MBMBAM Typography- Notes to God

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here's a Yahoo that was symptom by Sophie Thank You Sophie it's a Yahoo Answers user Michael who asks we have soft flesh on the outside and hard bone on the inside okay you've got Justin's attention now reel him in and then play through we have soft flesh on the inside and on the outside and hard bone on the inside South Celan stop selling I love it animals like crabs and insects have soft in the inside hard on the outside [Applause] is it just their jelly squishing around it - the jelly pushing up against their armor well this seems like a poor design choice thank you if you could trade I hate seeing you hold that microphone I do not know if you could trade feeling the breath of your newborn baby on the nape of your neck if you could trade that for bitchin armor that helps you to sever your enemies yes obviously right yes obviously I mean listen we've all dreamed of a mugger pulling a knife on you going to stab you and it shatters against your carapace no nice no nice there's no more violence we fixed violence there's no point everyone's got armor everything's got EXO plating there's no point in doing crimes right everybody's got claws for hands and EXO plating there's no crime anymore what would still be you could still embezzle even if everybody had a caravan are you gonna embezzle if you know your boss has giant EXO clothes because in the world you've posited he can't get through my armor some people have better cause than other people okay so now there is some there's no disparo some vile or still haves and have-nots but we don't fix it through crime there's no more crime okay there's no filing there's no why Koller milk milk is a controlled substance in this world because we don't want people can we don't want the imbalance to get too wild I love the skull the skull is great god I love the skull I'm wild about it stuff kid brain helmet is my skin good stuff I love how if I if they cut through the top of my face it'll stop cuz the skull yes will stop before the brain skull so it's not so fast but way here's my friend brain is in here let me let me flip it on you if there's a part that can't cut through let's put that on the outside then I don't even gotta worry about nice no more God come on as long as we're doing a note session for God I would also say rib cage I love that protecting my things this protects everything why would you it stops in my tummy area we're solid chest if we're talking about vulnerabilities you know my brains in here you know that that's Supes important and we love the skull but but can we talk about the two holes you put it in the front with the bull's eyes it has Lemaitre jelly and are you sure and this thing here that image hit wrong I died the thing that's literally in front of me Latoya the hoops destruct button on the front of my face are you sure and also as long as we're at it weak points here here here here here here here solid bone thank you also if sugar Brad why it taste so good yes you gotta help me help you why is the sugar make our mouth bones fall out yes and while we're talking about mouth bones why I gotta floss one solid piece one big one salad Chomper I love your son all this great stuff I'm crazy about it but the two holes in the front are so bad wild about that yeah wild about it what if I had plating right here that I had to flip up yes say cool stuff or eat hotdogs imagine it I've improved your creation you're very welcome but I'm your creation so you shouldn't feel bad about it yeah all right that's the esta dancer we saw how many of our questions could we solve just by giving God some note
Channel: Jenywlfersn
Views: 294,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MBMBAM, Typography, my brother my brother and me
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 43sec (283 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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