How to Breed Bettas in Tubs! (Super Easy)

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hey how's it going everyone welcome back to kingfish simple so in today's video it's a popular demand video and in today's video we're going to be talking about how to read betters and specifically in tub so i haven't made a video specifically on this i made a video which was like a vlog and we talked about it and vlogged it really well a lot of people are asking how to do it and i'm going to go into real depth in today's video explain how i do it because i did a whole breeding series you can watch it up in the top right hand corner on how to breed these guys and i was successful and actually very profitable but the thing was it's too complicated a method i think i actually changed my method to breeding in tub so i was bringing in a two foot tank originally i figured out how to do this so down here you can see we've got three tubs this isn't completely my idea i mean i've seen videos on youtube using this idea and i'm not going to take full credit for it but i'll explain how i've done it and um take you through the whole process hopefully of breeding my yellow hell voids and getting fried because i'm really keen on getting some fry them but hopefully from this video you guys can be successful so today we're going to be bringing three pairs hopefully i'm gonna be bringing a yellow hellboy and a yellow hellboy a yellow hellboy and a long thin koi kind of galaxy thing hopefully some alien betters i've had them spawn but they won't fertile so we'll see so these are tubs you can get these from kmart i think they're about they're definitely under ten dollars these are four liters they fit about 15 cups i don't know they're probably like 10 centimeters high you don't want a really really high cup or you don't want a really really high tub because the male is going to have a hard time going up and down trying to collect the eggs when they do the spawn the best thing about these tubs is you can see on the side they're glazed over so you can't have the better seeing each other but you can use this front bit which is like clear to actually see if the beds have spawned now besides this tub this is probably the minimum size i'd use i wouldn't go smaller than this created this divider which is just a bottle cut to the height not hard to make this is for the female to go into i've got a piece of bubble wrap here you don't need this but this is just for the male to start his bubble nest under and an indian island needs to bring the ph of the water down keep in mind the water needs to be hot and in this fish room will run it at about 28 degrees which is insanely hot so these guys will need hot water you'll need relatively soft water like a ph of seven and lower they will breathe probably higher but um i mean any anomaly will help to bring it down the ph isn't too important for getting them to spawn yeah i guess we'll set these tubs up and uh we'll add the male betters and yeah let's just let's just get to work so we'll fill up our tubs this is just normal tap water okay so the next stage of this is going to be to chlorinate it which is very important keep in mind you could just use aged tank water if you wanted to but i prefer to just start fresh so just a couple of drops okay so now we've done that the setup is going to be indian armor armory we'll add that there you can just get these like on ebay and stuff like that lots of people sell these because they're really good for betters and also cherry shrimp things like that these are also helpful for being like antibacterials because the tannin actually helps to get rid of like lots of fungus and things like that which can affect the eggs and the fish but i will add a bubble wrap however it doesn't matter where you add it because it'll just float around in here we'll take our divider put it in a corner and that's literally it so now it's all about conditioning your hair and timing so you're probably wondering how i condition my pears well i use a little bit of live black worms and i use some pellets it doesn't matter what colors just use like better bio gold or whatever your normal pellets are you want to feed them up give them like about two weeks to really fatten up and you'll see the females become really big i'll actually show you now this is one of the females there's an unboxing for this female and she's ready to go so this is a yellow hellboy female her shape's not that great but these are really hard to get in australia so we can't be completely fussy but you can see right there her belly's full so she's hopefully full of eggs she's been eating a lot of black worms and things like that the main thing to look for is the egg spot which isn't as pronoun on this fish if you continue to breed males i've noticed that if you don't give them enough time to recover they can actually starve and uh it's not good there's nothing you really need to look for with the males just like a big healthy strong male here's a perfect example of a conditioned female so not as plump as we want but that egg spot's really really out let's see that egg spots really out on her so not as many eggs but definitely ready to spawn so she's going to be spawning today as well as our other female step one is going to be to get your males and you want to add them to your box and you want to leave them in there for about an hour to settle in and uh mark that area as their territory and then you can add the females and what's going to happen is you leave them overnight so this is right now it's like five o'clock in the evening you leave them in there overnight what will happen is the male will build a bubble nest so when you come back in the morning he'll be building his bubble nest once he's like done building his bubble nose he's really showing interest in the female we'll then release them so about 10 a.m the next morning hopefully they have like a spawn so glad our males now so here you can see this male is ready to go he's actually started to build a bubble nest in his container like up here up here you can see that bubble nest being built so he's ready to go this is a yellow hellboy male we're gonna be breeding him with that female you saw before so we'll take him so we'll add him to his container so this here is one of our alien betters we'll see how he goes i'm not too sure if he's gonna breed or not but hopefully he does very very skittish compared to a lot of the better splendens that i've been breeding so and final male this is actually a male that i bred this is a half moon a long thin half moon better probably got a little bit more color to develop but it's a really young better and i actually prefer breeding young betters and old bitters because they normally make better spawns so we'll take him so now what we're going to do is we're going to leave these guys in here for about an hour for them to settle in and you want to put the lids on whenever you're not around because they'll just jump these guys will jump if they're if they feel like a little bit stressed or if you walk past something like that and you know what i'm jumping out and drying out so we'll leave these guys for an hour then we'll add the females so it's been an hour i doubt our males have done anything but they've settled in a little bit more you can see they're swimming around and they've kind of marked this area as their territory so we're gonna go ahead and add our females this is female number one she can go in with the male the eyebread so the um the galaxy koi long fin half moon and you'll see we'll add her here into our little divider area okay so female 2 she can go in with the yellow hellboy because most of these guys might take one or two attempts to get them to breathe so we'll do that and this female here is a bit of a question mark this is the alien better female i don't know whether she's ready to spawn i mean but you guys will see over the next couple of days how much this water will darken up from these indian almond leaves like it'll really become tanned and really the ph will drop quite a bit and um you can see here the males have already started to flare females and really really really exciting for me so okay so what's going to happen now is we'll cover these guys up until tomorrow morning where we'll come back in the morning we'll see if they build their bubble nest in about 16 hours we'll add we'll introduce the males and hopefully we get some spawning i'll catch up with you guys in the morning okay so it's now the next morning and we're gonna have a look and see whether we've got any bubble nests so this is the first tub with our galaxy koi and hellboy and we can see we've already got a huge bubble nest here and a ton of interest so this is looking really really good and promising we'll go to our second tub which is the alien better you can see we've got another bubble nest which is really really good as well this one's not as big but hopefully we get some breeding and this is the really important one for me and this is the third one and we've got another huge bubble nest here with our hellboy hellboyz so we'll take the females out now and introduce them to the males and see how it goes so if these guys don't spawn by tonight this is now the next morning then i spawned by tonight we'll take the females out and we'll try and repeat the whole process again until we get some spawning so you can see there's a little bit of aggression here but hopefully it sorts itself out and we get some spawning from this female or release this alien better female see how that goes and we'll release this hellboy female so now it's just a waiting game we seem really really keen here uh now it's just a waiting game hopefully some spawning happens if i see any i'll record it but i'll check up with you guys hopefully in the afternoon when we have maybe some eggs that'd be really really cool but um yeah really exciting stuff so it's been about 10 or 15 minutes and it's gonna be a little bit hard to record so please excuse my recording because these aren't the best tubs to recording but you can see we've got definitely interest here now i'm gonna have to head off and uh i won't be able to record these guys spawning but what will normally happen male 1 will embrace a female and they go into this like weird lock and then they'll drop a bunch of eggs to the bottom and the male pick them up and put them in the bubble there so you can see this interest here this second tub's not looking as good i think that alien bed is actually a bit of a dud and he's not that good at swimming and i haven't been able to see it because he hasn't been in an aquarium for very long so but over here these guys will really really active as well so uh hopefully these guys breed very very soon but um we'll check up in the afternoon uh how we're going and if we got any spawns and yeah so that's what's up right now okay so it's now the other and we're back and we're gonna have a look inside the tub so we'll take the lids off of all of them and have a look so we'll look over here and we can see in our first bubble nest that there aren't any eggs unfortunately so that's part of whole breeding process there's no eggs in here at the moment so that's terrible we'll come over here to the alien bettas and there's again no eggs so that's terrible as well and finally over here in the yellow hellboys there's no eggs as well so the females are all fat looking like they want to breed but no breeding today and that might just mean that the females aren't ready and part of breeding bettas is a bit of consistency and trying and trying until those females are ready so what we're going to do we're going to take our dividers and separate the females out again so i'm not going to worry too much about destroying that bubble next because there's nothing in it that's important and we'll put our females back into their divider and we'll try again tomorrow morning so so it's now the following day and we're going to have another attempt so there's still going to be all the bubble nests like we can see here these are actually really big bubbles for a bubble nest what we're going to do is we're going to release the females today and see if we get spawning today so this is part of the process a lot of people just have one attempt and uh not be successful and that's not the way to go about it you've got to keep going and going and going i'll probably have like three or four attempts and if nothing happens i'd just recondition all the fish and try again so we'll see if we get some spawning today that'd be really really cool i think a lot of the females are actually keen today hopefully we get some of the yellow fish breeding which would be really cool so i'll catch up with you guys if any breeding starts but hopefully fingers crossed something happens so it's now the afternoon and we're going to check the containers and see if we had any spawns so okay so we'll go to our first container and in here you can see our bubble nest we have some little eggs so you can see all those eggs there i'm not too sure you can see the females hiding underneath that indian arm and leaf and the males trying to keep her away you can see here that um all the the eggs are in the nest so they would have done their spawning this morning and i wish i had that on film for you guys to see but uh that's really really exciting so this isn't pure hellboy but this is going to be hopefully some really really good looking fish so what we're going to do is we're going to take the female out of here we'll have a look over at this bubble nest so you can see in here so i don't know whether he's going to be fertilized because this male did not fertilize these last time but you can see there's some eggs in here in our alien bedders that female will be hiding in here somewhere if we come over to this last one these are the pure hellboys i don't think i can see any eggs in here so we'll have to repeat these guys tomorrow i'll keep you guys updated on the other ones and uh the growth of those frying if they hatch and everything like that and walk you through the process of how to get these guys on the bbs which is baby branching for you guys who don't know what that is really really exciting we'll quickly remove these females so we just removed all the female betters from their containers and here we have the female yellow hellboy that didn't spawn so i want you guys to have a look at her and you can see how plump she is now maybe she is not ready yet because you can see that her over positive's not out so we're going to continue to try i might tomorrow introduce her again you can see she's really really plump and she's got some ro in her i'm pretty sure so what we're going to be doing is we're going to leave her in this cup and we're going to just feed her a bunch of little live black ones and things like that to continue to condition her because part of conditioning betters like i'd say 80 percent of the actual getting a spawn is all about conditioning making sure that female's ready to go because otherwise she won't spawn there's nothing you can do unless she's ready so but for now all you guys at home the process is you basically leave the mail in here to take care of this bubble nest and his eggs and raise these guys up into little tiny itty bitty bitters so what you're gonna need to do from here is prepare some foods for those fry when they do come so what's gonna happen is he's gonna keep blowing bubbles onto this nest making sure those eggs stay up in the bubble nest so if any fall he's gonna push them back up here until these guys hatch and start to freeze swim where there'll be just hundreds of these guys hopefully i don't know how many eggs are in here you'll know when you see the fry swimming around how many you're going to get they're very very easy to take care of and at this stage the the thing that i'm going to add to this aquarium is some java moss to create some infusoria for the windows fryer ready and some baby brine shrimp so you can hatch baby brown shrimp yourself there's plenty of videos on the youtube platform so i'm not going to go into too much depth on how to hatch baby branch room but everyone here who's never done that before don't be scared it's very very simple and easy um i have three branches of hatcheries up here which are turned off right now but those all hatch baby branch from four when i feed my fry and you're going to want to do that so there's food for the fry to eat but the java moss i think it's very very important because it's going to house all those infusories and all those tiny little itty bitty microorganisms for those try to eat when they are first born because they are very tiny like a little eyelash they won't be able to eat baby branching from the start or some of them will but some of the smaller ones will definitely need that if you saw here to survive so we'll add some java moss to this tank and leave these guys for the next couple of days all right so it's been about two days since the last time i recorded and our eggs have started to hatch now take all the lids off again and this is very important to keep all the lids on just because the fish love to jump especially betters so a look in this first tub and you can see in here he didn't do a great job fertilizing this first batch which is very normal for a first-time male um you can see right here in the middle of the screen those are two little eyeballs you can see right there and you can see underneath this bubble nest a bunch of those little tiny eyeballs which are our little baby betters so we've thrown in some java moss like i showed you before now it's going to be full of infusoria that's going to help them to grow until they can eat baby brine shrimp we're also going to be feeding some powdered food which i'd highly recommend just a little bit to get them onto that stage so this is our first tub you can see the smell here is very protective he's been doing a pretty good job at keeping this bubble nest going he's actually expanded it yeah now there's the top off the bubbles are kind of popping but i'm not too sure how many fry there are in here but yeah this is the first tub and then we'll come over here i'm very very very excited about this because we've actually got fry somehow so you can see in here there's a bunch of these alien butterfry which is just super exciting i can't believe that we've got an alien butterfry and these guys will be the same as the ones you saw before they're gonna need probably some little uh these guys are gonna need some powdered foods to get onto that size where they can eat the baby brine shrimp i'm super excited about these guys i haven't read these before and a lot of people have been asking me how i'm going to breed them so fingers crossed the male doesn't eat any of these eggs we'll leave these for another couple of days until they are all free swimming and you'll see them all along the top of the surface of the water and that's when we'll probably remove that male because he's no longer needed in here that's really exciting to see that they've hatched now these two have just been introduced to each other this morning and uh it was looking like they're gonna breed so we'll leave them for a little bit longer we'll see if they start to breed so i'll wait around and try and record some of the breeding because i haven't recorded any of these guys breeding because i've just been a little bit busy but okay so it's been another two days since the last time i recorded and we now have free swimming little fry so if you come and look in this box this is the long fin half moon things out males just pushing all these guys back up into the bubble nest these guys have started to free swim today so you can see two fry in this bubble nest right here now this spawn isn't as big as other spawns i've seen in the past it's really hard to focus on some of these guys because they're like little tiny eyelashes in this tub find a few more in here so there's a decent amount not a crazy amount these guys will be more confident with their swimming tomorrow you can see there's a few around here so they're mainly sticking to the bubble nest right now but tomorrow they will start to venture off and that's when we can start to feed them so they aren't attached to the bubble nest like they were two days ago they're all free swimming but they're staying close to dad right here even more exciting for me is over here these are the alien bettas so you can see all these guys are actually really doing a good job at free swimming and we might be able to feed these guys today so there's quite a few more of these guys i think it's very very exciting because i've been trying to spawn these guys for a while and i know a lot of you guys have wanted to see how these guys get spawned so what i'm going to do from here is i'm going to take care of them the way i would so i might feed a little bit of some dusted hikari first bites today just so if there are any of these guys that need to eat they do get fed we'll keep feeding these guys probably until tomorrow where i will take the mail out and that's where we'll end the video because after that you basically just got to feed them baby brown shrimp and raise them up like you would with any other fish now if you come over to this box you can see that we still haven't got a spawn over here which is kind of annoying because these guys are the yellow hellboys that we've been trying to spawn the whole time and we will get them to spawn it's just that this female's just not ready and uh they need a little bit more time to condition and they're gonna have a break for about a week and then i'm gonna attempt again so if you guys want to see these guys spawn head over and hit the subscribe button and you guys can watch the vlogs and in some of the vlogs i'll be doing updates on these guys when i read them so we'll take these guys out of this tub and shut this tub down and basically quit for now let this male recover because you can see he's a little bit skinny and needs to eat a little bit more and she needs to obviously get a little bit more plump so so it's now the following day and you're going to have to forgive me because the audio is going to be a little bit louder because i've got all the air pumps running but you can see we've got a bunch of this little fry swimming around on the top of each one of these boxes now today's the day where we're going to start to feed some baby brown shrimp and we're also going to take the males out of these boxes so similarly yesterday there's still a bunch of these guys in and around the bubble nest but these guys aren't as reliant on their dads anymore since there's a bunch of these guys in the draft most eating that infusoria like i said before and there's actually a ton of these alien better fried which you can see in here as well so there's actually more alien better than there are these other normal betters so you can see there right on the top of the surface a bunch this little alien bitter fry now so we're going to be feeding some hikari first bites like we did yesterday but we're also going to be introducing some baby brine shrimp so this is my baby branch hatchery and uh i'm not going to explain how to do this but um what we're going to do is we're going to have some baby bronzer from here i'm going to feed a couple of drops and we're going to take the males out of those boxes and then that'll be basically the whole process so i just unplugged this hatchery and you can see all these little baby brine shrimp coming down to the bottom of the bottle so we're going to harvest them in a second but while that happens we can take the males out of the breeder boxes and put them back into their containers okay so we've just moved our males back to their original boxes and you can see they're doing really well they're a little bit skinny but um they're gonna be eating and uh recovering over the next two weeks until they do another batch hopefully but this guy's just an absolutely beautiful male anyways we've got our baby brian trip over here and i just wanted to show you guys what this stuff looks like so these are just little baby sea monkeys you can see them all swimming they're attracted to the light and i feed these to all my fries so when i feed this stuff really you don't want to overfeed your bettas because what's going to happen is if you overfeed it those baby brown shrimp they're going to last in here for about four to six hours i'd say and after that they start to die and when they die they're gonna they're gonna decompose and then turn into ammonia and you can have a pneumonia spiking that's not gonna feel better so i'll probably use one of these little syringes do a little bit of a lap around and then one lap over the other side too we'll do that and then we'll also like yesterday feed some of that hakari first bite dust and that should be good to go now if you guys want to watch the updates of these guys over the next coming months um be sure to subscribe and watch the vlogs because i'll be doing updating you guys on how these guys are going in the vlogs so that's probably the best way to continue watching this if you're keen on watching this but um yeah it's pretty much going to wrap this up guys so thank you so much for watching this video i really do appreciate it and i'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: KeepingFishSimple
Views: 412,506
Rating: 4.8992176 out of 5
Id: H4tKqm-JN2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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