Maye Musk reveals the age she knew Elon was a special child | Your Morning

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Beauty Brains a son revolutionising the tech industry may musk has had quite the life but it did not come easy the 71 year old supermodel and mother of Tesla Baz Elon Musk recounts her journey from traversing the African desert as a teenager to becoming the matriarch of a powerhouse family all in her new book a woman makes a plan advice for a lifetime of adventure beauty and success and I am honored that may joins us in studio this morning thank you so much for being here I love being in Canada from Canada yes right the first chapter in your book really focuses on your modeling career there are a number of really interesting stories and anecdotes in it and I think that one doesn't have to be a model an aspiring model or a woman to appreciate that there is real knowledge that we can all take from that these men are taking advice from my book which I'm very thrilled about yes well let's let's talk about it you you won beauty contest you walked the runway New York Fashion Week you're a covergirl but you did say I'd rather my gravestone reads she was funny then she was beautiful yes I talked to me about that jokes well but talking about that realization when you came to that realization well the thing is everybody goes move for physical yeah how do you physically look and I think you should be nice and kind which is very Canadian Canadian parents I was born in Regina and it was so lovely to be brought up with really kind and thoughtful parents who are considerate of others and and polite and the way they brought me up I brought up my children I was really struck by that moment in the book where you said you know at one point you'd be offers just started drying up you know you weren't your agency wasn't putting you up for jobs and that was very hard on you but from what from what I took from that was you knew your worth you knew there was you had value to contribute to the industry and you fought to have that acknowledge and I think that's important information for anybody in any industry of any gender any any industry if you're not getting to your full potential and you know you can do better you have to move on and it's scary and you have no confidence because you're considered not that good and and you you know what have you got to lose just move on and see if you can just get to a bit of position you know you mentioned potential and as parents we want to believe that our children have unlimited potential and sometimes they do in certain areas others are not and sometimes it's just in the eye of the beholder your son Elon has potential that has never been seen in a lot of ways at what point in as you were raising him did you think what there might be something different about this little boy and from the age of three really I just he just reasoned with me so well and I didn't know how he could figure out things I mean he was three and then I sent him to school early because he and they said you can't send him yeah as the youngest person in the class and I said he really needs other stimulation as well and and the nice thing is that he took what he could do and actually implemented it many genius kids they they stay in a basement because they can't actually you know move ahead move ahead better I'm very thrilled very happy that you've got a portion here about you got a raise polite kids who will learn by listening who will eat with their mouths closed they won't talk with their mouths full that I I heard my mother and that which also means I hear myself with my kids if a lot of the foundational knowledge that our kids get is at the dinner table isn't it yes it is and you know you can actually see children it's at a dinner table and they have to behave otherwise you don't enjoy your meal lastly I'll just ask at this point in your life as you look back happy I'm at the happiest it's so 71 is really good probably 81 will be good too and I'll be back they must an honor to speak with you and I just want to say you know it is a very specific story told by with a very specific voice but there is so much universal information in here for for readers to glean thank you so much for sharing thank you so much for inviting me thanks for watching if you like this be sure to subscribe here and you can check out more your morning videos right here
Channel: CTV Your Morning
Views: 524,917
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Keywords: maye musk, elon musk, elon, tesla, model, book, your morning, ym, ben mulroney, ben, lindsey, anne-marie mediwake, morning, canada
Id: 8SMI9Sp-gr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 21sec (261 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 21 2020
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