CRAZY! Millions of fish at these farms.

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when we start they should be almost like they're like this big church water 24 hours a day as we know that the food will not run directly to the filter a smart [Music] you're breathing around three million okay she posted a gift what's goofy we're not seeing this in America yeah we didn't so yeah yeah this is our fish looks like you see with it's very important part that the fish will be a we live short body and I feel we draw best that the fish will be mini will fortify we limited that long the fat yeah this is crazy so this is the brine shrimp the bike should we do trick you everything the kill chip Wow friendship that is Wow that's crazy Frenship hatcheries so big if to get on a ladder order if I could look at it let's see if I get yelled at look at this look how much air the company a [Music] I don't know how many millions and millions and millions of dollars facility costs but it's insane you feed the brine shrimp once a day or is it multiple times a day okay I mean the fish need to eat all day long yeah you feed them three times a day you have and the water quilty go up and down yeah they can each move right who's the better Wow whole different kind of IG from Cola in Israel know what I want to see I have a in aquariums what I keep here is a mm1 main 410 female ok this is the way we feed them should be like this since they are in the net we feed them inside this now they don't come because they are more intelligent how many tanks do you have here like a thousand it's like you're far as the eye can see here okay I am crazy okay yeah you cut it you can go live I find my family and so other people learn no problem when did you decide to do Rams roms Oh actually I'm started on 2010 okay andis 2010 okay in 2011 since the discus market in your pair because hard for us to complete yes the Far Far East boodles know you have from the domestic business from Germany this is how you know you're shipping a lot of fish when this is the bagging station so you put air into the bag this is the crimper so it crimps the bag like you've seen us getting imports and you just keep moving to the next shipment and they're sitting in here in bags ready to go and then you'd load them into the styrofoam like you can see they've got lots of styrofoam then they're loading into the boxes and this is where who's distributing them in the United States no this is them in the United States so I haven't even gone over here yet hopefully I don't get yelled at oh it's cuppy's is it all Guppies over here oh I'm gonna get in trouble yeah Wow the water is boiling Wow that is amazing Oh over here is a better camera angle for you guys nice I know what else is down here more Guppies so you can see all the fry go inside the basket they hide so they don't get eaten Wow look at all the breeders many many I don't know what's over here it's kind of fun to just explore this is a very long trough I wonder what's in here Oh fry of something very small fry ah I think is all for Guppies on the other side so you see lots of air right as I'm always saying air is super important so in a farm this scale right they have air stones going about every six feet these are very powerful air stones you can see then they're also running the trickle towers to get further oxygen in the water because it limits growth and stuff like that so if you don't get enough and this is like the Lukas Brett's shot right here I'll have to take a picture of that for him I want to show how many Fischer in here just take a scoop of how many angels did this show how many are in here let me know when yeah yeah we did it dip so many unbelievable how many you think there's 5,000 in here or you can tell you almost exactly okay 6550 Wow yeah there is so many in here and you can't believe it tell me isn't the best filming ever Chris it's pretty good yeah I'm sorry but we have only double beds we'll make do it Wow what does that rants it's good bye [Applause] Wow [Applause] and how many you're in this pond that you could pull from 16,000 16,000 Rams and one known blue engine fish and holy angels yeah how many fish do you think you have on the farm is it like a million its surrounding women around a million yes Wow I believe it there's two month old boy and they have a conveyor belt that feeds them so it turns a little bit very slowly the food drops down all the fish collect underneath it a lot of the colors haven't come out yet the conveyor belt millions of koi as a farm you [Music] [Music] how many fish are on the farm do you think roughly is it like a few million gotta be up there the tutors 3,000,000 our city of what a one two thousand fifteen years around three million okay [Music]
Channel: Aquarium Co-Op
Views: 1,689,487
Rating: 4.7292633 out of 5
Keywords: Aquarium Co-Op, Aquarium Co op, Aquarium Coop, fish farm, fish farming, pet fish, aquarium fish, fish tank, tropical fish, freshwater fish, freshwater aquarium, fish aquarium, fish farm tour, fish farming business, tropical fish farm, guppy fish farm, angelfish fish farm, koi farm, koi fish far
Id: NXsJei6Yhjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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