Maya to Unreal Engine 5 - Import Assets in UE5 | Unreal Engine 5 Tutorial

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foreign [Music] so in this part we are going to import our asset in a new engine 5 and create a material for this so we have a basic scene here we have a directional light and exponential height for a post process volume Sky atmosphere Skylight and volumetric Cloud if you want a tutorial on how to set up this then I'll drop a link in the description you can check out my Unreal Engine series and I've explained everything how all these actors work so let's import our model so before importing a model we are going to go in the substance printer and we are going to export our textures for Unreal Engine so we can use the textures we exported in the last video but over real engine we are going to export a packed action map so let's select our folder and I'm going to export here in this folder textures Unreal Engine pipe and I'm going to go in my outlet template and just scroll down and select this Unreal Engine 4 Pact and I'm going to take a size 4K and just leave the rest of the settings to default and hit export so our textures are exported let's close this and move to the folder where we have our asset so I have this globe obj let's select this and drop it in Unreal Engine 5. and in this material section just set it to do not create material we're going to create our own material so I didn't set up my Maya unit according to a new engine so my mesh is going to be a little bit lower in scale so I have to increase the scale just a little bit so I'm going to set it to 20 and click on import all and I have this mesh here so just select it and drop it in the viewport and as you can see it's rotated so just rotate it like this 290 so let's create a material for this but before doing that we have to export our textures so let's go back to the folder where we have our textures so let's select all of it and drop it in this content browser [Music] and if you see this warning just click ok so we have all these texture Maps so let's create a material for this so we have to create two materials because we have two sets of textures one for the metal part and one for the map let's right click and click on this material and rename it as map material and to assign the texture just double click and open this and we are going to select our map textures and just crop them in this material editor so we have this RGB map for our Albedo or base color so just click on this RGB node and connect it to the base color and do the same thing for this normal connect the RGB to normal at last we have this Tech map or a mask map and it contains our occlusion roughness and metallic so the r channel of this map is occlusion and the green channel of this map is roughness and at last the blue channel of this map is metallic so we're going to connect them in that order so the red goes to occlusion and green goes to roughness and then at last we have this metallic disconnect this blue to metallic [Music] and save it so we have this material here so how can you apply this material on this mesh so just select this and double click now you can just go here and select this material or what you can do just simply select this material and drag and drop here but as you can see that our model looks a little bit glossy and too reflective and that's because we haven't set our mask map as known RGB so what you can do is just double click on this map here and scroll down and in this texture just disable this srgb and you'll be fine just save it so what it's going to do it's going to invalidate that material which is created so you have to assign that map again so open this material and select this then delete it now select this map again and drop it here and connect it again so the r goes to ambient occlusion green goes to the roughness and blue goes to metallic and just save it and close this so now you can see that our texture looks fine and it's not as reflective as it was before so let's create another material for this metal part so right click and create a material and rename it as metal material so before assigning our texture just open this map and do the same thing here just disable this srgb and save it now open this metal material and import your metal textures [Music] drop them in here place this Albedo on the top and connect the RGB to base color normal to normal and the all channel of this map goes to ambient and green goes to roughness and the blue goes to metallic save it [Music] close this and select this metal material and drop it here and now it looks fine you control the brightness just press Ctrl l and rotate your Sun like this and you can go to directional light and return down the intensity like this and create a screenshot of this just go to this icon here and select this hi-res screenshot so the default size of the screenshot is going to be according to this viewport and you can multiply it by increasing this screenshot size multiplier so if I increase it to 3 and click on this camera icon it's going to take a screenshot so our screenshot is done you can find that screenshot by going to the project folder of this model so I have this project here and in the saved folder you'll see this screenshot and here you will find your screenshot so that's how you can import your Maya models or any models from any software for that matter and create materials for it and take out high resolution screenshots so I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and if you did make sure to drop a like on this video And subscribe to channel if you are new and I'll see you in the next video thanks for watching
Channel: 3DWolf
Views: 22,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maya to ue5, maya to unreal engine 5 workflow, maya to ue4, maya export to ue4, maya export rigged character, maya to unreal engine 4 workflow, how to import models into ue4, ue4 import animation, maya ue5, maya ue4, maya to unreal, ue4 import character animation, ue4 import character, ue4 animation, unreal engine 4 import animation, ue4 animation tutorial, import animation unreal engine 4, maya to unreal pipeline, how to import animation in unreal, ue4 character animation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 19 2021
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