Render properly with redshift and Cinema 4D

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what's up everybody's his table from sim studio in Judy's tutorial like to talk to you about render settings yeah I know it sounds like evil but it's not and I want to talk to you about that because a lot of friend told me about redshift and they said that the using the unified sampling and they show me other setting is I was like no no don't do that so I wanted to show you in my opinion the bad way and the good way in to situation the first in pure lighting and we applied a good solution also to not GRI internal lighting so let's do it so what we want to achieve here is a lighting with what I call a pure light which is only light only area light that lighting this scene we faked the blue of the sky and stuff like this another image with HDR lighting and the goal here is to have a nose free and a super rendering time so that's the goal but first I would like to show you the bad bad solution that people told me they used so we are here in two cinema 4d and I have my bad render settings so first let's see what we have at the beginning of this render so if I just start this I mean in in the pew light version I'm not I'm not going to cover the HDR i bad solution just i'm i just want to focus myself on this pure light bad way okay so this is the first render here that we have we have the environment so the volume into the scene etc and we need to reduce the the noise here until you're into your scene before activate the GI so the first thing i wanted to do is to disable this red shift environment and see what I've got so people told me and I can assure you that for me it's not the oh sorry this one is not good here it should be like this yeah people told me that they change that don't really choose to change or sometimes they change this something on their light or sometimes indeed something of a ride and stuff like this but why and why you just use these samples max and I'm going to show you what they told me they do and why I think it's not a good solution so here they do something like they told me to do it something like that I don't know why man why not so 16 and 5 512 and it said it's okay it's perfect I have something no is free and seems to be good yeah okay and I have 18 18 seconds here so at the first first see here it's not bad it's not it's not bad it's okay but here that that you don't know is you said to redshift absolutely nothing you just said to redshift try to reduce the noise but you don't set to redshift my light needs some samples and stuff like this so let's continue with that let's add the irradiance the brute force in the Iranian spawn cloud and that's going to be really tough here because you cannot reduce the noise into the GI without the something of the light and of course with some numbers of rays here because you has to do so some friends of mine said that they used of course this one said of course so let's do it let's crank this up I put this number not really randomly because I know this number is needed for this for this scene so okay we have something like this it's not noise free for the moment so let's try I don't know to multiply by four and see what we have here and I think it's not going to change anything here so let's make a render a junior ok let's let's save this one and let's reduce it to the other one and as you can see it doesn't change it doesn't change a lot so my work here with this technique this bad technique for me is done let's move on let's try to let's try to crank this up let's try to reduce the noise and it's not working I mean with the GI is going to be really really tough so of course friend of mine said that they used the day Noah's system and yeah ok let's use the day no system and yeah it's denoise let's do a quick test here so let's frame all let's calculate with the optics denoising so of course the noising is going to make some you know blurry blurry region and stuff like this so it for me it's not a very perfect system it's very useful in certain cases but here hmm it's very weird so we have 21 seconds of render let's say this lets Dida bill this one and see what we have with some noise okay and it takes exactly the same time so we cannot deny this image or I don't know how maybe we can use this technique so I will explain to you what this one is and why you should use this in certain cases okay we start to have less noise here in 32 seconds it's okay let's let's let's let's reduce it let's reduce it I mean we need to we need to get rid of the noise so let's redo this threshold I will explain to you again what it is in the second part but let's do this okay one minute of rendering and we are now is free so that's that's cool let's add now the volumetric because we need to compare it with the other techniques okay he take one minute and 25 seconds which is a lot because I didn't tell you but I made fit window so it's not a big resolution here so the next thing I would like to show you now is my way and I think it's the proper way and in the documentation it's explained like this so let's jump now to the other solution okay so to be sure about and time I just disabled the this this viewer here because the resolution is not the same of course for rendering with with or without so here with without the render with the with the snapshot viewer here we have two minutes and seven seconds with the bad solution let's now do the good solution in my opinion so here I made a good one and we have the only of unified something to 416 here it's not the yeah this one is the proper one we don't have any sampling override we don't have any GI and let's render this image so the same lighting here for the moment it the pure light so we have of course the same render as before let's disable the environment we don't need to have the volumetric for the moment so first here let's use this something overwrite of course this is the the simplest solution to use some something override the best way it's to use here each individual light samples so for the sake of this tutorial I'm not going to bother you with me going inside each like and try try to tweak it I will just use something over right so here starting with the light and see what we have eight doesn't change anything let's multiply it by two let's see here what we have okay multiplied by two and as you can see if I just disable the override here we have two second and 33 seconds and here he doesn't he doesn't take much time to reduce noise which I love with redshift 64 start to be cool 128 okay here I know two things I know that I have noise in those part I have maybe a bit of noise on my wall but I know that my will have he has a little bit of reflection I know it from my shader so I'm going to start tweaking the reflection here so if I multiply by two let's focus our self here on the big problem which is here and x 2 x 2 start to disappear and as you can see we start to have if we have yeah we still have a little bit of noise so let's crank this up and it's almost yea so / - was okay let's see here pretty cool let's see for example in different different area no yes completely here yeah so that's that's okay but we have a little bit of problem here in those parts so let's let's double this and see yeah it's better it's better let's say it's okay for the moment so now what I want is to render the entire image and it takes seven seconds almost eight seconds now I see that I have some some issues the first issues that I have is here I see that we have some problem in the aliasing of the image and that's and that's where the unified sampling and the sample max came into the game you should use this sample max for the motion blur for the Paleocene and for the death of film so here let's try to reduce this problem here so let's double this by two I know that I need more but as you can say start to to be pretty pretty pretty cool for the moment I will reduce it to 64 I know that is not good I know it but I don't want to just I don't want to push it too too far I want to leave it for another moment the next thing I want I would like to see here is if the adaptive error thresholds can can help me here with the noise so the adaptive error threshold worked like this the lower the number is the more concentrated redshift will be on the noisy part on the noisy part of their image story and so if we reduce here this sample to something like that he's going to to work on those part here and as you can see thing is yeah he's reducing a little bit the noise so let's let's reduce it a little bit think it's reducing a little bit and now let's do the bill this one let's see how many times that take here now remember that the other render take take us two minutes so we have to beat the two minutes here okay it take 10 seconds for the moment which is pretty cool next thing to do is to add the GI so brute force a radius one cloud so I know for sure that we're going to have a lot of noise here so don't need to to wait here let's multiply by four I know that I'm going to need a lot of samples and it's okay it's okay to add a lot of samples here into your into your your scene okay bye four okay we are we're not Battier and the other thing I would like to show you here is this the problem the problem of aliasing here is pretty much gone so we can't go back here and maybe dabble this but I don't think it's going to change a lot of things here I don't see a big difference so let's reduce it so as you can see sometimes the unified sampling don't don't don't cruciate when you when you do this kind of of tweaks here don't push it too far at the beginning sometimes I don't touch it until the end of my of my optimization so here how many time 23 seconds okay now let's add the volumetric okay you take 38 seconds to render this this image the problem we have here is we have a lot of noise in in the volumetric part so let's here go to the volume override and let's I don't know how much we can put here let's try this of course I prepare this tutorial so I know barely know the number that I need it's okay if I just look at my notes no I put 512 the other time in my previous previous test so better here yeah it's very it's very cool okay so we take 31 seconds to render this image in this Rev the resolution so let's say this so remember two minutes 31 seconds if we compare here we see that we have a little bit of noise in those parts and I think that come from that come from the volumetric so let's let's render this one more time with a little bit of sampling on the volumetric so what I said before was wrong maybe 512 was better okay so 30 seconds not that bad so let's save this one do you like this one and I would like to compare the two here so if I just zoom in we still have a little bit of noise still have it yeah I still have a little bit of noise let's add let's hide here some I went ahead and save this scene actually because I didn't save it let's save and let's add a little bit of samples here into the refraction here for information also I don't have any I don't have any glass here it just pura pura you know nothing here okay so it's a little bit better in the refraction but I need to push something higher I think let's try to push the light here to see what we have till a little bit of noise mmm let's reduce this by 3 and see if if we try to get rid of the noise here yeah it's better let's just move to here so here if I just do this and render this out okay 45 seconds I think like this is is acceptable it's okay for rendering for animation for anything it's it's pretty okay maybe just push a little bit the sample max here to have a little bit less a less of here of aliasing in those parts okay 48 seconds so it's very very cool do you have this render time so two minutes here and yeah no noise on day two here and we have less less than a minute and here we have two minutes so definitely definitely not definitely not the good solution with using just unified sampling stuff that I don't really understand and here go for an optimization something that that work that work well and indefinitely using the power of redshift so now let's do another thing let's use the idea right lighting which is a different different way to to approach some stuff because HDRI is is a little bit different and i see some some friend of mine who doing some mistakes and i explained to them how i did it so that's why i'm doing health of this tutorial so let's jump into the HDI stuff okay so as DRI let me enable it and show you what I've got here into the DRI so the difference between the two is the pure light here is made with one area light in the outside which I used to do the Sun it's a very tiny I think it's ten centimeters so it's very it's a very small light which give me a very very hard there we are the shadow and stuff and I'm using it to put some to put some volume on it why I use an area light because I like to light stuff like the real world like in the real world I mean on the set on the real set you don't have an infinite light you don't have the son you don't have HD arise so that's why I'm doing it like this and in the earthly lights I have so the same same area lie here at the outside and I have to portal light here the put to portal light which in the pure light was to to area light here with with a lot of temperature here here the portal light use the dome light here I met I made a energy arrived from the outside of my apartment and and I use the portal light to tell to redshift okay we have another among light in here so use this portal light to push more samples and more stuff into my scene because I need those information so you put portal I to tell to redshift how to to deal with this with this dome light and at the end it gives you this image so what I'm going to do here is to duplicate the good one and set good HDRI and the image you have here at the beginning is this one so with the HDRI of course it's taking a little bit more time but not that much I take about 10 10 or 15 second second more but it's not that bad the only thing I need to see here and - yeah we have a little bit of noise here into the scene and that's because with the HDRI you need to give them more samples into the GI number of rays here into the brute force so let's crank this up okay so he takes one minute and 17 seconds which is not not long but still a little bit longer than the pure light rag here so that's it if we just save this image and compare all of this so we have here the first lighting with the bad solution that takes two minutes we have the same lighting with 48 seconds so exactly the same and here just for the sake of this tutorial I really wanted to show you the portal light because you know the problem light give you a better render time so it was important to show you this so I hope you liked this tutorial if you do please leave me a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel to stay tuned on future tutorial and some tools that's coming pretty soon and leave me comments if you think this tutorial just it's completely wrong it's not working just leave me your comments and if you think we can do better than this just give us your your solution your stuff your tricks your tips and tricks on this and if you have questions leave comments and we try to to answer to it and maybe one of the comments can be a tutorial so ask question and comment this video that's it for me see you next time
Channel: Stim Studio
Views: 67,985
Rating: 4.9335065 out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, rendering, redshift, cinema 4d, c4d, lighting, cg, learning, settings, interior lighting
Id: G66v86Bi5mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2019
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