Mandalorian & Salty Towers | Tomato & Burger (Fortnite Animation)

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you know when that human bling that can only mean one thing oh jeez are you serious this thing gets like a quarter mile to the gala and of course i don't have any gas canisters on me either ugh just my luck fear not helpless citizen what is this i am burger man and i've come to save the day i appreciate the help man but what's with the cake i guess i have to repeat myself i am burger man protector of these lands and defender of all things savory so you just put a cape on this why this is simply my type of justice it's often the last thing my enemies see before i strike them down on a beefy vengeance just to clarify you don't have any power i'm a talking hamburger that shoots guns what else do you want from me next time i'll just leave you stranded here what kind of idiot runs out of gas anyways you do realize there's literally a meter that tells you how much gas you have and it dings like a full two minutes before you run out i mean are you a [ __ ] what the hell you with the game are you a member of the avengers the avengers uh no sir i thought you were the protector of these lands what no you are this planet's protector um no i think there's been a slight miscommunication aren't you the defender of all things savory i'm just i'm just a burger the avengers are somewhere else check stark industries just a burger you say yes beautiful can you believe that there wasn't a single burger spot across all of intergalactic space i am famished oh my god what have i done hey friend eaten by the big guy huh uh yeah it looks that way are you ant-man sure am the one and only but you can call me scott wow pleasure to meet you so galactus ate you too huh well no he didn't eat me then how do you oh there you are i think it's time to show this dick what happens when you mess with the foods of fortnite hey that should be our superhero group name has a nice ring to it [Music] yeah my friend's been eaten by galactus i have no clue how to defeat him he's invincible i'm not quite sure how to take down galactus just yet but i think i know a way we can rescue your meaty companion hey you the one whose head looks like an extra large soda [Music] [Applause] wow so you really flew a helicopter after galactus to try and save me of course i did but only because you'd do the same for me wow tomato that means so much i guess it goes to show that at the end of the day it's not the cape that makes the hero but the courage to do what's necessary oh burger that's one of the nicest things anyone's ever said to me even if all you really did was crash a helicopter and get bailed out by real heroes you're still a winner in my book pal okay all i'm saying is that galactus would have won the fight but epic rigged it in favor of the avengers here we go with the conspiracy theories again you know i never took you for a sheep tomato look galactus thought he had iron man thor storm and captain america defeated but once all the punches were counted the avengers came out on top can we really trust the people counting those punches all right i've heard enough hey what's that [Music] what's wrong tomato you look like you've seen a [Music] should we say hi yeah i i think that's probably a good idea [Music] uh hi there my name's tomato uh great to meet you tomato huh sounds like your mother was pretty creative with the whole naming thing yeah uh what's your name christina you know those sesame seeds really bring out the glow in your lettuce well thank you yeah i used to date an impossible meat gal back in college but i think 100 grass-fed beef is definitely my type oh i'm a grain fed actually sizzle could i have a word with you fear be my back how's it going man good she's pretty cool she's grain fed though so i wouldn't be able to bring her home to my parents what about you i don't know i have a funny feeling about this maybe we should just fail bail are you joking come on tomato when is the last time you were in a relationship you gotta put yourself out there man all right i guess i can give it one more shot say ladies what do you say we get out of here and hit up this why don't you shut the hell up before i blow that mustache off your face this is a rubbery drop your mouth some weapons or you're dead what's going on sizzle i thought you were hitting it off i saw the look in your eye when i said i was grain fed you disgust me it's unnatural i can't help the way i was raised that's enough we're done talking give us your stuff or you're dead i knew you were a spineless coward let's head over to slurpee bigots wow i haven't been rejected this hard since i asked out that baconator chick back when i worked at the roller rink god this is humiliating now you know why i don't put myself out there come to think of it maybe a battle royale isn't the best place to pick up girls what was that it sounds like someone's in trouble maybe we'll be able to pick up some weapons once the dust settles good point let's check it out i think the screams came from over here please what happened here batman he's he's killing everyone i thought batman didn't even have powers he he hacked the game every weapon was legendary we stood no chance where is he now slurpee swamp please save yourselves yeesh well that was heavy hey weren't christina and sizzle heading to slurpee don't tell me you want to save them they rejected us like a couple of losers i know but if batman really does have all legendary weapons and he's hacking the game they don't stand a chance oh i forgot take this legendary burst ar and use it to defeat batman no go avenge me come on burger we can't just let them walk into a death trap out of all the episodes you choose now to be the good guy oh for the love of fine let's go [Music] hey batman what the hell man what i thought you didn't kill what's going on that was before all this marvel bull crap iron man this thor that even ghost rider is here now who the hell likes ghost rider dude what are you talking about i am the caped crusader the dark knight and this stupid game left me in the dust well no more i am not going to stop until i kill everyone in every battle royale on the planet have you ever considered therapy i can't believe we have to deal with these bozos again i know but there's no way we can take down batman on our own okay i have an idea hey losers if you help us kill batman we could go on a double date afterwards seriously yeah i am not going on a date with that burger don't worry you won't have to man i haven't seen this much talking food since scarecrow blew his gas in my face that's enough talking prepare to go boom prepare to go boom really shut up i'm new to this whole villain thing my leg tomato gotta have some fresh ketchup for lunch can't wait thank you for the help guys we would have been dead if it weren't for you we do owe you our thanks you're welcome christina yeah don't mention it so how about those dates now yeah about that well if we learned one thing today it's that there's nothing wrong with rejection everyone has different tastes and personalities and it's really all about finding someone who is right for you oh god i'm so alone oh don't worry about him he'll be just fine you know what tomato i'm gonna go out on a limb here and say we get a win this time a win when's the last time we got a win good question we'll have to go through all the old episodes have we ever gotten a win yeah of course we did and when was that um well we definitely got one in chapter two season two maybe i don't remember that okay whatever the fact of the matter is we're gonna win this game all right if you say so why'd we land here there's like one chest i don't know looks cool i guess freeze oh look it's a cowboy made out of pancakes that's uh why don't you hooligans give me one good reason why i shouldn't blow you halfway to butter barn right now uh cause we're food skins man gotta stick together yeah if we're gonna fight amongst ourselves how are we gonna stop all the jerks out there who just want to eat us i suppose that's a fair point you said your name was what man cake fresh out of season five i'm sure i'm happy to be part of the fortnight they just don't put any effort into these names anymore do they nope hey look he dropped some kind of orb never seen anything like this before must be a new item huh we've located the target hey you stop right there i've got an idea we gotta jump in you go first i'll be right behind you you don't gotta tell me twice that was a close one you can say that again [Music] what was that it's a child congratulations tomato you're a father a father oh this is so exciting hello little one i'm your uncle burger it's a pleasure to meet you oh he loves me i can't wait to take him for a move he had risky reels and teach him how to drive and teach him how to use a shotgun and hold on just a second there i never agreed to adopt this thing its parents could be wandering around here looking for it right now good point well we just can't leave them here oh fine maybe somebody in this coliseum knows who the kid belongs to hello anyone lose a tiny green baby this doesn't feel like a bad idea or anything oh lighten up hello is anyone here you there what business have you with the child we found him in the desert and now we're just trying to find out who he belongs to i see well it just so happens that i have a proposition for you why do i feel like i'm not gonna like this what kind of proposition considering you have stepped foot in my coliseum you have no choice but to face me in glorious combat doesn't sound like much of a proposition i am not finished if you defeat me i will grant you this legendary assault rifle that will surely strike fear into any poor soul that happens to cross your path okay and if you win then i will get to keep the child what why would we hand this kid over to a barbarian like you you'll probably eat him or something eat him nonsense i have always dreamed of being a father ever since i swore an oath to the arena i may have spent many a day in the fierce clutches of combat but fatherhood is my true calling uh okay yeah sure whatever let's get this over with [Music] now this is some quality at a time is that all you got apple boy dude are you serious i'm clearly a tomato silence oh crap you've reached the end of the line hand over the child and i'll spare your life never this is fortnite that was pretty epic nice job tomato i guess you really do want to father this kid after all huh ugh son of a you handle with a child dude come on i literally just got done killing another guy can you give me like two minutes to rest i have accepted a quest to deliver the child to its kind hand him over or i'll be forced to terminate you oh perfect we've been looking for you between you and me this one's not very good parent material so long baby yoda we'll miss you his name is grogu grogu well that's [ __ ] stupid we're just gonna call him baby yoda well that was fun hmm i've got an idea hey look we did it finally [Music] [Music] you
Channel: ArcadeCloud
Views: 283,816
Rating: 4.9167342 out of 5
Keywords: arcade cloud, arcadecloud, The Squad, tomatoandburger, tomato head, durr burger, fortnite fashion show, fortnite chapter 2 season 4, fortnite chapter 2 season 5, fortnite aquaman, fortnite marvel, fortnite baby yoda, fortnite mandalorian, fortnite grogu, fortnite colossal coliseum, funny fortnite animation, fortnite new map, funny fortnite memes, fortnite chapter 2, fortnite animation, fortnite season 5, fortnite zero point, fortnite bounty
Id: 3pNxQkTZDhY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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