Unreal Engine 5 Tutorial Make a Playable Metahuman in Just 5 Minutes!

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hey guys welcome to my latest video so I thought I'd start off by just doing a little quick tutorial where we going to retarget meter human and uh make it playable in Unreal Engine 5. so it's actually really really really easy and it doesn't require a lot of work or expertise so let's just get started I guess so what we first want to do is just open up quick little bridge and you can just select one of these meta humans I'm just going to use one of my own see I got a few custom made ones I'm just going to use this Andrew take model I got so you just want to click on that one export it and then it will pop right up in here you might need to go and enable some missing plugins and then just restart your engine so this is what you get so we're just going to start off by opening up this blueprint Okay cool so the first thing we're going to see when we open up this it's going to probably prepare a little bit of shaders and that and that and that um like Andrew doesn't really have hair so it's not gonna matter now but you gotta go to the LOD sync and then just put the number of LEDs to one and make the force plot zero so if you do that you'll get older here and everything will look good it's not a problem so we're just going to compile and save this we've got a few errors here we can go and solve we can just click on that and then we're just gonna use the get skeletal mesh acid so skillet oh mesh asset function for this so just replace that one hook it up on there I'm not sure exactly why this errors are here they're probably going to solve it soon but it's just in the new versions I don't think it's in the earlier versions so we can just compile we see okay cool we need to do that here as well let's do this gets skeletal mesh asset and then we're just gonna hook it up in there while it is valid and that one so just delete that one now your blueprint should compile and look all good without any errors so the next thing we're gonna do is we're just gonna save this close this up and then we're going to go and duplicate this just for safe measure let's call this BP playable metal human so you're going to open that up and you're gonna the first thing you're gonna wanna do is just go to your class settings click on the parent class and use third person character so if you don't have that third person character it's super easy you can just go to add add feature or content back and then just add the third person project there to your project so it's super easy so the next thing you'll see we got this Andrew and we got the money so for this I'm just going to use uh Manny let's just wait for that to reload I'm not sure if that's actually necessary but I've seen like sometimes when I use Quinn and it I use a male body it acts like a little weird so may not be the case I don't claim to be an expert I just know how to do this uh so now that we got many we're just going to take the route that we got here from our meter unit and you're just going to go and drag and drop that onto your mesh so that's super easy and then I'm just going to click on root and then reset the position here and here now we can go to library Target use Library Target mode and then click on use retarget mode if you'll see it's nice and parented there and all the animations should work you can just compile this now we just want to do another small thing click on the mesh and search for this and in here we're just gonna untick visible and make sure that it's on always stick pose and refresh press compile that and save that so now we can go to here to the blueprints let's just go on open up our third person blueprint and then all we're gonna really do is just copy all this in here so you'll see there and uh we just gotta make sure that all this is set up in here as well so we can just go on delete these two paste this in and then you'll see here is a custom event that is the begin play so you can just delete that and then you take this and we can drag it over to the so when you compile save we got a character it should be playable Let's test this up so now just in the game mode override we just can search playable Messer human for this one and uh now we can just see let's close this and press play and we got our boy in the game animations work you can go and easily just download mixmo animations use the miximo converter to get some other animations and you got a whole new game I'm gonna go to High Fidelity character you can run around with and play and do whatever you want with it but yeah it's just a super quick tutorial I hope you guys enjoyed it be sure to like And subscribe be sure to tell me uh what I did wrong in this video if I did something wrong and if there is some stuff we can we could have skipped anyways I hope you guys have a good day don't forget to like And subscribe and uh yeah foreign
Channel: Muller Digital
Views: 61,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unrealengine5, Metahuman, Gamedevelopment, tutorial, gamedesign, videogames, 3dcharacter, animation, indiegamedev, gamecreation, gameprogramming, 3DCharacter, Animation, Playful, FunTutorial, QuickTutorial, 5minutetutorial, fasttutorial, easytutorial, LearnGameDevelopment, CreateAgame, Programming Tutorial, Unreal Engine, RTX, Unreal Engine 5 Beginner
Id: gmHYtlg1hyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 24sec (384 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2023
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