Cinema 4D Tutorial Create a Liquid Donut using X-Particles and Octane

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hey what's up guys this is free bonfire back with an amazing tutorial today we are going to talk about liquid donuts yes that sounds a little bit ridiculous but you can see the result is visually pleasing and it's a fun technique so why don't you learn it right yes basically you will learn how to fill up any object in this case it's a torus or doughnut with fluid simulations giving them different densities to achieve beautiful mixing patterns yeah sounds complex but you will see it's fun and easy so you can see here some stills they also look lovely this is an easy test with the mixing I like this green one yes the open BTB meshing here is quite beautiful simple tests with turbulence also nice something quite similar but also a nice pattern here and a close-up shot there so you want to learn that stuff this is the right place let's get started alright guys so why don't we have some fun in cinema 14 year maybe you start with a plane so we have something as a floor and next you should grab an object you want to fill the fluids so this is our topic mixing different fluids in a donut or a torus but of course you can take whatever object you like like a figure or something but in my case I grab a torus and I liked numbers like this quite lucky numbers put it on the floor alright so this is a nice subdivision so don't work with something like is because it gives you ugly edges here so be a reasonably round here all right since we want to work inside and donut this view is not so helpful and this is not so helpful to so we should cut and where is it to display tag on it and we use something like lines this is quite complex but when you put it to isoparms this is the perfect view for our for our task here next I would say we put an emitter inside the torus put it to a spherical emission because it should be quite organic and I don't want to emit from a rectangle all right so what is happening here yes this is not colliding with the donut just give me the word donut here so I would go to X particle tags and put a Collider on it and we want the particles collide with the inside and we neither need bounce nor we need friction let's see yes this is quite promising and if this is all you want to learn here yeah you can already be quite satisfied but I think we can do even better so maybe we just switched display to circle field does this give giving us a better representation of the radius of these particles and maybe we should also emit a lot more of them like 8,000 and by the way when you set the radius to 1 you can see you get little spheres oops but for for this demonstration sake free is good enough but when you want to have more resolution in it of course you need more particles here with less radius they are something like this giving you a better resolution right but we go to 8003 and overall this is quite boring so maybe now is the time to put in fluid effects and this should be instantly quite interesting no I promised too much maybe we should switch the emission to short three to eight thousand let's see what is happening now well so this is super brutal Wow in instantly from in one frame this is exploding this is happening because fluid effects giving these particles physical behavior and when to when you want to compress like atoms like particles are fluid in this tight radius they will have some explosiveness to them so this is like small like a black hole like giving a real brutal shockwave here but so big you make the radius of your your initial sphere the less explosive it it is but maybe you want to have it small this is too intense for you so in this case you would go to the fluid of X and change the internal pressure put it to 50 let's see him takes out a little bit of the pressure put it to 20 now already to smooth maybe you okay I guess I like I like this number yeah this is totally fine for me so it can be explosive but not too explosive in general when you work with fluids you don't want to have compressed particles but in this case it's super helpful if you want don't want it you should go to a mode like hexagonal you see that particles don't collide with each other they are not so densely packed so they have the distance from each other or you could go to something like regular but let's go back to shot because this is what you want yes this is a good start should I make it not a meter hmm let me think about for a minute no I'm not for a minute for five seconds so yeah let's grab another emitter because this is a little bit boring let's go to the display and see this one is orange yeah something like this what is happening all right we already get some mixing maybe give me more frames there and this line here this is quite interesting so yes this is mixing but I think we can get even better mixing behaviors so this is a little bit boring and I think it has to do with the external data with the fluid data let's talk about density so both of these ones have a density of a thousand and thousand is the physical correct value in real life for water it's a thousand kilograms per square meter I think this is the right description but on all kind of materials objects they have different densities for example if you want to have a water that acts like an apple you would go with 700 because an apple half has a density of 700 standard rock has 2,700 let or lead I don't know how it's called as something like no it's yeah this is quite high mercury hope I'm not fooling you is it something like this I'm not sure and concrete was something like that air is 1.3 steel 7800 so yeah every material in real life has different densities let's go back to a thousand so if you want to have the green particles being heavier pushing the yellow the orange wants way we could say this one has less lower density now when they come together it should be like yeah green is pushing through the two orange ones pushing them aside and you get lovely curls here so this is a yes look at this one it's beautiful so if you want to have better mixing of your fluids you should play with the settings with the density settings yes so what else could I explain here when you go to this one we already played with this parameters we could maybe be a little bit more interesting here with some more more emitters inside so where is it display you put this one it's red red now we mix free fluids this is nice but I think the density is the same so maybe you should this one should change this one and when I drew this one I could already do some blue particles let's make them blue and change the density to maybe 200 so we have two hundred thousand five hundred five hundred and a thousand this could be more interesting let's see yes really lovely curls I like it so this is the main principle of this tutorial Wow yes this is giving nice patterns maybe before we go to the next section viscosity here makes it act more like honey so maybe we make all of them more like honey vorticity giving them some fake little turbulence like like a turbulence for free let's see what is just doing reminds me of certain logo so yes you get more little twists and think this looks even better maybe surface tension makes your particles act more like how can I say it it tries to minimize the surface therefore big parts like this red one will form smaller round shapes because it tries to minimize the surface alright so when I say putting this one to a hundred I'm pretty sure you will get more smaller sphere like structures let's see hmm didn't change so much but it already looked quite cool so maybe get rid of the flow-on yeah so I mean these are nice structures here right one last thing let's try to put let's try to put a turbulence in it and I just like crow noise and I like to approach this blend and add a little bit lower and let's say after 16 the strength will reduce from 10 to zero give me a couple more frames let's see what this turbulence is adding to it okay last test here before we go to the next part yes woof this is beautiful this is just beautiful yes super nice behavior I would love to eat this liquid donut nice really nice shapes all right cool so this is the basics let's go on hey guys just a super quick intermission I just wanted to say thank you so far for following my channel 3d bonfire so far three months there's been an amazing ride and so much fun here to share this knowledge I started with east ones yeah you seem to like digital nature now we're going more into the X particle stuff explosions fluids fire smog nah all the good stuff order all the fun stuff so this will definitely develop into something super cool and I am totally passionate about it just one small thing if you give me a little love back and support me in doing these tutorials you can do me a huge favor and share some love if you want to become a tutorial supporter of course this is you don't have to do it you always can enjoy this stuff but when you want something additional so for all the YouTube tutorials there will always be a little bit bonus content for my patrons so if you are really into this tutorial learning stuff this is the way to go also you will get access to my scene files and you feel like an amazing person to share the love and help me support me doing better tutorials yeah so yeah Freda bonfire on patreon now that's great news also this is me by the way Marcus Khan's Afridi I live in Berlin and I'm an artist working here and if you want to get a feeling what would be the next tutorial and stuff yeah why don't you consider following me so you can see I uploaded these Donuts and someone said hey Marcus maybe you can do a tutorial about it and I said yes that would be great to share and this is how it is developed into a tutorial on 3d bonfire so thanks guys the tutorial will continue from here on next we should talk about how to turn your software preview here into something lovely you could put on your Instagram so you want some quality like this you already see in this ones but you need particle shading some textures light I think we can talk about everything but you can see you need some nice representation for your particles you can mesh them into an open V DB volume or you can render them as spheres and different sizes so this is quite lovely and yeah I already showed these ones to you this is more like a software preview but with a nice shading so we should talk about how to visually represent your particles alright so maybe we just studied this scene file this is pretty simple where's my viewport come on okay there it is alright so we have a representation of our Hallet X particles with little spheres and yeah so basically it is a super simple these are my two emitters maybe you switch one off so if you want to want to render one emitter this is also quite beautiful but we want to show both the triggers go to emitter put an octane tag on it go to particle rendering and activate the geometry if you put a sphere for example or whatever object you like into the geometry this will be the representation of your particle so the blue one has representation of particle one of the yellow one and a yellow one as a representation of the blue particle so okay this would be otherwise other way around but you get it you could change the particle radius for example so you see now these ones get bigger and you get a nice border here so whatever you put in your particle will be the representation so this is quite nice actually I really like this border so why don't we use this one but you could also go to your material maybe make a specular and go with the roughness a little bit up I don't know yeah this is looking nice so maybe that it is so black is depending on the the depth of the specular no okay I'm wrong yeah this is looking super nice so already learned something right you just use particles as a representation who will cool stuff next I think the interesting thing here would be how to use an HDI because now the scene is super black maybe you and your octane setup have still has white into this default environment which gives you an overall white illumination which looks interesting but super dull so get rid of this one switch to black and now use an octane sky and put an HDR eye into it you want to do it like this so you put your environment and here click on the image and then here you put hgri into it you can see it basic where you see ar111 remember these ones because you can see in my case i go a little bit crazy with these values and this is really useful trickier so you can see this hgri looks super boring and you think mmm this is working for me but you can really go crazy with these numbers because you have a lot of exposure values in your hgri so you could put a lot of power into it and now slowly change the gamma so when i go higher here now i go more into the red tones see this is getting too vibrant here but i think this is a quite lovely look let's see what happens with 15 - dark stages with 20 so this is beautiful here the rotation I always love to play with this one so maybe first the rotation Y into y axis I angle this middle line a little bit beneath the horizon because now this is quite intense I need to correct myself this looks super nice but when I go down maybe a little bit okay this is already too far maybe 2.5 now I get a mixture here another floor isn't so vibrant like in this case but it's PMSing a 0-0 too much yes this is the value I prefer and of course the rotation Y just gives you different looks here so yeah I mean all of these angles look nice I liked the highlight there so maybe this would be already lighting for the scene super beautiful so now you learned how to color your particles how to render them how to light your scene in an easy and efficient way by the way I use path tracing and I think also for final rendering 200 or something like this could also be enough and yeah not so complex stuff here maybe you are also interested in let's see yeah see so basic material looks a bit boring but with some nice sketch lines here this looks way more interesting right so this is an easy trick to make your renderings much more interesting and the thing is just in the diffuse you just grab the child's shader I already applied it to it so the tires and I put it two squares but you have so much up versions here so yeah you can really go crazy with this ones sometimes lines is also nice let's see sort of I mean I don't really meet that crazy stuff and maybe maybe just let's go a little bit crazy and this is additional you can already quit this tutorial here I just want to see what happens when I put these tires maybe into displacement so this could be interesting it's a little bit dense here so what happens when I put this also here okay this is because settings I think to shade oh it's already at two thousand two K so it has to be inside of here put us to 2k and maybe even put it to 4k and let's see what happens when I put this one to black or some some gray tone so this is cool right give me a two here to catch even more shadows on the floor I mean I don't like the pattern that much but hey this is adding something right all right cool so now you got the tools to make it render beautiful okay quick addition if you are particularly interested in this scene file you want to know how I set this up open BD be jelly stuff here and the particles the light and everything this will be shared on my patreon and in the bonus lesson there I will quickly talk about the materials and basically the whole scene quick reminder this was just rendering let's see so yeah beautiful alright one last thing so if you like numbers like I do these videos could be super helpful for you I'll give you a short preview here but I have to say this is paid to an exclusive I did like 18 tests and compared to different settings and maybe this could be helpful for you so but you get a pre free preview here so you can see these are the settings for this donut number six fluid modifier emitter settings turbulence II further emitter settings here and a Collider tag and in this case I'd changed the viscosity so for the blue and the yellow emitter here I have viscosity of 10 but for version 5 I switch to 250 and obviously you can see that these kind of shapes hold together in a quite different way with higher viscosity I mean this is not surprising but it's good to see and yeah so if you like these compare videos I made couple of them and I hope you will enjoy them too so hope you learned a lot guys see you in the next tutorial bye
Channel: 3DBONFIRE
Views: 50,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: x-particles, insydium, c4d, cinema4d, cinema 4d, maxon, vfx, motiongraphics, cinema, 4d, xparticles, particles, simulation, cgi, mograph, motion graphics, 3d, effex, visual fx, software, tutorials, tutorial, tip, hint, quicktip, trick, 3d animation, tuts, x-particles tutorials, x-particles 4, x-particles 4 training, x-particles fluid, x-particles water, x-particles liquid, cinema 4d fluid simulation, x-particles fluid simulation, x-particles mesher, x-particles openvdb, x-particles ovdb, donut, fluids
Id: HzasczfsDwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 50sec (1490 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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