Exclusive: Elon Musk On Twitter Fame, Loneliness, And AI

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if you google elon musk i think you have 156 million search results really 76 million twitter followers you are definitely one of the most popular people on earth is popularity a pleasure or liability for you well it makes it difficult to go buy a coffee at the corner store that's for sure um so it's so it's hard to go around places you know i used to be able to just you know go to the store or walk down the street and now it's quite difficult to do that it's hard for me to go to a restaurant and if i do it's i just try to find a corner table and that's kind of dimly lit or something where i can sort of stay out of the way you said that you cannot be and don't want to be alone i very much share that feeling yeah where does it come from i think it's just a natural human reaction i mean most people a lot of people are happy if they are alone i don't i really that's uh i think most people are not happy being alone do you feel lonely i mean there are times when i feel lonely yes but i mean i think it's it's pretty basic like if i'm say working on this starship rocket down at you know south texas and and i'm just staying in my little house by myself especially if i forget my dog uh you know if my dog is not with me then um then i feel quite lonely because i'm just in a little house by myself with not even a dog do you see any danger that elon musk could be regulated because of regulation like i have too much power personally or something well i mean if you if you build in many sectors that are absolutely crucial to society very dominating on mars suckers that's the option then you once said on mars uh if there's human life there should be direct democracy yes i think direct democracy is less susceptible to corruption than representative democracy um i mean the other recommendations that i'd like i'd say like and any laws need to be short enough that everyone can read them as well um and and there should be some uh uh it should be easier to get rid of a law than make one you have to recently presented optimism and robert and you shared great expectations what that could do for the world could you imagine that one day we would be able to download our human brain capacity into a optimus yes i think that is i'm not saying this is i think it is possible i think to do that it is possible which would be as a different way of eternal life because we would also download our personalities into a bot yes we could download the things that we believe make ourselves unique now of course if you're not in a body anymore that there's definitely going to be some difference there you know but as far as preserving our memories um our personality if you will we could i think we could do that do you think that optimus is going to play a role in our daily life helping us in the household and things like that um i think it probably would yeah i think so it's just like i said general purpose humanoid uh the prototype is going to be ready by the end of this year when is it a product that can be mass marketed i think we'll have something pretty good at the prototype level this year and it might be ready for at least a moderate volume production you know towards the end of next year is there anything that you um most urgently want to achieve basically it comes down to solving the problem of real world ai that's that consumes a lot of my mind and then getting starship to work not just to get to orbit but to achieve full and rapid reusability which is really the holy grail of rocketry that is necessary for humanity to become a multi-planet species can love for projects for work compensate love among people i think love of work in my experience could it best make one halfway happy perhaps that's your biggest hope to be really in love i have been in the past i try to be as little as literal as possible i i would be happy if humanity has a self-sustaining city on mars because then the probable lifespan of humanity is much greater you know i think we really just got this you know consciousness like this little candle of consciousness like a small light in the void and we don't want that small candle in a vast darkness to be put out
Channel: Insider News
Views: 1,115,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Insider, News, Elon Musk, Twitter, Tesla, Social Media, AI, Tech, Technology, Interview
Id: J3klw7jXxL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 41sec (341 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 26 2022
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