Matthew ~ 18:21 to 19:22

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welcome to the shepherds chapel network family bible study hour with pastor arnold murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor murray's unique teaching approach brings god's word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of god's letter to you the bible and now here is pastor arnold murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the shepherds chapel welcome to this family bible study are back in our father's word chapter 18 the great book of matthew we're going to pick it up with verse 21 here in a moment what a teacher our lord and savior is and we still have that word with us today and and how precious it is to have his guidance and we're in this 18th chapter they the disciples begin to what i call squirm which one who is the most important in heaven well it's a god of course not some man and we had a little lesson of humility and we're going to pick it up again with um with peter speaking here chapter 18 verse 21 let's just ask a word of wisdom from our father and we'll go with it then came peter to him and he said lord how oft shall my brother sin against me and i forgive him question till seven times what does jesus answer this is probably one of the best lectures on by christ on forgiveness you'll ever receive listen carefully 22 jesus said unto him i say not unto thee until seven times but until 70 times 7 that's 490 times now when we read this there's one thing i want you to nail down and don't miss it that forgiveness is possible as long as someone repents if they don't repent then forgiveness on a one-on-one is not necessary but it is true if one has a change of heart and repents then they should have that opportunity that's what christianity is about so with that having been said let's go into the parable next verse please verse 23. therefore is the kingdom of heaven likened unto a certain king which would take account of his servants i mean this is exactly how our father is in heaven this is the way he does it 24 and when he had begun to reckon one was brought unto him which owed him 10 000 talents that's about 750 ounces of silver 750 ounces that's a big debt okay verse 25 and for as much as he had not to pay he didn't have it his lord commanded him to be sold and his wife and children and all that he had and payments to be made that's in other words uh there's another way of looking at this and i want you to see it is you know not serving god can sell off your whole family you might take that into consideration serving him and setting an example before them can save a lot of souls but here this is the way it is in heaven with god looking down i mean this man was going to lose his whole family his wife children and and it was gone but when you turn to god what happens 26 the servant therefore fell down and worshiped him saying lord have patience with me and i will pay thee all and evidently he was quite sincere you don't con god 27 and then the lord of that servant was moved with compassion and loosed him and forgave him the debt he forgave that debt of 750 ounces of silver it was home free you got your family you love me you're serving me i'll see that you're taken care of by just we'll just wipe this slate clean so you see serving god and in the spiritual sense is is one of the richest things in the world is to have that peace of mind and to be able to set the example before your family of being humble of being repentant when you mess up and certainly if god can forgive you then certainly you need to forgive yourself and you have to be sincere again you cannot con god and this parable is exactly how it is in heaven with our father looking down verse 27 then the lord of that servant was moved with compassion loosed him and forgave him the whole debt he just did now 28 let's go with it but the same servant went out and found one of his fellow servants which owed him in hundred pence and he laid hands on him and took him and by the took it by the throat saying pay me that thou owest now actually what are we talking about here a hundred pence it takes um is the eighth part of announce and um after uh so we're talking about just the pittance basically seven to fourteen dollars is according to whose scale you use on it seven to 14 ounces of silver i should say that's all he owed 750 this is just the pittance that he owed 29 and his fellow servant fell down at his feet and besought him saying have patience with me and i will pay the all verse 30 and he would not but went and cast him into prison until he should pay the debt well now number one how are you going to if you don't have it how are you going to pay it when you're locked in prison probably losing your family and lord only knows what else 31. so when his fellow servants saw what was done they were very sorry and came and told unto their lord all that was done they went straight to the father in in this parable told him said hey he he over that little pittance i mean had him locked up and lost his fin i mean it was bad verse 32 then his lord after that he had called him said unto him oh thou wicked servant i forgave thee all that debt 750 ounces of silver because thou desired us me because you wanted to serve the living god 33 should us not thou also have had compassion on thy fellow servant even as i had pity on thee should that not be well of course it should be do you do you know do you understand one of the marks of one of god's elect is compassion you show me somebody that has no compassion and i'll show you somebody that's not really one of god's elect it takes that that is the mark is compassion that's why they dedicate their life to serving god to bring forth truth and souls to that same condition of humility before the living god and his blessings verse 34 and his lord was wroth he was angry god was angry and delivered him to the tormentors that's to say the jellers and the torturers till he should pay all that was due unto him time about fair play moral of the story listen to it 35 so likewise shall my heavenly father do also unto you if you from your hearts forgive not everyone his brother their trespasses we just spoke about the 490 times this is a heavy subject and many people get confused about this you are to forgive as long as they are sincere that's what your father did in this case this analogy this parable but the moment it's obvious that he wasn't sincere what did god do did god forgive him again of course not well what did it gain him then to be forgiven and then not to have compassion on somebody else it gained him nothing i mean he was he was he was through don't think you can't come to a place with our heavenly father that he's through with you but then again if you are sincere and if you repent and you're serious about it 490 times a day now i don't believe anybody can sin against a neighbor that many times and expect forgiveness there's something wrong with that program but at least you can set yourself apart from them because it's not possible to get along with everybody okay that's that's biblical but you do the very best you can and when it comes to the fact that you can't any longer set yourself aside and still love the lord and in your own heart kind of forgive them whereby it doesn't gnaw at you like an old boil and keep coming up in your life and what do you do you hurt no one but yourself then so you forgive as long as somebody repents and when somebody does not repent then you do not owe them that you do not owe going to them and forgiving them as long as they haven't repented it's that's that's you that's where the line is drawing there and you might say well can you document that from that parable of course what happened to the rich man the one with the one that is to say that was forgiven the 750 ounces of silver he was through because he wasn't sincere so that's where the difference comes in you cannot play act the the father gives us if we forgive our brethren the father forgives us if you'll forgive yourself but if a brother does not repent to you then it is not necessary that you go to him and open yourself up to be wounded again okay it's not necessary but if someone does repent then that's that's god's order is to do this that's called compassion and that's called serving the living god but at the same time you don't make a fool out of yourself but certainly i think in my years of teaching the main thing i find that people have fought with and it's the hardest for them to recognize they do not forgive themselves they do not totally repent therefore when god forgives them they bring it back out on the table again when it was a totally erased and make it come alive again that's when that's where your biggest mistakes are in asking forgiveness of the father is when he when he forgives it he's i don't want to hear about it anymore you won't forget it because it's that's the human nature of teaching you how to not let it happen again is remembering what what it caused if it were it was a negative thing so a great deal of knowledge within that parable on how to find peace of mind and you find peace of mind in dealing with others by having compassion and at the same time not being played the fool okay 490 times is a lot of times but um it is not good to be an enabler let's put it that way but it is wonderful and beautiful to be one forgiving when someone deserves it chapter 19 verse 1 and it came to pass that when jesus had finished these sayings he departed from galilee the circuit there and he came into the coast of judea beyond jordan working his way towards jerusalem verse 2 and great multitudes followed him and he healed them there this is this is the he was not a we'll talk about it he was a doer he didn't just talk about healing he healed them and this gains his reputation whereby people are following him and probably leaving the would be so-called church at that time verse 3 the pharisees also came unto him tempting him don't read over that they didn't come to hear the good news they came tempting him and saying unto him is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause they're kind of setting him up you know and you'd be surprised how many people are unfamiliar with the laws of marriage even to this day you hear it i the way i teach um is the forgiveness because we just spoke of being forgiven 490 times some want to make this the absolute unpardonable sin is um is to put someone away and then remarry that's the worst thing you could commit is what they say and that that's false i said we just did a parable about forgiving someone 490 times and you must apply that to this to totally understand it so what did christ say about this okay there bear in mind they're trying to set him up verse 4 and he answered and he said unto them have you not read that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female haven't you read the very beginning of the word talking about the old testament verse five and he said for this cause shall a man leave father and mother and shall cleave to his wife and they twain shall be one flesh and in children that's exactly the way it is it's the flesh of the father flesh of the mother and they become one flesh in that verse six wherefore they are no more twain but one flesh what therefore god hath joined together let no man put asander that's exactly what it says in the beginning but then read on verse 7 they say unto him why did moses then command to give a writing of divorcement and to put her away and of course they'll they'll be quoting deuteronomy 24 verse 1 here verse 8 he said unto them moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives but from the beginning it was not so that's not the way god put it that way it was the shortcomings of man that put it that way it wasn't god's doings verse 9 and i say unto you whosoever shall put away his wife except it be for fornication and shall marry another committeth adultery and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery now again we just discovered seven times 70 forgiveness but you you want to say by listening to some false teachers that that doesn't apply to this because if they repent christ paid an awesome price on the cross to wash away sins i don't i've never met a person that was perfect i've known one or two that was very close and they happened to be both women quite frankly but when father um for says forgive seven times seventy you gotta remember the compassion you just learned or are you just gonna wash it all away is you know i've studied god's word in languages this language that language i have yet to find where uh divorce is the unpardonable sin i have even yet to find where adultery is the unpardonable sin it is forgivable so if if we're going to be christians and teach that diet christ died on the cross for our atonement and forgiveness of sin then you're going to sell him short especially if you're ignorant of or have you never read jeremiah chapter 3 verse 8. do you know what jeremiah chapter 3 verse 8 says it says god's a divorcee are you saying god can't be forgiven when he sits on the throne i would be very very careful if i were you because god is a divorcee he divorced her he divorced israel give her a written bill of divorcement and in christ's death that was god with us then he was free to remarry again and certainly that's the analogy any way you want to slice it but be very careful how you teach forgiveness 7 times 70 and then come right along after that so soon and say it's impossible you cannot be forgiven you could never remarry again when god created some people whereby they they must be married as as it is written in first corinthians chapter 7 it says there paul was saying hey if you're going to follow me on these long trips we only make it back home about once a year it's best for you not to be married because you're going to be gone all that time and then he makes the statement in first corinthians chapter 7 it is better than to marry than to burn and you know these preachers will say that means to burn in hell well no it doesn't check the greek out it means to burn with passion it's better to be married and stay home if you burn with passion and so it is so god understands and he puts these things when you're teaching christ then you're limiting him saying he cannot forgive somebody that has been divorced well that's just a bunch of malarkey that drives more people away from the church and there are even churches that'll make you you can never teach a sunday school class if you've been divorced though you repented and were forgiven and you are a blessing to almighty god you're a blessing to god but the church will never consider you to be a blessing because you're a divorcee that's what some churches would say but i say to you you either teach forgiveness or you're selling christ short and you will not be blessed for that he says seven times seventy so naturally when somebody repents and it is blotted away they're as new again and so go and sin no more i will i will say well what about adultery well what did how what did christ teach concerning the woman that was caught in the act and they brought her to him it's convenient they didn't bring the man i mean if she was caught in the act they had both of them but uh they didn't bring the man they brought the woman and christ began to ride in the sand and they begin to disappear one after the other he started with the oldest where were you last saturday night and what were you doing i know he split and then the second one he split pretty soon there wasn't anybody standing there and he asked the woman where are your accusers she said i i don't see him he said well neither do i and he knew how repentant she was and he sent her away it was unfair from start to finish there was no wisdom there you and this is what god teaches be humble respect him he paid an awesome price for the forgiveness of sin seven times seventy and when it's rightfully deserved you better forgive okay verse 10 to continue his disciples say unto him if the case of the man be so with his wife it is not good to marry verse 11 but he said unto them all men cannot receive this saying save they to whom it is given in in other words it's a fantastic thing if a man can remain celibate and teach god's word or a woman likewise i it is necessary but if you want to take that route hey more power to you it's fine he said it's but not everybody can do that verse 12 for there are some eunuchs which were so born for from their mother's womb and there are some eunuchs which were made eunuchs of men and there be eunuchs which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake he that is able to receive it let him receive it in other words if you can sustain if you want to dedicate a hundred percent of your life to the to serving god that there's nothing wrong with that that is good but not everybody can and it is not required to serve god and um especially so there you go it is amazing how some men have convictions and that's good i'm not arguing with that i have no problem with it we just read is fine but not everybody can do that okay and if you can't that's fine too you can still serve god and receive many blessings from him and and that is as it goes to each his own well known to each to almighty god in service verse 13 to continue then where they brought unto him little children that he should put his hands on them and pray and the disciples rebuked him i mean he was tired they had traveled a lot and here these children are just piling in they love him 14. but jesus said suffer little children and forbid them not you let them come to come unto me for of such is the kingdom of heaven the the a child who loves someone and trusts their advice their eyes are wide open they believe every word you say that's why you never want to mislead a child when they have that respect and love for you and so it was with christ don't don't ever bother the little ones and and let the little ones come um and um verse 15 and he laid his hands on them and departed things he loved children why because they were the future of christianity and always have been and always will be this is why that you want to be real careful many people you might have somebody six years old just i mean they really love the lord they understand what baptism is about they're at the age of accountability because their knowledge makes them accountable and they desire to be baptized and some people will say no you you go on a way go away you're you're not deserving yet well i would hate to be a judge like that this is why that baptisms of shepherd's chapel if a very young person comes forward you will always see the person doing the baptizing to bend down and talk to them a moment to make certain they know what they're doing and then baptize them i would feel very bad if i refused baptism to a child who knows what baptism is about and is accountable if they were to leave there and on the road home have a car accident and they die unbaptized that would be quite a burden to bear so don't suffer the little children not to be brought forward if they understand and certainly bring them forward to teach them and to lead them it's it's a mark from christ himself and something that is beautiful and and so it is that he told them they were trying to protect him i suppose and he said no verse 16. and behold one came and said unto him good master what good thing shall i do that i may have eternal life and naturally eternal life is a gift from god okay 17 and and in another place that would tell you this man was a ruler meaning he had he was rich okay 17 and he said unto him why calleth thou me good there is none good but one and that is god but if thou will enter into life keep the commandments that's to say all of them not not part of them all of them if that if you're going to take that route but you see what what's going on here what was emmanuel what was christ's name ordered from isaiah chapter 7 verse 14. a virgin will conceive will bear a male child you will name him emmanuel which is to say god with us so god was with him standing right in front of him and telling him obey all commandments understand we just repented 7 7 times 40 490 times taught so repentance is wonderful but this man asked a question christ is going to answer it 18. he sayeth unto him which and jesus said thou shalt do no murder i like this because this is one of the only places that this commandment is brought forth for what it really means it's fun yeah criminal homicide okay thou shalt not commit adultery thou shall not steal thou shalt not bear false witness 19 honor thy father and thy mother that's longevity comes from there and thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself now what did what did christ leave out there he left out 10 the 10th commandment 20 the young man said unto him all these things have i kept from my youth what lack i yet 21 jesus said unto him if thou wilt be perfect go and sell that thou hast and give to the poor that thou shalt have treasure in heaven and come and follow me in other words he hadn't mentioned the tenth and that's what this young man was guilty of he was very wealthy and no doubt had gotten much of these gains by ill-gotten gains in other words it was bad money in other words he had ripped some people off verse 22 but when the young man heard that saying he went away sorrowfully for he had great possessions meaning that he didn't he didn't fit that tenth one which is what don't covet neighbor's property don't covet anything the neighbor has and evidently he had been real good at coveting other people's properties and made himself rich he didn't make the cut so thank god we have atonement from christ on the cross that sins can be forgiven seven times seventy and our father expects us with humility to understand and yet don't play the fool be merciful show mercy show compassion but follow god's word all right bless your heart you listen a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on cd is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived christ said in mark 13 23 behold i have foretold you all things jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived and pastor arnold murray takes you on a step-by-step study of god's word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the cd is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 800-643-4645 to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free cd by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 gravid arkansas 72736 don't be deceived by satan and there we are back again let's have the 800 number please 1-800-643-4645 that number is good from puerto rico throughout the u.s alaska hawaii all over canada if the spirit moves you got a question share it please never ask a question about a particular reverend denomination or organization we will not judge anyone god is judge stay off of his toes and you'll be blessed you do have the right for spiritual discernment that is to say to discern whether something is true or fiction and you determine that from god's word chapter by chapter and verse by verse those of you that listen by short wave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour will give you our mailing address again always a pleasure now got a prayer request you do not need the number you don't need an address why god knows what you're thinking right now he does and he wants one thing from you that really pleases him that your love you can document that in hebrews i'm amos rather i'm sorry the book of hosea chapter 6 verse 6. i don't want your burnt offerings i want your love your mercy grace and that's what our father wants from you give it to him and be blessed for he will always return it so let us go to his throne father around the world we come we ask that you lead guy direct father touch in yeshua's precious name thank you father amen okay question time we're going to go with marvin from virginia from washington what kind of reference bible would you recommend i already have the companion bible thank you and appreciate your love okay i feel the companion is best i hope you have the strongest concordance to go with it and then i recommend a smith bible dictionary one brought bought from our library because it gives you the definition of names and places where that will help you understand god's word then if you want other bibles to study i highly recommend dr moffat's translation there are many translations do not some of the later translations are twisted you don't do not want to go there and they have absolutely led they're leading people astray because they've changed the word of god artists from south carolina if if lucifer is supposed to be an angel how would we differentiate between that angel and the angel of god well you know by understanding god's scriptures the angel of god can appear at any time lucifer's evil spirit can appear but you know if it's evil it's evil and it's really that quite that simple this is why spiritual discernment is a gift from god if something evil if you're truly one of god's elect and someone evil walks into a room you know it you don't they don't have to say very many words until you the hair on the back well i shouldn't go that far but it's according to what appeared okay but spiritual discernment let you know and that's what you pray for is to and you you gain that by understanding god's word mark from new york what does it mean for god and satan to both be supernatural well let's analyze that just a little bit our father is supernatural he created satan satan is just a a child of god so to speak that upsets some people but nevertheless it's true there's not a soul exists that god didn't create but he went bad as it's written in ezekiel 28. he is only allowed to be supernatural if you let him because christ gave us power over him in christ's name in luke chapter 10 verses 18 and 19 over all of our enemies including satan he can only do supernatural things because god allows it but he is a creation of god himself and god will destroy him all souls belong to god you don't get around to giving your soul to god ezekiel chapter 18 verse 4 god says i own all souls they're mine jessica from missouri will you please explain how satan is the father of cain well we just covered it in in matthew chapter 13 concerning the parable of the sower it states very clearly there he said the good seed children are the children of the father but the wicked children that's the tares were sowed in the same field by the devil okay and then naturally when when you read on uh in saint john chapter 8 christ again says you you are of your father who was the first murderer that would be cain and ye are children of the devil and it did not mean spiritually the word seed is sperma it means children by birth it this is something that not not everybody has eyes to see or years to hear if you don't put it on the shelf and still work with it kathy from georgia in the bible it says you only die once so there is no reincarnation how is it that god did not like the spirit of jacob's brother that be esau i thought he was here before in another spirit up please explain um in the first earth age he was in a spiritual body god created all souls in the first earth age and then he said in genesis after he destroyed that first earth age rather than destroying his children let us create man in our image so you're in the same image you were there but in flesh bodies you're only going to die one time but um you know a giveaway to this is the scripture that i suppose every christian can can just quote god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whomsoever would believe upon him should have not to perish but have eternal life that word in the greek eternal is is ageless it means from the time you were created in the first earth age all the way through you never stop or cease existing even into the eternity if you love him if you follow him and this in itself does away where naturally uh reincarnation is when the flesh uh the same flesh person comes back it's not going to happen we have a lot of flesh people that are possessed with somebody that lived 1600 years ago that's called an evil spirit a demon mary from kentucky concerning malachi chapter 4 verses 5 and 6 is there going to be a real man on earth preaching that will have the spirit of elijah will he say he is elijah we have had about 700 people come by here claiming to be elijah okay and i will usually ask them if they've got a birth certificate and they said why sure and i said well you couldn't be elijah because he didn't he never died and he's not born a woman he's the real thing um in the spirit of elijah anybody that teaches both fathers the false and the true is is in the is teaching what would be called in the spirit of elijah but always remember who showed up on the mount of transfiguration we just covered in the book of matthew elijah and moses and i truly believe they are the two witnesses that will appear back on this earth and you'll have the real thing you'll have moses and elijah d amara diamora from florida pastor when we have family members that don't believe and i try to pray to for them and plant a seed because i share father's word they might deny me to see my grandchildren and will not speak to me what does father want me to do like mother daughter i i love them and i want them to be saved well god has to do the saving all right you can't the best way you can guide them is don't don't preach to them when they will not hear you're wasting your time and you're driving them away from you the best advertising you can do for the lord jesus christ and family is to live it that is to say set the example god blesses you why doesn't he bless somebody that doesn't love him and so and so it goes be gentle and set the example do not uh do not uh cast your seed that slow whereby it cannot be heard and you know it won't be heard that just drives them further away from you don't even talk about the word just live it and that gives them the example jackson from florida i use olive oil to announce my anoint my house my husband so he will stop smoking and to remove evil spirits from my home am i doing the right thing of course you are but be sure and do it in the name of the lord jesus christ order them out i mean take control take charge and do it you're doing fine father knows who in other words this person is not going to identify themselves pastor what does it mean by his stripes ye are healed my girlfriend said that i need to say this so i can be healed i am in a lot of pain and will will this work please explain this to me well if have you got the faith but you need to anoint yourself with the oliver people that's to say olive oil and ask the lord jesus christ to forgive you just talk to him it's it's all right if you want to quote psalms 53 i'm sorry isaiah chapter 53 with his stripes we are healed that's that's what he paid the price for but the most important thing is that you anoint yourself you see you are instructed in james chapter 5 to have the elders anoint you if they're if you don't have any elders there you can anoint yourself with all of our people just a tad on your forehead and ask the lord god to heal you in christ's name stephanie from texas what is a good scripture and prayer to bless your home and get financial security all of god's word okay you you when when you pray to him tell him say i i've got a little trouble i need to know how to improve my finances and anoint your home if you will in order anything evil out but the way being mainly to stop financial problems is to work hard okay that'll usually get it done use good judgment pray for wisdom to be prosperous how to manage you know a poor manager can throw a lot more out the back door than you can bring in the front so you want you must have good management and practice it be discipline yourself in that if if you can't afford it you don't need it okay so just just use good judgment all the way around and god will bless you and improve uh karen from kentucky pastor murray there's a lady down the street from me that is falsely saying that i i worship the devil pastor can you help me so i can feel better why in the world would you want to let something that some idiot down the street would say to ruin your life you're a daughter of the living god act like it who cares what the lady down the street says who is she anyway and what does she matter if she's lying about you that pretty well tells you what she is does it not and you would let her upset you you know always stomp on those little ants okay don't let little ants rule your life and you'll be a lot better off this politically correct stuff of putting everybody on guard well i don't want to offend anybody if it's morally wrong it's wrong and i don't care who it defends you do it god's way and be blessed don't worry about the lady down the street let somebody else have her you don't need her eleanor from connecticut if you can't remember everything you read in the bible does the lord still love you i love your program and i watch you every morning god bless you well thank you he sure does no one can remember everything and and naturally it's a gift from god if you have a exceedingly good memory it's god-given and you can't take credit for it but certainly that's not in against you this is why i really encourage you to have a strong concordance if you can remember one word out of a verse the main word you can go to the strong's concordance and it'll and it'll pretty well tell you whether it's hebrew or greek where it's located and that'll help you your memory a lot tim from indiana will i know my wife as my wife in heaven or just know her as another angel you you will know her that she was your wife but you will both be married to the lord jesus christ in the millennium tim you can read ezekiel chapter 44 beginning with about verse 20 and it will tell you that you will recognize your wife your mother your brother or sister or father you will recognize each other and that's a wonderful thing annette from california where can i read the story of susannah you one of the most beautiful stories in the apocrypha but it is an apocrypha therefore you must have an apocrypha or a king james before they pull the apocrypha out between the old and new testament but you we carry the smiths smith's um apocrypha in um good speed rather i'm sorry we carry the smith good speed apocrypha in our library and it will have the story of susanna in it and it has to do with two kidnites trying to seduce a beautiful young girl by lying about seeing her with a young man in the garden if she didn't submit to him and she wouldn't submit so they finally uh one they they spread the story then that she's got a young man in her father's garden and they um they're they're ready to i mean tar and feather or do away with her and they asked daniel what he thought about it and daniel said well i don't wash my hands of it he said take take one of these people these kenites and take him in the house and bring me the other one and he asked this one what tree did you see this happen under and he said that sycamore right there and then he said okay you get in there and bring me the other one what tree did this that oak right over there he said hang both of them and susanna was saved her honor was saved because somebody was wise enough to do a little investigating it's don't ever give in to liars okay follow and bless god he will always take care of you ultimately it may be a tough sledding at times but you're one of god's elect you're geared for it you're a can-do type person georgia from arkansas i have a very fixed income i am supported by governor government money such as social security during those five months how can i suppose to so how am i supposed to survive if we are not supported to supposed to live on government money you can live on government money as long as you don't have to worship antichrist to get it but this is what five months is not that long and god promises not a hair on your head can be touched or bothered so he promises he's going to take care of you you've got to have faith to believe that but at the same time it doesn't hurt to have a nice pantry on hand not not overdoing it but five months is not that long steve from colorado hi pastor i am a former marine my question is after all is said and done what happens if there is another angel that tries what satan did before semper fi and simplify right back um i believe and that god will not allow anyone to survive that the end of the millennium that could be deceived the answer basically if you if you can absorb it is that each month in heaven we partake of the tree of life it is one of the most difficult scriptures to translate in god's word because it means when you partake of that leaf you cannot be you can't be bored you you can't be anything but happy and satisfied okay that's why because christ is with us that's that's what the tree is the tree of life is jesus christ he's there and i could put it a different way he's not going to put up with any malarkey okay michelle from ohio i have recently gotten back with my ex-girlfriend she is struggling with drug use i try to help her but am i doing wrong by trying to help don't enable whatever you do do not enable you're not you're not helping them if you do it will take them right on down primrose lane and one of the vilest things that you know satan knows your every weakness and boy does he have the drugs he can that's one thing he'll provide you with with all you need and uh so you do not enable her let the lord tell her what um what god has to say about using drugs and and so it is he's very definitely against it and as a matter of fact the drug pusher he said there's not going to be any of them in heaven and i believe that because it's poison there is no way you know that the holy spirit can truly be in you and work freely if if if she is drugged out okay so a lot of prayer and a lot of leading and don't enable get from missouri i am a drug addict well this may be the day for it i am killing myself i have tried rehab and everything else and nobody nothing works what can i do i listen to you every day god bless you and simplify simplify you're a marine and you're going to write me this junk what's wrong with you you know what discipline is and you know what it means simplify it means always faithful i want that stop you come off of them and i mean it this old sergeant's telling you get off of them and you stay off of them you're a trooper for almighty god and he has a need for you and not as long as you're sauced so shape up i want to hear from you in three weeks and it had better be good god bless you and help you because you're going to need it that's one marine talking to another so if you don't understand that i'll put it on a shelf gracie from michigan do do the live fresh flowers that you have on your program symbolize something well of course they symbolize live fresh flowers isn't that deep yeah that's that's what they are and that's what they symbolize when you look like this you've got to have something on the set that looks pretty okay so be that as it may i'm out of time hey i love you all because you enjoy studying our father's word most of all god loves you for it makes his day and when you make his day he's going to bless you you can count on it uh he always does that why you're his child we we are brought to you by your tithes and your offerings if we have helped you and only if we've helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that you bless god he will always i do mean always bless you you can count on it now most important though listen to me and you listen good you stay in his word every day and his word is a good day even with trouble you know why because jesus yeshua is the living word hearing god's word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying god's word here on the shepherds chapel family bible study hour with pastor arnold murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherds chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audio tape our monthly newsletter with a written bible study a tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepard's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 800-643-4640 24 hours a day [Music] you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 gravette arkansas 72736 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box 416 gravette arkansas 72736 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth bible study each weekday at this same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you you
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 2,479
Rating: 4.939394 out of 5
Keywords: Chapel, KJV, Pastor Arnold Murray, Shepherd's Chapel, Arnold Murray, Shepherd's, Pastor Murray, Bible, Murray, Pastor, Holy Bible, Book of Matthew, Arnold, Shepherds, Shepherds Chapel, Matthew, Book of
Id: ML_s5wDYW3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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