McMaster U. MELTDOWN (with Subtitles) - SJW insanity vs Jordan Peterson's monk-like calm

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The outrage at Peterson has been a great thing for everyone. If it didn't happen Peterson wouldn't have been nearly as well known and many people, myself included, wouldn't have heard about him and learned from him.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 07 2020 🗫︎ replies
her help the Deaf said about Indian watch that's to let the unreasonable opposition speak because they manifest themselves as unreasonable and then everyone can see it so that's part of the reason that you want free speech right you Oh [Applause] [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] very very fun you don't want to be the one giving up in one absolute valley in Toronto no water people work at online now Oh [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] if your faith by unreasonable opposition best to live yours it's best to let the unreasonable opposition speak because they manifest themselves as unreasonable and then everyone can see it so that's part of the reason that you want free speech right if you want people well that leads to left the back of the house yeah come on this product which are going late dr. Peterson is not helping no one security can't help you no matter what not their job well and no matter what they do czar wrong right go on then they're wrong or the say intervene and they're and they cause trouble for anything no matter who the students are what's wrong he's just about horse has to take care of himself all right so I can tell you a little bit about boys I was supposed to build c16 and there's a variety of reasons I think the most important one is medicine it's the first piece of Canadian legislation that 70-foot forward that actually requires people to use a particular set of words now there is other legislation that does govern to some degree what you can't play so for example you can't incited crime and that's perfect logical it's a reasonable restriction on free speech but we've never had a piece of legislation ever that would require you to use a certain kind of vocabulary and regardless of what the popular is and the fact that it happens to be about transgendered terminology hypothetically is almost beside the point as far as I'm concerned so it's all focused on dirt it's all focused on this particular issue and it had to focus on some knee issues but this isn't the issue that's at the bottom of it if that complex things manifest themselves in very particular locations and this just happens to be the location that this is manifesting itself via and finally you can see do that the vast majority of people for example men who are biologically male who present themselves as male who identify as male to prevent themselves at male are also heterosexual 95% of them perhaps 98% of them are sorry I just had a question I believe it was explicitly say to you that you should shake off those comments and I'm going to share your views on free speech but we don't want to hear your views on how to identify sounds like we're no longer in that event now yes outside at the same time I'd appreciate it and you just stayed on topic I don't know about you yeah I didn't go in anyway why how do you tell me about why these are telling us to shut people down or being made because you need to know them so for advising energy determines this kind of protest is an expression of a philosophy that's grounded partly in post-modernism as largely in Marxism so the postmodern element is basically there there's no such fun of genuine individual identity welcome is its birth identity and you like it or not only have the interests of your group and the whole world is nothing but a battleground between groups of different interests there's no dialogue there's no possibility of parting between the group it's just the power stage where combat has to take place and so the reason that speakers with home the radical post modernists and the Marxist going to Greece or deny the platform because those people believe from a philosophical position the dialogue can bring consensus and all the claps if you forego that particular principle it says and this is only where it start you know the is that you're all pretty damn civilized and thank God for that because if there are enough balls in the crowd especially those who are intent on violence this would turn out very differently we do not want to go down that pathway it's a big mistake we've been down that pathway many many times the question was room had we call the police and definitely moves what about being a failure right I think the answer that is there's no car bed right there's no reason to assume this is a bad thing it's noisy and it's annoying but that's fine you got a lesson but it follow what you believe to be true right don't worry about it and then let's sing Rockland and see what happens because it's perfectly possible that if you're trying to do the right thing your card normally that whatever happens around you is the partial consequence of life and then it's a good thing it will see we'll have weeks after this event to analyze its consequences and so far all of those that are of use under there to listen to the park your peaceful unreasonable and you've got a chance to show that to hundreds of thousands of people for good this is a good thing not a bad thing [Applause] what do we get these people here to understand the dialogue lead to consumption how not make people who don't listen listen again they have to decide to listen on their own but you do that by listening you show them engaging dialogue your sausages we have consensus among you you mean by example because there's no getting through this it's a give you logical wall and the harder you push against it the larger to be closer to worry moment but don't don't get pushed around and don't let people in boxing engine so the other thing you have to do for reason I mean process for Starkel get your damn arguments together it was tough but you have to your diffident work will great work get ready you can film you but that's not [Applause] please Gracie please write those if you learn how to think right make enough people can understand why not cause I can articulate
Channel: Gravitahn
Views: 2,077,334
Rating: 4.9583697 out of 5
Keywords: jordan peterson, mcmaster university, mcmaster, free speech, political correctness, trans, transgender, transsexual, bill c-16, social justice, sjw, snowflake, air horn, cowbell, no platform, censorship, regressive left, leftist, authoritarian left, cultural marxism, illiberal left, pronoun, gender pronoun, lgbt, lgbtq, ontario human rights commission, ontario human rights tribunal, social justice tribunal
Id: vMSmUzDt-7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2017
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