Mary's Extraordinary Faith

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[Music] hallelujah are you a favorite child of your mother or you are the child that when your mother sees you she cries may you be a favorite child from today i said may you be a favorite child from today well today is a special day and on this special day we have special people who preach are not excited about the day [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i wanted to do a better club offering [Applause] and i wanted to show excitement [Music] hallelujah well [Music] there are women and there are anointed women and there are anointed women and there are anointed women hallelujah the kodesh is a very blessed church if you don't come to the kurdish i don't know where you go to church such a blessed church a church that has a whole archbishop attending [Applause] a church that received the first year that received the bishop in spain barcelona this morning we are very blessed he will bring you christians later hallelujah a church that bishop knee preaches in i said that bishop pious fires the world and said that you attend [Applause] [Music] we have the stage with the third lady in the church with a second lady in the church and with the first lady in the church ladies and gentlemen we have an almighty person in the church our own mother no better person to preach that our mother on this mother's day shall we receive episcopal sister and lord he wants me [Music] [Applause] okay [Applause] hallelujah praise jesus what a heartwarming welcome [Applause] [Music] to this amazing pulpit a man but i want you to give a better club offering to jesus he's the reason why we are here give him praise at the top giving praise at the back giving praise in the middle and is hallelujah shall we share a word of prayer father thank you for this morning your word says unto you shall the gathering of the people be lord your people have gathered at your feet they have come to be taught by the holy spirit let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you i pull down everything that resists the word of god every high thing that exalts itself above the knowledge of god i bring you down in the name of jesus every imagination i bring you down and i pray the lord let these words fall on good soil and let it change us and make us more like you in jesus name amen hallelujah good morning oh you may take your seats [Music] good morning and happy mother's day [Applause] i always share that yes mothers maybe are people who produce children but if you look at that then maybe god will not be so important but god has produced children also and amazing children because john 1 12 says that he gave power to those who believe and receive to become children of god so mothering is not only biological and sometimes the greatest mothers have been spiritual mothers and mothers who have given birth to many and brought forth many nations so on this occasion you know i was saying on social media as i was bringing the mother's day message that mother's day presents different things for different people sometimes it reminds us of a promise delayed that maybe we wanted to be mothers by a certain time or a certain season in our lives and it hasn't happened so we are not so excited about mother's day because it may remind us of a promise seemingly denied sometimes we are not excited about mother's day because it may remind us of some losses some miscarriages that we may have had and to all those who have lost children and who desire to be mothers i pray that god will give you a miracle and he is able amen sometimes it reminds us of our departed mothers you know and we feel oh maybe i wasn't even old enough to see my mother or i lost my mother when i was she was giving birth to me or you lost your mother at a point in the journey of life but in all of it we can still celebrate them for the lives that god gave and we can still be thankful for that amen somebody and then again we can celebrate mother's who because mothering is bringing forth life and i believe there are many many many mothers adoptive spiritual many mothers god brings away and who have touched our lives in so many ways so i want to say to all types of mothers happy mother's day and may god fulfill his purpose for your life are men and when you look at the bible jesus defined who his mother was he didn't say his mother was mary you know he said in luke 8 19-21 luke 8 19-21 he said then came to him his mother and his brethren and could not come at him for the press it means there were a lot of people pressing on him verse 20 and it was told him by satan which said thy mother and thy brethren stand without desiring to see thee 21 and he answered and said unto them my mother and my brethren are these which hear the word of god and do it amen so jesus defined mothering in a different way that you define it he said that those who hear and obey or do his word they are his mother and his brethren amen and i thank god for that because everybody can qualify everybody can say i will hear and i'll do and then you become a mother in the eyes of jesus and it's better to be something in god's eyes than in the eyes of men so on behalf of the presiding bishop bishop me my good self i wish all mothers in whatever form and fashion a happy mother's day but especially those who here and do the word of god amen well i want to um thank bishop lee for this opportunity to speak to you on mother's day and i also want to acknowledge the presence of the archbishop and bishop all the way from barcelona you're welcome bishop and all our reverends pastors and lady pastors who stand with us here thank you for standing with the prophet he needs you and you also need him amen now jesus said that the people who here and do are his mothers so i want to talk to you about the faith of mary the faith of mary the mother of jesus okay the faith of mary or mary's extra extraordinary faith now we read from luke 18 19 to 21 that jesus said my mother and my brethren verse 21 are they who hear the word of god and do it amen so then we want to look at mary's extraordinary faith or if you like the faith of a mother in ii timothy 1 5 paul writing to timothy says when i call to remembrance the unfaint faith that is in thee which dwelt first in thy grandmother lois and thy mother eunice and i'm persuaded that dwells in thee also amen so timothy became a great man of god and paul said at a point that i have no man like-minded like timothy because everybody is thinking about their own selves that's what paul said that the pastors he was surrounded by were thinking about their own selves but in timothy he could find a man who had who was like-minded in terms of sharing the same vision the same burden whatever was precious to paul if it was souls if it was church building it was precious to timothy now how did that come about because in acts 16 1 we are told that when paul came to debbie and lystra and behold a certain disciple was there named timotheus or timothy the son of a certain woman which was a jews and believed but his father was a greek so timothy's mother was a believer but his father was not and so when paul had to take him on the pastoral journey the bible says he had to circumcise him because his father was a greek the son of a gentile is it not amazing that in spite of the fact that his father was an unbeliever i don't know how a jews will end up with the greek and some of you sister sitting here you have greeks in your life and you are working with greeks so i am not encouraging you to marry greeks but then having found herself in that place timothy's mother still had a certain faith and that faith was the legacy she bequeathed to timothy but where did timothy's mother's faith come from the bible says it came from lois the grandmother so ladies there's something we can pass on to our children irrespective of who their fathers are amen and we can still mother generations yet unborn because paul then comes to say to timothy from a child that has known the holy scriptures which means that lois and eunice passed the right baton amen to timothy many of us think about making wills and leaving a legacy and maybe educating our children but we don't think about their faith and we don't think about their faith work and we invest more in ballet classes in international schools in computer courses in things that we think will make our children great but we don't invest in anything spiritual when it comes to spirituality so you have a youth faster flow what would you produce that will go from generation to generation and affects the lives of men and change the lives of destiny because lies passed it on to eunice and eunice passed it on to timothy irrespective of the fact of that his father was greek you too it should be your aim to pass faith on to the next generation and the once yet unborn amen now what paul said was when i called to remembrance the unfaint faith and feigned faith that is in thee when i call to remember as the unfaint faith so you can have faith but the faith is tainted and the faith unfaint means not pretending another version says sincere faith and that is why it could last through generations because it was authentic when you buy jewelry that is not authentic you cannot even bath with it because it will soon be tarnished when you buy things sometimes they tell you that it's um oh it's jail this uh jewelry they sell in togo and all that it will not fade so you buy it and then when you go and use it it fades and you are not happy so unfaint faith is faith that does not pretend it's faith that is real it's faith that walks the talk and that's what it believes amen the bible says show me your faith by your works amen so when the bible talks about unfaint faith i believe it was that kind of faith and because of that we have the book of timothy and paul's work was able to progress amen now to our main story luke chapter 1 verse 26 luke chapter 1 verse 26 if you don't know where luke is but you know where to find the latest we've on you are lost amen [Applause] because when the issues of life come it's not the quality of your weave on but the dust sayeth the lord like jesus said it is written man shall not live by bread alone what are you also going to say when the devil comes are you going to say look at my weave on look at my hands look at my spots those things don't cast out devils but it is that it is written that brings things to life in jesus name amen well luke 1 26 in the sixth month the angel gabriel was sent from god and to a city of galilee named nazareth to a virgin espoused to a man whose name was joseph of the house of david and the virgin's name was mary and the angel came in unto her and said hail thou art highly favored and the lord is with thee blessed are thou among women and when she saw him she was troubled at his saying and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be and the angel said unto her fear not mary for thou has found favor with god and behold thou shalt conceive in thy womb and break forth his son and shall call his name jesus and all the prophecies okay and then 34 then mary said to the angel how shall this be seen that i know not a man and the angel answered and said to her the holy ghost shall come upon thee and the power of the most i shall overshadow thee therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the son of god and it says for with god nothing shall be impossible verse 38 and mary said behold i am the handmaid of the lord beat unto me according to thy word amen now because jesus said his mother and his brethren are those who hear the word of god and do it amen the way you look at john 8 29 the bible says that he that sent me is with me the father has not left me alone why for means because i do always i do always those things that please him amen so it's not just hearing and it's not just doing but doing always those things start pleasing and he's saying that because of that the father has not left him alone could it be that god has left some of us alone because we don't do always the things that please him now when you look at mary's story it seems god really located here because the bible says that the angel was sent right from god not from anywhere from god to a city it's quite specific that in the sixth month the angel gilbert was sent from god and to a city of galilee the specifics and the particulars named nazareth so maybe galilee is here and then he sent him to sauton i cried there then so tom okay to a virgin beloved god knows your sexuality god knows your deeds whether in light or in darkness god sees and unfortunately we are so concerned about man hey my pastor is coming my pastor shouldn't see me in this bar my person shouldn't see me with this married man my pastor is coming i should wear my sketch quickly but god from heaven he says all things are naked and to him with whom we have to do god sees even your virginity and it matters to him amen somebody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] obedience is sin and same things like virginity how will you send in the sixth month and you sent an angel called gabriel you could have said oh he sent to a woman called mary i said to a virgin to a virgin i am not saying that if you are not a virgin you are condemned no that's not what the bible says but when you come to know christ there must be a difference in your life there must be a second virginity in your life there must be a purity not because i said it i didn't write the bible god wrote the bible amen to a virgin number two espouse to a man god knows your relationships he says do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers [Music] and yet when we ask you is he born again you say lady reverend he's a black american [Applause] when we ask you is he born again he said lady reverend he's very rich god knows about our relationships i was looking on my class page when bill gates and his wife divorced the next day and i saw that they had put some seemingly jokes pictures of different women saying bill gates please i really want to marry you you don't have to talk to me i just want to be in the house bill gates i can even be in the kitchen it doesn't matter as you've left your wife and another person said i know you are healing by healing your bedroom and leave the rest of your house to me god knows about our relationships and god wonders if we are willing to pay the price when he says do not be an equally yoked to unbelievers is not because he wants to punish us but it's because he wants our good he knows the plans he has for you beloved and there are plans of good and not of evil he doesn't want you to cry he doesn't want you to say i should have listened he wants to give you his light amen so god knew about mary's relationship a virgin espoused to a man and he knew the man's name whose name was joseph hey do these little things matter to god we love as they do and he knew joseph's background of the house of david his lineage his spiritual pedigree where he's coming from is important to god [Applause] amen and the virgin's name is now coming her name was mary when he says i know you by name he means it with all his heart he knows where you are he knows the corner where you are he knows you are a single parent he knows the struggles he knows your prayers and he listens to them all and he knows you by name amen and then the angel comes in and to hear the bible says and the greaterness hell thou art highly favored the lord is with you from all this time mary didn't know she was special she thought that oh i'm an ordinary person i have a beloved and i'm getting married but our father who stays in secret he rewards you openly so he says hello thou favored one the lord is with you blessed are you amongst women ladies you don't have to be mediocre amongst women you can stand out for god amongst women you can have a holy ghost class amongst women you can be different you can be different from those who remove all they are scared all the time you can be different from being a kiosk because you are the temple of the living god your body is a men ladies now ladies and what point are you making i'm making the point that mary also had a type of unfaint faith because if somebody comes he said hell thou favor you are highly favored blessed are you amongst women he said really i'm very young amongst rich women i'm not sure i've even yet to become a woman so blessed are you amongst women but that is how god sees you amen the bible says she was troubled i want to say that jesus said my father has not left me alone because i do all the things that please him amen so for us to do all the things that please him we would have to walk in his word like we saw that mary did now when you want to work in god's word i wish i could say that it's always easy it's easy you don't have to do much you just walk in his word some of his words and some of his promises are easy for instance i wish above all things that thomas prosper and be in health even as thy soul prospers it's god's promise and it is easy to claim but when it comes to say all day that live godly in christ jesus shall suffer persecution it becomes a problem so obedience becomes a problem when it's difficult to do not when it is easy okay so when we walk in obedience it attracts god and it attracts his presence amen so job said in job 23 job 23 operator verse 12 job 23 verse 12 neither have i gone back from the commandment of his lips i have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food what job is saying is that i value god's word more than food that i will eat it's a deep scripture because what he's saying is that i value his word more than things of the flesh and things of the senses amen our five senses are we see we hear we taste we we touch we smell and what else all that so those are the things that you can feel the essential things but job is saying that i esteem your word your word is higher than how i feel your word is higher than my senses your word is higher than what i think your word is higher than my convenience your word is higher than if it's easy now when you look at mary's life you say oh she was favored she was blessed amongst women but the way that came was not easy you are not married that you are going to get pregnant when you get pregnant you are going to open yourself to so much controversy and contradiction people will talk about you and you will be laughed at and ridiculed because when they ask you where is your husband who is god what how can you blaspheme like that god cannot give birth with a woman amen and then also the problem of joseph how is she going to convince joseph that this one is of the holy ghost a lot of you brothers the bible says joseph being a just man decided not to make a public display or disgrace of mary but to put it away quietly but this modern day husbands and brothers they make a public disgrace of spouses amen so if you want to be a just man follow joseph's example amen brothers so when that happened mary was like my relationship is finished how am i going to tell joseph how am i going to explain that i have not been unfaithful when all the odds are against you beloved sometimes the rumors and things that go on about you especially if you are in the ministry can go so against you that you don't even have anything to say you have no defense you know many years ago our church in switzerland had a major problem because somebody left our church and that he flew back to switzerland with another pastor who wanted to start a branch of his church but they decided that they would evangelize our members instead so this pastor took this other pastor this person of our church who had resigned took another pastor of another church to encourage him to start his branch and they went door to door to our members and they said you know bishop doug he's a thief there are so many faxes on him the things they have stolen the things he has done and like the 200 who followed absalom people are simple-minded the bible says as a man thinketh so is he i think that people still so they cannot believe that you had a 92 country multinational organization and not be a thief they they don't think it's possible because even in their small corner they are stealing cutting wool stealing from that tale so they cannot imagine that you would not steal anyway this other church took off and they took off in a diplomat's house i'm saying this because it was public knowledge and it was in the news when they took off starting with our members in the diplomats house soon after that it came in the papers those days chronicle was a paper that when you read you trembled and it came in the papers that that diplomat had been busted for drugs for doing drugs using drugs and that our church was meeting in this house meanwhile it was orangu side anyway they called some pastors in ghana chronicle wanted to verify the story so it's called some pastors not lighthouse in ghana to verify is it true that the shopdog has stolen money there's evidence to show that and all that and then they said oh yes oh yes he's stolen money and even we have the faxes and everything to prove unfortunately the lady doing the probing was our church member so when the pastors finished speaking then she would say to them oh i'm surprised because my pastor he wasn't a bishop then teaches us not to malign church a man of god so i'm surprised that you said anyway you say you have the faxes shall i send for them or would you fax them to me so that i'm writing a story my boss has asked me to write a story copies of the facts sir some people have it but i personally i don't really have it and i don't really anyway we knew the story and it came to pass that we went to a pastor's program soon after that a few days after one went we saw this pastor's day and they were all very nice oh hello pastor dad go hello i don't think i know your wife hello sister hello anyway after and they said he stole money and he has even bought a brand new benz so afterwards some of the pastors said oh you are leaving can we see you off and the mother said oh we parked far away because we were late so a lot of cars parked before us so to see us off is very far it's all we'll go with you so they went with us when we got to our car we opened oh it's okay toyota oh we didn't know they didn't tell us why but we knew why well after a few weeks things happened to some of them one came and said i was just getting into my bed and for no reason my bed is not high i just fell and now i'm in crutches so came to my house first thing asked my husband is your wife here my husband said no oh hallelujah i don't know how the face day my husband said really why so because the lord said for me to walk again i should come and apologize to you i'm sorry he came with two crutches i'm sorry the lord said i should apologize to you my husband said really why we knew that story but we hadn't asked so because i gave false evidence i did things i should not have done forgive me beloved a lot of these things are private and a lot of these things are not shared so some of us unless we see we do not believe but what did mary say let it be to me according to your words when god says he will vindicate you he will vindicate you when god says the battle is his he will fight for you the lord will fight for you and you have only to be still amen but serving god being obedient to his word is not easy you have to esteem it more than your necessary food you know sometimes as i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i look and i remember why i did not want to come into ministry and i remember telling god in my closet the god you know i come from a very very well to do family and you know that i've traveled outside the borders of this country you know that my father buys me very wonderful things am i now going to be full-time in this church so that when i preach and they see me they'll say her red robes are the first offering her shoes are sacred offering her heart is the pledges lord is not about you it's the people and therefore i'm sorry i cannot obey you i would rather go and work and bring you money in the house of god i said that in my closet and the lord said to me you are very very very proud i said me the lord said you yes i'm talking to you and i'm like wow how can that be god said because you are saying my father is rich i come from here i have this it's all pride and my word says humble yourself under the mighty hand of god and he will exalt you i wish i could say it was so easy it wasn't it was a lot of struggle a lot of tears in my closet but i obeyed him beloved those who here and those who do i had heard from god but what i was going to do i needed to decide in myself whether i was going to look at the tongues of men and i was going to please him who called me the bible says faithful is he who called you who also will do it amen somebody when you are in this thing for money it's not god who called you when you are in this thing because you want a reputation it's not god who called you because philippians 2 says he made himself of no reputation he made himself the word is hadou you you don't even have reputation look at your pride you don't even have a name look at your pride you are not even a professional look at your pride but god's word is god's word and it knows no bounds the faith of mary it looks like a wild promise that god has blessed you with but inside that promise it's a difficulty to be it's a difficulty how are you going to handle the contradiction of men the bible says about jesus he endured the contradiction of men amen so when job said i esteem your word more than your necessary food you too what is the price for your obedience what is the price to obey god's word what price are you willing to pay unfortunately many believers are led by pain and they are led by offense but the bible didn't say as many as are led by their pain or as many as are led by offence but as many as are led by the spirit of god they are the sons of god beloved you know what is in a tea bag when hot water has been poured on it when is cold water the tea bag doesn't come out properly you too when hot water has been poured on you when painful things have been done to you when difficult things have come your way that's when we know what is in you [Applause] [Music] and beloved that is faith that is faith because faith is the evidence of things not seen the substance of things hoped for when bishop doug was called by god he couldn't see you he couldn't see the kodesh he couldn't even see first lab he couldn't see the 15 denominations he couldn't see 6 000 pastors he couldn't see he could just see a motley group of five people in the school of hygiene now where were you what sacrifice are you prepared to make to obey god what sacrifice you talk about giving up your degree wow some gave up medicine some gave up law some gave up finance some gave up but we did not give it up to you we gave it up to him to him to him looking into jesus and not men amen i'm sure many of you have heard me say that when we moved into our house it was bought for us for my mother-in-law all right but everything was red sand on the floor but when we moved in at the age of our late 20s we rather knelt down in the red sand we lifted our hands and we said that at 20 something you have given us a house blessed be the name of the lord if it were some of you and look at where the church has gotten for me you are even blessed that the church can get something for you for 20 years we lived in our own house and yet we have not felt cheated by god we have not felt robbery with god it's a privilege to serve god it's a privilege to know him it's a privilege to serve god's people amen [Music] [Applause] today as i'm sharing the testimony you are clapping for me isn't it but in the red sand in the difficult places no one was there to applaud when there is no applause will you still esteem his word more than your necessary food you say you are a christian why is it that when you are hurt you are led by your head you are led by your pain should i also open my encyclopedia britannica of heads should be shut down also open how you have hurt him beloved that is not christian the bible says it is impossible but that offenses will come i tell people don't expect that nobody will offend you even in your biological house even among your family don't you have issues do you just get up and say i've changed my name i'm this and that no you stay in the same way when you have heads and offenses be spiritual be obedient let your face be unfaint show me your faith by the way you live if you think you are going to follow god with no difficulties then i will encourage you to resign resign now because there is no such thing amen we were told in calallen that in the basement we print money yes and what amazes me is that if money could be printed like that then codec should have been bought with all the printed things should have been easy but things were not easy the contradiction of men show me your face by your ways insane faith that first dwelt in your grandmother lois and then in your mother eunice and then in you also it's your faith and faint or it is tainted tainted with doubt tainted with unbelief tainted with suspicion tainted with whether god will be faithful or not i came to encourage you the bible says heaven and nest will pass away by his word his words in him all the promises of god are yay and amen beloved if i was in the ministry because of human beings i don't think i'll be here by now amen if i was in the ministry because of what i will get i don't think i'll be here by now but the word of god is my light lamp unto my feet lie to my past sometimes the road gets muddy and rough sometimes it's like you're sitting in a torture and it's going like this but i just say lord i take it that your word is the handle and even though it's going like this i don't know where it will take me to but i trust you that you will bring me to an expected end why because of your words my mother and my brethren are those who hear the word of god and obey it may you be somebody jesus can call a mother somebody jesus can call his brethren not because you come from israel but because you hear his word and you do it it's time to dive into god's word god's way doesn't come to you by osmosis we must seek it the bible says study to show yourself approved unto god not unto any pastor not unto timothy class not unto titus class but study to show yourself approved unto god a white man that leadeth not to be ashamed [Music] rightly dividing the word of truth schools have been opened for you in this church that you can come and acquire knowledge and heart knowledge so that when satan comes you know your authority as a believer you won't go every sunday afternoon you are going to eat a mutual you are going to watch nigerian movie how can you grow without his word there is no light in our lives may jesus come and rearrange our priorities and rearrange our lives and be able to say these are my brethren in the qudesh because they hear the word of god and they do it amen somebody every eye closed [Applause] every head box [Music] every eye closed every head bowed beloved god has spoken to us sometimes we are obedient up to a point and then after a point we veer off some of us we never find out even what god would do what would jesus do in a situation like this you don't care you just do what your friends say but this morning god is reaching out to you wherever you are seated wherever you are standing you are here this morning you want to say lady reverend pray for me i don't know whether i'll go to heaven or hell when i die lady reverend i'm not serious with god and his word but this morning i want to take a fresh step towards him jesus is inviting you all over the place if you want jesus to come into your life and be the master of your life you want to say lady reverend pray for me please lift up your hands i'm here to pray with you i'm here to pray for you let your hands go high up above your head lift up your hands every eye closer god bless you god bless you lift up your hands let it go higher in the balconies at the back in the middle god is locating you just like he located mary you've lifted up your hands do one more heroic thing take all that you have and come to the front give me the pleasure the privilege of leading you to jesus come come come come from wherever you are jesus is waiting for you give it jesus up all things new to jesus [Music] run to jesus is i want you to say this prayer after me but let it be your personal prayer to god god sees our hearts he sees where you are he sees even your problems and this morning he is asking you to come to him and give your life to him and watch him make something out of nothing and to bring you to eternal life you want to close your eyes if you are in front here you want to lift your two hands to god as a sign of surrender and you want to say this prayer after me dear jesus dear jesus this morning this morning i come to you i come to you just as i am just as i am jesus jesus take my life take my life and make me your child and make me your child forgive me for my sins forgive me for my sins thank you thank you for coming to die on the cross for coming to die on the cross to save me to save me and thank you and thank you for rising from the dead from rising from the dead so that i so that i may have eternal life may have eternal life and thank you and thank you that by this prayer that by this prayer i have become a child of god i have become a child of god help me to live help me to live and to walk and to walk as a new child as a new child in christ in christ amen hallelujah can we give them a hand god bless you please follow our pastor here and obey everything he tells you and come back and join us we're excited to have you god bless you please follow god bless you now i want us to pray just before i take my seat i want the rest of the church to pray i want you to talk to god yes lord tell him to stir up your heart yes lord to study his word to go after his word yes to know his word tell him to give you grace to obey yes even when it's difficult even when it's not popular even when you lose something even when men will not applaud you yes god's word has the final say yes father i lift up your church before you of jesus yes deliver us from the spirit of deception [Music] deliver us from always living outside your way [Music] oh i bring you down in jesus name let the light of god enter our lives and make a difference yes jesus because light yes is never overcome with darkness yes the word says and the light shines in darkness yes and the darkness does not overcome it yes let darkness not overtake you of the name of jesus in jesus name [Applause] amen [Music] [Applause] your clapping is very anemic [Music] i said it is you can know [Music]
Channel: Lady Rev. Adelaide Heward-Mills Official Videos
Views: 972
Rating: 4.8297873 out of 5
Id: D7z8ckT03Dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 6sec (3486 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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