Mass Exodus as Baldur's Gate 3 Devs REJECT Modern Gaming + Skull & Bones is a Woke Disaster

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what's up everyone it's IND demion and I got quite a variety of things to go over today from the entire balers Gate 3 development Studio shaming the entire gaming industry in front of everyone to not one but two mod sites Banning mods from games because they allegedly don't align with their policies and one of those mods they banned is just insanely ridiculous but we'll get to that in more firstly let's start with balers Gate 3 recently the dice Awards happened which is an award show that is more lowkey compared to something like the game awards the dice awards are more so a personal ceremony where actual development Studios vote amongst themselves to say which games they believe deserve the most recognition from the year prior so there's no game trailers or Timothy shalam on stage which honestly thank God cuz I would rather see actual devs presenting Awards than some outof touch celebrity but anyways of course unsurprisingly at the dice Awards balers gate 3-1 game of the year year which I think we can all agree is much deserved considering it was one of the most if not feature complete games of last year completely eclipsing everything else that was released when it came to player choice and depth but while this was a time of Celebration Larry and Studios also knew that every major game publisher and Studio head was in that room at that same time so instead of just thanking everyone for the award laran collectively on stage from producers devs directors they all stood there together and they blasted their own industry I figure you just listen to what larryan Studios said at dice so let's hear them out uh this is existential to us as you can tell from all the emotion on David's face uh we're very lucky we've had a lot of stage time uh others are not so lucky this is a really human industry and we're really bad sometimes at showing that showing developers what they worth and showing the players at home that we care about them it's kind of the elephant in the room especially surrounded by all this opulence which you know can only go so far without people we would not be standing here without the people that work on these games we would not be standing here many many people will let go at the start of this year I want you all to know that you are talented and that you matter and that you are the future of this industry don't let that flame extinguished by our Collective mistakes I know that everyone here is scared cuz shit's really up all of your projections are wrong and it's scary but we persevere as an industry we will persevere as an industry and you will all find your place and you will all be welcomed back with open arms and we'll still be making games for the players and for you and uh with these guys to to add to that uh a lot of people probably want to know what's the secret to your success uh um last year I started thinking the secret to Our Success is the decisions that we make come from what does the player want what do I think is best for the game what is the most fun what is the most crazy people telling us we shouldn't do this or we can't do it or this is too challenging or too hard like it was already said here today that usually just gives us a kick upds to actually make it happen um the stuff that we make at laran is is we ask you to pay one price only for the game and that's it you can own it for the rest of your life we we don't have shareholders but we also don't think about them and we we think there there's an expression in Dutch that uh honesty lasts longest or something I there there there's probably a version in English as well that makes a lot of sense but what we have tried in the last 20 years is to treat people like we would like to be treated ourselves as players as Gamers so we don't make decisions where we take where we think this could make us the most money on the long run building a community building a player Base building games that are actually fun is going to make you the most money that's it thank you and as you can see lar and took their time around 3 minutes in total on a stage in front of all the people who make the big decisions in modern gaming and effectively took a massive middle finger to all of them and said you suck and you need to do better and honestly how amazing and based is that laran of course like it was said doesn't really answer to shareholders since the company is largely owned by Swan Vin and his wife he's the guy you've seen in plenty of larryan behind the scenes footage wearing suits of armor and being an absolute nerd Sven directed balers Gate 3 along with games like divinity original sin and more this guy has climbed out of the mud of going nearly bankrupt multiple times surviving game crashes and the Allure of Corporations trying to buy his soul and to have his company be not only elevated to such a Godlike status thanks to the incredible success of balers Gate 3 is not only great to see but it's honestly inspiring too and they're right when they say they don't believe in nickel and diamond players constantly like so many other development Studios and Publishers out there of course I don't necessarily blame the devs for these monetization choices like cash shops skin bundles and whatever else these Concepts were born out of the business side of gaming the guys in the suits who don't actually play video games but only care about making as much money as possible in order to buy another yacht or house or both and yet it's also because of these insanely outof touch Rich monsters that the gaming industry has lost so many developers in the last year alone around 16,000 developers were let go in the last year so far to put that into perspective laran is around 300ish devs so that would mean around 53 full laran Studio size teams worth of developers lost their jobs due to the moronic decisions of producers and investors who strong armed gaming into adding as much monetization as possible amongst other things you've also likely seen recently that there's games out there which embody the antithesis of what balers Gate 3 stands for look at Skull and Bones from Ubisoft which has released to overwhelmingly negative reviews from both critics and players alike the game has been called a quadruple a game which is what Ubisoft CEO ye giman said famously when asked why their ship battling game has so much monetization in it while also asking for $70 American as well in order to play it well that's cuz the game is just so full of quality but in reality it's and in a lot of ways skull and bones is the next major flop of 2024 alongside Suicide Squad kill the Justice League and both games surprisingly have a lot in common as well Skull and Bones has been in development hell for 10 years Suicide Squad took N9 years and both games are based on the ideas and designs of games much better than they are in Scotland Bone's case it's Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag which I still considered to be the greatest pirate game of all time and it's even more pathetic when you have videos like this one showing how skull and bones is actually less technically impressive than Black Flag over 10 years since its release I mean just look at this nonsense and in suicide squad's case it's the same with Batman Arkham actually recently I've went back and re played through Arkham Asylum again I beat the game again on hard I got all the Riddler trophies and I'm close to maxing out the challenges this will be the third time I've now 100ed Arkham Asylum once on Xbox 360 once on PS3 and now on PS4 via my PS5 and playing through Arkham Asylum again in 2024 made me realize just how far gone this entire game's industry is or I guess I should say mostly from a western standpoint Rock Steady back in 2009 when a silent released man they were cooking like crazy there were so many industry Forward Thinking ideas in this game from its combat its cutcenes the Metroid Vania lamb brinan esque World design and amazing Stealth gameplay not to mention how the game doesn't overstate its welcome and uses its IP to deliver some outstanding moments Batman Arkham Asylum to me anyway is still one of my favorite games I think I've ever played and when you compare it to the games of today the suicide squads and Skull and Bones I would argue it's Superior in every way there's no always online components no stupid nickel and diming from all angles forcing RPG mechanics or Loot and just delivers an all meet no filler experience then you can complete in a reasonable amount of time which is great for me considering how much I work when it comes to YouTube not to mention both skull and bones and Suicide Squad are live service games when the games they take inspiration from are not funny how that works and and balers Gate 3 in my opinion hearkens back to the days of games like Batman Arkham Asylum or Black Flag these are the kinds of games players want honestly I implore you if you're thinking of playing something right now that is short and amazing go play Batman Arkham Asylum and you will come to realize just how well that game holds up mechanically graphically and quality-wise when compared to the misfires of today balers gate 3's devs were right to blast the industry because it's quickly becoming a cesspool of inept laziness where exper experiences are more like casinos than games need I remind you when an Ubisoft executive said that players need to become comfortable with not owning their games and of course swend Vic whipped his meat out and slapped ubisoft's Executives across the face when he denounced their moronic opinions on Twitter I did a whole video on that already so I'll be brief but Sven basically said Ubisoft is stupid and this push for players not owning the Gams they buy is wrong and he's right and it's clear based on the sort of games that keep winning game of the year at these award shows almost never adhere to the modern gaming skeleton that these Executives and producers demand for example in 2009 Securo won game of the year and for good reason I would argue that seiro is like Batman Arkham Asylum a game with all me to no fat it's combat was brilliant and it wasn't too long it also has zero microtransaction season passes or whatever else then of course in 2022 you had Elden ring and then balers Gate 3 also won their years respectively with top honors and I don't know about but if we're going to talk about quadruple a game experiences which is a moronic concept to begin with but let's entertain the idea at least you tell me what seems more fitting of an outlandish claim like that skull and bones with their crap presentation lifeless world and full Suite of microtransactions or a game that is set within the lands between with no microtransactions over a hundred hours of content and tons of Secrets like Elden ring or balers Gate 3 with its thousands of decisions story branches and depths of gameplay what I believe is happening is that these Executives like Ubisoft CEO are so greedy they are trying to make up new terms to justify charging people more skull and bones in Canada anyway retails for $90 currently at release and yet you couldn't make me play that game for free and I'm of the mind that games that cost premium amounts like this or Suicide Squad should absolutely not have further monetization in the forms of battle passes or shops if your game is quadruple a or whatever then surely the price someone pays for it should be enough no but of course not it's never enough in the eyes of these people and their greediness clearly knows no bounds never forget that once upon a time an Electronic Arts executive once attempted to push the concept all the way back in 2012 to charge players money for ammunition in games like Battlefield that executive by the way was John rello the same guy who last year turned the unity engine into a hellscape with their whole every download cost dev's money F nonsense what I'm getting at here is that there are some very evil and greedy people in Industries like gaming that are attempting to ruin it for their game and I applaud Larry and Studios for blasting these morons on a stage those Executives likely paid for and then telling them to their faes that they are evil and we all hate them we gain nothing but pure apathy by entertaining these corporate parasites and I truly hope games like balers Gate 3 paint a new future for better games that aren't full of microtransactions and seriously go back back and play Batman Arkham Asylum especially if you've never played it you can get it close to nothing these days and it's so amazing no this video is not sponsored by Batman Arkham Asylum I just really love that game and I want more people to play it so they can realize how good gaming can be then of course you have morons who are cancelling mods on websites for virtue signaling reasons this brings us to two mod sites each being attacked for the removal of mods first up is game Banana a mod site known for hosting many lwd mods for Japanese games anyway they decided to piss off the Persona fan base by removing a mod that makes one of the female characters in the game more busty and Bodacious according to game Banana they did this because the character in question is considered a minor however people then went in and discovered that game banana has also hosted mods for games like genin impact which included mods to take other girl characters and put them in skimpy outfits as you can see on screen now it should also be stated that at L which owns Persona in this case the Persona 3 reload remake also has official outfits in Game of many female characters where they wear stuff that is very lewd and skin revealing to say the least apparently in Japan putting barely legal girl characters and skimpy outfits is fine so within the context of this game's existence and what the culture is around it this busty mod is no different than the actual official outfits the developers have put in it as well not to mention game banana also forced another modder in the past to remove their change to the game script of Fire Emblem engage which apparently that mod was made to fix the localization issues that woke localizers had done to the game script and this modder wanted to make the game's dialogue fall in line with what the actual Japanese scripts said but game Banana forced them to change it back which was very bizarre especially considering game Banana attempts to Pride itself on being a hands-off mod site that allows sex inlude mods to exist freely on their site yet it seems some moderators over there at game banana have infiltrated the website's team and are now working to force their ideological beliefs upon the site's code of conduct it doesn't stop there however since of course Nexus mods has also decided to do some stupid stuff as well I've covered Nexus mods in the past already with how they banned modders for releasing mods like removing the pride flags and Spider-Man and then replacing them with American flags now of course they've doubled down again when it comes to Virtue signaling recently the Tomb Raider remasters came out I did a whole video about that and other things recently in one of the big stories from that was that Crystal Dynamics released this text screen where when you boot up the remasters crystal Dynamics essentially condemns what they call the racism of old Tomb Raider games they basically virtue signal saying look we think these games are outdated and racist and we don't support it but they also financially benefit from the sales of these games as well which not only feels gross but really moranic cuz if you're so disgusted by the alleged racism of these remasters you should donate the money that you get from the sales but of course they won't it's just shallow virtue signaling anyway back to Nexus mods apparently another modder thought that that text screen when you booted up the Tomb Raider remasters was really stupid and created a mod that removes that text screen from the game well Nexus mods didn't like that and forcibly remov that mod from their website saying it goes against their policies and that removing the content warning which was issued by Crystal Dynamics for pandering purposes is integral to the experience of these Tomb Raider remaster games so what we're witnessing here fellas is two mod sites yet again shooting themselves in the feet for being idiots game Banana cannot try to be some virtuous website against ludin when their site is drowning in that sort of content already it would be like going to a brothel and they're banning someone from engaging in 18 plus only activities within their establishment like my brother in Christ that's the entire point of a brothel that's what game Banana is doing here if your site is full of loot outfits and mods for Japanese games yet you draw the line here what are you even doing and why do you even exist in the first place while yeah it is weird Atlas put such loot skins for characters who are in high school I can't really say it's wrong considering games like Persona and others are made with the cultural guidelines and inspiration of a completely different Society than my own and if you go on Google the age of consent right now in Japan currently it's 16 which would mean within the eyes of the Japanese Community from the developers Studios and regulations then a 16-year-old wearing these outfits is totally fine for them but obviously within a western mind set the age of Cent is 18 or at least that's what it is in Canada anyway so obviously if a western moderator is looking at this Japanese mod and then applying their cultural rules and beliefs upon it then this mod is seen in a different light but then then the argument is raised that moderators should not be pushing their belief systems or ideals upon the mods on the site with varying levels of intensity especially due to the cultural differences presented here it's a big messy situation but ultimately I think game Banana is in the wrong here since like I said the age of consent is 16 in Japan the game is Japanese and its plot setting and characters are all very clearly set with in Japan and it was made by an all Japanese Dev team too but I doubt this is the last we'll see if this is kind of pandering since Nexus mods removing that Tomb Raider screen is also moronic and I agree keeping it there is stupid to begin with cuz this backpedaling virtue signaling finger wagging that people do where they retroactively condemn older content for not fitting newer ideals is stupid the tomb Rider games in this remaster came out decades ago they should be experienced how they are and not shamed for their decisions and if you believe that Nexus mods was right I'd love to hear what you have to say in the comments but if you want my take I don't agree with it but it's clear the gaming industry across the board is in some very weird places right now whether it's laran Studios all over the greedy Executives in front of their faces or games like Skull and Bones looking worse in a PS3 game or these moderators pandering by removing mods it's very obvious that this industry has a lot of growing to do and a lot of stupid stuff is still happening I hope this video at least was positive in the sense that the developers who were laid off finally had their voices heard since the game awards would definitely never let that happen and I'm glad the various gaming communities out there are speaking out against mob websites for being dumb asses because that's what it takes to keep these places accountable but most importantly what do you think of the stories within this video let me know in the comments as always thank you for watching consider liking subscribing or sharing the video If you enjoyed it thank you to my patrons and have a wonderful day I hope you enjoy some video games today give yourself a break and slow down for a second and just relax life is not a race my friends try to enjoy it sometimes anyway I'll see you in the next one
Channel: ENDYMIONtv
Views: 260,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: critical drinker, rant, woke, endymion, woke media, nerdrotic, woke disney, culture war, marvel, endymiontv, woke tiktok, open bar, South Park, woke bad, exposed, gta6 woke, Warhammer 40k, Henry Cavill, reacher, yellow flash, woke character, reacher clips, baldurs gate 3, palworld, Asmongold, suicide squad, kill the justice league, rocksteady, stellar blade, model, the last of us, madame web, Sony marvel, mcu, itsagundam, Spiderman, disney, nexus mods, skull and bones, skull & bones
Id: R_rZW1MTPyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 37sec (1237 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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