Model Low Poly Snow In Maya

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[Music] all right hi everyone welcome back to digital dream box today we have a subscriber request and it's how to make some low poly snow and that's what we're going to make however you can modify the techniques if you choose to and make regular snow if you like um let's not waste any more time and jump right in [Music] [Applause] [Music] alright let's start so in my scene right now i have a few props i have a barrel a fence a sled and some terrain and i would like to make some snow to cover these objects so i'll show you how to do that first i'm going to open up the outliner you can see that all these objects are separated to simplify it i'm going to make it one object so i'm going to box select everything and click this combine button and i'm just going to delete that history and rename this so i'm going to call this winter props there we go and then to create our snow we're going to create an emitter and um instantiate some particles so to do that let's switch to the effects workflow up here in the upper left we're in the modeling workflow right now i'm going to change it to effects which gives me access to the end particles so open up the end particles tab and then down here you have something called create emitter now there's actually a couple of them there's a crate emitter under emit and then there's a crate emitter under legacy particles i want the one under emit and i'm gonna open up this option box for a second i've already uh named it so i've named it the snow emitter um so i'm just gonna click create and now we you can see we have an emitter i'm going to move it above my objects and then right now i i'm in my custom workspace i'm going to change it to the classic workspace so that i have access to the timeline and the range slider and then i'm going to open up these preferences over here and i have it set to play every frame as well as the max playback speed a one times through because i don't want it to loop right and now i will hit the play button and you can see now the particles are falling and once it gets to the end it stops and we will have to change some settings because i want the particles to not be in the error um when the timeline reaches the end here and also i want it to collide with this object so let's open up the outliner and the attribute editor and we'll change some of these settings so on the emitter you can get to the emitter itself the particle shape as well as the nucleus now the emitter will control some of the emission properties uh the particle shape will have some properties related to the particle itself its own collisions and then the nucleus has some wind and gravity options uh let's start with emitter um right now it's the middle type is omni i'm going to change this to volume and i want to change this volume size to cover it so sorry to be big enough so that it covers these objects so i'm going to go into my scale tool and just scale it in two axes and make sure that it's big enough that it covers these objects and i'm going to make it a little bit bigger i want to be careful because i don't want the particles to fall outside of this terrain now um if you wanted to cover the entire terrain um what you would do i'll just explain right now real fast is you would cover it this way right so maybe create the and cover the whole terrain and then you would go to the emitter shape and go down to mission attributes and you would have a die once it exits that volume but i'm going to just do it this way and i think that should be pretty good for now we can change the size later if we need to all right so the next thing i want to do is i want a bit of friction on both the particle and the object so let's let's start with the object and i'm going to go open up its um actually we need to set the collision first so i'm going to select the object and go to the effects workflow again and what we're going to do is we're going to go to the ncloth tab and create a passive collider there we go and then over here on the collider um what i want to do is give it a bit of friction so i'm going to drag this friction slider up to one for now so let's see if this is working so i'm going to move the timeline to the start and um one more thing i want to do actually is on the emitter itself i'm going to go to the particle shape it has its own collision and i'm going to drag that slider up to one as well actually i'll make it probably 1.5 and maybe even give it a bit of stickiness maybe 0.5 there we go and then um i think there's one more thing i want to do over here but i forget i'll find out in a second let's hit play let's see all right there's a few more things i want to do but at least we can see now it's falling quite nicely um i want to give us some more frames so i'm going to make the frame count about 1000 and then i want to increase the amount of particles so let's go back to the emitter and then down here for rates per second i'm going to make this something quite high maybe like 3000 that'll give us a lot of particle particles right off the start and then for the direction i'm gonna make it a little bit random so down here for volume speed for the random direction i'm gonna make this one there we go and now let's uh try this and see if we have enough particles so bring the timeline to the start and there we go we have a lot of particles falling now it's moving a little bit in a random speed so random direction and uh it's covering our object quite nicely and it's also sticking to it all right so i'm gonna hit stop so you can see that we have some particles in the air um i don't want that but we can we can tell that we have a good amount of particles on the ground so let's change that other option so to have it so that it stops after a certain amount we're going to go back to the particle shape and then down here let me just close this up so it doesn't get too confusing um under emission attributes rather than have the max count be negative one which means it'll keep going right to the end of the frame count i'm gonna change it to um maybe 20 000 or let's do 20 25 000 articles so we'll stop once it hits 25 000 so now we'll hit play all right so the particles have fallen they're sitting on top of the objects now and um you just want to play with those settings and get them out of particles you'd like for your own scene but i'm ready to convert this to polygons so what i'll do is i'll select the particle over here in the outliner and i'm going to go up to the modify tab and then down here we have our conversion options and what we're looking for is end particles to polygons click on that and you may or may not see something right away depending on your particle size um i left mine at default so 0.2 um but i'll just change this so you can take a look at the difference right so if i increase it you can see we have a lot of snow covering it now and if i decrease it you know we'll have less i'm going to leave it maybe at point two for now let's see um you can see that i inputted this number but it didn't change sometimes um it won't change unless you move the slider so i'm just going to move it um or what you could do is say i want it to be 0.1 um well actually it worked that time but another thing you can do is for the particles so let's choose the particle actually we're on the object so what we'll do is we'll go down here and what we're looking for is the output mesh so if we go to the output mesh we can change some of these settings um to get get the look we want so for the threshold i could decrease that if i want or i could increase the particles uh size if i leave it at point one i can go and decrease the threshold and i'll get more of the snow so instead of point one maybe i'll do point zero five hit enter and now you can see we have a bit more snow actually i like that amount um but you could also play with the blobby scale if you want and that could um increase some of these um blobs there we go actually that was pretty good back there too let me just see and yeah something a lot but that looks pretty nice for me you can see our sled's nicely covered now and we have some snow sitting on this fence rail as well as the um barrel and then finally um what you want to do is um with an object like this um once you're happy with it you may want to delete some of the geometry on the bottom so let me just close this up um also um this geometry might be a little bit dirty so you should probably just clean it up as well so i'm going to select the mesh go to the modeling workflow and i'm going to choose mesh cleanup open up this option box and what i recommend is hitting it with a clean up of let me just show you face it with more than four sides i'll just select these ones as well and then these ones and just hit clean up just to clean up that mesh and then i'm going to select this mesh and isolate it for a second and what you'll want to do is probably delete some of that geometry on the bottom if you don't need it also you may want to maybe reduce this triangle count so we could select this now that we've cleaned it up i'm just going to delete that history and go to mesh reduce and just reduce it to the amount you want so i've hit it with one reduce it reduced by 50 percent i can drag this slider up a little bit more if i want to maybe something like that so maybe let's try 75 yeah looks pretty good and now we can take a look at it and it looks pretty nice so we have some snow covering our objects sometimes you may have some stray small particles you may want to delete and then also for the look of it i think this looks pretty nice on the low poly props it's a combination of the soft look with the hard edge of the low poly but you may want to select it and harden those edges as well right and make it consistent it's up to you i'll leave that up to you to see what kind of uh look you want for your own scene but there you go we have some snow covering our objects now all right and there you go that's how you make some low poly snow in maya hopefully you found this tutorial useful and can use the techniques to make your props a little more seasonal for the holidays that's it for this one so we will see you in the next this has been digital dream box your destination for game art [Music]
Channel: Digital Dreambox
Views: 1,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Model low poly snow in Maya, Create low poly snow in Maya, Maya snow tutorial, model snow Maya, Create snow in Maya, low poly modeling, Low poly Blender, Maya, Blender, 3ds max, How to low poly Maya, how to create low poly art, low poly modeling tutorials, low poly art tutorials, low poly snow, how to make snow Maya, low poly art style, Maya for beginners, low poly Maya, Maya terrain tutorial, snow modeling Maya, winter landscape Maya, digital dreambox, game art modeling
Id: NE9AyZ4kswM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 24 2021
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