Massive collection! Bought hundreds of Japanese Satsuma Vases!

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so at a house call uh just saw the largest collection of satsuma where definitely uh wasn't expecting uh anything special but i think this collection is going to be good so uh i'm going to go get boxes i'll show you how many boxes we got so we just picked up some boxes i got my daughter gabby here and we got the second truck full of boxes it's a saturday we're missing uh missing shop in the flea market but it's gonna be a be an interesting video there is probably the most japanese uh pieces i've ever seen in one collection so it's very very very impressive uh the gentleman uh after world war ii uh was stationed in japan and i guess fell in love with uh japanese uh japanese uh pottery the collection is in here there is what do you think is there a lot of stuff kid yeah just a massive amount so when we were little oh like have to clean everything yeah he used to give us a little paintbrush he would take us for ice cream afterwards dust all the little little things when we had when we had um hurricanes we used to come down to the basement here and then he would light the oil lamps and make sure oh because you didn't have power you're going to need more boxes you said you need all the boxes oh we definitely need all the boxes there's a lot of stuff yeah my brother took you know the uh tara and who took a few things that they you know the stuff that they now as far as the furniture you're gonna you're gonna just uh you want the sofa and you're gonna take a few of the tables yeah the small stuff okay all right cousin stewart was debating about this chair if if he needs it it's i can bring it upstairs for him no yeah i don't know he didn't leave us down here but uh he was like i think he's trying to top his wife into okay being able to bring that to his house he didn't know my father used to sit down here and he got done smoking pipes the whole house smoked except for me it doesn't it doesn't smell too smokey though no no well i've cleaned a lot of it up but i mean my dad you know but so he got my cousin stewart his mother died of um breast cancer when he was young and we took him in well there is a massive amount of stuff in here yeah remember you're gonna bring a skeleton yeah i have them in the truck so okay because i couldn't i wasn't able to get in there i'm gonna go oh you think we're gonna need more boxes kid well there's a couple of you have some in the bedroom yeah your dad already had them in the bedroom they'd still have to be but you can see how many i don't know how many pieces there are but there's a lot yeah i know oh how much was here well just in you general can't keep can't keep everything you know it's but you know some things if you find um maybe there's something said is there anything special you're looking for yep you guys picked all the well whatever you wanted she did take um she took a a teapot and uh a creamer and a sugar that's it that she has which is good yeah your brother grabbed a couple of the nice pieces over here i saw but not a big deal he well i think my brother see all the stuff in the corner here on this car my brother collected dogs oh wow and cats he's got he's got his own collection i can't so he he put him upstairs he took the cats and the cats and the dogs i just can't believe how every corner has something different like that's all elephants you know what my dad just after a while and my brother you know like he collected that whole thing in the corners all those peachy girls i think they're sake bottles there's stuff in the cabinet on the bottom there's the plates you know so and i'm going to go up in the attic but i don't it's not that's him in the attic but i think there's in the attic um not a lot but there's probably more maybe cut glass maybe pictures i don't know well i would say this is going to take at least a day and a half to pack but i might have to come back next weekend i'm going to try to get it all done today though so what's your guess on how many pieces i would say uh 2000 2000 maybe i don't know i'm thinking a little more on that i mean if you're talking pieces of satsuma well just pieces there's got to more than more be that because there's just so much little stuff you know and there's stuff behind each other yeah i would think uh there's 15 showcases right i remember when you got that medicine cabinet this one's funny when you went upstairs uh i had um found a little envelope with stuff that he bought where he put like a 10 deposit on something and you know and paid the balance you know and you know 19 in the receipts 1974 1979 you know well he started collecting what in the 50s no no he was in the views in the navy for almost 10 years okay in 1971. so he started to collect here well thank you not a problem all right kids what or gabby we need to get the key to try to open up this he never really sold his stuff he just never did i'm impressed how many pieces there are yeah well you know what i can appreciate that because i see a lot of stuff i told you like i said when uh the abt guy came here in the little house and he got down here i know he must have thought this girl she did not open the door and i was like whoa whoa now i know all right i don't know if anybody's seen anything really interesting please uh i think i'm just trying to see all the little i'm almost ready i'm just trying have you seen that okay i'll keep the little geezer all right i guess we have to separate it into flea market auction and ebay are the three categories oh i love this it's a little mushroom is it a dog or a bunny bunny maybe you can keep whatever you want kid if there's something you want for your room it's a lacquered uh vase this is a cool one he's actually pretty good all right oh here's two nice wood blocks those are the first two two wood blocks here these can go upstairs behind the seat we got that one so it's first two pieces one two got it oh man there is so much this one's locked so this one's okay oh wow look at the dragon i really like that one a pair of the cranes are really cute if anybody sees anything that's really really really good please leave me a message look at all the small guys all right so this is the collection we got it is definitely pretty wonderful get the all the small furniture i just can't believe how many pieces there are no net skis or anything but i do like this uh dragon look at the i got bought this couch separate i just thought the foot on it is amazing not broken i don't think there's any more wood blocks i think that was it on the wood block prince i don't know who made the hand but it is kind of interesting i guess that was broken at one time this is a nice piece though bottom was probably knocked out for a lamp this one's good nice and large with this you always want to look at the artwork of the painting on the porcelain sheets huge no hole inside it so that's good another nice big one pig's not always the best though all right so got this opened this green guy is pretty interesting let's see what made in japan now if it's marked made in japan it's normally uh after world war right before world war ii check this guy right here it's got the cobalt blue i paid 35 bucks on it it doesn't look like it was drilled maybe it was okay those have a crack this guy over here is pretty interesting too i know the samurai warriors are good this is mostly the the bulk of uh bulk of this stuff is i have one really good piece in my collection that i'll i'll show you guys nice early piece that's not rapping no i'm sorry but that's what we're gonna do all day is nothing but rap it's not a big deal gab there isn't anything that i'll be upset if you break all right i'm gonna put the little bronze that sail another one with cobalt see what the base looks like chinese i think this might have some of the nicer pieces in it do you like that little butterfly the three-legged another dragon in here that's kind of cool design at least each one of those green dots and everything is all hand painted a little snow white bakelite uh pencil sharpener all right i'm gonna move this chair so we can wrap those elephants too in one of those nice boxes little cloisonne vases um i have to look at it i think this is nice i like and i found this one with the with the doves so this has like a duck flying into the water i think it's a bird food dogs five dollars really cute teacup you got it for a dollar but it's got a nice little mark right there that might be one of the more intricate pieces there's a lot of common stuff here but again at the market it will just go with that yeah it does mark it this will do fairly well some more teacups tiny dragon vases i don't know i thought this was better than doing the market today just something you don't see a lot of i know we'll find a few hidden gems i think uh maybe one of the best things is right up here actually this samurai warrior roger i can't quite make that out but definitely really really nice see if this guy's signed at least it's not drilled put it on that chair for a minute and lay it down trying to make my way over to the elephants let's finish this cabinet first some nice cobalt upon he's funny he's a little lighter i wonder if the top comes off might not it's just made to look pretty so there was a geisha to match that i didn't see it i don't know why but hopefully those lithos do fairly well i'm finding a few pieces of chinese here's a really nice isn't chinese but it's still a really nice teapot the detail on this one's really good and it's got the gold mark that might be one of the best pieces we found so far another really nice one always like the irises it's got that like yellowy uh earth tone this one looks like it's pretty good i'm gonna have to grab that with two hands move this one first spent 50 on that one sure it's pretty cool the red ones are like a couple red and a clear yeah it looks like it was busted one time see how it has all the i paid 50 on that that is i don't know whenever they paint the top like that it always makes you think it got busted i don't see where it's cracked so i don't see the repairs on the outside so i could have done it just to protect it or somebody didn't like the wanted to brighten up the top there's a lot of detail on that one all right there's another one of these odd ice buckets do i have a red marker not on me this is actually a glass phase kind of cool hmm man there's so much stuff i brought some more boxes down thanks kid well we're gonna have to take some stuff out as we uh a couple snuff bottles there's a whole mess of stuffed bottles in here that might be the snuff bottle i don't like school oh you're fine there's a now but this kind of looks like it's chinese here can you put that on the table yeah it'll go in one of the yellows it looks like there's two pieces of that yeah pierce the teapot for you gabby's packing all the all the dragons all right that one's actually pretty cool too so i have all this box so far the yellow bins are i feel the better stuff the red stuff is stuff we could sell on ebay all the mismaths that mismatch boxes we were thinking about taking the auction and uh the clear box is our flea market so i'll show you what we have left downstairs so gabby is packing all the stuff for ebay and lindsey's packing the better stuff this this one i think is good we still have this awesome dragon i have no clue what this would be called i don't know i feel that might be one of the best pieces but we also have the large chinese vase there was like we found three of those i'm not messing with your stuff oh tiles gab tiles can be good too bad that one has a crack let's see if the other one oh they both have like a one cracked panel but they're they're nice still fine and stuff but you can see gabby packed all the dragon stuff here she's gonna start working on the elephants next are you are you okay kid working i thought this was pretty with the butterflies and then yeah i can't get to it yet we have to move the couch so you can see how much we've moved but still have a lot more to do figured i'd send all this on this table to auction hopefully uh hopefully they do okay i wasn't sure what this was if it was you spent a hundred bucks on it but if it was chinese or japanese there's a bunch of dragons with on black look like they're all for toad but it is big find a box for that one so my buddy dan showed up to help me load these were we ended up with 16 of the nicer boxes of stuff ran out of the black coats have the big chinese vase the there's just a ton of them but uh we have probably half the stuff up from upstairs all this that's on here we're going to take the auction i'm pretty sure don't know about the awesome couch though look how great that foot is all right keep on bringing stuff up so we got a lot of the stuff boxed up definitely uh definitely starting to look like we did something today i think uh i know it feels like i did something today but one more good vase we have to box up these uh elephant and the two tea sets over here so but definitely making uh headway we're taking all the furniture that's down here today putting it on the trailer like his little pearl dies all right so we made it back the probably the nicest thing about today was my kid didn't complain helping uh pack all this uh there's definitely i would say these bins are hopefully worth uh 400 each and i have uh 15 of those and we packed a bunch of small uh stuff for ebay and i would think uh these are worth 200 each we got i think uh 12 of those done so in all it was uh pretty good plus all the stuff for auction i think the i'm hoping the auction load would bring half of what i spent i spent five thousand dollars so that way i would double my money on what's in the truck and there might be a sleeper especially with the chinese stuff that we packed you never know if anybody saw anything interesting please leave me a comment and thank you very much for watching if you haven't yet please uh give somebody a call who might be alone please be safe out there and we'll see everybody next video thank you again peace
Channel: Blue Bus Dave
Views: 19,972
Rating: 4.9181886 out of 5
Keywords: Picking, flea market, selling, storage unit, pickers, antiques, treasure, jewelry, dumpster diving, vintage
Id: UmQytOcrZYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 31sec (2071 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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