Matthew ~ 19:23 to 20:24

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible City are back in our father's word look at Matthew chapter 19 we're going to pick it up here in verse 23 for a moment what is the subject well Christ says young man came up and asked him how do I enter the kingdom of heaven and so forth and and Christ called off all of the commandments from 1 through 9 he did not bring up 10 and the young men said I've done all of those that's the first nine and then Christ said well then you got to coffee it all up but give it up because no doubt he the tenth one is you shall not covet your neighbor's property evidently he had because he was rich from it and God told Christ told him you're gonna have to get rid of that if you follow me and he couldn't do it for he had much and then he comes up with a parable to follow up why somebody with rich with ill-gotten gains will have a little bit of trouble entering the kingdom until they unload their donkey all right of bad goods chapter 19 verse 23 let's go with it and it reads then said Jesus unto his disciples verily I say to you that a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven he's gonna have problems if it's ill-gotten gains if it's riches from the blessings of God then that's fantastic verse 24 and again I say unto you it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter in to the kingdom of God now this this naturally would many people of this day and time they they think of a sewing needle and how would you ever put a camel through the eye well that's not what it's talking about at the time of this writing the cities that were walled had a major gate that was the day gate and either to one side or in the huge gate there was what was called the needle gate and the needle gate was only opened at night because it only took two guards they there was only room for one man adult to go through that needle gate so those two could take care of anything that came through that small gate but if you left a huge gate open that even a wagon to go through naturally two men couldn't protect that so that's what the needle gate was for but and a camel could go through the needle gate but if you're used to camels the driver can get them to go down on their knees and they can crawl through if there's only one way they can crawl through and that is if you unload their pack okay their ill-gotten gains they've got to unload it or the camel is not going through the eye of the needle or the needle gate that's what it's talking about and and that's very true you'll got in games is a great weight upon a person and until you take care of business and get things rectified and so of course that makes it pretty impossible why that young man couldn't cut that he had too much wealth and he had gotten it the hard way ripping off his buddies okay that won't fly with God okay let's go with the next verse then verse 25 when his disciples heard it they were exceedingly amazed saying who then can be saved verse 26 but Jesus beheld them and he said unto them with men this is impossible but with God all things are possible and it is true for one man to live if he had to by the law an entire lifetime there there is no way you could not break law you would where there was health laws food laws social laws civil laws religious laws you would have a very difficult time and and probably it's just almost impossible because we're in the flesh body but Christ's sin would die on the cross that was the whole purpose whereby with that we have the atonement which is to say when we do fall short we can repent and have that debt paid I mean stamp paid in full but but don't forget by who not you the blood of Christ why because he loves you he gave us that way so with Christ and with our Father all things are possible if your heart is right if you're repentant if you try even if you try to do what's right you might have a little difficulty in that messing up here and there that's okay he loves you and he'll forgive you when you repent of it that's the beauty of Christianity is forgiveness it's a precious thing so with God all things are possible because he he loves us and so it is verse 27 then entered Peter and he said unto Him behold we have forsaken all and followed thee what shall we have therefore we were commercial fishermen Peter and his brother we we give up our boat nets we had a good business going and we gave that up because we love you and we followed you verse 28 and jesus said unto them verily I say unto you that ye which have followed me in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory ye also shall sit upon twelve Thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel and this is where many places it is written and that the regeneration of course is when during the millennium as well as other times the last chapters of Ezekiel and give you the layout of the land and where the tribes are and how the judging takes place God's elect are right around the Saviour I mean we ever there is a considerably large area there for then the tribes on each side of that above and below but God's elect or right there with him and as it is true and as it is written in Ezekiel 44 God's elect will judge not now but then because they're able and they are capable in verse 29 and everyone that hath forsaken homes or brethren or sister or father or mother or wife or children or lands for my name's sake shall receive an hundredfold and shall inherit everlasting life and in the fourteenth chapter of Luke it says here those that do not hate their parents it means that the word in the Greek is love less and one must love their family less than they do Almighty God in the Lord Jesus Christ if you're going to follow him and that's that's no big thing because both husband and wife and family should love the Lord more than anything he's your nearest relative he created your very being but he does not intend ever but it is good for a man to hate anyone if that's at all possible certainly not your family and but what he's saying is I mean like Peter was married and when when they were on on their journeys sometimes they would be away from home a long period of time but as 1st Corinthians chapter 7 relates all arrangements were made they made it just fine by the law that is given therefore a marriage for that long being apart verse 30 to continue but meaning that our first shall be last and the last shall be first this is a this is a hard saying for some to understand because they do not recognize the fact that there was an earth age before this one and God's elect were chosen first and the first Earth Age when Satan rebelled they in that generation would not follow him therefore they earned the right to hear and see the truth in this generation but those that were chosen before the foundation shall be last in the generation of the fig tree in this particular dispensation of time which is to say when the false one appears so there are some that God chose long ago but then he has workers in the vineyard which were about to go into that makes this a lot clearer and even the parable we're about to go into if you didn't understand the parable of the sower that there was a first earth age and and what happened there and what followed it then you would have great problems understanding the parable we're about to go into let's have a go at it knowing that God's elect were chosen before the foundations of this world as it is written in Ephesians chapter one verse four well how could that be well because it's a fact chapter 20 verse 1 he explains them for the kingdom of heaven is likened to a man that is an householder which went out early in the morning to to hire laborers into his vineyard what early verse two and when he had agreed with the labourers for a penny a day he sent them into his vineyard and that was fair there's a good wage we'll will agree to it we'll will work this day in the vineyard for a penny verse three and he went out about the third hour this would be about nine o'clock in the morning and saw others standing idle in the marketplace they weren't working never idle didn't know what was going on didn't have a job didn't have a destiny verse four and he said unto them go ye also into the vineyard and whatsoever is right I will give you and they went their way in other words Christ always makes everything right and what vineyard is this well Christ is the vine and we're the branches and God is the pruner don't ever forget that verse five again he went out about the sixth and ninth hour and did likewise I mean we're we're getting we're getting on that's about twelve - maybe own later in the day there verse six and about the eleventh hour we're all the way at five o'clock here at the eleventh hour he went out and he found others standing idle and he saith unto them why stand ye here all the day idle don't you have a destiny a purpose you don't want to know the truth do you want to work in my vineyard and I mean it's almost quittin time the rest of them have been out there under the hot Sun I mean they're old backs poppin they're working all day and here at five o'clock at quittin time we got more coming in seven they say unto Him because no man hath hired us he saith unto them go ye also into the vineyard and whatsoever is right that shall you receive and our Father is always fair and when you think he isn't you need to stop and meditate and think upon it long and hard until the answer comes to you what why is it fair well let's find out verse 8 so when even was come the lord of the vineyard saith unto his steward called the labourers and give them their hire beginning from the last unto the first you start with the last and go all the way back to the first verse 9 and when they came that were hired about the eleventh hour they received each man a penny whoa that's that's the first thing that was promised to the people that were in that garden to start with worked all day and these that came in later or getting the same wage that would seem a little bit unfair would it not next verse please verse 10 but when the first came they supposed that they should have received more and they likewise received every man a penny whoa no now let me ask you a question why should they feel they should receive more when they agreed to work in that garden all day for a penny and they got what they agreed to verse 11 and when they had received it they murmured against the good man of the house why why would they murmured at him because why he kept his bargain one penny they earned it they were paid verse twelve sing these that have wrought but one hour and thou has made them equal in to us which have borne the burden and heat of the day we've been out here working all day verse 13 but he entered one of them and said friend I do thee no wrong did us not thou agree with me for a penny worth the answer is yes they did verse 14 take that thine is and go thy way I will give in to this last even as as unto thee I wish to do this for the sheep who won they have you ever stopped to think a moment how why they came in the garden last they were God's exact there's always been a remnant we're coming down but why would the ones that were last received the same pay verse 15 is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own is thine eye evil because I am good verse 16 so the last shall be first and the first last for many be called but few are chosen and of course there is your answer it has to do with those that are chosen in the first Earth age they were chosen first there but they live in the last generation in this generation of time to accomplish what God would have us do that is to say God's elect so you see they begin earning their pay even in the first Earth Age where the others didn't so the first that were chosen in the first Earth Age or the last generation of the fig tree in this generation of time and they earned that right and received the same pay because God's pay is always equal to everyone well how could that be because you always get what you got coming to you good bad or ugly what's coming to you are going to receive if you have been good naturally you're going to receive good because he's fair if you've been ugly in your actions and evil that's exactly what you're going to receive is ugly and evil it's called a lake and it'll be home to a lot of people but there's no reason for it because God has higher for you in his vineyard and again Christ is the vine you are the branches that are supposed to produce fruit and God is the pruner if a branch doesn't produce fruit whack it's gone well that's what this is all about God is always fair everything he teaches is fair if you absorb it but again as I stated as we begin this parable it would be very difficult for you to understand it if you did not understand there was a first Earth Age besides this age you know it is an amazing thing to me that science knows this earth is millions of years old and and so does God's Word say it's quite old but you get some people that are not familiar with God's Word and the translation thereof and they don't know they'll build these bible thumpers will go out and say this earth is 6,000 years old and this Bible proves it then they show their ignorance because God in chapter 1 verse 1 stated coming out the gate in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth period it didn't say when and then in verse 2 the Hebrew is very specific it said then the earth became not created but became void and without form meaning first earth age second earth age and without that knowledge of what went on because why the first Earth Age that's when Satan rebelled everything was gone pretty good until everybody was in a spiritual body everything was just fine God was happy and then Satan began to be proud within himself as it's written in Ezekiel chapter 28 and that's when the trouble happened and a third of God's children followed him what a sad day it was but when you understand that this is it's very easy to understand this parable it simply means those that were chosen in the first earth age which worked in that vineyard from very start they planted the crop so to speak you might say that the very vine itself they assisted in it from the first earth age and then therefore the saying the first shall be last and the last shall be first and many are called but few are chosen because they were chosen in that first earth age and that ended the the choosing of God's election and that's fine they they're not any better than anyone else necessarily they're not the any prettier than anyone else it's just that they earned that right because they stood against Satan then and guess what you know why they're last now because they're gonna stand against him again when he's released here on earth they'll they'll handle him quite well because God's elect will be delivered up before him so there you have it the secret being you must understand the first Earth Age ok back again chapter 20 verse 17 let's go with it and Jesus going up to Jerusalem took the twelve disciples apart in the way and said unto them in other words this is not a public teaching this was private for the disciples verse 18 behold we go up to Jerusalem supposed to be a rock Shalom is supposed to be the city of peace and the Son of man shall be betrayed unto the chief priests I'm supposed to be holy men but that's that's who he's praying betrayed to and then to the scribes and they shall condemn him to death they're gonna pass the death sentence on me first well how would Christ know this well he was the living word and the word declares that way back in Psalms 22 that it would happen the crucifixion would take place they would be nailed to a cross and that the chief priests would have to do with it a thousand years before the fact okay so all he's doing is saying it's going to come to pass as it's written I guess the question is have you ever read it verse 19 and shall deliver him to the Gentiles to mock and to scourge and to crucify him and the third day he shall rise again now they should have absorbed this because many of them after the crucifixion well he's gone that could would do I think that they were not believers I think they were believers but I think many things happen to warn us that the resurrection took place and he lives and in as much as he lives he can he brought forgiveness - we who fall short occasionally on repentance and it is a beautiful thing that he sets in motion so here this is again fulfill fulfills what he stated back about the needle gate and before that the man wants to know how he can enter heaven you got to dump ill-gotten Goods sin out of your life and when you repent it's impossible for a man to be good enough to enter Heaven but with forgiveness from Christ who paid the price on the cross as he just declared I'm going there that's what's going to happen then our sins we don't have to wait till the eternity they're washed away now and you're a free person free because he paid the price that is a beautiful beautiful teaching and it is woven together in a fine work whereby we understand back to the first Earth age and this Earth age what is expected when you're hired that is to say destined and serving God and what it is you're to do and he's doing his part he went to Jerusalem knowing that he would be betrayed by the religious community and would be crucified but he would break those bonds on the third day and through that brought salvation to the world whomsoever will verse 22 continue then came to him the mother of Zebedee's children that be James and John with her sons worshiping him and desiring a certain thing of him mothers are fantastic okay mother they're theirs their children are always number one top of the line I mean best momma's are just that way okay I don't too much blame the boys and I sure don't blame the mama that's just human nature that's the way God created woman is that love and that compassion and she's she's the the boys probably would never have asked but she wants to she's so proud of her boy she knows they deserve a lot and that's the way it is with a mother and God bless mama so I'll tell you for sure they're awesome verse 21 and he said unto her what will fell and she says in him grant that these my two sons may sit the one on thy right hand and the other on thy left in that Kingdom okay can you let that be now I understand the the boys didn't ask for this and the mama is so proud of her boys she's asking and that's okay verse 22 and jesus answered and said you know not what you ask are you able to drink of the cup that I shall drink of and to be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with they say unto Him we're able we can cut it and I'm sure they probably felt they could they're still this is all coming in but you know we know that when the kingdom is here it's described in the Book of Ezekiel that the prince which is Christ sits on his throne and the elect are gathered around him but nobody sits on his right hand and nobody sits on his left hand that's position for the Godhead and so it is but these two were capable and mother is proud of them and God bless mothers there it's good that they're always proud of their children sometimes that's the only the only person that may be his but a mama always is and God bless them all verse 23 and he said unto them you shall drink indeed of my cup and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with your you will pay that price but to sit on my right hand and on my left is not mine to give but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared of my father that it had already been arranged by our Heavenly Father as the order of where who would be with what okay you again if the Book of Ezekiel the final chapters which is concerning the Millennium and the building of the temple the placement of the tribes and of all who believed and the placement of God's elect around that throne but nobody sits with him as a matter of fact the full Godhead does not return to earth in in visible sight of the children until the end of the millennium and then when he comes there will be some that will not be all that happy to see him because he has a little trip for them is walking the plank right into the lake because that that will be the end of many things his whole plan which is written in some and very simple will transpire and come to pass and those that have not followed him by the end of the millennium and as there are no second chances but what is taught in many places plus the fact that God blinded some for their own protection they will have had that opportunity to see God and as it is written and we get a peek in revelation chapter 21 that here where we're around the temple there there is no temple and I'm quoting from 21 verses 20 through 24 why isn't there a temple there because the father and the son or the Temple thereof and if you have seen the Sun you have seen the father and at that time dimensions are the same and therefore Emmanuel God with us will always be with us and the Word of God comes to its completeness so here we have in this chapter the first shall be last and the last shall be first understanding the first earth age this earth age and that earth age that is to come that is to say when God does put his people his children in their proper place verse 24 and when the ten heard it they were moved with indignation against the two brethren oh well they shouldn't have been it wasn't the brothers that asked it was mama okay and and everyone should understand mothers and it's the love that God placed in them that instinct and it will always be there and never change but here we're coming close to that crucifixion and tempers are kind of they're there they're not understanding first of all their leader has just told them we're going to Jerusalem I'm going to be betrayed they're going to crucify me he's their leader and this puts you don't naturally would put them on edge a little bit and so it is that they were on edge and that indignation and it would it be a righteous indignation on their part because they know God doesn't play favorites and these two certainly were not favorites but they were loved of God so this is why everyone must as we come into the end times relax father's on the throne make proper decisions wherever you are and whatever you do proper decisions is to make sure God's children are protected and no one can take advantage of Christians the church or our freedoms that's very important that's what this is all about have you ever read it that's what it all comes down to all right bless your hearts you this in a moment won't you please Genesis 146 the first six chapters in God's Word the world that was did you realize there was a world age before this one same old world different age the creation itself when were the race is created you see all the races were created separately and you'll find that documented in these particular tapes how was the what how and what was the sin in the garden it will be discussed in this series also this is a must for the serious Bible scholar for if you do not understand how it was in the beginning you certainly will never under the end I think you will find this series very rewarding and certainly will answer questions that no doubt you've always wondered about Genesis 146 hey I know you're going to enjoy this series and there we are back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 3 4 6 4 5 that number good from Porto Rico throughout the u.s. Alaska Hawaii and all over Canada if the spirit moves and you got a question share it won't you do that please never ask a question about some reverend denomination or organization we're not going to judge people we have one judge that's our Father he does not need our help in the first place we're not qualified he is but he does give many especially his chosen spiritual discernment and that discernment is precious it's a gift from God to know when you're hearing truth and when it's not truth and how easy is it to discern determine that or to document your your particular thoughts in spiritual discernment whether you're right or wrong the Word of God God will never allow anyone to give you a truth from him that isn't written in the word because as Christ would say behold I in mark 13 behold I have foretold you all things meaning through the word he it was the Living Word so there you have it okay now those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address always a pleasure got a prayer request don't need the number don't need an address God knows what you're thinking right now you don't even have to say it out loud let him know that you'd love Him that's what he wants from you he's a loving father but he wants his children to return that love if you want his blessings and his blessings makes life a lot more and a pleasure so let's go to his throne father around the globe we come we ask that you need guide direct father touch your shoe as precious name Thank You Father amen okay we're question time we're gonna go with Jim from Nevada New York Jungle Jim from New York I I heard you mention salt of the earth and how that is related to the Bible but when I was in Afghanistan I saw people putting salt on graves does this ritual come from the Bible the salt has a high place in the Word of God salt is necessary for life there is even a covenant of this of salt Leviticus chapter 2 verse 13 have you ever read it and it was precious because in heat and times of this nature the body both men man and animal must have salt okay and naturally not necessarily this material that they baked like they were going to weld a piece of iron with it and put it in a little shaker therefore it doesn't lump you know it reads the salt but at least it's not gonna lump on you alright I guess that's good to know or then you can have real salt right right from the earth it's not cooked and it's not baked and it won't hurt your body all that much if you use common sense but it's very necessary for the body and in the Middle East especially salt was a precious thing naturally it is not part of our religion to put salt on a grave but if you are familiar with salt and what it was used for you know why they do that it is a curing or a protecting always has been and always will be before refrigeration salt preserved meat even so if it was bled properly David from Tennessee I find it hard sometimes to forgive others what can help me with this I think probably the last lecture that we taught in Matthew would be your help on that we're seven times seventy you know and the parable following that in that chapter of the the person that he was quite wealthy apparently because he owed 750 ounces of silver and he couldn't pay it the father gave him a chance to him but he repented I didn't want to lose his family I mean this is how broad forgiveness can be losing you can lose everything but God forgave him and then he wouldn't forgive somebody that owed him a pet pittance so forgiveness is important but at the same time don't ever let someone make a fool out of you that that goes with it as well and come a spiritual discernment' helps us in that Sheila from North Carolina my sister is reading a book that tells her the Old Testament is not valid I would like to dispute this with her but it would be wrong for me to read the would it be wrong for me to read the book first thank you a good strong Christian can read anything if it is to help someone else and it's not going to rub off on them but you have the word itself you don't you don't necessarily have to read the book but if it would help you to to conference with her then that would be that would be well but let's say what is it mean what does it mean when Christ would be asked a question and he would say haven't you read you see when Christ walked the earth there wasn't a New Testament there was only the old there was only the scrolls from the Old Testament and that's what Christ wanted you to read and he quoted over and over and over again from those manuscripts and one of the places most interesting to me is would be mark chapter 13 where Christ would say when you see the abomination spoken of by Daniel the prophet that's the appearance of the Antichrist she doesn't want to know that from Daniel Daniel is no good because somebody who writes a book to probably make money and throw people a curve like that it's basically like bringing them to worship the devil because if you don't understand the Old Testament that speaks certainly of example Ezekiel 13 don't teach my children to fly to save their souls because there's not going it's not going to happen and and I'm against it but you'll have people teach people to fly to save their souls go directly against God's Word so it's very important there is more about the Millennium in the Book of Ezekiel from chapter 40 to the end than there is in the whole New Testament so your sister has been had all right so if you can help her god bless you that's great Rick from Florida my wife and I study with you every day for eight years my cat is very sick with cancer and we have been treating her with chemo for six months would it be considered premeditated murder if I had her put down oh no no it would be considered love love for that pet that she didn't suffer there's some that you know when when tough love is a hard thing sometimes and it hurts tough love can't hurt but if if if it is turnable and there is no hope now then she needs peace and if you read Leviticus chapter 11 god loves animals that's why he created them and you notice that they also are in spiritual bodies in the Millennium in heaven and it's tough but it shows you love that pet don't you ever let somebody put you on a guilt trip for that Albert from Iowa about 30 years ago I lost one of my twin daughters I blame God for that now I realize God took her a home should I ask the Father to forgive me for that also how can I forgive myself god bless all of you well he sure does and you know things happen they do and when you read the 14th chapter of Luke the Tower of Siloam that fell on 18 people were they sinners bore above anyone no there it was an accident it happened so things do happen in this world and and but it is true they are with the Father now and will he forgive you seven times seventy 490 times he loves you and you need to return that love and I know that it must have been painful but she is with him and in paradise and how precious it is repent and don't be on guilt trips for yourself okay you could accomplish more for our Heavenly Father if you repent he's going to forgive you okay he would understand in the first place and from Virginia I am very confused about the food laws which animals and shellfish are we not supposed to eat thank you so much for your program you are welcome the easiest way to remember Leviticus chapter 11 lays it out for you if you can understand and recognize the animals and fish and so birds but don't eat scavengers that's what it really comes down to well are the scavengers bad know that they're good God created them to keep disease cleaned off this earth okay they take you take an old vulture when something dies he takes care of the remains and cleans it up and but the vulture is a corner he is certainly a scavenger and you're not to touch so best way to remember don't eat scavengers that is to say things they eat garbage and become garbage themselves sandy from Arkansas in one program you said you could fall so far away in sin you could go to hell in another program a lady asked could you fall so far away in sin you would go to hell and you said no which is it well what did I follow it with you can fall far enough away to go to hell and then repent and have salvation okay and probably that's what I would have answered that lady and you left that part off but if you fall away so far and do not repent your hellbound if it's worthy of that I'm not judging anyone but God certainly will but on repentance it will always bring you back to the cross okay back to forgiveness Jenny from Illinois when did the cattle glow happen were in when I read Genesis it went to Noah's Flood and didn't mention the first Earth Age would you please reply to this because I think many people still want to know God bless well if you don't understand that first Earth Age you see when you read it and passed it in the first verse the very first verse in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth period it did not say when but it was millions of years ago and in verse 2 the Hebrew is very specific to Hoover wool which is to say the earth wasn't create boid it became void and without form why is Satan's rebellion you know I want you to for your own benefit I want you to make a note of Isaiah chapter 45 verse 18 I'll say it again Isaiah 45 verse 18 what does it say it says God did not create this earth void he created it to be inhabited and then it became void because of the overthrow all right so you just be careful how you read and you'll be fine Keeney from Kansas Kim from Kansas I guess that would be pronounced on your lecture CD Matthew chapter 13 you said Satan was still in heaven and his evil spirits were cast down to earth you also said read Revelation chapter 12 verses 6 and 7 I read it over and over thinking I may not understand it the King James Bible says he was cast down to earth please correct me if I'm wrong well what are your tenses if you're not understanding the tenses that that would really throw you off the 12th chapter of Revelation speaks when Satan and all of his bad angels are cast out onto the earth and know they have but a short time his evil spirit has been with us ever since Christ condemned him and locked him in heaven with Michael holding him but there is coming a time in the future tense when 12 will come to pass and he will be that's the whoa Trump that's when it said woe to you on earth because he's coming back down there but his evil spirit has been with us from day one Eddie from Texas my question is if Noah took two of mankind how did their have how did their have been Giants when David killed Goliath which did the where did the giant come from if God's flood there was a second influx okay your companion Bible on Giants will give you that second influx and see and that will assist you with that okay this would be Tina from Las Vegas question recently there was a lecture about the genealogy of genealogy of Jesus through Mary if I understood correctly it was stated Mary came from the line of Nathan Luke 331 priests lying through the Levites discussion if Elizabeth and Mary or relatives Luke 133 and she is from the line of Aaron the priest line Luke 1:5 how can marry be of Nathan we did it can it was Mary's father that was from Nathan of Judah okay of the tribe of Judah the King line it was Mary's father mary's mother was a sister to Elizabeth which made a mother which was to say of the tribe of the errand and this explains the order of Melchizedek if you would receive it in other words Mary's father was of Judah mary's mother was a Levite and God was the father so you have king of kings and Lord of lords rightfully so and clear as a bell okay I hope that hope that clears it up for you again it was Mary's father that was of Judah mary's mother was a Levite because her and Elizabeth who was a full-blood Levite married to a Levitical priest were cousins Luke chapter 1 rookie from from Missouri question is the lake of fire a real Lake or a lake as in a lake of people hell would would turn to ashes within a lake of fire appears I know I'm going to heaven well that's what's most important the thing you want to remember concerning the lake of fire is what is one of God's names you can read of it in the New Testament in Hebrews chapter 12 the last verse it states there that God is a consuming fire the Old Testament states the same thing which means God can speak and nothing can become everything or God can speak and he can blot out consumed with fire from on high the Holy Spirit and speak and something becomes nothing it's blotted out so I have a work titled Hellfire and God the consuming fire I don't know what the number is I cannot remember but it might help you okay Carolyn from Kentucky and Carolyn says hi my name is Carolyn from Kentucky I have a question what does God think about people who breaks into churches is there a verse on that or what do you think about this we have a lot of churches has been broken into and I have been watching you for a while well it's that's real sad it truly is but naturally Exodus chapter 20 that gives the Ten Commandments and one of them is thou shalt not steal and others thou shalt not covet your neighbor's property and somebody must be very bold that wants to covet God's property because churches are God's property necessarily but it's quite easily with modern technology if you have somebody in the neighbor of the vicinity that knows how to set up warning devices so cameras detection of motion it's pretty easy to catch somebody like this they're not too bright or they wouldn't be breaking into churches and they really need to be caught I would think that the local sheriff's department would have the technology to assist in this and there you have should have some elders go to them and/or let the elders do it on their own I always like to take care of my own problems personally if it's possible and with today's technology that would be an easy one to identify who it is Carol from Vermont police explain something for me does God know if we are going to love him and follow his ways no he doesn't that's why he gives you free will because why he wants you to love him he cannot force you to love him or it's not the real thing he can't pay you to love him it's still not the real thing I asked this because I've heard you say he was he has blinded some people from the truth I assumed because he already knows they won't follow him in this age no you misunderstand he blinds them because he loves them he he blinds them from knowing the truth because when you know the truth you are accountable only God's elect I would assume and those that have been taught and know what's happening can withstand Satan without deception but he is so convincing that some people would fall and that would be if they came into full knowledge it would be unforgivable so god blinds them so they're not put in that position and in the Millennium they will have an opportunity to be taught it is because God loves his children and he does since and know who is weak and he knows by election who is strong faith from Michigan I'm having trouble understanding the Bible how can I understand that better faith the h10 from Michigan well bless your heart you you're you're doing real good I would say because you're studying and it will come to you in the simplicity in which Christ teaches it as soon as you're in a position where you can get your Strong's Concordance and go all the way back to the new language the old languages when you have that opportunity but you're doing good you keep studying then God's going to bless you it makes them real happy when you study I'm out of time I love you all because you enjoy studying God's Word most of all God loves you for it it makes his day when you study the letter he is sent to you to help you please him to protect yourself your family those you love and to be blessed of God that's why he wants you to handle that letter why again because he loves you when you make his day boy is he going to make yours we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we have helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that you bless God he will always I do mean always bless you most important though you listen to me and you listen good you stay in his word every day and his word is a good day even with trouble do you know why because Jesus Yahshua is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast' audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written bible study a taped catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chaplain to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by riding to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77 3 6 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1 6 Gravatt Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 2,885
Rating: 4.9411764 out of 5
Keywords: Bible, Book of Matthew, Pastor Murray, Shepherd's, Chapel, Pastor, Shepherds, Holy Bible, Book of, KJV, Arnold, Shepherds Chapel, Matthew, Murray, Pastor Arnold Murray, Arnold Murray, Shepherd's Chapel
Id: NUkqnKjsrw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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