How Zeri Pros Get 90% Win Rates

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okay let's talk about zeri the elephant in the room the biggest winner after the crit item Buffs or is that true well as a matter of fact High ELO Zer Mains are sporting incredible win rates right now some of them even getting as much as 90% which is much higher than the win rates of one tricks for most other Champions by the way if you want to check these players and their profiles for yourself to study you'll find a link in the description but here's the crazy part the crit item Buffs namely to Infinity Edge quick blades and last whisper items were mostly Placebo Buffs well to be fair the last whisper Buffs are quite huge but quick blades and infinity edge are not all that much better than before what these Buffs did do however was remind people of how strong many crit Marksman actually have been all along and Zer is a prime example her naturally High mobility and great scaling fit the meta very nicely since you are deceptively hard to catch even for Assassins while also having natural Synergy with defensive runes and items you'll see what I mean in a second because in this video I will show you the most successful strategies used by those High ELO zeri Mains which includes optimal runed item choices but also of course real in-game examples and once you've seen Z's game plan in action it should be quite straightforward for you to emulate but just in case it isn't as straightforward for you as you hoped or if you just want to see guaranteed fast results in your solo Q climb I can connect you with a private Challenger coach thanks to my sponsor solo Q solution as with every skill you might want to learn in life there is nothing more efficient than a private teacher and the coaches from the coaching company soloq solution already have crazy results under their bels we are talking about consistently turning students who were hardstuck silver for years into Diamond players yes they do that routinely and they do it by using their knowledge to pinpoint exactly the areas in which you can improve the most as a player you know because League of Legends is so complicated most people can't even tell why they are hard stuck and this is where the Challenger coach is a literal Game Changer of course climbing from hard stuck silver the diamond is only possible if you are serious about the game as well but if you love playing solo qu and manage to play at least 15 hours per week you are an ideal candidate for the coaching to Diamond program you'll find everything you need including a link where you can book your first session in the description but enough advertising he is zary's optimal Rune page which you can just copy straight away you go for lethal Tempo Triumph Legend alacrity and last stand with conditioning and overgrowth secondary lethal Tempo is a no-brain of haeri the champion is all about scaling into the late game and all about longer team fights because of her ultimat the Ultimate Rewards you for sticking to Targets in longer fights Oro attacking them with your Q over and over again and lethal Tempo Stacks at the same time so there's a natural Synergy and your damage will just go through the roof now zeri actually doesn't like building a lot of Life steal despite being in longer fights quite often so Triumph is actually very important so you can keep going even during those longer fights where you take a lot of damage back now in order to circumvent that life steal problem you could go for legend bloodline in the next row but all of the high eloi Mains are choosing Legend alacrity the run's front-loaded properties especially make your lane phase a little less punishable which can go a long way if you want to ensure your scaling at the same time the Rune is not at all bad in the late game either because of how zeri works with bonus attack speed now in the last slots most Champions pick Cuda grass but zeri is actually a good user of Last Stand zeri can only function in team fights if she's able to run down the opponent which naturally means you will take some damage back because you can't really kite beyond your auto attack range or else your ultimate would expire Last Stand however allows you to turn the damage you take into bonus damage you deal yourself which is a natural combo now for that reason zeri does not go for offensive runes in the secondary path instead you want conditioning and overgrowth yes both of these runes do nothing in the lane phase and zeri is quite vulnerable in Lane but they do so much later on the defensive stats from these two runes is very crucial later on because the counterplay to Z's play style is to just oneshot her and these two runes are anti- onshot runes I cannot stress this enough you want want fights to go long now pretty much all High ELO Zer Mains agree on this Rune page it is optimal but the item build is a little different here you have to choose what suits you better well first of all as you know zeri is all about scaling which is why you start with cull not with Doran blade this naturally has implications for how you play the lane which you will see during the analysis part in any case there are two core builds you can use on zeri and here they are the first one which I personally like a little better is you rush Berserker gaves then static shiv and then you go for a zealite item either phantom dancer or hurricane this build gives you extreme kiting and chasing abilities with sheer movement speed and also sets you up for an Infinity Edge late game yes the infinity edge buff was smaller than expected but it's still there and it's quite nice for this build the alternative however would be to go Berserker Greaves and static Shi as before but then go for quick blades without a Zeal item you have less movement speed but quick blades makes up for that because you get more access to your dash both of these play Styles center around kiting while still being slightly different make no mistake both of them work very well and you can just choose what suits you better however what they do have in common is that they both Rush boots and they both use static Shi getting boots fast is very important because you want them as soon as you reach level six for the level six power Spike with movement speed and static Shi is just a top tier 80 carry item in general because it builds out of noon quiver while also giving you wave clear which is very important on zeri now in the late game you have multiple item options there is the pure offensive path of blood thirst cell or Dominic's regards or M to reminder well you could argue that blood thirst as a semi- defensive item but it's still rather an offensive one because it gives you so much ad but you could label it as semi- defensive if you like to the true semi- defensive choices however are shieldbow Guardian Angel black cleav morph M moous and Mercurial Sima all of these items are quite nice in the right matchups allowing you to itemize against enemy burst damage while also not really forfeiting your own damage output but keep in mind this is so important you have to be able to stay alive even in the face of a Fed offensive enemy because if you get one shot you cannot follow your game plan in in very specific matchups you can even go for full defense with Ran's omen or Spirit Visage yes these are more Niche options but they do have their place if the enemy team is for example full ad with a yasu or mid and a zed jungle or what have you ranu and's Omen can really shut them down but I assume you get the idea by now so let's jump right into the analysis in Lane zeri is notably weak a feature that gets even more prominent if you pair her with a weak Lane support such as Yumi as a consequence you need to play a rather passive Lane phase prioritizing Thum while avoiding enemy poke damage and especially engage spells this is definitely one of the most stressful aspects of playing Zer but when you choose to play a late game hyper carry you just have to bite the bullet here and try to ensure that you can scale as safely as possible at this stage it is very important that you hold on to your Mobility spell at all times so you have it ready as an escape tool should the enemy create an opening you must stay out of trouble for now and should you greedily use your dash offensively you will pay a big price keep in mind that zary's lane is even weaker than you might expect because you start with c not doran's blade Therefore your only reliable play in Lane is to farm your minions under Tower then push the Stacked wave into the enemy Tower and then repeat as the tower resets the wave to push against you again it is completely reasonable to expect that especially good enemy players will punish you for being passive like this which will result in a slight level NCS disadvantage however none of this matters in the long run since you out scale them so hard at the precise point where your scaling starts to matter is your level six power Spike but only if you already picked up Tier Two Boots remember your ultimate is nothing without movement speed while not being able to save the dragon here zeri was still able to force out a response from the enemy while ultimately trading one for one a trade that always favors the scaling Champion especially for zeri the faster you get your static shift power Spike as well the better since wave clear doesn't merely give you Lane priority but crucially makes fighting much easier no minions means no way for the enemy to block your bullets anyway zeri is not designed to win Lane and in most cases this will results in you losing your Bot Lane Tower if at the same time your teammates are also not having the greatest game this can get quite as heartening but when you play a late game hyper carry you must have the mental fortitude to resist tilt if that's not you you should rather play an early game champ however zary's catch and Chase potential in the mid game is quite nasty and gets better and better as the game progresses this is also where you should in fact start using your dash offensively people in Solo Q greedily overextend all the time and your ability to pop out of walls is an excellent way of taking advantage of such greed this is also why zeri unlike most ADC Champions actually enjoys fights in closed jungle terrain all the choke points that are normally a death trap for the as a whole largely immobile Marksman class present easy entry and exit points for zeri the walls just increase your kiting ability significantly as you can use them as a line of defense when an enemy tries to get on top of you down as you just saw even if you get caught in the end by the time the enemy manages to get a hold of you you will already have caused so much disruption that your team can convert the map pressure into progress with ease and this example right here demonstrates this quite impressively too just watch how zary's Mobility allows you to toy with the Enemy while they cannot ever just approach the objective a su has disconnected Tom kench even popped his ghost but catching a zeri in the jungle is near impossible when you use your dash correctly you can always Escape near the wall the enemy will have to go through or will have to jump through giant Hoops to get to you which most of the time it's just not happening and with Baron buff zary's team is now able to crack open the entire enemy mid lane three towers and inhibitor effectively nullifying any advantage the enemy got off of zary's weak Lane phase in the very late game more more fights will take place in Lanes you need to push so you get less jungle terrain to work with however now your items and runes give you the survivability and movement speed as zi needs to force her ideal scenarios longlasting team fights allowing you to take full advantage of your ultimate and theal tempo but of course in order to get to this fun part of playing zeri you must nail how to play the lane phase so check out my Ed Car Lane phas guide as well by clicking the link on your screen
Channel: MissFortuneDaBes
Views: 39,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: League of Legends Guide, Guide, League of Legends, MissFortuneDaBes, Miss Fortune Da Baes, Miss Fortune Baes, MFDB, Miss Fortune Da Bae, Miss Fortune Bae, zeri, zeri guide
Id: X8Zk-TH4RaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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