Master Nanite Tessellation in UE 5.3! Unreal Engine Tutorial for beginners | @defonten

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so we want to know how to enable nanite tessellation in Unreal Engine no worries I got you covered it's pretty easy and fun to play with check this out first things first go to your project folder which should contain config folder open it and find their default engine dot ini file open it and under render settings section write precisely this r dot nanite dot allow tessellation equals one and r dot nanite dot tessellation equals one make sure you spell these commands correctly and just in case I will leave these commands for you to copy in the description so this is a standard clean project nothing too fancy about it so let's do something cool with it go to Bridge and download some nice looking bumpy material from Mega scans fantastic Library something that might look like sharp rocks for example download it and add that material to your project by the way we won't need original quick source materials at all we will just use its textures creating our own material but no worries the setup will be very simple so let's create parent material and name it for example cool material select all three textures and drag them into the graph View connect Albedo to base color normals too normals and this third one is actually a combination of ambient occlusion roughness and displacement packed to RGB channels so therefore just connect each one to its corresponding pin in the material node to give ourselves a bit of control afterwards when we will create instance of this parent material let's create a few tweakable parameters which will then allow us easily change displacement and tiling values as well as changing all the source textures without any problem so bring in multiply node by pressing M on the keyboard clicking on the graph View and then bring in the single value constant by pressing 1 and clicking in the graph View connect it all in the following way now let's create texture coordinates node again multiply node single value constant node and convert it to a parameter naming it for example tiling now let's hook them all up via multiply node to all three texture nodes so that we can control tiling on all of them at once now let's convert the constant driving our displacement to a parameter and name it displacement lastly let's convert all three textures to parameters as well so that we can easily change them later to any other quick cell material of our choice the parent material is done and now we can create ourselves a cozy material instance out of it which we'll be actually using on our objects now let's create a simple plane to quickly test our instance material on go to modeling mode and create a rectangle or a square rather and lift it off the surface a bit drag and drop our newly created material onto it and open its parameters it may seem that there is no texture on it but no worries we just need to enable the tiling parameter and crank up its value a bit so it's not default zero tweak this parameter to your liking as you can see there is no tessellation so far noise which is didn't enable it yet also the plane seems to be quite small actually compared to player so I think I will upscale it a bit so the tessellation effect which I'm after will be more visible okay now we need to enable tessellation via the console and here comes the cool part turn on displacement parameter but leave it at default zero for now go to console and very accurately and precisely again type r dot nanite dot allow tessellation Space 1 without equal symbol hit enter and then type r dot nanite dot tessellation base one again hit enter believe it or not the tessellation is now enabled but there is one little step left right click on the plane and select browse to asset which will bring you to the source asset of that plane then right click on that asset and go to nanite submenu followed by clicking on nanite which would enable generation of nanite surface on that plane crank up displacement parameter and lift the plane off the ground a bit so we can clearly see it and here we have it longer weighted nanite tessellation is here in its full Glory as you can see there's a little gap between characters feet and the ground that's easy to fix go to the folder with our new materials and this time select the parent cool material select the material node and in the details panel to the left find the parameter called center it's in the displacement section just put there's zero and don't forget to save your changes look at this beauty isn't it cool now it's centered correctly and the effect is nice and prominent and no worries we'll fix characters feet penetrating the rocky ground in just a moment What's really cool about it is that you can do the same trick with the landscapes just select the landscape and assign our new cool material instance into landscape's material slot well obviously we need to adjust tiling a bit and lastly we need to enable nanites for the landscape after you enabled nanites click build data and let it calculate its calculations oh wow we probably need to dial down the displacement effect as it will be quite painful for our character to walk on such a Terrain that's much better and lastly let's quickly change the textures in our instance material so we can check what works best for our visual go go to bridge download and add some other Rocky ground or any other type of material of your choice go to the folder containing that new material and now just drag and drop those new textures to the relevant slots in our instanced cool material and again we don't need that original material we need only those three textures next to it oh and one important step once you change the textures don't forget to rebuild the data on your landscape otherwise it won't work and voila we've been able to change the textures with its displacement in no time I will crank up this placement a bit and now let's actually fix this issue of our character's feet penetrating rocket ground open parent material and once again select its material node then go to detail panel and in the center field enter some non-zero slightly higher value let's say 0.03 check this out what we actually do by this is just pushing the ground slightly down now it's really cool I like it so yeah that's how you enable nanite tessellation and current version of Unreal Engine guys please bear in mind that this feature is still in development so give Dev some time to polish it however even in this state it's obvious that it will be a game changer in terms of visuals I hope you like this video and if you did please like subscribe and sing with me [Music] [Music]
Channel: Defonten
Views: 22,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ue5, unreal, engine, gamedev
Id: lvj6n9i9wOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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