Master Fusion in DaVinci Resolve | Merge vs. Boolean node

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hello my friend are you ready do you want to be a pirate no okay but you might be interested in learning fusion my name is Vito most fusion airs out there know me but da Vinci user probably don't know me at all and I thought it's time to change that [Music] my mission is to make fusion great again you were probably thinking of from now didn't yet now Fusion is a very sophisticated highly technical but super creative tool maybe you have seen some of my tutorials and a little bit advanced and as a DaVinci user you probably don't want to go there yeah you don't want to go there it's crazy it's crazy action going on there but I thought since the integration of fusion in DaVinci many of you guys are excited some are not I know but many of you are excited and you're probably wondering what you can do with fusion and how it can enhance your workflow or how you can streamline your whole process especially if your one-man show this might be the thing so I'd say if you're ready if you're ready to embark with me on this journey I think I have to go back I don't have a focus assistant here if you're ready to embark with me on this journey hop in okay so today I want to introduce you to the merge tool the merge tool is a tool that allows you to combine your footage now if you think of layers where you stack up your layers the merge tool basically allows you to stack up your footage so let me give you an example so as you can see I have my clip already loaded into the timeline and I haven't done any colorspace conversions here because I'm not sure about the color workflow here with da Vinci infusion but here inside of fusion what I have done I have assigned my lookup table I get the gamut view and I set it to output space as RGB so you to give you a real-life example on how to use the merge let me just go quickly through this and you do some keying action here so I will use the Delta here I'm bringing a delta here and I branch out from our clip bring it in here and I will also drop in a clean plate note these tools are news in fusion 9 and let's first let me demonstrate to you what happens if I would use the key only so I would choose a color here which I don't know why this jiggles and Wiggles like crazy okay so I I picked the green color here forgive me my cheesy green screen don't take this as an example and by hitting a you can view the Alpha so this is basically how the result looks right off the bat and now I want to demonstrate to you how easy the process of King is made using the clean plate node okay so with the clean plate selected drag it into the viewport and then again pick the background color I choose the green and I'm gonna erode this a little bit so that we could rid of all them boxes down there something like that and then simply check fill now this becomes our clean plate and if we now hope this clean plate into the Deltic here you can see that we automatically get a much better key with C I switch back to the RGB view and once again you saw that I got this menu here this you can access by alt releasing on a note it will show you all the inputs you have available okay another very powerful tool that I want to talk about in another episode are the masks if I would bring in a couple of masks here we have the rectangle mask we have the ellipse mask the polygon mask masking infusion is super awesome but it really requires its own chapter because there's so many things you can do with it and so many things that you might encounter especially when in doing real-life projects so but we're gonna talk about the mask in in another episode for now let's just take a mask a poly mask and I bring this in I view the Dalek here and now I want to garbage mask the errors we don't need so I will simply hook this polygon mask into the garbagemen now I will draw a mask around here very quick and dirty you can see it disappeared and now I will simply drag another mask in here and hope this into the other mask and it automatically combines those masks and I would draw my other mask bang so we have garbage mask our garbage now let's continue with our merch action so let's say we have this cheesy background here mm-hmm like cheesy backgrounds now I have to get used to the user interface here if you have seen my other video you saw that I'm particularly unhappy about this space here but yeah so here we have this background and now I will change the depth using a depth node I would set it to float 16 and I would also change the colour space - srgb and now it will turn back to normal so let me drop in a merge node already so this is our merge node and I will get rid of this here for now and now I want to bring them brothers here together so let's have a closer look at the merge node you can see we have this yellow arrow and we have this green arrow and there's another very very lonely the blue arrow down here so the yellow triangle is labeled as background the green one is the foreground and the blue one is the mask you can see the background as the bottom layer and the green one as the top layer if you want to be in the layer world you can do so but in fusion we refer to it as background and foreground now I will hook in the background image into the background the first time you hook something into a merge node it will automatically go into the background then we hook the foreground in and it will also automatically go into the foreground if you already have the background occupy now one thing I want to mention about nodal based workflow is that you should try to keep your flow by the way this is called the flow you should try to keep your flow like very flowing you know you should keep it like very tidy and organized and make things easy to read for yourself but also for your co-workers so for example sometimes you might put the background notes over here and the foreground comes from the top another time you might put it from the bottom and the foreground formula from the left I would recommend you to create your own habit because this will enhance your workflow or it would speed it up quite a bit so for example I like to have my background coming in from the left and everything that is in the foreground on top of it comes from the top and the masks from the bottom now you can choose what kind of workflow your hat you want to have now that we have this merge together if we view this you can see we have the resolution mismatch here okay so what I like to do when I have a resolution mismatch is I like to bring in a background node and now I want to make sure that the background node has the the resolution of the comp which is automatically set if you have set it in the preferences but I want to also make sure it's in where is it it's a new user in the interface also I need to take out my spyglass I set it to a 16-bit float and now I make sure that the Alpha is all the way down to zero this makes sure that this image is empty so I will just use this as a container sort of now we'll simply drag our background on top of this square box and it will automatically merge them together you can see that the background is right inside the background slot and the foreground is properly inside the foreground and now we have the proper resolution and what we can do now is we can bring in a transform node and now we can move inside our domain okay we can change the size and so on and so on I will put this into the background slot so now you have to make a decision for example if you can't come in from the left then how do you rearrange this stuff for example you could do it like this that's all your decision my friend okay so now we have our dirty foreground I'm not gonna go like very deep into this it's not a keying tutorial where is it with all these new labels so difficult to find clean foreground for example you can use the clean foreground now there are other parameters to tweak but I don't want to go too deep into this now so now we have this combined the next thing I want to do is I want to add a light wrap now the light wrap again we use our masks I add two bitmap nodes now it might be a little confusing bitmap is really just a mask it's basically a tool to derive masks from images or to combine your elliptical mask Polly mask rectangle mask all kinds of masks you can combine this using the bitmap mask for example let's say we want to create a light wrap from this foreground I would simply hook into those two masks and now I have two identical masks and what I do now is hook one into the other but with the first one I will invert it and I will display the whole mask now and now you can see we have this sort of outline here now what I do is I change the paint mode to multiply this will multiply the first mask on top of the second and hence we get this outline here now if you would take the soft edge here and increase that it will bleed more into your foreground something like that another thing to be aware of is the boundaries here the clipping mode so for example this mask now the clipping mode is set to none if you will change this to frame it will fix the issue we have here okay so this could be our light wrap additionally you could take another bitmap mask and as I said you can derive masks from any image or output you have simply by choosing the channel that you want to derive from for example here at you the luminance and it will create a mask derived from the luminance of the image additionally you can change the the low and the high I don't know how to call this the range perhaps you can change this if you want and now I could for example say where the background is black I don't need a light wrap or I don't need to be strong so I would simply take another bitmap mask tool hook our light breath in here into the yellow of course and now I will multiply this one on top sort of like this and you will see that it partially becomes darker okay of course because this is a light read we want to blur this so I bring in a blur node and by shift clicking and dragging over the pipe and releasing you can insert it so I will blur this image quite a bit and this is our light wrap and now what do we do here how do we finish the light wrap so I will drop in a boolean tool now you might ask oh my god this looks like very technical what is the boolean tool it boolean automatically sounds like math yeah but actually it's it can be very simple it can be very complex but it can be also very simple so for example I used this channel boolean mostly when I do the add and the multiplier operations and of course there are other operations that I use but I use it whenever I do add or multiply operations I use the boolean tool now I see people using the merge tool to do this kind of operation but there is a very tricky thing that you need to be very careful which I'm going to show you right after I've finished up the light wrap to create a light wrap i hook the boolean into the pipe of the foreground and then I hope the blurred background image into the foreground of the boolean tool and then something strange is going on here but as soon as we hook in our light wrap the strange happening disappears however for some reason the light wrap the library's halo that we have here doesn't seem to come through now this is because in the channel boolean the to alpha has still alpha foreground in it so it means it will take this alpha and it will add it to this alpha so this alpha here which you see is covers the whole the whole images are at alpha 1 at the moment and it will add it to our alpha of the background this one here now this will even result in having alpha values above 1 which should be avoided and you can also see I have some - values in there so this can be avoided let me see if I have the - values also in here there were some - values so after the Delta here you can just bring in the brightness/contrast and say click blacks that will get rid of the - values - values are really the bad boys and should be avoided at all times unless you're in a 3d war workspace there - values can actually be very helpful helpful I wanted to say healthy so here in the channel boolean to make our halo come back we simply say alpha do not touch and bang here's our light rep so to clarify things a little bit more I have prepared a small example here with circle and the word swag and we're gonna see how actually this behaves when using a merge and when using a boolean okay so the merge seems to be correct everything seems okay the Alpha also seems to be okay if we switch to the boolean you can see that the Alpha contains only the word swag and even the RGB contain only the word swag now this is simply because we are saying to put all channels from the foreground into the displayed channels so this will result in only seeing the foreground image now the reason why the channel boolean is somewhat a technical tool and very powerful is because you can decide what to actually do with the Alpha for example here I could say no no not the foreground alpha I want the background alpha for whatever reasons and then you can see that now if we switch to the Alpha we have only the circle okay and this can sometimes be used for certain tricks for example here doing alpha multiply gets rid of all the pixels that contain the alphabet is because the alpha multiply will take it will take you the alpha values that you have here you can see it at the bottom again I would take the other values which are zero despite having RGB values and it will multiply those other values with the RGB values resulting in zero or emptyness now here we had solid alpha values so they will remain now with the merge it's a little different the merge I use it usually to do all these typical classic operations that we know from Photoshop but you can see that there is no there is no add in there so the add is really just this alpha game down we get the same result as if we would set this to add and do nothing then we get the very same result it's the alpha is the same now this is not wrong there is no right or wrong it's just technically from a technical point of view this putana boolean is probably the way to go when it comes to these operations that are in here in this simple example of course it doesn't matter but you will definitely encounter situations where you really want to do certain things to your channels and then you would be very happy that there is the channel boolean [Music] I see [Music] [Music]
Channel: Pirates of Confusion
Views: 29,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DaVinci Resolve, DavinciResolve Fusion, Davinci Resolve Fusion VFX, Fusion in Davinci, Fusion 9, Fusion Merge, Fusion Boolean, DaFusion, DaVinci Resolve 15, Resolve, Grading, Compositing, Learn Fusion, Fusion Tutorial, Fusion Basics, Fusion getting started, Davinci getting started, Davinci resolve Basics
Id: RTZfLWnIqpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 12 2018
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