Maya Tutorials 2020 For Beginners | Part 4: Extrude Tool Tutorial

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extrusion in 3d modeling is the process of creating new geometry today we get to learn the extrude tool let's begin [Music] all right here we are back inside of maya again and before we learn this extrude tool i want to show you how i set up my project when i start for the first time and you can save your maya project wherever you like as a file but i prefer to do it this way so i'll show you how it's done go up to file and then go down where it says project window and click on that one and maya allows you to create a project folder with a bunch of subfolders that it uses which is very useful so click on the new button and then you just need to name your project so i'm going to call it intro to maya simple room and then i just need to um choose where i want to save it so i'm going to click on this folder here navigate to my desktop where my maya folder is and here i'm going to select this folder and then here you can actually change the names of the subfolders but i'll leave that a default and then click accept now what maya has done is i'm going to open up the folder my's created this project folder and in it are a bunch of subfolders and here you have a scenes folder you have some source images and the maya will use these to locate for specific tasks so very useful i'm going to close this window and then here i can save my project now i can um hit ctrl s which is the hotkey or you can go up to here and just save your scene i'm going to ctrl s to save and as you can see maya knows to save the the scene in the scenes folder and here i'll name my scene which is simple room hit enter and now maya has saved our scene for us and this is just another way to um save your project so um try this out i think it's very useful and now we're ready to move on now let's look at the extrude tool so i'm going to create an object again and i'm going to use um the poly modeling shelf going up here clicking on the cube and maya will place a cube in the scene for us so when you extrude you're just creating new geometry on top of the geometry you have and you can extrude faces edges even vertices or the entire object let's open up the modeling toolkit because that has some fast access to some of the popular tools that we use over here you have your extrude button and you can also get to extrude by going up here to edit mesh extrude the hot key is control e and then how i like to get at it is if you have your object selected and your mouse is over your object hold down the shift key hold down the right mouse button and you get to extrude this way as well so for now i'll use this extrude button so let's select a face we're going to go into our face component mode i'm gonna do it by using the marking menu so holding down the right mouse button dragging to face and then i can select a face and then all we need to do is press the extrude button my will give you um a manipulator tool as well as the extrude tool window and then we just need to drag this and we've added new geometry on top of the geometry we already had and it's it's as simple as that um you can also extrude by using these um options here so i'm just going to ctrl z to go back if i drag with my left mouse button on these i can extrude this way as well and i can also change the offset so the offset is this i'm going to ctrl z a couple times if this is too strong one of the things you can do is hold down your control key on your keyboard and then drag with your left mouse button and that will ease up on the strength of that a little bit if you want even finer controls hold down the control plus the shift key and then drag and that's even more fine and there's one more global control and it's this one up here if i were to reduce that pie to like say maybe one piece so left clicking on that um to change the pi pieces now if i drag with my left mouse button you'll see that it's not as intense so that's an option for you there if you want to change it up there now you can also extrude multiple pieces and we'll get more into extrusion from just making props but i just want to show you if i left click this face and i hold down shift and select this one as well i can press this extrude button now when i drag out it'll extrude both of these faces so that's very useful and one other thing i want to cover for extrusion is you can um accidentally extrude and forget about it so for example if i select this face and i hit the extrude button i choose to extrude but i changed my mind i hit ctrl z maya has actually already made that extrusion you just haven't extended it yet so be careful with that because this is still here so if i click off it and i maybe move this face right and later on i actually have this piece of geometry still here so for example if i try and move it you can see that um oops i had that extra face selected right i'm just gonna unselect it for a second so i'm gonna select this one move that up it's still there so just be careful that um when you extrude that you if you change your mind you press ctrl z a couple times to be sure so first i'm gonna fix this one this is um more advanced so later on but um to fix that if you've accidentally extrude you just need to re-weld these vertices so i'm going to select these vertexes so here and you'll notice actually because if you highlight this right it shows that there's two verts there so i just need to merge those again so i'm going to select all those verts i'm going to hold down shift right click drag up to vertices and merge you don't have to worry about that right now but that's just to fix that so just to be sure right so i'm gonna go into face mode when you select a face and you extrude and if you change your mind and you control z right just double check that you've control z'd enough times so we're un and undone it enough time so i'm going to control z to undo and then i'm going to show control z again and my windows disappeared and then if i try and move this face right the extrusion is gone yeah so that's all i want to say about that let's make our first object which will be the floor and the walls and i'm going to delete this object and then we'll start going up here to the poly modeling tab i'm going to add a plane and i'm going to go back to our channel box right um and the plane comes with i'm pressing f2 frame in on it the plane comes with all these subdivisions i don't really need them so i can change it by opening up this input here more on that later but you can change it right here or i can press t to open up the um tool window for this plane and i can change it here so i can just drag these my part my pi piece is too small so it's it's not dragging fast enough for me i'm going to change it to two pieces drag it here drag it here and now i have a single piece and then i can change um the scale of it so maybe i want a five by five room so i'm going to put five in the x for the scale and five in the z hit enter and now we have a plane um that's five by five units okay so now let's try and extrude some edges so what i'm going to do is i'm going to select the edge so i'm going into the edge component mode and then i'm going to use the box selection so dragging here it's going to select those two edges right and let's open up our modeling toolkit again and press the extrude button right and now we can extrude so i want the um edges to go this way because i want my walls to have some thickness for when i extrude them up which you'll see in a second but if i change the thickness or the local translate you'll see that it's going in that direction right i don't want that i'm going to change the offset and i'm going to leave that as is for there and then now i want to extrude this whole face to give it thickness so to do that we can go back into um object selection for a second and i can select all the faces or in this case since it's just really a plane one giant face i can select the object press the extrude and i can drag the selection arrow up and now my floor has some thickness or i can choose to have thickness i'm going to connect control z and i'll change the thickness right so drag that and now it has some thickness right i'm gonna make it a little bit thicker than i want on purpose um but there it is right there and yeah we can just click off it and now our floor has some thickness now let's finish our room by creating the walls right so i'm going to select this face i'm still in face selection so that's why it's giving me that option so i'm going to select this face hold down the shift key hover over this face and left click to select that face now these two faces selected and every once while i'll rotate my mesh just because i want to make sure that i don't have other faces selected i'm going to press the extrude key or the extrude button again and i'm going to extrude up i'm going to change it on the local translate this time just to show you guys that you can do it that way as well and i'm gonna go up maybe to here and there you go i have a room that has a floor and some walls because in isometric art having some thickness in the floors and walls really gives it some form and believability and it makes it look like a miniature model which is makes it look fun now let's open up our channel box i'm gonna click off our object i'm going to go back into object selection mode so i'm holding down right mouse button dragging to here selecting my object and what you'll notice is we have some inputs now so this is what i want to cover say you wanted um you made this and you change your mind you want the floor to not be as thick you can actually go back and change it in some of these options options i should say so our second extrude was here i can go into there scroll down to what i changed which was the thickness and maybe i want to change this to say 0.05 hit enter right and now our floor um we've modified it so maya remembers the construction history same with the walls so i can click on my object again to bring this back up and i can at the very top is your most recent one and that's when we raise the height right so i can click on that and we moved it 2.4 but maybe i want it to be um three units high so i can go to what i change which was the local translate z press enter and now our floor and our walls have um we were able to modify it uh and i want to show you one more thing how it relates to the attribute editor because i think this is important as well because the attribute editor gives you other options as well i'm going to click on our object and i'm going to tear off our channel box for a second so i'm going to drag it off so just so you can see you can modify it right and then what i can do is just make this a little smaller for now and i can pin it to here and that's how you tear off panels and adjust it and i'm just going to open up our attribute editor again and if you look over here this is how it relates to it um these inputs here are related to the inputs in the attribute editor and you can get some up here by just using these arrows or using the mouse wheel to cycle across them and and you can see that it has um options that are very similar to here so if i choose poly extrude phase 2 these ones here reflect here but you have um some other options here as well so i'm just gonna um maybe drag this so if you have this problem like i do sometimes when you try and repin it it gives you um trouble i have to minimize maya drag this off and then repin it this way so i'll drag this back to here and then i can re-expand it and i'll just drag my channel box back up to the top and there you go and then i want to talk about construction history so maya allows you to modify it um to a certain point um and when you're done you want to actually delete this history because as your objects accumulate um history mile will slow down and you'll notice that your scene will take longer to update and the program starts lagging so when you're done with um making the changes you want you'll want to delete this history and you can do that by going up to here edit um delete history or what i like to do is just use this button up here delete history so when you delete the history this is now gone and if you look in your attribute editor it's also gone from there as well and then finally what i want to cover from this channel box is the layer system so we can actually put this object on its own layer and we can um view it that way as well it makes it very convenient so select your object and down here where you have the these um this layer panel the first two icons are to move the layers up and down if you have multiple layers we don't have any layers yet so it doesn't apply to us the third icon is to create a layer and the fourth one is to put the current object you have selected on its own layer so let's click that one now we have our object we have a new layer that the object is part of let's double click the layer and what we can name it so i'm going to name this to the room layer hit enter hit save and now this object is on its own layer and i'll explain how this layer works in the far left icon here you see a v and if you click that that's the visibility of your layer the next one is a p and that refers to whether the layer is visible in playback mode it doesn't apply to us you can leave that alone the final one is um t which stands for templated so you it's like wireframe except that you can't click on any anything so that's very useful as well r stands for reference so it means you're you can see it in shaded mode but also you won't be able to click it and then finally the last one is just normal you can click on the layer again move it and adjust it and work with your object for now we'll turn it to reference and that's all that i want to cover with layers and yeah so hopefully that was understandable for you guys we're gonna start modeling and making objects soon and now we have um a floor and walls to kind of see what's happening [Music] and the final thing for today is we want to save our progress so let's go up to file save scene or the hotkey is ctrl s to save your scene and that wraps things up for today in the next part we are going to start blocking out our scene see you then [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Digital Dreambox
Views: 927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Maya Tutorials 2020 For Beginners, Maya extrude tool tutorial, maya for beginners 2020, maya for beginners 3d modeling, intro to maya, 3d modeling, maya tutorial for beginners 2020, low poly room, low poly tutorial, learn maya, intro to maya for beginners, maya for beginners, low poly, maya tutorial for beginners, low poly modeling, autodesk maya free, maya 2020 tutorials for beginners, maya tutorials 2020 for begginers, Maya 2020 tutorials for begginers, Maya extrude tool
Id: BIt2exzjNVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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