Maya Tutorials 2020 For Beginners | Part 5: Blocking And Pivot Edit

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[Music] hi everyone welcome back to digital dream box today we start blocking out our scene let's jump in okay let's do a quick recap of what we have in the last part we made the floor and the walls and we put it on its own layer we set it to reference so we can't select it i want to move my object though i want to move it so that the floor surface sits in the zero origin space of the y-axis and the reason for that is later on if we work with the game engine and we bring props into the scene and those props are something that would normally sit on the surface having their anchor point their pivot point at the bottom means that you can place it on an object such as this where the surface is something people walk on or put um you put objects on that would sit nicely flush with it and let's do that and to do that we need to learn how to edit the transform tool so first let's click on the r so that we can select our object again and let's learn about the panel layouts and how to navigate those first so right now you can get into the panel layouts by clicking these and you have your four panel split view single panel but there's a faster way to get into them and that's to use the hotkey the spacebar so first when you press down the spacebar you get the hotbox control which allows you to access different areas of maya so we have the i'll just give you a quick run through this the top line is like our top tab here some options there then we have a shading and rendering bar we have some maya related controls so in in here by the way to access these you just hold down the left mouse button so if i were to do this over maya i can actually change the view from here so that's very useful um and then we have um the current kind of like shelf we have rigging sorry nutshell we have a modeling workflow um rigging some animation tools effects and rendering so that's that's the hotbox i'm gonna let go of the spacebar now if we tap tap the space bar it'll actually open up the last panel you were in so the last one we're in was um the split view but if i were to go to um the four panel view and then go back to perspective if i tap the space bar now it goes into the four panel view so that's very useful to know and then if i wanted to go into one of the other views i can hover my mouse over it and tap the space bar and it opens that one up and in here i can zoom i can pan like in the perspective view right holding down alt plus middle mouse to pan and then using the mouse wheel to zoom and then i can also go back to the other view just by tapping the space bar hover my mouse over here and tap into there and that's how i access the different panel layouts so yeah now let's learn how to edit our transform tool so to edit the transform tool let's first bring up our move tool so pressing the w key while we have our object and then if you press the d key on the keyboard you're gonna get this tool that looks like a combination of the rotation tool and the move tool the difference is we can move this without moving our object and then if i press d again that's the new position of that pivot point and i can drag the object from there i'm just going to hit ctrl z a couple times so what i want to do is i want to move this pivot point i'm going to go into the side view so you guys can see i'm going to tap this tap this i'm going to zoom in and i want to move this pivot point to that second line where the floor actually is and i can do that by editing the transform tool and using some of the snapping options up here so let's do that um let's first go back into perspective so i can show you how the snapping works so i'm pressing the space bar space bar here and if i press the d key on the keyboard up here we have snap to grid snap to curve snap to points right and the snap to points works like this you can press the v which is the hotkey to get to snap to points x will bring up snap to grid but for now we'll just press this button up here and right now we're in snap to points and we're in edit mode can we know we're in edit mode because we have this thing that looks like rotation we have the move tool and here because it's snapping to points i can go in and if my um cursor is right over the middle and i hold down the left mouse button i can drag that to one of these vertices and i'll snap to one of those points i'm just going to press ctrl z sometimes when you grab this just be aware if you're a little bit off it starts um doing some weird stuff so i'm just going ctrl z to go back so you have to get right in the middle if you want to snap exactly to the point for now i'm also going to go back into their side view so i'm going to tap the spacebar over side view and then to snap to along the axis i can grab the arrow and if i hold down the left mouse button and drag it's going to drag wherever the closest vertex is on that line so if i go down to here it goes to there if i go up to here so i'm just going to zoom out a little bit if i drag and go up to here it's gonna go up to that vertex and what i want though is to go to this one where the floor is and then i let go and that's the new position and i can press d and now my pivot point is here now i can move my object so i'm just going to show you guys i can move it up and what i want now is to snap this to the grid and once i do that i'll know that the floor is at the zero position right so i'm going to turn off snap to points turn on snap to grid hold down on the arrow drag down and it's going to actually snap wherever the closest grid line is but what i want to do is go down to the origin grid line and then i'm going to press the space bar and i'm going to open up the spacebar here and now our floor is at this zero position and now i is what i usually do is i i'll freeze the transformation and when you freeze the transformations um the translate and the rotate will get reset to zero scale will be back to one it doesn't mean you can't change things afterwards but it means that when you bring in into the game engine these numbers are reset so that's kind of nice and to reset the transformation i'll press this button up here and now freeze the transformations and then we can press this button to go out of grid snap and let's name our room as well so up here is where you can name it or in the outliner if you don't have this outliner tab it's possible that you closed it by using this button and that removes that tab right if you open it up and press the outliner from here to close it it keeps this outliner tab um there so i'm going to open up the outliner and i can name it in here by double clicking or i can name it up here and i'm going to call it floor and walls press enter because we should re we should always name our objects and then i'm going to set this back to reference mode so now we can't click it and our floor is at the new position where we want it okay now let's start blocking out our scene with some props i'm gonna close the outliner for now and i'm also going to turn on wireframe on shaded so we can see our objects a little bit easier and that's this button right here on the shading bar what i prefer to do is in a situation like this i like to put in the big shapes first and then that way i have a an overall idea of how the the shapes work with each other and then i can make small ones as i need it so let's start off with our centerpiece for this room it's gonna be a living room so let's start off with the sofa so we'll add in a cube drag it up a little bit for now we'll eyeball it but as a good practice later if you want some practice is to um start moving your um pivot point to the bottom and then drag putting them on the floor so they'd sit down you'll get to know the um the tools that way i'm just gonna bring this down scale it in so i'm pressing um r to scale going to pressing w to go into the move tool i'm going to choose this face first i'm going to scale it in a little bit and i'm going to choose this face so let's open up our modeling toolkit and let's go into face mode we can go up here or use maya's marking menu i'm i'm pressing down on the right mouse button go into face mode i'm gonna choose that one press w for my move tool and then i accidentally grab a face underneath there because i can see that it's highlighted on this right so i'm just going to choose that one press extrude and just bring that out a little bit and then i want to go choose that face press extrude and bring that up some of these objects we can reshape to something more detailed and some of them will probably need to remake but for now i think that'll be fine for the sofa all right i'm going back into my um object mode so i'm holding down the right mouse button going into object mode and let's add a door next because the door gives us a reference to the size of the person and that will help determine some of the other objects as well so let's bring that up let's scale that up and we'll scale it down take a look at it maybe a little bit lower and i think here will be a good place for our door and we can move it around later if it doesn't work pressing w there we go so that's our door and let's add uh because this is gonna be a living room we'll have a tv and a tv stand so i'm going to create a cube again and we're just blocking this out maybe a little shorter for the tv stand a little smaller and we'll push this around here that's fine for the tv stand and let's make a tv but rather than create another cube i want to show you how to do duplicate an object so let's pick this tv stand and the hotkey is ctrl d but it's also up here so it's um i think it's under edit actually and here it is duplicate so you can click duplicate there or use the hotkey which is control d right and now i can drag up a new object and it's in the area i wanted anyways and it's over the tv stand so that's a good reason for duplicating there bring this down a little bit press w to move and for now our tv is probably going to be floating so it'll make the tv stand a little bit bigger maybe make this a little bit bigger as more objects come in you'll be able to see the size the most important relationship i think right now is the door to the sofa all right and let's create a coffee table some for now we'll go with a a cube for a coffee table coffee tables can take lots of forms but i kind of like block coffee tables so we may keep it as a block shape and this is just a chance for us to practice with these tools that we've learned so far all right so we have a sofa door tv tv stand coffee table this space here there's a lot of um negative space there so let's start filling in some areas here and let's start off by just making a shelf a simple shelf drag this out drag this down bring this in a little bit i'm going to scale it down and that can be fine for the shelf and for this one let's practice going into the panels and i'm going to go into top view to easily move this against the wall so i can grab this and move it over here right but it's nice to even get it aligned even better so i'm pressing the space bar i'm going to go over in top panel tap the spacebar again and then here i am in the view but it's kind of hard to see and the reason for that is each of these i'm just going to show you guys each of these running bars is independent of the other right so in this one i want to turn on wireframe and if i do that i just need to press this button right here and you can see that it just turns on the wireframe in this view so i'm just going to tap the space bar and now i can move this easily against the wall right there it's fine for now we just need to get it close because we will be remaking some of these items right and so we control we press ctrl d to duplicate another way to duplicate a fast way is just hold down shift drag and we can drag a duplication of that object so there we go we have a couple shells there we may um do more of it and let's take a look because this is probably around the view that we have and i think that filling up the space here would be nice so let's create um some type of side table so we'll add a cylinder bring this up drag it down and we'll decide on the design of our side table later we're not too concerned about actual design but for now we're just working with the tools getting used to them so i think that's fine right there and i want some maybe pictures on the walls or or posters or something that that can fill up the space make it look kind of interesting so i'm just going to create a picture frame for now and i'll scale that down i'm pressing w to frame in and i don't know how close that is to the wall i can push it in manually until i see like the edges disappear right so i know that's close to there that's another way to do it and it might be a little bit high but i'm i'm gonna duplicate this ctrl d drag it over and i'll make another one maybe drag it over here and maybe this one's just like a little bit bigger than the other ones so just make it a little bit interesting and i think some type of um floor shelf or desk would look nice there and i'm gonna do that with a cube and as you can see our room is starting to take shape now in in very little time because we're focusing on just getting um the big forms in first so do that not only that is that good but in production it will save you time and money because you won't you'll won't accidentally make stuff you don't need you'll still mix things you don't need events um often right a lot of things get thrown out in production but um you can actually see what you need and don't need easier this way right so i probably want to make this a little bigger maybe up a little bit and those are the big shapes i need um i can we can figure out later what other elements we need but i think that should be good for this episode and yeah oh yeah one last thing i shouldn't forget we should save our scenes so i'm i'm gonna save it but i'm gonna save it a different way so when you're working you don't want to always overwrite the same file over and over and over you want to increment when you can and maya makes that really easy if you go up to here to file right and press increment and save you'll see it won't save over your old version it'll save a new version of this so press that and i've already incremented and saved once but i'm going to show you what it looks like now in our scenes folder right we have um the scene incremented and saved so we started out with simple room and yours will probably look like simple room point zero zero zero one i've incremented and saved a couple times right so if i were to open up um one of the earlier versions it's the version that you had last saved and now we have this one so definitely use increment and save because your you'll lose less work down the road if your file ever gets corrupted so that's really important to know that wraps things up for today our room is finally starting to take shape and we're going to refine it more in the next part if you're finding these tutorials useful please like and share and we will see you in the next one you
Channel: Digital Dreambox
Views: 729
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Keywords: Maya Tutorials 2020 For Beginners, Maya how to edit pivot, maya for beginners 2020, maya for beginners 3d modeling, intro to maya, 3d modeling, maya tutorial for beginners 2020, low poly room, low poly tutorial, learn maya, intro to maya for beginners, maya for beginners, low poly, maya tutorial for beginners, low poly modeling, autodesk maya, maya 2020 tutorials for beginners, maya tutorials 2020 for begginers, Maya 2020 tutorials for begginers, How to edit pivot in Maya
Id: 0oa8Dq2Nh_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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