Elon Musk's Father Reveals All About Dating Stepdaughter

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Mr Elon musk's father and Errol musk joins us now uh Errol thank you for taking out the time welcome to the program um you must be a very proud dad well yes I am yes I am well you know I've always been a proud Dad I'm not certainly a proud dad but yeah I'm proud well today to have a to have a son who is the wealthiest man in the world I mean must be something pretty special well I don't see it like that I that he's done well you know but he's a genius isn't he I mean he's he's actually he's taken over from NASA he's got Rockets Landing in Reverse looks like the films in Reverse he making self-drive how is he such a jior does it come from you is it bringing is it genetic is it environmental or is he just one of those people yes it's the only viable space uh facility launch facility in in the world really viable it was a big rocket launch today did you watch it yes how did you feel well you know uh first of all you know I was telling my family you have to you they all very happy to see this event nobody quite aware of the fact that this thing might just blow up on the on the stand on on the on the Launchpad yeah and um you know I kept telling everybody you know you know please hold thumbs you know please uh don't you know expect the worst you won't be disappointed then slightly depressing but okay um that's how you get get would you if if Elon got on the phone and said hey Dad would you like a trip on my first rocket what would you say don't do it uh shut I'd go on the pH F rocket exactly maybe on the pH when it starts definitely working you've um you've got you've got another son as well haven't you how's he doing is he another genius very well what is he very well my other son is uh into the food business and uh whole Foods nutrients and such like he's very big very very big in that and yeah so he's equally successful I'm told that he's worth about 700 million so he's quite a long way behind but not bad I mean 7 you poor brother isn't he though compared to Elon well yeah I think he he depending on the share price of tesl on I think he goes up and down billion 800 million do you have any shares in do you have any Tesla shares I should think so do you have any shares in Tesla I have the shares that belong to my son in Tesla yeah but there his CH no well listen he's he's you know yeah if it's your son's it's yours are you are you a genius were you were you an inventor or in your in your youth uh well yeah I I did build Rockets as a child and uh I you know I was more technical than other kids I suppose you're quite famous yourself in South Africa aren't you I've heard as a pilot and sailor yes I'm pretty well known and um I was well known in my field you know in electrical mechanical engineering do you get upset when people want to talk to you about Elon does it sort of like a a son might get really upset if everybody wants to talk Stanley Johnson doesn't like Boris Johnson talking about Boris Johnson no no I I I think my children all of them are concerned about being spoken about and you know so they say you know generally please don't don't say anything because it might be misconstrued and all that sort of thing you know I believe they're making a movie about Elon um will you be in it how do you feel about it who's going to play you well you know I'm my you know first let me say that I've been a single man for many years and I've never met a divorced woman who hasn't told me that her husband or ex-husband treated her very badly and uh so I have the situ sitation now that my ex-wife El's mother has written in books and things that I did all sorts of bad things to her which are not true at all well they said didn't they in the book that you uh you had an affair with your stepdaughter I think no no that's I had I I had a relationship with a girl that was my stepdaughter many many years ago I met her as an adult woman at 30 and we um uh you know had a was he long cross about that no he's never said anything to me about it never discussed it who's your favorite son out of the two is it obviously the richest is is it the richest son that's your favorite no no I think alucino should play you actually hang on the you I'm I'm getting slightly Harrison F would be good I'm getting slightly confused so you father two children with your one stepdaughter yeah but that's not Elon uh and his brother is it no now how are they doing then elon's got loads of kids isn't he yes well you know I mean uh elon's really broken the mold I mean he's he's got about 11 children yeah he can afford it and the names like X and rs turbo and stuff like that well that's because of the one mother was very keen on those type of names but the other children are all you know have regular names Terry so Grimes the uh or clear you know that's she she's a little bit you know she's very of our guard very they are aren't they she wants to use those sort of names I don't think Elon zly Minds he's a pro nativist he's worried about underpopulation Elon isn't he that's what he says the big problem is going to be in the future I mean if you if you've got billions it doesn't matter how many children you have he just keep going can't he um what I wanted to find out before we come to the end of this though um is a relationship you have with those two other stepchildren daughters uh Jenna and Elon I think um Elon was upset no Jenna and what is your other uh daughter called Rush right Rush do they have a relationship with you still they have a relationship with Elon oh yes yes very big relationship with me obviously they're very small you know six years four years do you have a relationship with Elon do you speak to him every now and then well I'm having supper with him shortly oh good give him our best wishes say we think he's great that's good I will I will thank you were you surprised when he bought Twitter were you shocked because everyone was a bit stunned by that bit left field well Twitter is a very big uh issue for us at the moment for this family and we just want to make it a success somehow yeah well you know I think he's it's good he's more freedom of speech brought Trump back he's brought a lot of people who were banned and I think it's doing really well I quite like the X now I didn't like it at the beginning I like it now why do he changed the name I mean people still call it he he bought the the name x.com about 20 years ago and he wanted to make use of it for a bank the name of a bank and all these years he's kept it it's one of the two single letter domains that you can own and he um has finally found a use for X he wants an app that does everything basically doesn't he called X well X just means you can type X on your computer or your phone and it will take you straight to good the site yeah you don't have to remember any names you just have to remember X why do you think sorry to to butt in but why do you think uh he's in lots of trouble at the moment with some of the big advertisers because they're accusing him of being anti-semitic I think why well I mean that's absolute nonsense I mean there absolute absolute nonsense I mean uh my great-grandfather was Jewish for thought so I don't understand this where this comes from I have no idea I know that Elon said in an interview that um if you if you if the Israelis go in and for every Arab child or Palestinian child rather that they you know uh kill they're going to create an entire family of Hamas members in exchange well a master are already doing that by indoctrinating from the age I wouldn't call that rocket science call that logic it's well indoctrinated anyway it's a point of view and we're getting so upset about people having their points of view that now they're getting violent on the streets of countries all over this planet um well is finally the most go on wrong I mean uh look I I I think what's going on there is not going to uh end peacefully if if you if each side keeps on killing killing one another well I hope I I hope it does good job we didn't think that World War I finally the the the proper question where are you going for dinner tonight and what are you going to have I don't know that's up to Elon what do you have normally what eggs chips Curry black pudding tie we like food yeah now um Elon right now is sleeping at the star base he's been up all night he always so we're going there later and then uh you know we'll probably find I I I I never a query where we go to these days you know I just say yeah it's fine yeah and and he plays and my son Kimel is here as well so Kimel is a cord and blow Chef so we'll probably go somewhere good nice well have a lovely evening tell him we're big fans and if he's um at a loose end one evening we'd love to get him on the show and it's it's also really nice and very positive that you've reconnected with him after a few years isn't it well I've never disconnected with him you know even better then sorry I don't know where all this come time listen um we we've got to go but thank you very much indeed very good
Channel: TalkTV
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Keywords: debate, free speech, freedom of expression, live, live news, news, politics, talk radio, talk radio live, talk radio tv, talk tv, talk tv live, talkTV, talkradio, talkradio tv, talkradiotv, talktv live, uk, elon musk, space x launch, spacex launch, elon musk x, elon musk twitter, errol musk, elon musk father errol, james whale unleashed, bitcoin, elon musk doge coin, Jana Bezuidenhout, musk stepdaughter, elon musk latest, musk talktv
Id: EfN748Z6GVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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