep, lean, nutrition, crossfit games athlete, games athlete meal prep, crossfit meal prep
Id: qd43g4xgC0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 21 2020
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