Massive Helldivers 2 Update Nerfs SOLO Play, Buffs Automatons, Nerfs Quasar, and MUCH More!

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what's up Legends today is yet another great day a new major update just dropped where the focus of this update was a lot of weapon balancing I'm talking 23 changes done to weapons and that's not counting strategy and enemy tweaks and today we're going to be taking a look at all of these changes as well as key fixes included in this patch and talk about them as well so without any further Ado let's get right into it starting off with the general changes is armors with armor rating above 100 I'll also reduce damage on head shot and this will most notably impact the damage we take when we're fighting automatons I don't expect we'll notice a dramatically obvious change right away it'll just make fighting automatons a little bit easier also Victory poses will now only play for the extracted so if you didn't quite make it to the extraction point there shall be no flexing from you then we get to the biggest part of this update which are the massive weapon changes and we start off this list with the exploding crossbow exploding crossbow will now have a smaller radius explosion with a stronger stagger also we will have worse ergonomics when it comes to the crossbow which in case you didn't know what that means it means the higher the ergonomics on a weapon the faster you can move or turn while wielding said weapon so the crossbow in other words will turn slower also another buff to it was its muzzle velocity was increased right away I'm not too sure about this change it seems that they want to make it a bit more powerful against the bigger guys by giving it a buff and stagger but this change is a change that will definitely need to be tested as reading it like this is rather unclear whether the changes will be best for the crossbow or for the worst moving on to the quazer cannon it increased recharge Time by 5 Seconds so yeah light a candle up for the hell divers we're taking an L on this one okay so when I read this I thought the recharge time was nerfed to 5 seconds in between each shot but guys it's increased by 5 Seconds meaning it adds 5 Seconds longer to what we already had in between each shot and holy crap Expendable anti-tank gang where you at now moving on to the adjudicator which is the new Marksman rifle we have in Hell divers 2 this weapon felt amazing to use in terms of ergonomics but its damage was rather terrible so let's see what they did to it we got a reduction in Recoil more magazines to play around with and it is now considered an assault rifle don't really expect it will increase much of its use as most of the assault rifles are just all right but anyways it's a step in the right direction the laser cannon also received the buff it had an increase to its damage but a decrease to its damage versus large volume bodies which I'm guessing it's referring to things such as the big bubble butt on the BIOS Speers the Chargers backside biot Titan sack and things of the sort but the overall increase to its damage should in itself make the laser cannon quite more decent especially seeing how the laser cannon actually has a place when going up against the amatons I expect it will shine a little bit more against them and moving on to the Punisher plasma which in my eyes is is one of the worst primary weapons in the game there was a decrease in magazine count an increase in projectile speed and a buff to its explosion damage making the fallof damage not be as bad and it's also now considered an energy weapon looking at it it's yet one of those changes that's hard to tell whether this is a solid buff or a mediocre one at Best as there is testing that needs to be done to see how much of an improvement the projectile speed and the falloff Damage really is however I'm especially happy about the falloff damage Improv movement as it can perhaps turn this weapon into a pretty solid AOE choice to use moving on the shameful R12 Blitzer got an increase to its RPM matter of fact it's an increase to its RPM of 50% so that's quite a hefty buff to it I actually want to give this weapon another shot the Eruptor on the other hand got a sharp Nerf let me tell you guys I definitely don't think this weapon deserved a Nerf at all I know a lot of you guys enjoy this weapon but personally I've always found this weapon to be kind of a mediocre pick and to see its magazine count nerfed by 50% and on top of that have its explosion damage drop off as well it's a sad sight to see the AOE of it was already no great feat about it and to make it even weaker seems like an odd move in my opinion let me know what you guys think about that the CLE also got a Nerf to its ma count cutting it down by 50% as well from 6 to three although I personally don't think this is as big of a deal as its ammo count regenerates so it shouldn't be a big deal at all the Scythe also got a MAG reduction from 6 to 4 but had its damage increase from 300 to 350 damage a decent 16 is% increase it seems like mag reduction was kind of the trend of this balance update Arrowhead is probably wanting us hell divers to feel ammo is a bit more scarse therefore having to resort to other choices it seems like which is an interesting move by them the rail gun oh glorious rail gun we miss you bud the rail gun had an increase to its armor penetration in both unsafe and safe mode but its stagger was slightly reduced oh boy I'm not going to lie as soon as I wrap up this video I got to run a rail gun game I want to see how much of an increase to the armor penetration we're talking about here by the way it's good to see a buff to the rail gun the Stagger wasn't really all that relevant the only relevant stagger in my opinion was the Stagger it could do to the biot Titan when doing a Max damage shot but we'll see how this will feel out moving on to the heavy machine gun it also now has a Crosser in third person that's solid I guess the diligence counter sniper had a 10% damage increase and an improvement to its ergonomics which is great to see snipers are in a pretty bad state right now the regular diligence had a 12 is% damage increase as well which is also nice to see and onto the sidearms we had the Redeemer get a bit of a NERF with an increase to its recoil and as someone who used the Redeemer like 90% of the time honestly I kind of get it the Redeemer was simply King there was little reason to use any other sidearms the peacemakers got a 25% damage increase from 60 to 75 per shot which I actually really like to see I personally enjoy pistols like this and The Peacemaker feels really solid to use the senator revolver though got a double buff let's go it had its damage increase by 17 is% going from 150 to 175 and we got a speed loader boys let's go new sidearm of Choice incoming I'm actually extremely excited about this onto the dagger sidearm it also got a large buff increasing its damage by 33% from 150 to 200 damage which is a really solid upgrade much needed as well the sidearm was very poor The Liberator AR got a damage increase of five from 55 to 60 which just helps out the damage a little bit which is also nice to see as well as the Liberator concussive which is currently the worst weapon in the entire game L but it did get a flat 10 damage increase from 55 to 65 which is also really good to see the jar five Dominator had a slight Nerf to it its damage decreased from 300 to 275 an 8 is% Nerf to its damage which kind of sucks but hey we'll take it the guardog Rover took a massive L today it got its damage decreased by 30% the regular guardog on the other hand had a buff where the damage was slightly increased also burning damage was reduced by 15% I feel this wasn't really placed very well but I think this is applying to all burn damage in the game from flamethrowers to incendiary mines to firestorms but I'm not exactly sure moving on to the strategems the machine gun Sentry strategy had a slight buff to its Health apparently it had less Health than the other sentries available and now they all match don't think it'll play much of a role at all as this sentury should still be the worst Sentry in the game by far the Tesla Tower had an Health increase of 33% to assist its survival when being overwhelmed by units which is nice to see and the very new airburst rocket launcher which we only got two days ago already had changes done to it the air burst will no longer detonate when shot near stratem such as turrets centuries and resupplies as well as other hell divers yeah your teammates will thank Arrowhead for that also it got a reduced proximity radius overall the weapon should trigger a little bit less at the wrong time hopefully reducing a lot of team killing and self-killing this weapon has been doing which has really been out of control the last few days onto the enemy balance changes we've got a feel here the bile and nursing Speers speeds were slightly reduced which makes a lot of sense seeing how they're carrying those massive sacks on their back so overall they should be slightly easier to deal with hulks now require more Force to stagger them I mean there wasn't much that could stagger them in the first place so I wonder what this is targeting if I had to guess it's probably the ark thrower the ark thrower can permanently stagger a Hulk so this is probably an indirect Nerf to the ark thrower's potential against them but I'm just theorizing here the scorcher flamethrower damage was decreased by 20% which is good very good his damage honestly was a bit too much often times instantly killing hell divers as soon as the fire touched them I still believe 20% might not be enough but it's a step in the right direction the standard Devastator had its fire rate increased but only the regular Devastators not the rocket ones or the shielded ones but any buff to an automaton is a scary one also gunship sideways movement slightly increased which will make it slightly harder to hit them especially when targeting their little thrusters and lastly buffing the automatons is the Scout Strider Riders are now less vulnerable to explosions guys why are we buffing the automatons don't do this to me hopefully they won't be able to tank autoc cannon shots or survive grenades but we'll have to see we also have the fog generators health and armor increased I'm not exactly sure what they mean by fog generator but I think they're referring to the spor spewers on determinate faction and assuming this is indeed the case I actually think this makes sense spor Speers are by far the easiest side objective in the game where you can actually complete it from like miles away with your sidearm so honestly I think this is a step in the right direction and lastly for enemies gunship spawners now have a much lower cap on how many gunships they can have active at the same time personally I'm wondering what that exact number is but either way it will make gunships slightly easier to deal with especially in those situations when you've got multiple gunship Factories near each other and will have a constant spawn of gunships this should keep things a little bit more under control now the biggest L for your boy Patrol spawning has been increased when there are fewer than four players the fewer the players the bigger the change for four player missions there will be no change compared to before the biggest noticeable change will be for solo players at higher difficulties this means y boy when he's making his solo content is going to be getting a shitload more enemies to fight against oh man I'm actually pretty scared you already know we got to get this tested out I'll be releasing a video later on today on this and we'll test out how this will play out honestly I think the idea of that change is to push players towards playing with four people which makes sense it's Co-op game but it's weird in the sense that in my opinion playing with four players is dramatically easier in comparison to playing with less so I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this but only time will tell now let's move on to the gameplay changes first made some minor level generation improvements to how we distribute locations throughout the mission map they should improve variation in distance between objectives and objectives will likely not spawn as far away from each other as often as before they've also added the setting in the option menu game play section to disable automatic climbing and vaulting while sprinting and I will be the first one in line toggling this off I'm just not exactly sure what key I'll be using for climbing though as I've used spacebar for my diving button a new Mission type has been added into the game the spread democracy Mission otherwise known as raise the flag can now be enjoyed on higher difficulties for maximum Freedom spreading let's go did moving on when readying up hell divers now salute to ensure maximum Democratic Readiness if also added ambient sounds to the Tremor planetary Hazard to underline the severity the hell divers can react accordingly also shots that Ricochet from heavy armored units will now properly hit the hell diver who fire them Trigger Discipline is highly recommended not exactly sure what this one means though basically if any shots Ricochet it will damage us no right I mean I'm guessing it only matters if he ricochets right back at us but yeah I'm pretty scared to see what this is actually going to do and lastly for today's video we've had dozens of fixes I won't read them all out only the ones I consider to be the biggest do note however that they did apply various crash fixes and such and you can check them out all in the patch notes of today's update the largest fixes though in my opinions were the following they finally fixed the superior packing methodology ship module they fixed the blast absortion ship module as well they've also fixed the exploit that allowed overly eager hell divers to use grenad excessively which was the infinite grenade exploit that a lot of people were using they've also fixed a bug where the AMR would consume an extra magazine after a cancelled reload although I also suffer from this with various weapons including the flamethrower but it's good to see this moving forward also they fixed the issue where the sickle and the quazer cannon could not shoot through foliage which should be a slight buff to the sickle and they've also fixed the issue where hell bombs would not deploy on certain missions which to me it happened quite often they've also fixed the issue where stalkers became very visible in fog uh-oh and last but not least explosive weapons such as the Eruptor the exploding crossbow and the grenade pistol no longer pulls players inward from the blast and that is all for the key changes from today's update I'm honestly quite happy about it there were only a few severe Nerfs most notably the quazer Cannon as well as a lot of awesome Buffs especially to the sidearms which lowkey the senator buff is one of the most exciting Buffs in my opinion as I actually love the weapon also the massive solo Patrol changes are scary as heck and I can't wait to test it out so let's get out there hell divers and have some fun lots of videos coming these days stay tuned and I'll catch you hell divers on the next one peace
Channel: takibo
Views: 83,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, no commentary gameplay, gameplay tips, helldivers tips, helldivers 2 tips, helldiver 2, helldiver 2 gameplay, helldiver 2 tips, helldivers 2 helldiver difficulty, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 best weapon, helldivers 2 best strategem, helldivers 2 solo, helldivers 2 solo helldiver difficulty, helldiver 2 solo tips, helldiver 2 solo gameplay, solo gameplay helldivers, helldivers solo gameplay, helldivers 2 tips for solo players, helldivers 2 best tips
Id: WRt8JUt4C6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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