Logo on Glass (Cinema 4D Tutorial)

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hello and welcome to not only commedia tutorial this will be a shorter tutorial I think but who knows I got a lot of questions how you can put a logo with a transparent background of course on on a class for something is and I'm a little surprised because there are a lot of tutorials for it done on the net so but maybe the people want to hear my my crazy dialect or something else I don't know but of course I will show it's my way and but it's the same way you almost everybody does but why not if people wanted to get it ok so let's start with let's make a small scene so because otherwise this is very boring just a class with putting something on it let's make a small things more compositing and yeah let's start with a picture for the background yeah first I start of course with my scenery here which many comedians nikto uh yeah you see it's still there three one here but you have the newest one what is out is the three points oh this will come maybe this weekend it's not ready now but I think this weekend is ok but you can't follow we switch the three punk 0.02 and if it don't have this Nicomedia scenery can't don't want to buy it or something as it just can't do the same with a sky object and put an extra eye on it on the sky object but it's much easier with the historic of course and you can have much more possibilities like changing a brightness color of foot what whatever photos rotations and yeah anyway so tower tickets and we have a new scene with the scene Rick and I don't need whoops go to the background oh I don't need anything here I just need in my HDRI slot here NHGRI of course and found that picture which with this picture is from the siba louder here it's a plugin for cinema party and it's free and so if you'll find the download link and everything in the description of this video yep so just like this here in dead I don't want to save it now because this is a small tutorial I don't think you have to save it if we crash so I start from from beginning okay and here I seen by camera on now I have you my kind of takes to didn't seems of this picture here now and have everything okay the next thing I do something the like like a table here to put our chasm so let's make in cube and make it about 50/50 you should every time you should work with with the correct dimensions so how big is the table in real life if it is 50 50 50 so use 50 50 and because you get the best results then with the lighting and everything so and now let's make a little fill it here okay next should be our gas should make a very simple gas just to show how it works so let's make simple cylinder I'll be couldn't adjust speed height of 10 magic 10 is okay and she is 3 maybe loop something like that let's make the table a little smaller Thiru yes it see the 30 30 okay now I make my gas it's nicely the ATD purse also converted mmm sorry yeah so I do it with my 8 adopting my script everybody knows it me Noel I think just click on it and okay if you don't have to scrape the script this of course download link in the description is a free script - if you don't have it and dollar don't want it just go - clear - your gas heat seafood for the conversion and then go to the point mode right click and optimize and now you have to say okay Victor gasps go here and die what to feel something in the class so I don't need this and I want the little thickness for the class so I go to polygon mode control a to select everything and D for extrude and we need create caps and just six - did a little bit something like that so now it of you but tisha tea should be okay sorry I'm just yeah this should be okay it's later now go into edge mode you alpha loop selection or no let's make it with with the paper de forma so select our class go to the paper de forma shift and click entity and so yes it's of course too much yes my my default settings are not this maybe not only the same like us because I put everything like I want it and then you can do the same way put everything in like you want it and then go to edit and set as default so you have every time the same settings like you want it so let's go make this smaller here and you are something like that you okay and that's it now we need a glass material entered material for the Tabor let's start with table let's make you don't know just the right Tabor right material is okay delete the specular dielectric and something like pet okay not so shiny something like that this should not be a texture tutorial favor okay and a class material simply double-clicking the material manager here double click on the new material guess I don't need color adjust the transparency with refraction of 1.5 17 nope and no specular so and put it on our cylinder here yeah now let's say enter see what you get okay we have it yes we have a table but I think yes I want to use GI okay table is too bright here okay let's see this okay we just want to put a logo on itself and here oops okay okay so yep now we've okay we want a little tiff 252 so I go to metric and so I faked after field and go to the reflection player and let's say - maybe okay nice this here rotate it a little bit again okay and now we put a picture on this calcium for this I found the picture and yes I am a spot puffin let's see this and go to photoshop and I just track my picture from here into Photoshop now we need for this logo thing we need a transparent picture transparent picture background here so I have you my magic wand tool and here select it continues and select it here hold your Shift key and select here here just okay and here now we have selected this right around to spongebob then selection inverse so now we have selected our spongebob now go to the player click on the background picture and just heat ctrl J and we have this Polish Pope here you can delete the background now we have the Spongebob with transparent picture with a transparent picture background and we have to save this pear this picture in in a format in a file format that supports transparency so like Photoshop a PST then PNG or TIFF and I do it for for logos and something else that we do it with PNG so I say if it is a few just on my desktop for the moment I would state I want pinchy spongebob okay yes okay now go back to a cinema double click in the material manager for new material double click the material logo and in the color Channel we need our spongebob here the texture yeah spongebob Yugi no don't need it now go here to a plane so we see it better if you don't want specular we know it let's say it's some ggx time that trick and what can we take here aspired why not boop-boop something like that and now we track it on our class too so go here and go to my class and we get something like this looks weird yes now code click on the texture Tech head here under UV mapping we have to be mapping we go to cylindrical mapping of course we have your cylinder why shouldn't shouldn't we take as related mapping you can take an fret mapping or a cubic mapping too but best of course works for cylinder cylinder key oh yeah the next is right click on your texture take on this punch pop and fit to object no wood no children's ok this is this and of course it's B to pick as we don't see our class in the background so the first thing I want to make to make this branch pop picture smaller so I want and you see we have it ties I don't want it tight so yeah or the tile nope just what is this picture here so I made it here smaller and bring it to the front make it smaller here - something like that so we have our picture on the gas but don't have transparency and now we go to the other texture go to the Alpha Channel activate the Alpha Channel and we put in the same material like we have in the college Idol because it is a touch bright background a cinema knows ok this transparent background picture tractor truck works here in the Alpha channel is an alpha ok we call you to the texture and the bitmaps we should have your spongebob PNG drag it in and see what we get everything nice maybe a little tag here we can go to the color Channel we have some ways to do to make it a little brighter go to the color Channel texture right click on this texture here and copy it then go to the luminance channel activate it texture and paste it then we have a nice bright spongebob and but maybe I thought what it's so bright but I can't if I try to break it darker here doesn't work so we have to go from normal to multiply and now we can make it a little darker don't do it so bright something like that okay but there is another way let's disable this for the moment we can go to the scenery and work with the light intensity if we go up here it's getting bright but everything gets bright time this as you see that's not what we really want so back 200 next is we can try it with the reflection brightness golden light does not work everything cuts bright here in the background but not really spongy so no and we have here a liquidity Rick we have the polite option activate it and go up with it now is see or a spongebob gets brighter without light here and with fill light but I think the best way was with the luminance channel okay that should work so but now if you see closer we have here it's tablet if we don't have class it just this is doesn't matter but we scarce we have a pretty little problem here so as you see it we have two SpongeBob's here back and in the front and this of course we don't want we every first sight if it's not glass you don't see the platter a bit behind so let's go back to our material editor texture tech here and here we have to go from path bus to front or back yet it depends how our are your numbers in which directions you know must show the thing heuristic would should be back yes you see now we have just one spongebob nothing is nothing tablet anymore okay and so let's make this a little yellowish chaos for spongebob gasps transparency and here the absorption color let's make it a little oh yes like this and we have a big ice more class so let's go to 1 centimeter here but and you see we get a yellowish reddish whatever ish yeah okay this is the first way now maybe we want to make this an old class and this this logo to spongebob is washed out and then something is old and used look we can't do this we go to our spongebob yeah and to the Alpha Channel but here now we have a problem with this picture the PNG file here works just with the file directly put here in the texture deck but for my use dock I want to make a layer texture here and if I put is now in a layer you see I lose my transparency I can't do what I want it works not really so for this I need a real black and white picture for the Alpha mask and this is quite easy to do go back to our Photoshop we have few hours Punchbowl but we want to make the spongebob white and the background pack this fits what we need so I just go to my spongebob here and ctrl click on this on the thumbnail here now it's this function is selected here I see I have black and white with for foreground and background for white I hit now control delete and I have avoid spongebob now ctrl D to deselect everything now I need a new layer under this layer one so I go to the new layer hold my control key and make a new layer under this and just press what if work but if work around the Philby's for crown Cara just face I to eat and let's say dry apply black and white picture and this second safest as JPEG or something else doesn't matter which which file format so just go safe it I want straight back here spongebob Arfa okay go back and now I put instead of this bitmap of the speed papers what we have in the car channel I take their real alpha mask so spongebob alpha and you see immediately everything works but I have some issues here with just a frame around here and this I can avoid if I call here from alpha H no then soft no and go to invert now everything is nice and now I can start to make you a used look I'm sorry go here in the lair channel and go to shader put noise shade on it and go to hard light and just see what we get here let's make another noise and if p.m. are something else see if I washed out look wherever it's going yeah and so you can destroy your logo a little bit and something else okay that's it if you don't want to do have it so so shut up and let's see if you can see this better let's go back to our noise and go for the octave spectre-1 or something else so it's smooth and you can make here from out like you can go down a little bit so if such small suit you can play around here so okay this is how you put added logo on the class you've seen it's very easy and of course you can put it not just on the gas I can put it on everything like in this way but on the classes sometimes the problem with the tabret logo here does it that we see the inside - yes of course in this way you can make more logos like this let's say I want seven another picture I don't like the noise you know was just for example Oh take another picture I think now the same picture but but second one let's say you make this one don't know no make another way just laying around I would loo instill I wanted to go so it's okay and here I can go to the layer channel make a layout of this and effect few saturation make it it has better we see the difference okay we see we have a second picture put it on the gas and we have to do the same I you can make it easier to so you don't have to go again to the city dredging mode and anything just to eat it again take this the texture texture texture hold your control key and drag it on this side so you can make a copy and now go is the new texture exactly over this texture you see that this arrow down and check drag it in and now of course you can't go to this texture Tech here and let's say I want this one somewhere here this side now I have them tensing together in something else so you can use what no more than one logo of course okay that's it for this to set it's quite short and I hope it helped yeah and then I'm really surprised a lot of people ask me this but now you should know it okay so bye bye I wish you a nice weekend as I said turn you nicomedia scene week but we'll be ready I think this weekend and I have a good feeling that we get in you tutorial to this weekend I'm not sure but I think so and yeah so have a nice weekend have a nice day have fun relax whatever so goodbye trees on papa
Channel: Nikolaus Schatz
Views: 48,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: c4d, cinema4D, 3D, nikomedia, cgi, tutorial, quicktip, scenerig, glass, logo
Id: jRGIF1geE2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 50sec (1790 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 06 2016
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