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hey everyone it's LS and this video is going to be just like the kaisa video in that I am bringing you a super broken Champion it's Shen inside of the Jungle if you saw my Twitter or you saw the competitive jungle tier list that self made and some other junglers like Griffin from T1 and others actually contributed to then a lot of people sort of scratched their heads at Shen in the jungle but then even after more diving into it I realized actually Shen is even better than we had him placed on that list and this Champion is just absolutely broken you're wondering why you would end up picking Shen inside of the Jungle one he invalidates a lot of the really popular onhit Champions right now Champions that are dependent on getting their Auto attacks in close quarter combat Etc Shen's just really good against them because of his taunt and because of his W and he has really good base stats for just dueling against them combating them Etc and this extends even outside of the Jungle say against VI zenja vgo these types of Champions it's also good against a lot of the really popular ad carries in addition to that Shen has Flex potency and in addition to his Flex potency he also is really good at enabling hyper carries and that is really where this build and this play is really going to shine so first we're going to end up talking about his runes this is the most basic setup you might have seen some deliberation on Twitter between myself and some other Shen Maines I ended up going with Halo blades cheap shot eyeball collector in Solo que zombie ward in competitive and then Relentless hunter in both solo Q or competitive depending on team comps or ultimate Hunter but I really don't think that ultimate Hunter is that necessary and I'll explain why later magical boots is going to be from from the inspiration tree followed by Cosmic Insight so that you just get all that goodness for the CDR for the shards you're going to go with the attack speed Shard you're going to go with the movement speed Shard because Shen actually has really high base Ms he has 340 he's all about kiting after he taunts you getting into position his movement using his cues Etc and that really helps out with that and last but not least is the scaling HP Shard I do think that there's also even potency to go something like spell book potentially in order to get access to exhaust or heal and even ignite I guess or you can even use ghost in order to just run up on people and end up using e the other reason that I recommended the runes that I did is because 1410 is just on the horizon and this Rune setup is just going to be good whereas PTA is going away but a lot of things do just open up possibilities here so if you did go into the inspiration tree primary you can get access to glacial or you can end up getting access to Spellbook some other Rune setups that you might actually be able to do is going say guardian or Aftershock inside of the jungle for the resolve tree and for some people that are curious about PTA PTA is just not as good as Halo blades the reason being that the domination tree is just way too valuable Shen really wants to use all four rows in the domination tree the Precision tree he's only really getting sometimes value out of Triumph and then everything else is sort of useless you really want to guarantee that you have the movement speed from Relentless in order to Traverse the map or you get access to Ultimate Hunter but again I still don't think that it's actually that important but I do want to highlight that maybe it can have competitive viability reason being is that team fights typically operate around a 9 90 to 1202 cycle and because of that that means that Shen is actually almost always going to have his ultimate available because he's stacking and spamming so much ability haste whereas in Top Lane you don't get that much ability haste because of the items that Top Lane Shen ends up buying is very different from this supportive utility Shen because of all of the extra ability haste your ultimate is up that much more often thus you don't have as much of a dependence on Ultimate Hunter the build is going to end up being bommies as your first item this really helps out his clear after bomb what you're going to do is at all costs you finish Redemption even if you somehow got magical boots early and you want to finish those ionian boots don't do it get the Redemption it's really important for when your ultimate is still on cool down you're still able to provide value to your teammates via the Redemption active because its range is just so big this allows Shen to continue power farming while still adding influence to lanes and just showing up with a massive heal boost and even a lot of damage depending on if your Ally gets ganked or if your allies is going for lethal after Redemption what you're going to do is you're going to go solar and then there's this one which I've never actually talked about before on social or even on stream but it is moonstone renew let's actually talk about why first off Shen's AP ratios are actually quite good he gets 4.5% to 6% per 100 AP Max HP scaling on his Q which is quite a lot of damage in addition to that his R has a 135 to 216% AP ratio which is really massive and his passive has a shield and Moonstone also comes with flat HP which means that even Shen's e is actually starting to get benefit from this there is some stuff that people people don't know about Moonstone Moonstone can actually allow you to r two allies at once with Shen Stand United this is really broken or it allows you to apply a super R to an ally enhancing all of the things that Shen really wants to do when he shows up to the fights this makes playing around Shen that much more difficult and it makes bot Lane dive plays a lot scarier because it means the ADC and the support are both getting a stand United on their plays especially if the enemies are the ones trying to dive your teammates the other thing about moonstone is it just amplifies all the other items that Shen is trying to get it amplifies the Redemption it amplifies the Solari everything that you could possibly want this item is doing for Shen that's the reason that Moonstone really wants to be the second or third item I know that I haven't debuted that on stream or really talked about it anywhere I wanted to save it for the video for his boots you're going to want to make sure to go ionian boots as soon as you can after finishing Redemption before powering into any other item that'll just help with the movement speed and getting everything on Lower cooldown so that you have more up time on everything now after you have the salari and you the Moonstone with the Redemption it comes time for the situational last items personally M's is really good just because of the increased heal and shield power in addition to the active there's also Knights vow which is really good for protecting hypers or if you just have a Bruiser that is really difficult to kill the thing is is that Shen's final few items are really up to just the way that the game is going and what the team comps are but all the items that you're seeing on the screen are his potential last items depending on various game States you're going to end up wanting to go that night's vow if you just really need to ensure that that one person needs to just survive longer you're going to end up going mes if the enemy team is really dependent on a pick and they might only have one or two things that can really set that up for them don't forget that you can sell bommies later on in the game when trying to purchase your third or fourth item because it's not really doing anything for your clear at that point anymore you don't want to hold on to this item and actually complete it into Sunfire because it's just not really doing a whole bunch now there is the potential to do some sort of a carry build with sunnd sky and these other type of items like Titanic and stuff the problem with that is those items are way more expensive which sort of defeats some of the value that this setup is going to do because all of the items are so cheap Shen is essentially functioning on a lower economy than other junglers but he's able to actually keep up with a lot of the power Farmers which makes it really scary he really gets the ball rolling and because his items synergize so well with his kit and add so much power to it it really feels very suffocating if Shen starts to get ahead but he's always able to provide value even in the event that he's behind just because of the Synergy that has with these items and how strong his Base Kit is Shen does have a bit of micromanagement going on inside of his clear his Q lasts for 8 seconds after he presses it but the cool down actually starts for it immediately while he holds the charges this means that while you're kiting between camps you want to press Shen's Q typically about 5 to 6 seconds right before arriving to the camp this will give you three charges of Q and it'll start your Q coold down this will end up allowing you to use six Q's effectively on a camp dramatically increasing your clear speed this combined with e allows him to to Traverse the jungle really fast and keep up even with some of the fastest junglers inside of the game a lot of people typically thought that Shen was actually a slow jungler but this isn't really the case another thing that obviously is quite good to note is his W and blocking the auto attacks this is also really good for tanking camps you can also use the W even against Baron and dragon so don't forget about that when doing things one thing that you do want to keep a mental note of however is when you feel like you might have to R soon or if you can notice that your teammates are fighting don't use e while just r randomly traveling through the jungle e can be really good in the early clears for Shen when his six isn't available or even when your ultimate's down feel free to use e to just move around the map faster get onto the camps that much sooner Etc but when your ultimate's up and it needs to be on standby stop using e onto camps unless you're absolutely certain that your e doesn't need to be up in the event that you need to press R because you don't want to end up ring and then not have your e available as soon as you come out of the stand United the other power about Shen inside of competitive is if he is early rot ated people have to respect that he could just end up going top or he could go support and that really skews and pinches a lot of options that someone might actually try to pick in the event that Shen would just pivot and end up going into that lane this can add a lot of really crazy draft dynamic because he's so flexible and three different ways obviously Shen is not going to be amazing against every single jungler but the beauty of him is is that because he slots in with a lot of different team compositions doesn't even necessarily matter if he's outright getting countered if his purpose is to just enable something else so league is in a 1 V1 game and because of how well he slots into so many different kinds of 5V FS whether it be diving in on the opponents or just protecting your hyper carry or something it opens up a lot of viable play styles for him and it lets him be really flexible in draft even outside of his ability to flex into other lanes so go ahead and start uh shending help also shout out to Tarzan the jungle God also seemingly being inspired potentially by the Shen jungle I have so much respect for this person as a jungler at one point this was the best jungler in the world and it's actually crazy to see an interaction like this I'm just excited to see some Shen now you guys liked videos like this and you liked obviously the kaisa one I am starting to consider maybe just making longer form videos like this more sort of full-time with the editor T who has been the go editor on the channel now for several years you guys always talk about his editing skills and obviously how quickly he's able to put together videos and just dish out videos immediately after streams end it's something that him and I have talked about and and we are pondering right now making stuff like this sort of continuously for just lots of various things that don't necessarily have videos like this dedicated to them so let us know obviously in the comments below and is something that is maybe just on the horizon thank you guys for watching I hope that you guys enjoy watching the rest of MSI maybe Shen will end up appearing and if not he is already dominating solo cues and if you don't believe me just check out the win rate of shen in the high mmrs because streamers random players pro pro players they're all starting to pick them up and I just think it's amazing
Channel: LS
Views: 93,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ls, league of legends, imls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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