1. Hut | Modeling a Hut in Maya | Tutorial 1| Making 3D Scene Step by Step

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[Music] welcome to the channel to meet Cola in this videos I am going to create this scene and I'm going to show you each and every steps from modeling to the rendering and in this particular session I am going to model this heart before doing the modeling I have done some preliminary sketches of this particular scene and then I am going to start in Maya Here I am assuming that you know the basic interface of Miele so let's get started I have planned to do the Block in out of a cube so going to create polygonal primitive and click on Q now scale it up and translating it in y axis now going to its input nodes and increasing the subdivision level up to 3 now selecting the edges from sides push it downward and give it a shape of the heart selecting the bottom faces and decreasing it just to get a proportion now going to the mesh tool and selecting offset edge loop tool giving two edge loops at the similar distance now going to the side view and adjusting the vertices making both the sides and are now inserting one more edge loop at the middle and taking off set as loop tool once again as you can see I have given three edge loops now I want to extract all the sides and want to convert all the sides into different polygons so selecting the faces of different different sides I am going to edit mesh and select extract by selecting the faces of different different size I am doing the same thing still more sides are remaining so I will separate this also I am doing the same thing and you can see now all the sides are different different polygons all right now let's make the wooden bars so I am going to create and taking a cue once again and just place it at its position and now selecting the vertices and giving it a shape of the wooden bar and from the side view and doing the same thing by adjusting the vertices all right now I am going to replicate this wooden pillar to all the four sides so by selecting this I am going to modify and clicking on freeze transformation and you can see all the transformation value is phrased now changing the piped point by holding D in the keyboard and snapping it to the center axis and now control D and duplicating it and [Music] x-axis will be negative 1 so that it will go to that side now I am changing the pipette point of both the pillars to the centre line and going to duplicate it once again this time the Z scaling value should be negative 1 so that what the pillars will come towards the Z direction now I am taking another cube for the Oden bar of the roof and adjusting the size a little bit and by selecting the vertices I am changing the shape and now I am going to insert a cup clock edge loops by inserting loop tool that is the insert edge loop tool shortcut and now adjusting the loops along the edges I created previously and giving it a shape [Music] go into the side view and you can see it is not its position so by selecting the loops once again I am changing the shape all right now select the geometry going to modify freeze transformations you can see it is phrased and adjusting the pivot point at the center now duplicate an x value negative one and by selecting both once again duplicate and Z value negative one [Music] now let's create these side plants and for this also I'm taking a cue [Music] had to adjust it so adjusting the orientation then scale it up a little bit now come to the perspective and you can understand I have to scale it over here all right [Music] now by selecting the vertices of the roof and gonna go over here this is a shortcut for the isolate selection so just by toggling it you can isolate select an object or whatever that your selection is you can isolate it now selecting the other side and deleting it and selecting these two freeze transformation and ctrl D duplicate and negative one and you can see I have created the other side now coming to this side plank and I will insert one edge low so I am selecting insert edgeloop tool' now selecting offset is low and giving two more edge loops now selecting the loops I am adjusting and also giving it a power that's fine now selecting it and pressing D in the keyboard and changing the pilot point and modify it three sons formation and X Kelly negative one so that the other side also we have got now let's give an edge loop in this area and delete the other side selecting all the faces and extrude and getting a little thickness in this area you can see now I will select this faces I am going to edit mesh' and extract so you can see this is a different object now selecting it isolates election and by selected this faces I am scaling it down to make it a straight line that's fine and delete it no I'll just go to mesh and nearer and nearer I am doing negative side differencing and now this is a single object that's fine [Music] now I am giving insert edgeloop both the sides isolate select and you can see these are problematic so I will just split it by using multi cut tool [Music] now let's give to two edge loops by offset is looped oh that's fine now inserting one more edge loop after each loops all right now selecting all being first loops and scale it up and you can see it is taking the shape of the tiles and now I'll just move it up that's looking fine now isolate select and I am selecting all the hard edges all right the sides also I need to select I am going to edit mesh and weave them the width will depend according to the same size and segments can be 2 or 3 all right pressing 3 and you can see I am getting good result but the corners I need to insert two more edge loops just to get these sharp edges now it is looking fine now let's take another q4 they took plank translating it I have given one segment by selecting the faces I am deleting one side of it now selecting this face I am extruding it pulling it out skinning it up and rotating it and inserting and the edge blur giving it a power [Music] selecting it in object mode I can see some overlapping in that area so I just scare it down that particular range [Music] selecting the object going to modify freeze transformations and control D and negative Z scaling to get the other side now I want to create a window in this area so giving two edge loops and selecting this face and drill it coming to the other side and giving edge slope just to make room for the chain-link selecting this face and extrude pulling it up scaling it down a little bit once again X or scaling it off one second extra again pulling it up again extrude scaling it down again X would push it inside and delete and you can see I have blocked in the chimney now this side let's make another window so I am inserting edge loops and I need to access the edges a little bit so let's slide the edge loops I am NOT translating it I am sliding it and select the face and delete now let's come to this wall and taking multi cut tool and splitting this area just to create a pole and delete [Music] creating two more edge loops to create the door by selecting the business I'm deleting it in settings and Elizabeth now by selecting the lettuces I am creating another window are they talk Nathanson am sliding at just more and by selecting the business thus ability inserting more edge loops in this area for my future model now I am going to model the tiles and for that I am duplicating the roof for my assumption of the proportion of the tiles [Music] all right now I am planning to model the individual tiles so I am going to create and taking a q scale it up a little bit flatten it and deleting the bottom face [Music] giving it a shape of a tablet inserting an edge loop pulling the edge because the front side I will make it a little bit round giving two more edge loops now placing three you can see the edges should be sharper so selecting all the edges border edges I'm going to edit mesh and Bible as I told the width will depend upon us and the segment you can keep two or three over here I have kept one because my plan is to smooth it later on a little bit adjustment so this is one time I will keep it on the surface and we'll duplicate it several times and by scaling and translating I'll try to create the variation so and make it fast forward because this is a process of repetition only [Music] [Music] [Music] making all the tiles different in sites just to create a variation so that it should look interesting and I will keep doing the same thing for all the tiles and I will try to arrange each and every time in its proper position and proportion [Music] all right now I am selecting all the tiles I am going to deform and selecting vertices making the revision 6 2 & 6 and right click lattice point and you can see I can move all the geometry together to this deform so by selecting the lattice point I am deforming my tiles according to the rooftop if you want to do it individually it will be very tedious so we can take the help of this deform which is really a nice way to work so select everything go to edit delete by type history and the de forma is gone and the deformation is permanent now once again creating a cube and I want to create the frame over here so scaling it down a little bit giving the length of the frame I will duplicate it and will make all the four sides like this [Music] it's alright now going to windows outliner and I'm selecting all the objects and ctrl-g and making it a group now positioning the tiles on the rooftop alright now selecting the growth and changing the pilot point to the central axis and control D and X scaling negative one you can see I have got the same thing in this side also but here I need to change the position of the tiles a little bit differently so I will fix it quickly [Music] all right now creating a new layer in a channel box selecting everything right click and add selected objects and clicking off the visibility now I am going to create some wooden planks and later on and going to arrange it throughout the hut so taking a cue scaling it up and in the y-axis scaling it down now selecting all the edges going to edit mesh and viven let's keep the segment to and apply now I am going to unwrap this here is one suggestion if you are planning to duplicate an object multiple times first make sure you are unwrapping it and then you are duplicating it then it will save a lots of time so we're going to UV UV editor I am selecting so this is my UV space and now going to tools and show you tools [Music] all right clicking on the chicken box and you can see on the object the chicken boxes are looking stretched so at the very beginning let's give it a mapping it can be automatic or planner Here I am selecting automatic and coming to the viewport and scaling it until unless all the checker boxes are coming in square shape so you can see it is becoming square in shape if I simply unfold it then also it can come but some of you if you were using previous version of mine so that unfold is not that much powerful so I am showing you the legacy process of working it is looking fine now and you can see all the check boxes are looking very similar so I am placing three and corners are looking stretched so I need to lock the corners by giving extra edge loops so I am adding extra edge loops let's see what's happening [Music] still I can see some distortion in a checker boxes because in between the loops are very minimum so in between I am adding three more edge loops and later on definitely I am going to use more edge loops to deform this geometry a little bit and now you can see still the corners and looking problematics I am selecting the side edges and I am going to connect all the officials together so I am selecting one side of it and going to zoom and click on stitch together so for all the officials I am doing the same thing all right now for both the sides also the same thing and for the bottom all right so this is one we shall know now pressing three and you can see almost it is looking fine so it will work for me now closing these windows [Music] all right select this control D and I am duplicating it thrice and maybe one more time all right so my plan is to make four different kinds of wooden plants and by selecting the vertices I am going to modify each in every shape and will try to create four different variations [Music] all right now go close to one of the wooden plan and creating three edge ropes and by selecting the middle edge lo okay I'm just pushing it inside and you can see I have created a kind of crack so for all the wooden planks I am going to do the same thing and then only in detailing also there will be variation [Music] all right these are looking fine and I'm selecting all and keeping it aside and my next plan is to create a bigger plan and for that I am again starting with a Q scanning it up a little bit in y-axis i will scale it down all right now I am using multi cut tool to give different different cuts and creating variation all right this is really fine now taking insert edgeloop tool' and what I did previously all three three edge loops I have to give and by selecting the middle loop and just scale it to create the crack [Music] now I am randomly selecting some of the faces and pulling it up just to create some random wooden planks out of the surface and for the bottom also I am going to do the same thing and you can see now it is looking like so many wooden plants are connected together for the side faces also I am going to do the same thing it should be uneven not in a single line all right this is looking fine now selecting all the border edges I am going to edit mesh and even the width can be a little bit more okay it is almost done you can see after pressing three and losing the corners so inserting edge loops [Music] now plus three it is fine all right [Music] now I am going to unwrap this also so going to UV UV editor and selecting the tools and show you tools and I was dock it all right click on the checker box going to the top view and go to create and selecting planner mapping I'm going to the option box and make sure the camera is selected now there is a little stretch so I am scaling it up so that all the checker boxes should look approximately square in shape it is fine but the sides are not looking correct so before doing anything I'll just select all my seams and I will cut the sames so you can see I am selecting all the border edges [Music] and clicking on cut so you can see all the officials are separate now this is the bottom phase this is a top phase those lines are the sides I guess a radio visual means that you've either flipped so I need to flip it once again so going to the transform and there is flip and I'm just clicking on flip you can see now it is converted blue so everything is fine now I have selected two sides and going to the front view and going to create and once again random appeal click on the checker box and over here once again I am just scaling it to get the checkered boxes correctly in square shape alright and here also you can see that UV shells are changing so now it is looking fine to me over here also overlapping is then I will just drag the Ovation [Music] and this is flipped so I need to flip it once again in V and this is all right now I am going to do the same thing with an other true size [Music] now select the border edges come to the cut ensue option and click on stitch together that's why you can see the side faces are stitched together I'm doing the same thing with all the four sides [Music] so after stitching you can see some edges are still remaining so I am selecting those edges and clicking on save so I am doing on each and every corners it is alright [Music] I'm doing the same thing over here you can see some overlapping so selecting those movies and clicking on unfold all right so I have to check all the corners and if same things right there I have to unfold it so selecting all the overlapped areas and I am clicking on unfold all right fine so the official is looking fine to me later on during unwrapping I will move all the officials to the positive space [Music] okay so click on the visibility of the house now select this wooden plank and isolate it selecting all the corner edges and applying people here I have used only one segment because later on I am going to smooth it now giving more edge loops and now I am taking multi cut tool and you can see I am trying to create a third loop to make that crack alright I am going to do the same thing for this side also the third blow and pushing it inside like this we can create the crack [Music] inserting one more edge loop in this area so like this I will work with all the Odin planks and I will make it a little bit fast forward because these are all repetitions in the process [Music] here in this area I am duplicating the front planks only towards the back [Music] for this also I am going to work with the same process [Music] I'm explaining the process once again first select all the border edges then developed with maybe one subdivision or two subdivision level and then give a costume and along all those cross groups give three three edge loops and select the middle loop and give the deformation and that's [Music] okay so now taking the wooden plan and I am planning to arrange all these wooden planks all around the hut and that also will be randomly and so I'm checking the correct orientation of it and trying to place it exactly on the wall I'm scaling it up and selecting the vertices at the corner and I am trying to adjust it both the sides okay now you can see it is fixed it is looking fine and like this I will take different different wooden planks and I will address in different different areas with correct orientation [Music] just to understand what are the areas we are going to arrange those Odin plans preliminary sketch is very important so you should have design before done before the modeling so that during modeling it will not be wasting your time with trial and error process way to add those potent plans that that is the reason beforehand only I made a sketch of that and then just by looking at my sketch and modeling it and winter could be friends so there will be no conclusion you [Music] you can see over here though I have duplicated all the plants from the same geometry now by selecting the vertices and changing the shape so that all the wooden bars should look different and I think to me this is called detailing making very small small parts obviously that is called detailing but these are also called detailing detailing in design [Music] I am just doing the same everywhere and from different different areas and just selecting the vertices and changing the variation changing the shape and you have seen I already have unwrapped it but there may not be a problem because later on I am going to unfold all these officials so it will not create any problem later on because definitely all this scaling of the wooden planks are different anyway I need to scale it at the end [Music] so for the window frames also I am doing the same thing arranging the wooden plants if we are duplicating the same geometry then make sure by modifying the vertices we were changing the shape a little bit so that it will look different [Music] you [Music] now let's come to the chimney and I am selecting the pieces going to edit mesh extract and you can see this is a different object now selecting the vertices I am changing the shape a little bit now selecting all the border edges I am going to edit mesh and given all right now let's make the window shade so I'm selecting the geometry and duplicating it and changing the pivot point so that it will be easy for me to keep it over there and I have to scan it with it's correct proportion [Music] now once again taking this geometry I will place over there for the support of the window shade few more modification with our vertices okay this is living fine now arranging some more wooden plants both designs so you can see I am modifying the same wooden flag and I am adjusting it everywhere there will be a stretch mark in the UV texture so later on during unwrapping I have to take care of those areas so for now you can see I'm just adjusting and duplicating all these so I am just duplicating the same thing towards that direction okay this is looking fine now let's create the front door shape so for that I am just duplicating this object and I am placing it properly changing the pilot point towards its base so that it will be very easy for the orientation and scaling alright now selecting this geometry and duplicating it trying to fit it over there duplicating once again and making the base I'm taking this soda plant and making the pillars blessing it properly [Music] changing the shape a little bit so that both the sides will look different scaling it down alright this is looking fine now coming to the side view and going to the create polygon tool and I am creating a polygon in this area you can see I'm just drawing it you can get create polygon tool by going to mesh tool option I am selecting the object and center Bible and trying to convert everything into quads by a multi cut tool now selecting the faces I am a extruding it [Music] that's fine now I have to select all the edges of the edges and now I have to be able it to sharpen the edges and if mesh and given all right place it properly now I'll just duplicate it controlling and keeping it this side okay now I am selecting everything and keeping it in the lathe and naming it tires homes keeping these objects in a different layer now taking a plane and smoothing it all right and giving it a shape I am trying to create the base by selecting the edges and the strikes shooting it and now let's modify the shape adding one more edge loop now by selecting the vertices I am deforming the shape a little bit so that the ship should not look very regular over here by pressing B in the keyboard I am getting that soft selection against selection page I am applying people little more modification by selecting the vertices [Music] meh selecting the agents go to mesh display and softness all right this is looking fine in the next videos I am going to model that tree and stones and also I am going to sculpt the hut the tree and these stones and then later videos I am going to show you how to texture it in substance painter and then we are going to render all the maps in Maya all the links are given in the description if you want to jump to any of those topics is safer links hope you enjoyed this session and don't forget to subscribe for the future videos thank you very much for watching
Channel: TrimitKala
Views: 157,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Modeling Hut, House, 3D Scene, 3D Village, House Modeling in Maya, Inorganic Modeling, Inorganic Modeling in Maya, House Modeling Tutorial, Modeling Tutorial, maya tutorial, mayamodeling, mayamodeling tutorial, animation, topology, edge flow, maya, how to, beginner, modeling tutorial, tutorial, character modeling, polygon, speed model, easy, maya training, 3d, Maya2017, Maya 2019, Modeling Background in Maya, Modeling BG, 3D Modelling, 3D Modeling, Modeling Environment
Id: uoK_JaXzfS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 23sec (3203 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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