Material Stacking and Decals In Redshift

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hello so let's see how material stacking and stickers work in redshift here we have a bottle that has a floral background it's this repeat texture and you'll notice that it has a uv channel fill that is empty what it needs is this uv tag right now the texture is applied with a uv mapping if i change this to flat we have a different projection obviously but if i let's rename this guy put this uvw tag into the uv channel now if i go back and i use a flat projection nothing change that's because this tag has anchored this texture on the object independently of the projection okay let's bring in a sticker this sticker is a rgb photoshop file which has two layers an alpha and a background okay so let's connect it to our surface it's using the flat we left it on the flat projection which is not correct we're going to need a cylindrical projection good now let's put in the correct size we're going to tie it three times by 2.5 for the offset we're going to use minus 0.6 and here minus 0.93 and we don't need the tiling okay when you don't use just the texture straight to an output it has to go through the material so let's bring in a material connect it to the color diffuse color and very nice so now we need to stack our two textures the sticker and the background for that we'll need a material blender material blender it's layers in redshift way of thinking as you go down in the layer you're really going up the stack so the base is on top our base is going to be our floral pattern base color let's reconnect this to the output and this is going to be our first layer nothing is happening because we have to define a blend color a blend color i'm going to copy paste this a blend color is our alpha layer and to extract the alpha we'll use a color splitter we connect the output the input and the alpha to our blend color nice but it's not using the alpha the reason why is we have to tell redshift that the alpha is the luminance very good so now what if we want to use another sticker but this time we would have a flat projection if we change this to a flat projection our sticker becomes screwed up so we have to anchor it like we did for the background for this it's simple we select generate uvw coordinates and by doing so we go back to a uvw mapping projection now these two textures are going to be needing a uv channel let's rename it to rename it to sticker i put in this one and i'll put it in this one now these two textures are anchored to this uvw tag no longer on the projection if i change it nothing happens so we set the flat projection for our next layer and let's bring a sticker so this sticker is a little bit different it does not have layers it's like a transparent png which means you have a color on the file and everything else was deleted so you have the alpha and the color on the same layer so we're going to need a material and a color splitter copy paste so now we do have a flat projection which we want to use okay so let's connect it to the surface okay let's fix the scale which is tiles really three and three offset minus points three eight minus point six eight we don't need the tiling okay let's connect our blender to the output surface and now this is going to be our layer two color and let's separate the alpha to our blend color very nice now what if we want to move our first sticker if i change our remap offset what's happening is i'm moving the color but i'm not moving the alpha because now we have two distinct textures here one for the color one for the alpha the way to do it it's to use a tool called vector vector user data the vector user data has input fields that can be connected to other input fields so let's connect it to what we wanted to do is to offset so offset on this texture and the offset on that texture and now it disappeared of course because the vector used the data fields are now the one driving both of those and it's zero zero zero and they used to be minus 0.64 and minus 0.93 so let's use it here minus 0.64 and minus 0.93 is back so now if we change these fields here they both you moving together very handy one more thing what if we make this bottle transparent i have a transparent material here i'm going to drag it into my share graph and that's a reference as it says here reference so even though it's here i can change it by changing my properties on this shader right there so let's go back here a transparent material now is a base color very nice but um i don't want this sticker to be repeated on the back to change that we're gonna need another tool called a reswitch the red switch has a camera enabled front and back let's take this we have color and back face color so basically it's the front what is visible at the front and what is visible in the back so what you want to see in the front what we want to see in the front is this texture so let's connect it to camera color and this will take the place of our layer too here already knocked it out but there's still the shape because it doesn't know what to put in the bag so what do we want to put in the back in the back we're going to have our transparent material camera color back very nice well i think that's all that can be said about layer stacking and stickers and redshift if you know a better way to do this please let me know in the comments otherwise i wish you best of luck in your endeavors and see you around bye
Channel: Bob Lolo
Views: 10,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nqT3m2PEc8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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