Maye Musk On Raising Successful Children And Leveling Up Her Own Career

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so your book is called a woman makes a plan but you talk about in your book how plans are often sideswiped and you have to make a new plan so what is it about the plan and not holding on to it too tightly well you do want to hold on to it tightly because you've got this plan and it's going to be great and then you know all sorts of things get thrown at you and then you are miserable and then you have to say now I need to make another plan and what my book says is that I stayed in miserable situations too long so maybe you don't have to and you talk about untraditional ways that you pushed your career forward when you were met with resistance can you talk to me about that well everything you do the first of all does a dietitian I actually started my own practice you know I was 21 I started my practice at 22 because I was felt pregnant on honeymoon so you really can't go looking for a job and it's a bridges from home you know small practice picking up over the years and then so that's why you figure out well you have to work from home because you've got kids and then you find that you become very successful and you think maybe I can live better than this by not being absolutely miserable every day in this bad marriage and when you moved to New York you signed with a very big modeling agency and it wasn't going better than but like you expected it to go so how did you deal with that I was very sad because I you know I would go into the agency and us well first of all I've had some big campaigns and then I I would join this the larger agency and they just kept on saying yeah I'm just not good enough and nobody wants to see me at castings and I'm thinking but surely they could just meet me and then maybe you know and then sometimes they would I would say look I've joined you for six months the first draw job I went to you book a book the job tonight I don't have any more castings and I didn't join you to stop modeling and they said we do not based within our best don't don't complain you know we're doing our best and then then then they'd send me I fall for one casting and then the petting director would see me you are lining up a 30 woman come and gray as long lost we've got you and they bring me to the front and they said we want you for this job and I said great and then they said because you've just haven't been available now thinking why am I not available and then I would mentioned for agency and then they would scream at me saying wow you know we doing our best in and then they mixing you up with other models and I'm thinking how many models marriage so this went on for for a long time and every time I try complain they would scream with me that they doing their best in and then I started getting model agencies all around all surrounding New York as well as Europe and then I could model have you had moments of lapses of confidence and what do you do to help get over those yes you have many lenses of confidence you are defeated many times where you think I'm in this dog tunnel and I I can't climb out of it and you you just have to keep on thinking how do I get out of this bad situation and you you know sometimes the law has to change for you to be able to to get divorced or move out of a contract you know you have to be able to fight for yourself but I was always a softy so I always trusted people ours always didn't know why they would be malicious and what or why would they be nasty what's what's the advantage to them and obvious people just like control and power and if they can have power over you it gives them joy but it's not why change seems to be something that helps people grow a lot but it's also very scary for most people reading your book is like one major life change after another is to change something that you lean into or it's something that you were forced to do and every time I was it was to better my situation and it was always scary and I just went into the deep end you know and then I kept swimming until I came to the surface it takes a long time so when you move it back to a new city or new country you know nobody I work for myself so it's not like ahead around me and it takes you a while to get friends or meet people and to build up your practice so that I mean I was my kids were eating peanut butter sandwiches for dinner and to be able to actually buy a chicken yeah once a month once a week to have some chicken and potatoes vegetables so that was that was always a Thrall so you look forward to good things like you raise incredibly successful children you have three children can you tell me what you did when you were raising them that made them the way that they are today well I think it's similar to my parents you know they were working all the time I only saw them at 6 o'clock in the evening for dinner and they just made us independent we started working for them when they were when we were young and in the same way my children were helping me and they were very aware that I had my practice at home and they need to be well behaved and do their own homework because I didn't have time to work with him and they were they were really good kids I was very lucky and you let them follow their own passion they followed their own passions may all went in different directions and what is so magical about the age 12 well you don't know it's a magic age until you tell your stories and then you say oh actually by 12 we already knew what they were going to do and then they as I said they went in different directions when when we moved to Toronto my fans were blocked so I didn't I was a research officer at the University of Toronto so they could have come there for free if they studied or very little if they studied medicine or law but Iran in Kimbo wanted to study business and then anon went on to study physics as well Tosca wanted to study film so they they had to get their own scholarships they had to get their own loans and they had to support themselves and they did it and looking back at the way you raised your children what is the best gift you think you gave them well I think I was strict and they tell me I was a pushover so there you go yeah I think being polite and considerate of others and doing good for others I think they saw that as a dietician they saw me doing that and they all do good things for others and at 69 you became the oldest cover girl in history how did they get you to do that campaign what was that process like well first was Instagram so Instagram got me IMG Models which they said there's a beauty company that's interested me and I thought oh yeah you hear these things and then they said oh we're going to be meeting with covergirl and I said okay and I go there and I see all my Instagram photos upon up on the mood board and saying hmm interesting and then they're talking as if I was the cover girl already and then after as I leave with my agent I said am I have a girl night she said yes the country we've got the contract we're working on it I said oh until I sign that contract I'm not doing anything and and well I wasn't allowed to say anything and then when that contract came it was just fantastic I just thought wow it's like every models dream to be the face of a makeup brand and now I know I am and the commercial I still remember seeing it for the first time it talks about age head-on and it's very moving what was that process like and what did you think about the campaign when we were shooting it well I thought they made me look fabulous they really did and then they wanted me dancing on a rooftop but there wasn't me walking in the street they they had a lot of ideas and and I'm willing to do it all yes and I was treated like a big star because I had my own trailer a large trailer and I had a double who was there for the lighting and I never had that before so this was all new to me and very exciting to be looked after so nicely and where do you think we could still need more age diversity in media we need age diversity everywhere you know because you know as men get older they they are still in the media still everywhere and women are neglected and they you know they have they don't want to book them anymore and my saying is that 50 percent of CEOs should be women 50 percent of presidents should be women because we'll have kinder gentler world and also so women should support women to get to that position that men should support women too we're not competition to men we just think the best person should be able to get the job [Music]
Channel: Business Insider
Views: 262,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Business Insider, Business News, Maye Musk, supermodel, Elon Musk, Tesla, Covergirl, Interviews, Parenting, Motherhood
Id: pQ1vkQolLRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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