Fortnite Except i have to GUESS the RARITY

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today i'm going to be doing a fun challenge i have to guess the rarity of the loot otherwise i can't use it this challenge is hard but it's actually a little doable i have somewhat of a chance to win but i'll be very sad when i guess a great weapon and i get a gold scar and then i can't use it but hopefully i'll get some cool items and win the game leave a like if you're excited and think i'll die instantly and use code tomato because it's the best code ever i would be lying if i told you guys that i wasn't nervous right now i need a chest all right here we go i'm gonna guess a green weapon are you serious well that's not good and there's somebody right there allow me to run away i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die is there another chest here please please please please please there's good news and bad news the good news is i'm not dead bad news is i still don't have a weapon and there's somebody right there why are there no chests anywhere wait i hear one i'm going to guess green again i feel like that's reasonable why why why why why why did i just get two insane chests and i can't use it this is not a good start i think there's another chest downstairs never mind i hear one though oh it's right here all right for the third time in a row i'm going to say a green weapon finally thank you that's what i was waiting for technically i said green right so that means i could use these minis oh well i'm gonna do it anyway hi there well that's embarrassing wow that hurt let's go so i got my first kill it only took three chests to do it but now i can get some more loot actually wait did i just get shot at why are you shooting the wall hello i have spot how did they shoot me i'm getting shot from behind me why [Music] so i got a little unlucky at retail row but it's fine i'm gonna land at the coliseum because the coliseum actually has a lot of chests a lot of them are hidden in the walls and stuff so i think eventually i'll be able to get a good weapon hopefully no all my money is flying out of my briefcase i'm gonna guess a blue weapon oh would you look at that it's blue i'm just kidding so let's go with the first chest i'm gonna go a little bold here and i'm going to say purple that's not good maybe that was a bad idea i knew i should have said green i think this chest is going to be bad i don't want it to be but i'm going to guess wait can you even get gray items out of a chest well let's find out i'm going to go with a grey weapon i can't believe this menace did you see that do you see that gold weapon right there yeah i can't use it and i'm upset about it that's really not cool all right let's go blue weapon it's purple why do i keep getting really good hand cannons this is so unlucky and really sad all right let's go green yes finally so having a weapon is a good start oh i hear people at the entrance let's destroy them wait i hear another chest alright let's guess blue oh i thought it was blue but i saw the truck splash it's actually green well that's unfortunate i was about to get really excited oh there's someone right here they have no idea that i'm here even though i just broke down that door hi there [Music] whoa let's go is that another chest that i hear i got a gold weapon before i can't use it i think this one also is gonna have a gold item let's go for gold that's not gold at all the only thing gold in that chest was the gold bars and that comes in every chest no way an epic chest that means it's gonna have purple or gold right but which one ah hold on let me google this legendary chests fortnite it contains any weapon epic or legendary so that's either purple or gold i'm gonna have to say gold let's go for gold come on no yeah like i'm upset very very upset i'm so mad so we opened like 955 chests at the coliseum and we got one weapon and it's a green shotgun hey somebody already opened that chest why didn't they take the weapon maybe they're doing the same challenge that i did if somebody goes to the coliseum right now and looks at all the open chests they're gonna find a bunch of gold and purple items and they're gonna be like why didn't that person pick up the items and it's because i can't and i'm sad about it all right i'm going to guess that this apple is gray well i did it good news everybody i just found out that chests cannot have grey items anymore it used to be that you can get great weapons from chest in fortnite but not anymore now you can only get green or better so that helps narrow it down a little bit move are you serious there is only 25 people left so i do have a little bit of a chance here we go a chance for more items i'm going to say blue i think we're going to get a blue item here can i take this shield is that cheating i did say blue item and not blue weapon i'm gonna take it i don't think that's cheating and even if it is cheating i need all the help that i can get considering i have seven bullets in a green shotgun and that's it this challenge is way harder than i thought it was gonna be this is even harder than the guess the loot challenge and that was hard why are there a bunch of toilets in the back of that truck wait does that mean that flush factory is coming back let me know what you think i hear a chest now's my chance i think we're gonna get something purple even though it's a little unlikely i'm gonna say purple are you serious why why that's twice in one game i'm so upset i'm gonna hide this so that nobody else could enjoy the gold item i can't even hide it nobody is allowed to get this item if i can't have it nobody can i can't believe that i got two gold hand cannons and i can't even use them i've been getting really unlucky i'm gonna try to make it easier and i'm just going to guess agreed item and hopefully i can get another weapon is this real life do you guys realize what you're watching right now and how unlucky this is i hate this challenge i've opened so many chests this game and i'm stuck with one green shotgun i hear another one let's go with blue hopefully no that's not blue when i say green it just happens to always be better and when i try to get something good it's always green this is just so sad wait how are there five people left are you telling me that it's possible to win this game if i had just guessed one of those weapons correctly i would feel way more confident my ability to win this game but i only have one shotgun and one apple that's not helpful at all but if i manage to win this game with only one green shotgun then i am the greatest fortnite player ever wait i can guess what's in the drops that's not a bad idea as long as i guess the rarity correctly then i should be able to get them right now usually drops have either purple or gold right they're kind of like epic chests or can they have worse than that let's look it up can it just says includes high tier weapons well that doesn't help oh supply drops grant one epic or legendary weapon oh well that's good but i still have to guess and i have to guess correctly there's two drops right here so i'm gonna guess one gold and one legendary and hopefully at least one of them is right let's say purple yes purple i got it nice i can't take the shields but that's fine and let's guess gold well that's not gold but it's fine i got a better shotgun that actually helps me out a lot hello oh good there's somebody right there two people right there they're fighting please don't notice me oh hi there brutus oh no people are gonna notice me all right i have to just run up stop here we go whoa i gotta kill let's go wait there's only one person left are you serious wait they're above me but they're below me i gotta get to the zone this is so dangerous hit 30. [Music] hit 20. ah no i'm trying to build why i want to build ah i'm so nervous ah i'm gonna eat the apple the apple might save my life [Music] let's go wow that was insane i am so happy right now look at all the good stuff this person had they had an exotic pistol they had a gold sniper and i beat them with just one purple shotgun i did get a little lucky otherwise i would have had to use a green shotgun but hey it's fine i did it i won a game i won the challenge now for the final attempt we're gonna land at hunter haven and hopefully we can win two games in a row i did it last time last time wait what challenge did i do last time wait was it the one chess challenge wait no the flint knock challenge when i did the flint knock challenge i won two games back to back with some really insane kills so maybe i could do it again and win two games in a row and then none of you guys can comment saying that i'm bad at fortnite anymore you can still call me bad if you want but i'd be kinda sad alright i'm feeling really lucky since we won that game so i'm gonna say purple well maybe i should not have felt lucky let's go purple i really should stop guessing purple oh so i was going to guess purple again but i kind of need a weapon really badly since there's people in the area so i'm gonna say green thank you if it was purple i was going to be really bad all right since i already have a weapon i can go a little crazy and guess purple oh no oh it's a bot hi there [Music] oh more people [Music] oh no all right that does not count one more game i need a chest i need a chest i need a chest there's a gnome is there really no chest here ah great somebody's in this house and they have a weapon goodbye please don't chase me i'm friendly yep i knew that was happening and of course it had to be with a gold hand cannon which i could have had last game ah that's so upsetting and the crazy thing is if i got to that chest first i was definitely going to guess gold and i would have been able to get it but i can't complain too much because i did win a game it means i'm the best fortnite player ever and since i won you must like this video and comment uh comment your favorite skin why not i hope you enjoyed the video subscribe if you're new and i'll see you next time where i'll probably lose but maybe i'll win who knows
Channel: Tomato - Fortnite
Views: 1,339,671
Rating: 4.9146819 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite battle royale, fortnite guess the rarity, fortnite except i have to guess the rarity of loot, fortnite loot, tomato fortnite, funny fortnite
Id: 8oftnwH6QUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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