Gears of War 2 Game Movie (All Cutscenes) HD

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it began as always with the desire for power to conquer the hunger to consume and until it was forced to unite against far greater but even you wanted humanity left only destruction in his way despite their best efforts at survival the humans of cearĂ¡ continued to march blindly unaware that their misguided attempts at retaliation were only leading them ever closer to extinction they have searches crippled by their weapons of mass destruction but to survive is to endure and prosper and we have most certain [Music] now stands as the last bastion of finally face of impossible odds in a way I pity them that humanity has all this move upon itself it never ends they're getting bolder those gears regarding Pomeroy Depot damn that's just down the road exactly they're moving deeper every day at least we got reinforcements yeah but for how much longer okay I'm heading to the hospital now I need to check on that lead thanks Anya good luck all right sergeant Phoenix are you sergeant Phoenix Delta Squad I'm your new trainee and Marina's arrest by the looks of it time to train the rook with the attacks at Pomeroy L know they need me on patrol at training some jumpy kid of course I'll see you inside private bank are mine sir reporting for duty sir welcome to Jacinto private your first order is to guard this spot you stay here until we get back from Patrol but Sir there's nothing here to guard sounds like a good first assignment to me stay put we'll be back kid onion you still here still here market Anya would you find a lead on a Jane Doe I'll fill you in later job I have to get back to control all right on you good luck damn it kill these goddamn grubs let's move - I good to see you what are we looking at locust read follow me lokas got some serious sex coming in here like this doubt it has anything to do with courage they just don't realize they've been sent on a suicide run maybe they're just desperate what do you mean maybe the light mass bomb hit him harder than we thought or maybe something else is going down in the hollow I don't know okay take position along these windows I took the far side okay Delta I'm back online we have confirmed locust presence in the hospital in the hospital yeah well now we've got a power outage - I'm on it I'll keep you posted control out hold fire till the right below us we want to get as many of them in the courtyard as we can here they come get ready yeah eat that control where's the power almost there Thanks control dealt out what you say these guys got rust lung emotion sickness cases have been popping up all over since the light mass bombing this horrible way for a warrior to die contagious they say it's not but I'd keep my distance now argument here they're trying to fall back take the other door [Music] rob's are likely to be in the streets around the hospital now Delta get ready thank you Oh was that [ __ ] powers out again jack open this door I like the glow of locusts blood in this light you got a sick mind [Music] the hell are you doing here rook area I was guarding got two hot sergeants these gears rounded me up to fight sir so why aren't you out there fighting while reloading sir I still don't have that trick down better learn fast let's get out there Delta grab some cover we got it dig it or we can get down there bring it [Music] at the truck never seen the locust run like this running away won't help I'll just shoot during your asses you are pissed today damn right I missed my family I'll kill every one of these bastards nice work Delta and ruck carmine you did good thanks sergeant Phoenix control this is Delta enemy threat eliminated over copy that everything okay on your end what'd you find tell me Anya don't [ __ ] me did you know I mentioned scription we don't have any info after that there's got to be another leader or something right I'm sorry damn it not again I lost her again ah damn it copy that Anya delta out Dom you okay just I'll catch up with you in a sec Marcus all right yeah whatever you need guys let's go [Music] humans are no strangers to war after all we've been fighting for as long as we can remember war is all we know in the past we fought for emulsion we fought for country we fought for freedom but all that changed after need for 15 years we've been fighting for our very survival against inhuman jealous psycho monsters but it is a fight we continue humanity faces extinction [Music] so why man down sergeant why not just drill down here just sent our one place it can't dig through and land down some perfect spot to hit them on their own turf there's a shitload of gloves there sergeant more like ten [ __ ] loads we have both feel like mass bombing would decimate the Locust Horde but they survived they brought with them a force that can sink entire cities even just until our last beacon of hope to all these dark days is now rich soon we'll have nothing left to defend and that means we have only [Music] Kier's what I ask of you now is not an easy thing it is if we are to survive if we are to lived long enough to see the seasons pass I will choose for the growth and experience a time of peace that we have never known we must change this fight children we will go to where they live and where they breed agree will destroy this is the day we take the battle to the heart to be anyway day it is the day we ensure our survival species [Applause] welcome to the big sobs are you feeling you're ready to roll you know it well let's go jump some bones of them grunts [Music] oh yeah I'll aim is deadly I'm a rage a little sweet thang baby you a conscript oh you got no charge once you took the life Lotus is family got the groceries what daddy got get scrappy [ __ ] like that Delta bear here apparently I'm riding on Maryland good on pink eyes control this is Delta we're aboard rig 314 under heading out now Roger that Delta you're good to go [Music] all right settle in Delta got a long ride to land Oh recently watch on ring will meet you and land now copy that gay r-36 we're moving into position mayor what am this is K hard for what we are in position martyr [Music] Oh chi-su look out don't read them since it will be a bunch of Christmas get me closer [Music] [Music] griever away from the way [Music] nice one more fix kill him [ __ ] delta tie here i'm on the rear guard ring below see you in that dump Roger that tie [Music] Delta cover dizzy close it up and protect the red [Music] whoa something big went down here Delta control here I'm detecting serious seismic activity beneath you hurry up [Music] yeah nice work Delta control land downs in sight Roger that determining launch coordinates now control out don't slow down we gotta get throwing Delta Marcus said tie yeah Joey was tough to kill let's get down there gears fate has thrown us together again huh Marcus looks that way welcome back to Delta tie sorry about your squad everything happens for a reason what the hell happened alone my rig we hit some mines tickers I think the whole area is infested okay Delta had to the monument in the center of town that's going to be your best place to drill we'll go control Delta out you heard her dizzy we'll walk you there Lucas used in the glamour to keep your distance I remember when they took the winter of Star crazy somewhere this close to Jacinto has been under locus control for sale I think we'd have lunch this is some years ago I'm sure the COG had their reasons just probably weren't good ones all clear I got the berries no more ticker babies a happy lady glad to hear it just keep moving never sit you are well copy that cold thanks for the assist near Barrington square over copy thanks 5:1 let's keep moving tilta call we'll see you on the other side control how much farther to the drill zone close just beyond the tunnel ahead remember your grind lifts are calibrated to dig from the exact location of the town central monument you're gonna have to back in the trucks to get them properly alive welco Delta out could be anything in here keep an eye out Delta yeah I wonder why they don't just give us nice lights kids got a point Mike versus light meaning that I take an extra gun over the flashlight any day [Applause] raiveer look out Porter's tech comer market punch a hole in the door for me borders were all clear dizzy let's get to the drilling zone I think we'll ride the rest of the way [Music] Wow the less my delta defend the ring Wars [Music] talk about a graveyard 30 grub [ __ ] always play I got no respect for the dead a lot of good soldiers from the pencil of wars buried here sure could use those men now control this is Delta we've reached the drill zone Roger that Delta what's your large status we're getting the lips in position now don't forget my hands Carver Roger vats control up what do you think head of our Delta we gotta go now Rock gonna get all back here now the grind lips let's go - bye - yo Marcus yeah if something happens to me promise me you'll look for Maria you got it down no problem Marcus should we try to damn it whoa man if cold used the puke on a raven he must be tagging the walls with chook right now looks like die this is Marcus do you raid me ty desi desi you there [ __ ] control this is Delta do you read Delta this is alpha one we've lost contact with the surface we're limited to short-range radio but we've got a line on a cedar Roger that alpha one good hunting carmine what's your position it's ty with you all right head that way and we'll catch up don't engage the enemy just defend your position hang in there rook we'll be there soon let's go find carmine Dom let's split up we'll find him faster Delta this is control service come reestablished thanks to alpha one good to hear control I'm keeping only on the ceilings Delta grind lips could be dropping down all around you Roger that any word from tae or dizzy sorry Marcus drill zones gone dark I'll keep trying oh and Marcus be careful down there all right yeah thanks Sonia Delta out [Music] Jase this is Delta the daddy here good luck out there keep it together rook Tom double-time sorry Rach you did good control this is Delta we got carmine but it looks like Echo 5 is down reading deeper into the holo Tunnel maps show direct access approximately 30 meters ahead but sir there's a wall there what about the grind lift I think it's busted sir Jack see what you can do [Applause] [Music] hold them off so Jack and pizza left Delta according to track that grind lift should be operational now thanks control alright let's give this lift a shove it's dusty as hell yeah sniper so would I Delta control Roger that control some static we copy massive seismic activities and needs a Lima City recommend you investigate when you can okay let's move out I don't think this place is stable probably isn't so keep moving [ __ ] botanist some kind of plant I don't know [Music] control you have any info on this thing looks like a big snake or warum made of stone as a rock worm it's dangerous [Applause] blowing plants right we've happened of course those are one of the two main food sources we've also the words are nearly indestructible apparently gunfire doesn't affect them at all she's right that thing's not even paying attention to you Marcus I think dizzy and time made it up there I don't know I hope so ties as tough as a broom Bock though so if anyone could make it it'd be him so who the hell was that screaming locust guy anyway no idea crazy bastard cut through a friggin tank though got to be a locust big shot or something what like ROM maybe but he may have run with like a goddamn pushover thanks for the assist Delta we cabbage seems unstable we're gonna try and regroup without the one alpha two out what the hell is that thing but I guess we found our seismic activity control this is Delta control do you read me control guess we too deep whatever that was it's gone let's go one thing I still don't understand how the locusts been down here like forever or what who knows man this one guy in basic he thought they were from Rossio or one of the moons and that they feed on emulsion hey Marcus you ever seen him eating a motion they can eat [ __ ] and die for all I care down here something else to shoot I think it's safe to say that's not a natural cave formation you were wondering where they come from Karma [Music] what are these guys I don't care just shutup up use the worms for cover a perky [Applause] Jax can these bodies looks like there's some kind of markings okay let's move out [Music] [Music] do you read me are you saying this Roger that Delta we've also just received topside confirmation that Italy missed City Sonia it's a giant worm they're sinking cities with a giant worm this is this is horrible oh my god if they some Tolan Monta vato and now Alima and they all surround just Sint oh [ __ ] they're punching holes around just Center to sink it control kr5 is down in the Alima sinkhole we're in round over Roger Delta Alena was evacuated but keep an eye out for surviving stranded just in case we'll go delt down let's cut over that John Franco better building coming down in our possession requesting copy 5 for Delta's on its way keep moving Delta that pilot doesn't have much time call dearie call it's got to be close if we're here you yeah let's hope so there's the smoke flare Delta head that way and stay ready we aren't the only ones are gonna be following that trail damn it we didn't make it in time control KR 5 4 and charlie 9 or ki a del tau get back inside the building we're sitting ducks out here Oh Marcus what's that got a bit nobody pays this game like this nobody come in the flash baby [Music] try to take this fit with my chopper man sounds like [ __ ] got fake foot it did thanks for the assist call where's the rest of your squad here's my squad except for buried antenna you gotta separate out to the drop the last message came from nearby it sounds like we got a new objective control this is Delta cancel Mayday we've regrouped with Col Baird and Sigma RMI a were assisting on the circles is that what you call it we have additional squad moving into secure Lima Roger control we'll keep you posted don't doubt the group that's a good one good thing you got your star player back Delta welcome back Coltrane damnit take some big-ass tunnels down there it's the worm huh some kind of giant worm is making all these tunnels it's what's thinking the city's to me right I wish that's some crazy [ __ ] boy but I guess the whole world's gone crazy right hey cool hey go get me out of here man hear me I'll hear you bird and dance me the hell out of here about time without took you guys so long you're welcome what the hell are the locusts doing taking prisoners they're locking people up in these things taking them deeper into the hollow then we're gonna process me man whatever that means [ __ ] I saw these locusts [ __ ] it's a process come on we need to check this out keep an eye out for any prisoners I think the locals took prisoners yes they do now [ __ ] alright let's head up this way [Applause] well clear Tai is that you Marcus we got more locust on the way time let's go Colbert cover that door carmine dumb guard the rear I told you they're breaking people I can hear them screaming from the docks I can't believe they did that the time he survives everything doesn't mean let's just get the hell out of here control I don't know what the hell is going on down here but locus tactics have changed the capturing prisoners torturing them hell I don't know what else I'm getting similar reports Marcus that's horrible did you find Baird yeah we got Baird we also found ty he didn't make it Roger that Delta I've got a raven in route you've got a new objective I'll tell you more on the way that about time I'm sorry Marcus it was a good man yeah he was thanks Anya Delta out hurry it up one time we need out of here now go-go-go where's carbine I got your betting signs get your ass in here now looking to take a big day we read LM okay sort I can't believe we made it don't daaamn daaamn you awake I brought you breakfast the kids are at my mother's so we got the whole day to ourselves Dom are you awake Dom Dom Dom DOM wake up ah you okay tell me tell me we aren't where I think we are eight to tell you Dom we are oh this this is just perfect we're inside a giant worm now what the cards name I was supposed to do come on man let's just cut our way out this [ __ ] carmine huh what the hell is it doing oh come on stop pissing it off how the hell you gonna tell me what not to shoot a little [ __ ] oh that's why right what kind of meat you say no country about Tebow haha let's keep moving if this is the stomach the heart the lungs it gotta be somewhere on the other side yeah as long as it's physiology plays by the wall cow cow cow things like gas man told him well we're on a one-way trip so keep moving all right doctor we gotta be getting close so where the hell are we now looks like sternum or at least the giant worm equivalent then the hearts got to be closed right one can hope welcome to the heart [Music] yeah that's over now we can cut our way off this [ __ ] good job Delta one dead worm wait I still hear a heartbeat damn it we're gonna be drowning in blood if we don't hurry up [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's just wrong control don't they hear we just I don't know where to even begin but just get us the hell out of here look out below Delta incoming center [Music] excuse me sir but what the hell just Declassified what do you mean a locust Queen else's [ __ ] detector just go off well cos man this should sound sketch if Hofmann didn't even know about this place it's not like we have a choice this operations our last shot move out shotgun I hope no one believes in ghosts call their stay here and guard the Santa Dom you come with me what's up with that you expecting an attack on the ghost town these days Baird you should expect anything we'll keep you posted this place doesn't look like an outpost more like a warehouse probably just a facade they've obviously been hiding something here yeah but what we'll find out soon enough looks like some stranded might have been here smells like the Plumbing's out this place is a mess control this is Delta do you copy no trying to reach control control soft line for now Delta you'll report directly to the command keepers buff Oh Roger that Delta out we're screwed welcome to Jameson Depot proper identification is required for entry you gotta be kidding me I'm sorry but proper identification is required for entry good day jack with the store pronto forget it jack we're gonna have to blow this thing open they're gonna get a blast charge ready of course regular or extra strength extra strength will recon till you're ready Roger boss man bear down let's see if we can find some power flamethrowers sweet I think it still works never know till you try River carmine was always talking about fire yeah and burned our asses with it bris new kids coming let's try this out [Music] go with the world some kind of security door we need to live in us Bob pass you mean you're gonna blow that [ __ ] up exactly it's already Marcus just make sure you get your ass outside the blast radius and whatever you do don't drop gotcha well let you know how it goes Oh we'll know welcome back do you now have proper identification oh yeah I got some identification for you Oh Chris granted thank you carry on and I hand it to Baird he does good work definitely a different place back here welcome to the new home research facility I'm Niles please let me know if I can be of any assistance is that a recording I think so actually I'm not just a recording but I'll tell you more about the facility okay looks like some kind of workers quarters while you turn the cube this place just recently our facility maintains the highest possible standards I assure you we take great pride in our work here I'm sure you do command this is Delta do you copy what do you got we're in the facility but it's got a few surprises I don't think it's a been hearing some guys controlling the security systems annoying as you make your way through our facility do let us know if you encounter any conditions that do not meet our standards I read you Baird what's up Roger that I'll try to make this quick you think they kept UW's here from the pendulum wars doubt it this place is set up to keep people out [ __ ] definitely not field opens there are these things some kind of stasis tanks and what's in them those aren't wrenches I don't believe that you have access to this part of the facility access huh sure you want to go through that routine again unexpected command this is Delta are you getting this [Music] Roger that don't doubt jack plug in and see what you can find maybe one of these terminals will have some intel on this place where the hell we can find the locust stronghold volume basis state-of-the-art security systems that simply cannot be breached by her he batted check you got to get that info what is this sounds like talking about don't know what just happened what the hell was that nothing good I would begin exiting the facility if I wheel I tried to warn you now it appears you have a workers okay guess it's not always so bad [Music] control you have anything from Jack yet affirmative Delta you need to follow the old logging road up the the data is correct should be able to find the entrance to the mountain from there Roger that control del tau tricked us up ahead keep it steady Marcus there's another there I think that's the entrance we're gonna have to take out that barricade got it control Delta here we're entering Mount Kedar comm signals probably gonna go patchy soon Roger we'll come Delta out okay we're in now what now we keep our eyes out for locust we're back on their home turf so Sheba ain't no sweat baby cuz I always like the way games grades gonna be real easy to shoot things now so somebody turn on the lights Jeff no gain without lights [Applause] at least it's not another freaky ass worm [Applause] we lost power no [ __ ] come on bear hurry it up I'm trying okay gonna try only one way to go now are you crazy Marcus that's it no more chunks right Oh what are you doing hold that what the hell are you doing down here well after you jackasses blew up my station and Franklin's out both got over on the surface wasn't safe no more you guys thought out here was safe nowhere is Sutton not anymore we were fine here for a few months as long as he stayed away from the roads if Nexus but now they're coming around where they didn't before kidnapping people torturing them Nexus yeah Nexus you got wax in your ears Nexus is where all the locusts come from hey old man can we get there from here you'd have to cross the lake but nobody does except locust those waters ain't safe nowhere is right all right call Bear I want you to take these people up to the surface Dom and I will continue on foot what but they they're gonna die otherwise you'll follow down in the grind lifts once we set off Jack's beacon but we kid this is what he tells you he'll take it under advisement come on man that's gold old man gather everyone and go with them they'll take you to safety oh wait a minute it doesn't mean we gotta fight in your army now does it but it and say that but you're not staying here wait before you go you ever seen this woman name is Maria pray something about her face seem familiar maybe shoes with one of the other groupies that came down this way Jews for my sake but you and him got captured but the capture was the locust have been taken them towards Nexus probably or the word camps along the way how do we find them when you get to the highway near the dam there's a path it'll take you there thanks oh man don't know what good it does you you ain't getting in there unless you're locust hey Marcus what if the beacon doesn't work then we'll see Jacinto down here control Delta here Cole and Baird are heading to the surface with survivors for evac Roger that Delta what about you and Dom we're adding them deeper to the Nexus stronghold we think we found the path copy that we have groin lift reinforcements awaiting your signal Thanks control Delta out this is crazy man Maria better not be down here everything's gonna work out all right yeah I hope so hard to believe this leads to a locust city feels too old maybe that'll be our advantage this would be the last route they think we take looks like a boat at the end of the pier we need that if we went across the lake [Music] that folks not getting us anywhere look out just keep fighting for now why they just drop off they afraid of the emulsion fumes that was something else keeps your eyes open hey wait what happens if we breathe in the [ __ ] too late now was that nothing good we need to get off this thing man you're preaching to the choir hold on now [Music] I ever tell you how much I hate the water that sounds like trouble there's something under the water I don't see it yeah but it's down there where is it I don't know but it's definitely not going away Oh [Music] god dammit how do we kill this thing like the worm from the inside [Music] biggest biggest fish I've ever caught let's just get out of the goddamn water [Music] [Music] got many troops on the move that's gotta be the highway well then let's follow him to where the action is wait Marcus yo guys said we had to branch off the highway at the dam you need to stick to the mission we have no idea of Boreas down here and every I need to know you don't have to go with me alright damn it that's just gonna get us both killed we need to get into the stronghold and activate the beacon this is it dumb this is everything we've been fighting for yeah what Maria is everything I've been fighting for she's my [ __ ] wife alright she gonna turn your back on your whole world then the other gears we fought with all the people who died I'm sorry Marcus after what you did for your father I thought you'd understand daaamn wait up [Music] Oh clear [Music] Marcus looks like the old guys Intel was solid Jack can you find a visual match on Maria so many people [Music] I think you found her but what's that symbol mean could be where they're keeping her let's look around [Music] that's it this must be the area start looking [Music] we got company Jack open it up I can't believe it Marcus we finally found her Maria Maria oh no no no no no baby no no no no what do they do to you ah I'm so sorry I'm so sorry Maria I tried to find you God I I did yeah please no Maria god damn it it's me Dominic it's Dominic Marcus I don't know what to do I don't know what to do man she know it's okay [Music] I'm so sorry [Music] I'm so sorry [Music] I love you so much [Music] I'm sorry about Maria but she's in a better place now you did what you had to do I found a way to sneak into Nexus but if you want to go in guns blazing I don't blame you I want to kill them all [Music] I think we found our locus stronghold Nexus [Music] now where do we find the Queen my bets on that tower in the middle it's the closest thing we've seen to a palace so when should we activate the beacon when we get in deeper the cavalry needs solid ground to land on we got to make sure no lifts land in the emulsion come on let's head towards the palace look inside yourself do you have the will to win what who the hell's that it's gotta be the queen keep watching my children your queen is with you yep definitely the queen this place close enough for the beacon almost we need to get a little closer to the palace there are no preacher wires anywhere we cannot be stopped nothing can stand before us my children we shall conquer the surface and we shall begin anew we're in deep enough jack set off the beacon [Music] we got a 5 Jack sometime hold them off sweet watch it glide lifts coming in come ride the beacon worked welcome back to Delta into the world baby wouldn't want to be anywhere else I think I take the tropical island so now would now we got to get into the palace find that Queen let's move Delta that's the palace I'm guessing this'll lead us to it worth a shot man this is nurse still don't get how they could have built all this [ __ ] so fast we still don't know how long they've been down here and all this emotion are they thriving off of it maybe but that Queen of theirs keeps talking about reaching the surface on the surface of Santa we shall find our destiny speak of the devil what you talking about [Applause] [Music] [Applause] why the hell are they in such a hurry it's us too far from the beacon must be something else going on Yotam don't touch that [ __ ] you could get rustling off that or something I don't know man it looks infected yeah good call let me get this history the regular locusts are fighting the claw and locusts I thought they were all on the same side I was wondering why we were doing so well well that explains their desperation in the raids they're losing their home turf to the lambent get back in Chicago they're definitely fighting another war down here good thing too and I have a feeling we wouldn't have lasted this long without some help are you seeing this yeah taking baby going into overtime end of the line folks whoa this bitch's house is three B this is it tulta pulled this off my eyes hi my children then they shot my enemies away in a blank blood so how are we gonna find the Queen well where would you hide if you were queen of the grubs at the bottom check this out looks like what the Queen keeps yapping about so we know they're trying to sink jacinto it sounds like it'll flood the hollow why would they do that they're desperate all this time we never realized that Jack plug in and see what you can find Wow there we go one muscled Queen not you her you were great I loved your speech there especially with the bitch-ass stuff very good very enlightening Jack anything there appears to be baby Marcus sad who I think it is who's that talking Madame Phoenix what but what's he doing in the locust computers we'll figure that out later look my father and the locust queen are saying the same thing it's just a matter of timing we need to sync Jacinto before the locusts leave not after can we even do that Marcus I know what your dad and all but listen to what you're saying consider it a back-up plan if we can't get to the Queen Jack see if you can send the data back to command tell them we found another way to put the locust down for good keep moving Delta well let's hope she's home could be a trap stay alert it's a trap all right [ __ ] [ __ ] get back up to that door we've got an appointment with royalty [Music] you're the first humans to ever desecrate this palace with your presence it's her and I assure you you will most certainly be the last the locus Queen if you're planning on flooding the hollow then I guess we would be the last yes there you destroyed the rift worm there are still ways for us to think Jacinto you will perish along with the lamb but not if we seek it first Scourge informed me of your plan to sink Jacinto before us I'm afraid it won't work don't be so sure we already have an army on route 2 Jacinto to prevent that from happening tell me is it true you're the son of Adam Phoenix what's it to you he spoke highly of you it's a shame that you didn't follow his path the hell are you talking about it no longer matters scourge destroy them they're called guard to the Queen worm Marcus behind us dink up that bastard [ __ ] where'd he go where's the Queen she escaped on a river which wind she go forget the Queen we need to find a way back to Jacinto well there are two more rivers back there it's worth the shot move out let's go French is connected we need to get to those rivers keep moving people there there's our ticket out of here get on those waivers Marcus I don't think they're gonna let us just climb on him you got a better idea let's ride Delta wanna get a little water there's a problem ain't cool when let's just get the [ __ ] out of here that contra Jacinto Delta I'm not sure thanks for the assistance we thought we were done for now welcome now get your asses outta this entire oasis going down get to a smoker [Applause] control Delta here we lost the Queen did you get the data from Jack affirmative Delta evacuations are underway but we're currently under Steve Roger that the queen is sending everything she's got to stop as a receiving decision we're gonna do it do it now understood we're working as fast as we can are you a local is it I get down all right Delta title [ __ ] just go straight ahead we gotta get down there I repeat do not shoot this is Delta squad that was too close you heard our let's move nice work Phoenix your squad did good what's the status in progress we've evacuated most of Jacinto but we still need more time to leave that gears from the hollow we have a plan to sink Jacinto almost we're finalizing the logistics now when you first sent this information sergeant Phoenix I thought you were insane you seem to have that effect on people but it looks like your father was right all this time locust troops have breached the courtyard we're on it now without me art if this is Jacinto's last stand I'm not sending that fair enough [Music] control may engage secure we're heading back no doubt [Music] so what's our status we have a plan but it's not gonna be easy we've identified an underground cavern near the locusts and sinkhole we believe that a strategically placed light mass bomb can give Jacinto its final push what's the catch do two seater a nemesis - infestation we're unable to get a chopper down there to deliver the bomb we need someone to clear the target area and by someone you mean us Baird Cole I want you two to assist with the light mass bomb Dom looks like we're heading back underground that's gonna hurt control we're through the archives building and are now approaching Cooper Street we're about a half a klick from the sinkhole we'll keep you posted dealt out there it is the beginning of the end up against a suit I guess it was just a matter of time this kind of robot calm down firing on the building drive over something come on come on let's get the hell out unbelievable [Music] let's get over there and finish it off we could right Reavers were one thing but a broom uck they can ride him so complete hijack the broom on so that we we're riding up faster at the other control target areas cleaned and we have a clear path with the Ravens Roger that something's wrong Marcus Roger that Baird we're more than ready markets were screwed we lost the lightness box it's gotta be away that was going on with that thing I don't know almost looks like it's going lambent lambent there's an exploding lament yeah like the wrenches but way bigger then I think we've got our bomb get us out of here now all KR units came back to the surface [Music] control in your evening Anya are you there [Music] your world can end in the blink of an eye one event one unexpected twist and suddenly the world as Union is gone forever are you come in Anya all that you held dear all that you held us is washed away into the sea of distant memory I'm sorry Lucas [Music] is of this I have no doubt but life with [Music] one leaves behind a lasting legacy but so often the legacies that we leave I'm not the ones that waved in this is Adam Phoenix is anyone out there can you hear me this is Adam Phoenix can you hear me what have you done
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 1,923,197
Rating: 4.8359613 out of 5
Keywords: machinima, gears of war 2 movie, gears of war 2 game movie, gears of war 2 all cutscenes, Gears of War 2 full walkthrough, Gears of War 2 playthrough, Gears Of War 2 (Video Game), Gears Of War (Video Game Series), marcus fenix, dom, cole train and baird, Gears Of War (Video Game), Gears of War 2 Game Movie (All Cutscenes) HD, game movie, game, video game, gears of war 2, gamer's little playground, all cutscenes
Id: Oqy4oeiO34Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 17sec (7877 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2015
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