Inside the home of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and wife Priscilla Chan

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only on CBS this morning Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife philanthropist Priscilla Chan invited us into their home well invited may be a stretch how about I said please mr. mr. Zuckerberg can we please come over and they said okay they have never allowed a TV camera crew inside their home before today so we were able to see firsthand who this couple is outside of their first big Facebook lives they discussed raising their two young daughters and how family inspires work that they do our extensive conversations with this couple we think show a different side of the Zuckerberg both at home and at work Priscilla how do you handle all of the incoming that goes to Facebook that goes to mark specifically I think it's it's hard like the way your gut feels when your best friend walks home comes home and it's like hard day not sure what needs to come next or you know waking up at night and being like he's still not in bed and so I see that I also see that we're still so fortunate like the touchstone of our family and our kids and just knowing that we are we're okay what can we actually bring to the table it's that family that motivated them to build the Chan Zuckerberg initiative and now four year old company funding achievements in medical science and other fields I love that it's Chan Zuckerberg not Zuckerberg a couple launched it just days after the birth of their first daughter so in order to truly understand the origins of this huge philanthropic endeavor you really have to go back home to meet max the little girl who unknowingly started at all now joined by her little sister August okay can you say hi to go who recently had a birthday me how old did you turn how do you raise children when you can really give them anything materially to be grounded well I think first of all we we give them everything so I think that's an important piece but they also just have responsibilities so you're saying you teach them that they have chores your kids have responsive responsibilities we also take them to work Marc and I take both of them to work to the office to see sort of like what we do how we contribute so how do you not bring work home guys aren't you you work together you live together well I disagree with the premise of that question we care deeply about our work and so we don't leave it at the door but we are super careful about thinking about is this the moment to talk about it I guess it was when you kept on bringing up work on date night how often is date night and what is day we're pretty good about we do it every week yeah and no work talk on date night no work so I don't start a date night whose idea was that it's Marc's idea really yes Marc are you the sentimental one in this relationship I think that would be a surprising conclusion to come to but that may be where this interview is going another surprise the couple's first date way back at Harvard after meeting in line for the bathroom at a frat party almost didn't lead to a second date there was a major red flag what I'm like a type A student at the end of the date he said I have a take home midterm I need to do but I'd rather hang out with you which I thought would be this like a compliments going nowhere he's blowing off his homework from your standpoint Marc you're thinking that's a way to impress her to say I'm so interested in you I'd much rather spend time with you than my aunt worked yeah and I was pretty confident I could do the test Facebook launch what did you think Priscilla your life would be with this man not different than before he launched the website no one in their wildest dreams would imagine that this is what would happen after that it was just it was his next project people say the success of Facebook certainly has a lot to do with Priscilla's influence on you would you agree with that I think that's the got to be true you run things by her you we also just talk about our philosophy on life and then that ends up you know having a lot of effects on you know how I think about building my team at Facebook and the values with which we run the organization and like your marriage vows I there's a line in the vows that you said about mark he makes you a better version of yourself he makes you a better version of yourself how he just believes in me so much of even when I don't believe in myself highlighting where I have strengths where I may not see my own strength what does she do for you well I mean you have this way of communicating kind of the soul of something I think it's inspiring and something that we would all do better to you know be able to do more of that every year you you pick a project I remember one year you wanted to learn Chinese you learn Chinese what did that mean to you when he did that for Silla maybe a little frustrated that my Mandarin was better than yours for a little bit your Mandarin was better than mine briefly but I mean the thing the real takeaway I had from that year is that mark is better at talking than listening and because I got to a point in Mandarin where I could say a lot of things that I wanted but my listening was not good so I remember having this conversation was like why do you think my listening is and Mandarin is not as good you're like it's not Mandarin so what is it that would surprise people about Mark Zuckerberg I think you're getting it out of him today go he's kind of a softy those two are so tight and so connected and really each other's biggest cheerleaders and people said what are you guys doing in the kitchen we're making challah bread and people said well you know that was for the camera no there's a recipe book that says Max's or daughters challah bread they make it every Friday for Shabbat dinner and it clearly been worn and used many many times they are real people with real issues with real problems in real gold you can see it right there in camo you can mister you know what I like I like when I asked what does she do for you he didn't say to me goes what you do is is that very to her he turned to her no the the two of them together is very endearing and they are really quite a unit it was nice to see great appreciation for them letting us come to their home because they do not do that yeah that's rare
Channel: CBS Mornings
Views: 4,392,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video, cbs, news, facebook, ceo, mark zuckerberg, priscilla chan, social media, empire, philanthropic, company, projects, equity, disease, transforming, criminal justice, gayle king, interview, initative
Id: LhQOn9IOmeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 51sec (411 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 03 2019
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