#UE5 Series: Using Displacement in UNREAL Engine 5.3

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hello everyone this is Reza and welcome to my channel in this video we are going to focus on displacement in Unreal Engine 5.3 I'm not sure if you have watched one of my whole displacement tutorials using the mod link Tools in Unreal Engine now while that method was working there was an issue and that issue was with nanite well in version 5.3 there is a way to bring the power of tessellation in Unreal Engine and access displacement Channel directly from our material graph this is an exciting news and I'm going to demonstrate how to do exactly that without any further Ado let's get started [Music] thank you well let's fire up Unreal Engine I'm going to start with the blank scene I'm going to go to Ray tracing I'm going to call my project this placement and let's create the project here I am inside unreal now first things first I am going to create two folders so I'm going to go into new folder and inside that I'm going to create one for materials and another one for textures so I can sort of demonstrate how to use displacement once we bring it in in our material I'm going to go and create a just a simple material mm for master material underscore disp for displacement now just for the record if I double click here there is no displacement pipe as you can see we have base color we have material specular so on and so forth there is no displacement and in the first chapter we're going to see how to bring the displacement here now that is a two-step process you have to enable tessellation from the config folder and once you bring the displacement into Unreal Engine to see it you have to run it through the console command so it's a two-step process the first step let's see how we can enable that inside the config folder that's actually really easy I'm gonna bring the project directory into the monitor so you guys get to see what's going on we're gonna go into config folder the first folder and there we have a configuration settings folder in the default engine if I enter that opens the notepad and in here we see all the important attributes that are Unreal Engine and probably the user have set for the application so if I just go in the second paragraph script engine renderer settings all I need to do is to add the tessellation in here now you got to be very careful not to make any mistakes so the way that I do it to avoid any mistake is I actually bring it in the command and copy and paste that so I'm just going to type in the command r dot nanite dot allow tessellation now I can comfortably right click go copy and now I can go inside my default engine and paste it right underneath scene render Target size method followed by equal one and the digit one is going to enable tessellation if you're coming from Unreal Engine 4 you know that tessellation was very powerful in Unreal Engine 4. with the introduction of Unreal Engine 5 at that tessellation capability disappeared and now happily in Unreal Engine 5.3 we have that back so once that's done we're going to save and one small change I need to make actually I don't need this command anymore is I would like to go into plugin and just bring in my modeling toolset we really don't need modeling for tessellation I just need to have a simple plane in the scene you can certainly do that using other software packages or you can create a Plane by going into modeling shelf and just create a plane so that is going to bring the modeling mode into Unreal Engine as well kind of killing two birds with one stone if you don't want to bring the modeling mode you still need to restart your engine so once you save restart now if I go in here I have modeling shift F5 enabled and more importantly if I double click look what I have we get to have the displacement ready which is fantastic now uh we have this ready so let's bring some textures let's go to the next chapter and bring some Textures in and apply that to our plane well there is no plane so let's make one really quick I'm going to go into modeling I am going to bring in a rectangle click for width and depth probably I'm gonna go with 1500 and we really don't need to add to the subdivision that's the beauty of having nanite available to us so we can just simply move it up and go accept in order to get the support from nanite I can just right click in here edit rectangle and if I type in nanite you can see enable nanite support is available I'm going to save and yes if you have an object in here that you bring from other software packages you can right click on it and there is a nanite option available that you need to enable the process is pretty much the same I'm going to drag and drop my material in there I still don't have anything on it I am going to save and we are now ready to bring in our textures it's time to bring our materials I've got five materials prepared Albedo AO displacement normal and roughness so let's go into our material and bring them one by one I'm going to start with Albedo and bring them closer a little bit RGB to base color and again srgb is on the color space srgb is on the next one is our ambient occlusion I'm going to bring it right next to my base color texture sample and because it's a gray scale to lower the computational time I'm just going to use the r Channel and bring it into ambient occlusion like so the next one on the list is normal map I'm going to bring the normal map RGB goes into normal and with roughness srgb off so Unreal Engine detects it as a linear I'm going to go with our channel into roughness and again we talked about all of this in our introduction to material you can definitely check it out into our unreal ninja playlist and find that video Now quickly I take care of the texture coordinate holding down M left click and holding down one bring a single constant so we have something to work with I might as well go in there and convert the title into parameter because I'm planning on creating a material instance so we can have this as a parameter on our material instance I can go ahead and save now let's bring the hero of the show sort of speak and that is displacement now with displacement what I usually do you can definitely go with r into displacement and if you select the material itself and type in disp you can see I have access to magnitude of the displacement here but I can actually create a multiply here so I'm going to bring in a multiply node and connect that into my displacement and create a constant and make that my magnitude so I have two ways of doing this so I can hold down one and create a constant plug that in right click convert to parameter or I can right click here promote to parameter from here and I can now go in there and call that magnitude so when I use a material instance that will come up as well now it's as simple as that let's go ahead you can see the material now has been successfully applied I'm going to go and save and let's create a material instance really quick and apply that I'm going to go create material instance change mm for master material to Mi material instance and I'm going to drag and drop that in there so if I go in here you can see material instances have been applied now so far so good uh probably you know pretty much all of that we have magnitude and we have tiling and if I go into tile link I can successfully change the tiling with no issues at all but the magnitude is really not working as I mentioned enabling tessellation is a two-step process we did the first step we went into config we opened engine documentation and we added allow tessellation the second step is to enable it in the viewport using a console command the final step to activate tessellation is to go to console command and type in r dot nanite Dot tessellation and you can see the command comes up now instead of putting equal to one I'm just going to press space one so that's the command that you need inside your console command area and if I press enter I successfully enabled the displacement and now I can go inside this magnitude and play around with these values if I go and play around with values you can see I'm getting a live feedback I can actually zoom in in some of the areas and start playing around and you can see I'm actually changing the magnitude of my displacement inside the scene and the beauty of that is that is non-ite friendly so I can actually copy and paste this around the scene and have my terrain or my ground floor or what have you so that's a big difference between this method and the old method where you can just now go and hold down alt and comfortably move this guy around to be able to sort of populate any asset with displacement in your scene I can at any point of time go in there and sort of change my light to get a better read zoom in and readjust my displacement so you can see how easily and quickly you can set up your nodes and make use of displacement directly inside your material graph that should do the trick for this tutorial it's a new feature so I thought I would put together a quick tutorial and talk about that and I hope you found this video useful and use it in your projects as usual thank you very much for your support have a great rest of your day until the next video see you guys later
Views: 16,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Displacement, ue displacement, unreal 5.3 displacement, unreal engine 5.3 displacement, ue5.3 displacement, unreal engine 5.3 tutorial, unreal engine 5.3, unreal engine 5.3 update, ue 5.3 new features, ue beginner tutorial, ue5.3 beginner tutorial, unreal engine course for beginners, unreal engine course free, unreal engine, unreal engine 5 tutorial, unreal engine 5
Id: QnJiYp2Y00s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2023
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