MasterChef Season 6 " The Best of Tommy Walton"

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Stephens competition is Tommy I am sure some of the other contestants will you know have to take me with a grain of salt oh my god ah but I'm a regular guy from the south side of Chicago who's made good I've been a fashion designer for my entire life and I think fashion and food is related it is a visual art form my food is really pretty to look at you have to eat with your eyes before you eat with your stomach I don't like to be overconfident but I'm the next MasterChef welcome you know Tommy's a great guy but I didn't come here to play tiddlywinks I came here to win now I'm gonna do my best to do it I want that MasterChef apron more than I want a Chanel Haute Couture dress crazy birth thank you how old are you 47 I am the magical age of 53 no way I'm not cut it's all real amazing I only have one wrinkle and I sit on it so gentlemen you're both cooking your signature dish which is pork battling it out for one apron your 30 minutes starts now tell me tell me about your pork dish my dish is the sophisticated version of a pork ballotine and then I want to decorate my plate pork and look kind of you know dull and boring so I want to make sure that I bring some color and some artistry to the plate just under 20 minutes to go Tommy's tenderloin is wrong you think big temples back get an on-site panel and Sarah I need kiss it yep last 60 seconds come on guys let's go ten nine oh my god help seven six five four three two one hands in the air good job guys both of you well done okay bring your dishes down to the front please Tommy describe your dish please it's a pork ballotine that is stuffed with fennel zucchini and granny smith apple with fennel fronds I got really nervous when you slice that tenderloin because it was raw you come from this cook to the middle the tenderloin is cooked perfectly its moist got that see around the outside I'm amazed you got it cooked good job it's really really tasty plating wise you've got stems of the fennel you've got the fronds we've got a sage leaf it's nice that you're showing some of that artistry you need to dial it back the fennel fronds actually bring a really great unexpected freshness to the dish really great effort thank you tough to pop dishes to very energetic talented individuals Stephens feeling feelings good Thomas was a mess four minutes ago it was wrong so amazing for that background he both did a really great job which one of these pork dishes wins this apron the apron goes to I'm disappointed that I didn't win but Tommy he's a great competitor yeah he had a great dish better than mine and he ended up winning apron congratulations to him get ready I'm not leaving buckle up your seat dose it's going to be a bumpy ride my food is just like my fashion it is a surprise it's delicious it's also visually appealing and entertaining it's hot in here or is it just me Tommy is just a friendly person he's a bird that won't stop chirping I'm absolutely flabbergasted and gobsmacked time for showy and very extravagant I'm having another out of the body experience right now I am levitating Tommy is gonna be Tommy whatever the hell he wants to be Tommy and he doesn't want to hear there's only one apron and God made me to show those other ones how to wear it I know that Tommy is well versed have been around the world I have this incredible glossary that I make up words you know like transmeta Murphy a tree off the reservation Julia Child looked down upon me now gastronomic Aswang you know he's just obsessively talking I am usually flawless with communication people pay me to talk I've got enough talent to spread out here like an oil slick he's telling me you have to communicate in the kitchen I say I know that only when it's relevant yeah maybe I should have used another word I like to call my food and fashion entertainment he is antagonizing every pore on my body vibrant intense intensity in a pot that's made somebody please call the fire department food should be fun we should enjoy food soul food simple for Tommy is crazy for everybody else who knows I'm letting these good times roll honey right to the finish line oh my god Tommy Walton is just crazy I know have you seen his eyes it's biggest silver dollars look at his eyes long enough you'll turn to stone like a Gordon Tommy you look like you're dressed for the occasion yeah you look like Prince Prince looks like me that feels great but it's also really scary so guys welcome there are eight people here besides me we want to be MasterChef I'm gonna have to stop these children getting another cooking demonstration from Gordon Graham and Christina is a magical tree you know what's at stake the winner gets a huge advantage of the pantry so everyone ready to light this place on fire Walla some people suave diversified you know see right we do I'm gonna do one of the famous things from the French Quarter which is Bananas Foster looks like tonight you're going back to your roots southern Louisiana trying to you know this has got a lot of drama in it and I always love to bring the drama to the dinner table never guess that no oh yeah good luck please step forward Tommy ah yes baby I've been called first the judges are gonna be quite impressed today with Tommy Walton Alex before describe the dish please it is Bananas Foster with maple and bourbon cream garnished with granny smith apples inside is what's inside is a sweetened cream cheese with the banana inside it smells incredibly fragrant and you haven't just done this sort of cheap flambe because the whole crepe is colored beef Lee it's rich of sumptuous it's steeped in alcohol but you've just burned off the right amount of the cure I love what you've done with the savoriness of the cream cheese inside as well Tommy delicious let's see Boca the trainer's dish looks beautiful and Stephens dish looks like we're taking a walk in his garden but I know my mama would love this Bananas Foster and my mama is telling my babies got this chicken and waffles people don't think that I'm a southern boy but the truth is I'm Creole honey I love chicken and waffles more than church loves sin told me how you doing doing okay chef thanks for asking tell me about this what's going on I'm doing a duck fat fried chicken whose recipes up that's my recipe it can be yours you know that next up Tommy oh I'm really happy with this dish my chicken wings my chicken drumsticks they look like solid gold describe the dish please duck fat fried chicken with a pecan quinoa corn waffle and a tomato whiskey marmalade why duck funny my aunt Laureen and my grandmother always kept a little coffee can of duck fat in the back of the stove that was saved nothing went to waste chicken incredible waffles another league it's authentic it's delicious you you're frying duck fat which is a chef's dream I think this is one of your best dishes that you've performed so far and you may look the part but now you can really cook the part thank you congratulations Tommy I can't believe what the judges are wearing Gordon Ramsay was made to wear blue jeans tell me about this dish because good ol fancy ideas I don't know it's just some of the things that my students actually bring for me to lunch we've got your fingers what is anything a gyroscope a gyroscope does that weigh your hands down no it's quite light it's quite light yeah I can handle heavier than that weight you'll see I've got another tool like what oh you'll see something that is reminiscent of one of the Queen's you know now you can say you know more than one point do you have your belly button pierced no I don't know piercings done me no they're glad to hear eyebrow there's no no thank God for that no light no give any tattoos no I don't know I wouldn't defile my body why not because I have to stay fresh I have to stay young you have to stay new at 52 you've got the skin of a 22 year old boys use champagne yes I'll give you some cuz how come I've got more wrinkles than you and I'm like I don't know I don't know I don't go outside in the daytime just like Dracula tonight I think you brought it it tastes authentic it looks good focus on the food because when you cook like this your dream Thank You chef and I want Tommy the dream I want to wake up with you not with you I want to wake up the next day remembering on how good you can cook yeah Gordon Ramsay loves my dish so much he wants to wake up with me Gordon Ramsay you are such a bad boy Stephen Anitra sauce do you think you may want to slice these and happen this is York please hey Tommy speed up almost finished Tommy tell me what you're doing dry no I'm trying to plate these plates and get these plates out Tommy we got to hurry up and all I can hear is Tommy don't Tommy Tommy please okay push it faster Tommy don't Oh guys Thai fight so push it please listen we can't have this up here okay can you guys keep that plate together in one minute tell me the jokes I'm getting it Tommy hurry up it's like three wild dogs in the yard barking and barking biting at each other Tommy don't stop David you can't do that faster let me know I'll do it do you know what I have to say to that time faster Tommy that's right shut up Tommy you came into this competition with flair panache a man that is a proper foodie a true gourmand and I think will remember you forever Wow I'm sad to leave because I've met some of the most talented people standing up here in the balcony and some of the dumbest and I wish them all the best of luck right come over here I'll see you in Chicago zactly bye Christina there one of them is gonna become America's next MasterChef in your mind who's gonna win it the future belongs to those who have the vision to see it Thank You chef I feel absolutely blessed that I was a part of this MasterChef journey coming here as a fashion designer I was gonna do all fancified Europeanized versions of the food voila but it took me to come all the way here to MasterChef for me to go back home have you got no country understand I am country congratulations Tommy but the most incredible experience of all was having Gordon Graham and Christina as mentors this right there is one best Panna cottas that have you ever had in the MasterChef kitchen I really think it's the heart soul why you're here and what makes you such a real contender in this kitchen when you cook like this your dream I want to wake up with you not with you remembering how good you can cook I'm used to being misunderstood my entire life I've always had to explain to everybody why I am the way I am of that oh yeah but here I know that I've got to represent myself truthfully and be Who I am which is a big bright shining multifaceted disco ball greatest exit of all time
Channel: Tommy Walton
Views: 135,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MasterChef, MasterChefonFox
Id: ytguZ--hn9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 25 2016
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