Master Chief & The BOUNTY | Tomato & Burger (Fortnite Animation)

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- [Tomato] So, where are we dropping? - I've been watching YouTube videos all week, got a new strategy for us to try out. - Oh, great. Let me guess, pistols only again? - No, no. Follow me! (Tomato sighs) Now we just gotta harvest the first floor of the lighthouse. Watch and learn! (Burger bangs) - Now what? - Now, we wait. - For what? - You'll see. - This is such a waste of time. We should have dropped at Salty-- (Tomato grunts) - Oh! An epic shotgun! (Tomato grunts) Sweet! A shield potion! Wow, look at all this gold! - (moans) My head is killing me. (upbeat music) What the hell is that? - It looks like you're being hunted, Tomato. I guess we should probably stop standing in a wide open area, completely vulnerable to enemy attacks, shouldn't we? - Ya think? Let's go inside that house and see if we can find some more loot. Okay, look for anything useful and listen up for footsteps. - Oh look, your threat is going up! Guess that means the bad guys are getting closer, huh? - Uh, who is it? - Are you here to collect the bounty bounty? - Bounty? No, that's not us. - Phew! - Phew! - Uh, well, we're still here to kill you. - Oh yeah, that's right. (gunshots firing) - Nice work. We took them out quick and easy. - Yeah, just like they should have done to "The Walking Dead" years ago. (drum beat) (audience laughs) Uh oh, look! - It looks like we're not out of the woods just yet. - Uh oh. You hear that? They're directly above us. - Maybe if we're really quiet they'll think we left. - Come on, let's see if the coast is clear. - Phew, that was a close one. - Yeah, if I didn't know any better, I'd say this would be the exact moment where the bad guys ambush us. - Today's forecast calls for plenty of snow with a slight chance of unconsciousness. (guns thudding) (buzzing) - Uh. How did we get here? - The last thing I remember is hearing one of the worst jokes of my entire life. - Welcome to Stealthy Stronghold! - What is going on here? - You have been chosen. - Yes, you have been chosen for the green one! - The green one? - Yes, the original sweat Lord. - He ruled long before the days of battle pass. - And he has come back to reclaim his throne. - Uh, what the hell is going on? - We're talking about our leader. - Our master. - Our chief. - Well, we officially stumbled into some cult (beeps) shit. - Silence! Well done my snowy subordinates. These two won't be causing any more trouble upon this battle royale. - Um, excuse me. Can someone tell us what's going on here? - Ah yes, you have become a tribute to my excellency. - Who are you supposed to be? A Power Ranger? - A Power Ranger, no! I hail from a long lost era where the skill of your rifle outweighed the prowess of your build. - Could you maybe dumb it down a notch there, Plato? - I am Master Chief, and I hail from a franchise called Halo, a game with honor that has been tarnished by the likes of you clowns and your battle royale. - Are the other Power Rangers here too. Ah, I've always had a crush on the Pink Ranger. - I am no Power Ranger, you stupid slab of meat! I have come here to reclaim the online multiplayer shooter, by imprisoning all those that participate in this foolish game. - Oh geez. We got a boomer on our hands. - Crack all the jokes you want now, for your sense of humor will be diminished after an eternity in this cage. - What are we gonna do? There's no way out of this thing. - I have an idea. Do you still have those douchey sunglasses? - What did you say? - I said do you still have those really cool sunglasses? - Yeah, right here? - [Burger] Watch and learn. (cage explodes) - What, impossible! - Some master you are. Hiring snowmen as your henchmen then posting up in a hot jungle? Real smart. - Typical boomer. Acting like the smartest in the room, but it turns out you're just a big dummy. - I'll show you to generalize an entire age group. (lasers firing) - [Tomato] What the hell is that thing? - I don't know, but two can play at this game. (bomb blasts) - What is this trickery? (screams) Oh no. (Master Chief screams) - Well, I guess Halo isn't the king of online shooters after all, huh Mr. Power Ranger? - My name is Master Chief. - Oh right, Master chief. Well, it looks like you've reached the end of the road, pal. - Just wait 'til Halo Infinite comes out. You'll see. - All right, old man, whatever you say. - Hey Tomato, wanna go practice our emotes? - [Tomato] Sounds like a plan to me. - Man, I hate this generation (upbeat music)
Channel: ArcadeCloud
Views: 234,606
Rating: 4.8904014 out of 5
Keywords: arcade cloud, arcadecloud, Squad, The Squad, tomatoandburger, fortnite tomato head, fortnite durr burger, fortnite chatper 2 season 5, fortnite snowmando outpost, fortnite snowmando challenges, fortnite lighthouse location, lockies lighthouse, fortnite the walking dead, fortnite daryl, halo, halo infinite, master chief, fortnite master chief, fortnite funny animation, funny fortnite memes, fortnite stealthy stronghold, fortnite animation, fortnite season 5, fortnite bounty
Id: logplVqmYfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 1sec (301 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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